Hey Everyone!
Your killin' me Morningstar, you know that, right?
Your rotation looks awesome. I had a similar, "no, this isn't going to work for me" moment at the swimming pool this morning. Actually it started before I even left, I should have saved myself the trip. I did swim 15 laps, but after yesterday's water torture, I was just not into it. My shoulders and chest were sore, and I was grumpy. So I did some aqua jogging and called it a day. I spent a long time in the hot tub stretching out my back, chest and shoulders...so all was not lost.
Why the -gulp - reaction to Her-mine's comment about my shoulders? 1) I wasn't aware I was tight. 2) if I am tight and not aware of it, couldn't I get injured! and 3)
she noticed it immediately!
What I don't want to hear from her, and maybe this is the other reason I gulped, is that I am too muscular.
I'll definitely do some yoga! And do more stretching. I get bored with stretching. Usually when it comes time to stretch after lifting or running or whatever, I am only thinking about food, which means the stretching is done with barely any attention or intention. The only stretching I want to do after I eat, is the kind done horizontally on the couch!
Have y'all noticed our Runner's check-in has turned into "Not running." "haven't been running." "Can't run." (laughing) Ok - ok - it's true Tricia and Jenn and Morningstar are holding up their end! (laughing)
Hey Alisha - I am glad you got some answers from the Doctor! And some glitter too! Now be careful with that stuff! It hurts like hell if you get any in your eye!!! (trust me on that!) How nice your brother was around to patch you back up, how old is he? sorry for the tumble though, spills can be a confidence shaker. (loved reading your posts.
Tricia - you are as bad as mom's taking there wee ones to kindergarten on the first day. They'll be fine! As a matter of fact, your pups are going to have a great time! Here is the truth - children and animals are super sensitive and aware of the energy around them, so if you are nervous, anxious, or overly anything - they'll pick that up and BECOME anxious, nervous, needy, clingy etc....so go there happily, calmly, and release all your worry and concerns.
Have a great time!
There is suppose to be a cooling trend starting, and they did get the enormous wild land fire under control that was raging near Geyserville, it may even be out. Which is where the seven dept of corrections fire crew were coming from and going to - they were heading to my side of the mountain to fight it from the top.
Jenn - Hi - I agree - I learned the hard way, it's better to keep things fresh and interesting, rather than burn out. Or get injured. (ha!) I cleaned my house a little last night. For some reason vacuuming at night took a lot less time than vacuuming during the day! Why, you ask? Because during the day I am so easily distracted! (by the forum and the pantry!)
Back to your question, Morningstar, about curvature of the spine. I think the ladies with curved spines have osteoporosis. It was at the upper back, a smooth hump back, and it wasn't just on the older gals, there were a few middle age girls with the curve starting. It could be a swimmers posture too, but I don't think so.
One of the guys at the Inner Circle really likes Coach Scott Sonnon's workouts, talks about him all the time. Sonnon has a Circular Strength training series using body weight, clubs, kettle bells, and yoga - it's pretty interesting stuff. I like Sonnon too, he's a guy who has happily and positively made lemonade outta lemons.
I'll check out AOS.
Alright lovely ladies, it is time to go assemble the power tower!
Hmmmm- maybe I should cancel my order for shock cardio. What do you think?