My poor kitty :(


This morning when I came downstairs, Pookie crying and howling for me. So I rubbed his belly and played with him a little. Then I went to clean his litter box and while I was in there he came in 2 times to use it. He's usually very shy about "going" so I was curious. Then I went into the kitchen to feed him and went to get ready for work. When I came back downstairs to get ready to leave, I noticed he went outside his box and it was bright red. So I packed him up and dropped him off at the vet.

They just called me and told me that it's a good thing I brought him because he could have died within 24 hours. He has some blockage in his urinary tract that is causing him not to be able to eliminate. So they are doing xrays to see what's causing it and putting a catheter in and they are going to keep him over the weekend. My poor little baby. Makes me so sad that he's in pain but I'm sooo glad I was paying attention to him this morning. I guess they do their best to let you know when something's not right.
I'm sorry he's sick. It's a good thing you were able to catch it quickly.

Sending Pookie good, healing vibes. :)
Oh no! Poor Pookie!!! :( Sounds like he has crystals/stones in his bladder. It's fairly common, especially in male kitties (because they have narrower urethras). It's a good thing you caught it early! He should be just fine! :) I'll be sending him lots of get-well vibes.
I'm so glad you caught it! It's so scary what can kill our pets so quickly that we can easily over look. Hugs to you and Pookey! Glad he has a good momma!

I am so sorry about Pookie!! I hope he is able to heal quickly. I am glad you were able to get him to the vet so early. Please keep us posted.
Here's good thoughts to Pookie!
Good thing you caught it when it did.

Urinary problems in male cats seem to be almost epidemic these days. They even have a new name for it : "FLUTS" (Feline lower-urinary-tract syndrome, pronounced like "flutes").
That happened to my cat more than once. The vet will probably advise you to put kitty on a low magnesium diet, since it's the magnesium that causes the crystals. Poor kitty! Best to you!

Tess-So sorry about Pookie, but so glad you caught it in time. Hope they will be able to get back to you soon so the wait doesn't drive you too crazy this weekend. I will keep Pookie (and family!) in my prayers! Please keep us posted!
>Oh no! Poor Pookie!!! :( Sounds like he has crystals/stones
>in his bladder. It's fairly common, especially in male
>kitties (because they have narrower urethras). It's a good
>thing you caught it early! He should be just fine! :) I'll
>be sending him lots of get-well vibes.

Yes, this is exaclty what happened to my Johnny. He had surgery to remove a stone from his bladder. He's been on a prescription diet ever since (about 7 years now) and he's never had another incident. I'm sending major healing vibes his way and I hope your Pookie will be okay.
Thanks everyone, talked to the vet today and after tests and xrays they did not find any stones or crystals, which is a good thing. They have him on an iv and a catheter and he will be just fine. I am supposed to get him back on Monday. Poor little baby, I know he hates it there...;(
Oh, thank goodness he is ok!!! I was just admiring his picture this morning; so freakin' cute!!! What a good, observant mommy you are; it saved his life!!!!!

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