MStar- All I have to say is 88 push ups
you rock!!
Good morning everybody! I am feeling a little better. The peppermint pills seem to help. The Valerian does not put me to sleep. I took three at 7 pm. I fell asleep at 11 pm. Phooey. And, now its 6:45 am and I'm awake I don't know what is wrong with me. Trying to eat is hard because normally I have to eat a higher fat (healthy fat) diet to manage my insulin resistance (boo hiss!!!) But, now, with my tummy trouble I'm scared to eat almost anything. Yesterday, it was a high carb day because what was I going to eat? I had oatmeal, vegetable soup, toast, and a vegetable/pork stir fry (home made.) And, now, I hurt.
I don't know which workout I will do today. We are having a dryer problem (courtesy of my forget fullness of leaving a fish oil pill in my pocket and washing it.) I may need to buy a new dryer. Also, I lost a jog bra in that load so I'm off to wal mart, the least fun place in the world, I always get an instant headache in that place its freaky how bad it hurts. I will either do a 30 min. stationary bike workout and then yoga or CW. I just don't know if I have the brain power to do a Cathe workout.
Jenn- Dear are very cheaky!
Hi Janis and Christine!
Good morning everybody! I am feeling a little better. The peppermint pills seem to help. The Valerian does not put me to sleep. I took three at 7 pm. I fell asleep at 11 pm. Phooey. And, now its 6:45 am and I'm awake I don't know what is wrong with me. Trying to eat is hard because normally I have to eat a higher fat (healthy fat) diet to manage my insulin resistance (boo hiss!!!) But, now, with my tummy trouble I'm scared to eat almost anything. Yesterday, it was a high carb day because what was I going to eat? I had oatmeal, vegetable soup, toast, and a vegetable/pork stir fry (home made.) And, now, I hurt.
I don't know which workout I will do today. We are having a dryer problem (courtesy of my forget fullness of leaving a fish oil pill in my pocket and washing it.) I may need to buy a new dryer. Also, I lost a jog bra in that load so I'm off to wal mart, the least fun place in the world, I always get an instant headache in that place its freaky how bad it hurts. I will either do a 30 min. stationary bike workout and then yoga or CW. I just don't know if I have the brain power to do a Cathe workout.
Jenn- Dear are very cheaky!
Hi Janis and Christine!