Muscle Lost with LM&R?


I am looking forward to LM&R but I have been doing STS 2.0 for over 1 year with such excellent results. I was wondering to see all of your opinions/suggestions regarding a question on the new program and muscle gains. Would I lose some of my muscle gains by doing the new workout - LM&R? I know that this program is not an hypertrophy/muscle building program (I may be wrong) but I've worked really hard (and it's been fun) to increase my muscles so much with this program more than any of the other strength-training DVDs that Cathe has (even though those other strength-training DVDs are awesome). Anyway, I'm in my early 60s and muscle is really important at this point in my life but so is flexibility, etc. Thanks for any of your thoughts, comments, recommendations and suggestions. I appreciate you all!!
I think this is an excellent topic to explore. I've also been concerned about losing gains from STS2.0, especially as you note, we are at increased risk of sarcopenia as we age. Cathe appears to be using lighter weights in the Functional Weight workouts. I'm thinking I'd use the Functional Weight workouts for Active Recovery weeks from heavier weight training as Cathe encouraged in the original STS. Seems many "authorities" in the fitness world suggest this every 4-6 weeks.

So I'm hoping Cathe addresses these concerns in the User Guide, and I'm hoping for various suggested rotations with previous series such as STS2.0/originalSTS, Xtrain, RWH, LITE/ICE, S&S, S&H, Gym Styles, etc. And how do we combine the whole LM&R series with cardio endurance workouts. STS2.0 kind of flipped my rotation world when Cathe told us "don't kill it with cardio".

Wondering what others are thinking too. Thanks for posting 'workout'.
Decades ago, I used to date a bodybuilder and also train specifically for hypertrophy. Let's be honest, though, hypertrophy is not necessarily strength - you do it for the aesthetic look. We don't do bicep curls because it makes us stronger, we do them because it makes our arms looks good. (In bodybuilding, we used to call this a show-off muscle, and you worked them to show off)

One of the reasons I am excited for the LM&R series is because it looks to be training your whole core and stabilization muscles in a focused and comprehensive way. So IMO, you are still gaining strength in muscles that are usually underworked. Since we don't necessarily visibly see the "results" in a show-off kind of way, we tend to not train this way and favor hypertrophy programs like STS.

Personally, I believe my core is strong because of yoga, not because of crunches designed to pop out a 6-pack.

In my honest opinion, stopping STS 2.0 will probably mean losing some aesthetics, no doubt. But starting LM&R will make you stronger (and healthier!) in a different way, and with a better foundation to go back to STS 1 or 2 for even better aesthetic gains. And I am betting you will feel stronger overall, too.
Well, as you all know, I don’t follow Cathe rotations, doing what & when I want. :)
That being said, I won’t strictly do LM&R straight all the time, there will be other
weight/cardio workouts interspersed with the new ones….and because I rarely do a dvd
workout, beginning to end, in the blender, I will do mixed weight/cardio/LM&R moves
in a workout…..that is if they are chaptered so I can do that…if not, don’t know how
I will use them….
In my honest opinion, stopping STS 2.0 will probably mean losing some aesthetics, no doubt. But starting LM&R will make you stronger (and healthier!) in a different way, and with a better foundation to go back to STS 1 or 2 for even better aesthetic gains. And I am betting you will feel stronger overall, too.
This is a reassuring response! And a good perspective. Thanks :)

(Just wanted to add, I train mostly for strength. With no male muscle in the house I have to be able to lift & move water softener pellets, bags of soil/mulch & push furniture around ... not to mention the heavy wet snow from the driveway in winter ... hee hee ...)
Another perspective... Cathe frequently, it seems, mentions in LIVE workouts that you don't always have to lift heavy to get results. Many LIVE workouts use moderate weights. She's also had articles in her Newsletter/Blog promoting lifting to failure with lighter weights to also be beneficial.
I was wondering about this, too. Wasn't keeping me up nights or anything, but one of those "hmmm" kind of thoughts. I keep thinking of strength training in the realm of what is going to benefit me the most as I age. What muscles are more important to help prevent injury? For me, those are absolutely core muscles, glute and hip muscles, and those little muscle groups that assist with balance more than the ones that help me do a heavy bicep curl.

