My Mom passed away

Jonahnah, I am so sorry for your loss. She sounded like a fun, spirited lady! I know you're going through a very difficult time but I hope you find comfort in the memories of her doing what she loved to do. Many ((((((((((((((( hugs )))))))))))) to you!

Oh, Jonahnah...I'm so sorry. ((hug)) Safe journey to your mother, and much love and comfort to you, your dad, and the rest of your family. <3
Hugs and prayers to you. Hang in there, and just be there for your dad and your siblings. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
I'm at her funeral this weekend. She actually passed away last Saturday but I didn't post it as it helped to have a place to come where I could briefly set aside my overwhelming grief & think about something else besides how terribly much I miss her. :(

She turned 85 just 2 weeks ago. She'd been seriously ill and died unexpectedly of heart failure. I'm in Buffalo now w/ my Dad (his 84th bday was yesterday) and my 8 brothers and sisters.

My mom loved arranging flowers, cake decorating and had an awesome sense of humor right up to the very end. She adored chocolate (like mother, like daughter!) and her family.

My Dad is hanging in there now, but has a lot of tough days and nights ahead. He's been caring for her for months and the toll shows.

Any cyber support would be much appreciated.

Thanks Cathe friends.

Oh, Joan, please accept my deepest condolences. I'm lucky enough to have all three parents (my mother, father and stepmother) still here, and your own sad loss makes me realize all over again how important they are. Please know that you are in my thoughts at this time, as well as in the thoughts of your Friends In Cathe.


Dear Jonahnah,
I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how you must be feeling and I know that nothing I say can make it better.
So I will just say that my heart bleeds for you, and I can only pray that your heart will heal quickly.
My condolences to you on the loss of your mom. It's wonderful to hear that she kept her sense of humor right to the end. What wonderful memories you'll have. Keeping you and your family in my prayers and sending cyber hugs your way.

I am so sorry for your loss. Your family will be in my thoughts during this difficult time. {{{{{{hugs}}}}}} to you.

Sending prayers and positive affirmations to you and your family during this very difficult time. Cherish your memories of her vibrant personality and find comfort in spending time with your family. Please know we are all here sending many hugs to you during this stressfull time.

Brenda in Indiana
I'm so sorry. My mom is 85 and I know I count every day as a blessing that I have her.

My heart and prayers are with you..

I'm very sorry about your Mom. Personally, I've never experienced anything more painful than the loss of my mother. I know the loss and the pain you feel. You're father will be sad but yall have a large family and that means everything right now. Hopefully some of your siblings live close enough to your father that they can help occupy his time with things other than him sitting alone thinking and getting depressed. He needs to have things to help occupy his time. He needs to do things he enjoys. He (like my dad) has been so focused on taking care of your mom that he now doesn't know what to do with himself. It's time for some new hobbies and new interests. He will get better each day and so will you. Brothers and sisters (or sons and daughters) are wonderful people. It's time to shift the focus and show Dad the love he showed Mom. My mom always said my dad was an angel because he did so much for her. He rolled her hair every night and got really good at it, lol. He was such a precious caregiver and moma was so lucky to have him. Your daddy probably did things like that for your mom too. Time to love the dad. He'll be ok. You'll be ok. Afterall, you have each other. Yall share a chocolate bar in honor of your moma. Have fun doing things in honor of her. Yall take care and hug each other.

I lost my Mom at the tender age of 8. I think that having to go through it now as a 36yr old woman would be so much harder. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I pray that you can find comfort in all the good time you had with eachother. ((((((hugs)))))):)

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