My skin - what happened?


I am 45 years old. I wear sunscreen religiously. I'm trying to accept the wrinkles, the gravitational shift in my a$$, the jiggling that wasn't there before, the general weight-that-just-won't-budge of being a 40-something but what is going on with my skin? The texture is changing - it's like it's thicker but looser. It makes me look chubbier than I already am, and I feel uglier than before. It looks like old lady skin. It's ugly, I hate it! Why? Why, why, why????

I never had much in the way of looks or attractiveness to begin with, always thick-in-the-middle, etc. (I could go on and on). Exercise is OK (really not that much fun anymore), but the effort to results ratio has never swung in my favor. I've been 'behind the eight ball' my entire life as far as pretty and slim and fit goes, but my skin is going too! Augh!!!:confused:

My question? Is this happening to your skin? How are you coping with your aging body? I'm not sure I can think positive right now!:confused:

Thanks for letting me vent!
I agree aging is a big'ol B! :(

I found that adding A lot of fruit and vegetables has really made a difference. :) Also I added tea. I have learned to love green tea. I seem to burn more calories also since I've started drinking tea. My skin has changed a lot since the big 5-0! We are all different, that darn DNA thing - :confused: - I know that since I have made diet changes, my skin looks much better.

It's ok to Vent! It does the body good! Read that!
But I already do all that stuff! Fruits (yum!) vegetables (yuck), water, I ride my horse 5x a week, exercise a few times a week (3-5), I'm active, etc. Tea, too (yummy!).

But it's not just the skin on my face - it's my entire body!

Thanks for replying. :)
Try adding flax seed oil to your diet. I started adding it to my yogurt every morning in April of this year, and my skin feels so much softer and smoother already! It is wonderful stuff. You can also add ground flax seeds to your cerial, yogurt, salad, whatever. I am almost 43, and have some wrinkles too, but the texture of my skin has greatly improved in just a few months by adding more omega 3's to my diet.
I put two scoops of ground flax seed in my kefir/fruit smoothie every morning!

Anyway, I think it's too late in the game for any damage control anymore.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. :)
Try Retin-A on your face. I don't know if there are any body creams with retinol in them, but I really like Philosophy's Amazing Grace for my hands, legs, elbows.
I just purchased Philosophy's Amazing Grace -- have not tried it yet. :)

The skin on my arms has a tiny wrinkle thing going on. I think it's from years and years of sun abuse. :eek:
That's what I was thinking Karen! I just read an article about peri-menopause and the fact the the hormonal changes can throw your thyroid function out of whack, so it's important to have your thyroid levels regularly checked from about your mid- to early-40s onward.
Yes, I agree. I just had 1/2 my thyroid removed. (I had a nodule that had cancer cells). Thyroid is one of those things that sneak up on ya.
Skin and aging

You are not alone, my dear, on the effort-to-results ratio. :( I have the WORST. CELLULITE. EVER! :( :mad: My mid-section is thickening too. I am 53 years of age and slim, however; I can't even stand to look at myself in the buff! :( I work SO HARD to stay fit. I eat very, very clean. There's nothing else I can do. I've had cellulite all my life, but as I'm aging, it's only getting worse, despite the rigorous workouts. Makes me soooo :( if I dwell on it. And the odd thing is that today I am dwelling on it b/c I caught a glimpse of my rear view in a clothing store dressing room. :( I would spend mega $$$$$$ if there were a cure for cellulite. :(

Do you eat avocados? They are supposed to be great for your skin. Be sure you are consuming lots of natural, whole foods and stay hydrated. I agree with everyone else on the Retin-A/Retinol. My aesthetician swears by SkinMedica TNS, which I use as well.

This phase in life presents a whole new set of challenges. Hang in there, and be kind to yourself.

I am 48 and it has been difficult for me to realize that my skin does not have that young and beautiful "pep" anymore. I was never drop-dead gorgeous, but I was not bad.

I use retin-a and skin cream, but honestly. I am just getting old.

All I can say is that it sucks. But I will still try and do the best I can with what I have. Many people have told me they can't believe that I am 48, they think I am younger, but really, I am aging. And once again, "sucks" is the operative verb.
Thank you for all the replies - and the commiserating!

I am a breast cancer survivor, so my drs are very good about getting everything checked out about me. 'Unfortunately' I can't blame my weight issues on my thyroid. It's working within the 'normal' range. (I expect it's wrinkled too.)

And OMG! complik8td, I'm soooo with you on the waist thickening! What's THAT all about?

It's like I'm being punished or something! I can't make sense of any of this. I must admit to not being a clean eater. I try, but then I get jammed up in that 'what's the use' train of thought.
Hey eminem- first off - YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!! Seriously, look at your gorgeous hair, your serene face! Beautiful! Embrace what you love about yourself- or at least what you appreciate and can learn to love. I'm in my mid-40's and after decades of despising and having a hate-hate relationship with my short, perpetually muscular thighs (NEVER super-model thin - and my grandmother was a model in the 1940's in San Francisco, so the pressure was ALWAYS there to "be perfect" - ONLY in looks of course) . I learned to love & appreciate my strong, not-thin legs) I know that there are sooooooo many things I could not have done/achieved without being able to do if it weren't for them.

Focus on how amazing your body is and ALL of the things you CAN do. Be gentle with yourself.

If you focus on the negative, so will others. Flaunt whatcha got, baby and LOVE yourself!

Big hugs! Now go look in the mirror and GUSH about your beauty!

I am 45 years old. I wear sunscreen religiously. I'm trying to accept the wrinkles, the gravitational shift in my a$$, the jiggling that wasn't there before, the general weight-that-just-won't-budge of being a 40-something but what is going on with my skin? The texture is changing - it's like it's thicker but looser. It makes me look chubbier than I already am, and I feel uglier than before. It looks like old lady skin. It's ugly, I hate it! Why? Why, why, why????

I never had much in the way of looks or attractiveness to begin with, always thick-in-the-middle, etc. (I could go on and on). Exercise is OK (really not that much fun anymore), but the effort to results ratio has never swung in my favor. I've been 'behind the eight ball' my entire life as far as pretty and slim and fit goes, but my skin is going too! Augh!!!:confused:

My question? Is this happening to your skin? How are you coping with your aging body? I'm not sure I can think positive right now!:confused:

Thanks for letting me vent!
I'm 46 1/2 and swear this year I noticed that the skin from below my chest to my lower abs are just loose. I mean really loose. Jiggly!!!!! It's almost as if it's not attached to what's below. I think it's doing it own thing!

I don't have a problem with my skin everywhere else, except that I have noticed in the past few years that I bruise so easily.
Lol I'm trying to figure out why and when the back of my
hips seems to be creeping up to my bra strap! And I never had cellulite now bam there it is! Like someone did it in one night as I was sleeping! I looked in mirror at my booty and there it was! Omg did someone spread cottage cheese back there when I wasn't looking!
I recommend Retin A at night and alpha-hydroxy acid in the mornings. That way you are exfoliating in the morning and building collegen at night. Double whammy!

Glad to know there's another "horsey" person on the forums! Aren't they great exercise??
exercise-lover said:
I recommend Retin A at night and alpha-hydroxy acid in the mornings. That way you are exfoliating in the morning and building collegen at night. Double whammy!

Glad to know there's another "horsey" person on the forums! Aren't they great exercise??

They sure are! Nothing is better for the sitting trot than kettle bell swings, especially when working on lengthenings. That and an intense bra, no doubt. Plus, I think just being outside in the fresh air and open space is incredibly healthy for mind and body.

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