This is why I was actually pretty enamored with STS 2.0 in the sense at least of the mobility and active recovery workouts. I also like to know that I can go down to--and get up off--the floor easily and anything that has me doing those kinds of movements is great news. I found the core workouts in STS 2.0 kind of lacking, to be honest. Her earlier workouts hit my core far better.

That said, I also loved all the heavy hypertrophy-focused work in STS 2.0. Aside from the visual gains, I did have capability gains, too - I could lift and squat heavier, and though there wasn't much cardio, the full body and lower body workouts, because of their heavy nature, still managed to elevate my heart rate and I didn't see much loss there as far as cardio-demanding activities (like hiking).

I've still unfortunately been having to avoid any heavy weight work for a while due to my tennis elbow. Unfortunately it doesn't just interfere with bicep curls, but also just holding heavy weights, period. So frustrating. I dare say it's been feeling a bit better lately, but I'm pretty sure if I tried something heavy right now, I'd probably reinjure it. So have to stay pretty light and conservative, still, with means no STS 2.0 for me, at least not with heavy weights.
I like a strenuous workout. i listen to my body, and cardio or strength training feels great when it’s hard. STS 2.0 has been wonderful, with real results. Better lunges, deeper squats, stronger arms. So, honestly, I have no idea how I will use this series, When I have it, and can explore how it affects my body, I’ll figure out how to use it. I expect some will be woven into weekly rotations and some will be for recovery times. Balance work intrigues me. Core work as well. I do mobility work now, so expanding my selection is great. Shall see. I hope it doesn’t sit in the shelves for 10 years, but maybe that will happen. I’m in my early 60’s and I am not ready to slow down, but am ready to add to what I am doing.
Wow, everyone had such great suggestions, opinions and recommendations. Yes, STS 2.0 has actually made me stronger to be honest and muscle definition at my age - 65!. I have been able to gage progressive overload much easier with this system. I guess I am just "in love" with STS 2.0. I have pre-ordered LM&R and will take a good look at it before I even use it. Yes, I agree that core strength is very important, along with hip, etc. as you get older and I want to continue to be as active as possible as I get older. Hopefully, Cathe will have some cool rotations which will include STS 2.0. Thank you all for commenting - you are all so AWESOME!!
Wow, everyone had such great suggestions, opinions and recommendations. Yes, STS 2.0 has actually made me stronger to be honest and muscle definition at my age - 65!. I have been able to gage progressive overload much easier with this system. I guess I am just "in love" with STS 2.0. I have pre-ordered LM&R and will take a good look at it before I even use it. Yes, I agree that core strength is very important, along with hip, etc. as you get older and I want to continue to be as active as possible as I get older. Hopefully, Cathe will have some cool rotations which will include STS 2.0. Thank you all for commenting - you are all so AWESOME!!
I have a question for you or anyone still using STS 2.0. Do you do the whole rotation over and over? Or do you just total body only or splits only? Since you have the gains, I was just wondering because I really need to focus on getting back into my routine and still have not tried this series. I love XTRAIN and RWH, but never did the first STS series. I like the look of 2.0 more than the original so I wanted to give it a try.
I have a question for you or anyone still using STS 2.0. Do you do the whole rotation over and over? Or do you just total body only or splits only? Since you have the gains, I was just wondering because I really need to focus on getting back into my routine and still have not tried this series. I love XTRAIN and RWH, but never did the first STS series. I like the look of 2.0 more than the original so I wanted to give it a try.
I have done both Cathe’s rotation, (the 12 weeks one,) and just used it freely. I really love the body parts, I mean really! So I’d suggest starting with one of her rotations to get aquainted with the series (it is awesome) and then you will have an idea which part or parts work for you, and you can modify her rotations to emphasize those. For example, I did 2 weeks of splits, then body parts for 4 weeks, then two weeks of total body, and 2 weeks of body parts. Total body is cardio for me, but I can add cardio while doing body parts. These are my considerations while deciding what to do. And the rotations also introduce the recovery workouts which are so well done. I add a recovery week around every 6 weeks.
I have a question for you or anyone still using STS 2.0. Do you do the whole rotation over and over? Or do you just total body only or splits only? Since you have the gains, I was just wondering because I really need to focus on getting back into my routine and still have not tried this series. I love XTRAIN and RWH, but never did the first STS series. I like the look of 2.0 more than the original so I wanted to give it a try.
Initially I did a modification of the 12-week rotation in the User Guide (I added cardio). Then a month of older Cathe series (PS, Gym Styles, S&H, RWH). Then I did the 8-week STS2+ Xtrain from the User Guide. Then in January I started back with using the UB/LB Splits with one TB/week. February was the "Parts" cuz I really enjoy those workouts the most.

I really enjoy STS2.0- It's probably my favorite of Cathe's weight training series. And of the workouts, I thought I'd least like the parts phase, but actually like it the best, especially back & shoulders. I'll sometimes combine the Bi's & Tri's though (or sub in Xtrain's Bi'/Tri's). The pacing of the reps is much different than Xtrain & RWH. The rests are just enough @ ~1 minute, except for the TBs - you can get your weights ready for the next exercises, stretch, take notes or get a sip of water. I really enjoy the band work & the variations in traditional weight exercises. Plus the Recovery workouts sprinkled throughout the rotations really helps.

Maybe check out the User Guide and of course watch the clips to see if you may be interested.
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Right now I’m in a difficult season of life and have adjusted my workouts accordingly. Between the stress of having a hard time finding work and stress in my marriage, I’m now facing a hysterectomy, removal of my left ovary and both tubes because of a large cyst and fibroids.

I’ve been doing P.Volve for the past 2 weeks and it’s plenty enough for me right now. I remember last summer I was crushing STS 2.0, when I did those same workouts earlier this year, it took everything out of me because my life was more stressful.

I’m facing a 6 week recovery, not sure when I can even ease back into e exercise. I’m not worried about losing muscle, that can be rebuilt, I just want everything to be benign.

So LMR is coming at a perfect time for me because that will very likely be where I restart fitness after my operation. Good thing I cleaned up during the Mega Boss sale and got all the equipment I need!
I am looking forward to LM&R but I have been doing STS 2.0 for over 1 year with such excellent results. I was wondering to see all of your opinions/suggestions regarding a question on the new program and muscle gains. Would I lose some of my muscle gains by doing the new workout - LM&R? I know that this program is not an hypertrophy/muscle building program (I may be wrong) but I've worked really hard (and it's been fun) to increase my muscles so much with this program more than any of the other strength-training DVDs that Cathe has (even though those other strength-training DVDs are awesome). Anyway, I'm in my early 60s and muscle is really important at this point in my life but so is flexibility, etc. Thanks for any of your thoughts, comments, recommendations and suggestions. I appreciate you all!!
I have been struggling with whether or not to post this because most people don’t believe it but here goes.

First of all a body in balance is immediately a stronger body than one out of balance. It’s usually a less painful body. (Putting people back into balance was my business before I retired.)

It’s my personal belief that programs like Cathe’s LM&R can help achieve more balance in our body. What I like is it addresses the body through a variety of genres with a variety of tools with which it challenges us.

Secondly, a body in balance can also result in improved muscularity in the areas that were previously out of balance. It may be tougher as we get older but it is possible.

I’m 69 and last year I really leaned down so I can really see what’s happening with my muscles - positive or negative. I’ve been able to add shoulder balance and muscle and inprove my leg balance and add inner calf muscle with light and or no weights. It’s actually surprised me to the point where I’ve considered posting pictures but I’m not a pictures kind of gal.

I can’t wait for this release to see what additional surprises my body has in store for me.

Interesting thing…when you go back to your previous workouts you’ll be able to actually feel the improvement in muscle balance and strength that LM&R brings about and how that positively impacts that previous workout.

It’s a very cool thing.
I have been struggling with whether or not to post this because most people don’t believe it but here goes.
Lannette, I'm so glad you decided to post! Balance is important in most aspects of life.

I think you're onto something. As yamabachi mentioned earlier, it's good to focus awhile on smaller muscles that tend to get neglected in traditional weight training. Finding the right balance between these types of exercises will be key for me.
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