Muscle Lost with LM&R?

Lannette, this is so true. When I first started Pilates over 20 years ago, I was also going to a gym regularly. I noticed a huge improvement in lifting once I began to strengthen my core and stabilizing muscles through Pilates. I've been struggling with issues in my right hip for nearly 2 years now and working with my Pilates instructor to fix it. I haven't been able to run, jump, or do any high impact work. I also had a cortisol injection and that didn't work. Even though my right glute muscle is stronger than my left, the smaller stabilizing muscles are weaker. My Pilates instructor has given me exercises to help strengthen the stabilizing muscles and I am seeing some improvement.

Ashaw, good luck with the surgery. I had a hysterectomy back in 2017 following liver surgery earlier that year. The anesthetic knocked me around for a couple of weeks afterwards and my abs were sore for several weeks afterwards.
I think LM and R will work well as a 3-4 week break from the heavy weight training of STS 2, which I also am much in love with and have seen great results. After doing LM and R I'm hoping that I'll be able to make even better strength gains with things in proper alignment, and reduce risk of injury.
Lannette, this is so true. When I first started Pilates over 20 years ago, I was also going to a gym regularly. I noticed a huge improvement in lifting once I began to strengthen my core and stabilizing muscles through Pilates. I've been struggling with issues in my right hip for nearly 2 years now and working with my Pilates instructor to fix it. I haven't been able to run, jump, or do any high impact work. I also had a cortisol injection and that didn't work. Even though my right glute muscle is stronger than my left, the smaller stabilizing muscles are weaker. My Pilates instructor has given me exercises to help strengthen the stabilizing muscles and I am seeing some improvement.

Ashaw, good luck with the surgery. I had a hysterectomy back in 2017 following liver surgery earlier that year. The anesthetic knocked me around for a couple of weeks afterwards and my abs were sore for several weeks afterwards.
That’s terrific that you’re seeing improvement! Has your instructor looked closely at your left shoulder arm and lower ribs?

I ask because at one point I was slightly unweighting my my left low ribs in supine as I initiated Pilates movements. It impacted my right hip. It was so slight that it wasn’t readily visible but once I learned to feel it happening it made a huge difference. Not suggesting you change your present plan. Just maybe be aware of it. Now it only happens if I move faster than I can my ability to control allows.

Ashaw, I’m also wishing you a successful surgery and quick recovery.
Has your instructor looked closely at your left shoulder arm and lower ribs?
Funny you should say that. There is a thoracic spine rotation exercise I do on the Pilates chair in prone position, hands on pedals which are separated, and I rotate through my upper torso. When I rotate to the left, I collapse into the left side. Going to the right is OK. So, there could be something going on there. I'm seeing my Pilates instructor this morning so will discuss with her. Thanks.:)
Funny you should say that. There is a thoracic spine rotation exercise I do on the Pilates chair in prone position, hands on pedals which are separated, and I rotate through my upper torso. When I rotate to the left, I collapse into the left side. Going to the right is OK. So, there could be something going on there. I'm seeing my Pilates instructor this morning so will discuss with her. Thanks.:)
You’re welcome. I know that exercise well! I was also weaker in those types of movements on the left.
I have a question for you or anyone still using STS 2.0. Do you do the whole rotation over and over? Or do you just total body only or splits only? Since you have the gains, I was just wondering because I really need to focus on getting back into my routine and still have not tried this series. I love XTRAIN and RWH, but never did the first STS series. I like the look of 2.0 more than the original so I wanted to give it a try.
I love STS 2.0, actually more than the original. I started with 12 week rotation then 10 week. Now I do my own rotations. I usually create a total body rotation or body parts rotation for 8-10 weeks. I also include total body barbell and killer legs from the 2023 workouts in the rotation. I also alternate the premixes, which keeps it interesting and targets the muscles differently. I really don't think I will buy another strength training series. Cathe nailed it with this one. Right now, the plan is to use LMR as like a deload week, after I complete one or two rotations of LMR.
Ok, no pictures but here are my body comp changes over 5 months. I wanted to wait for 6 months but my plan is shifting and I want to compare apples to apples.

August 2024: 5 months results

I’ve been at this Geriatric Improvement Plan since last December but I’ve only done segmental body composition readings for 5 months. Probably not terribly impressive but I’m beyond thrilled especially when I add in my health improvements.

Weight: Lost 2.8 pounds - That’s great because I was doing some really heavy duty medical fasting and didn’t want to lose weight.

Fat: Lost 4% - Equal to about 4.8 pounds - This is fine because I was lean to begin with.

Muscle: Gained 2.2 pounds - not bad considering all the medical fasting I did.

Visceral Fat: maintained at low normal

BMR: Slight increase - impressive given my fasting

Physique Rating: 8 - Thin and muscular = Lower than normal body fat% with adequate muscle mass.
Lannette- that's impressive! It's hard to gain muscle while losing fat. Is the " geriatric improvement plan" your own mix-up?
Lannette- that's impressive! It's hard to gain muscle while losing fat. Is the " geriatric improvement plan" your own mix-up?
Remember that’s over 5 months so there were times where fat loss was greater and times when I was gaining muscle One of the fasting protocols I followed encouraged a surge of HGH. I timed my minimal resistance training to take advantage of it.

The fasting protocols were medical. The exercise rotations were mine.

I’m really only sharing this to reassure people that Cathe’s LM&R won’t cause muscle loss. There was at least one month when my three weekly resistance days consisted of a 39 minute Pilates Spring wall workout, the 25 minute STS2 abs/core premix using the weight plates and Lite Body Weight & Bands 43 minutes. I did use the 10 pound plate when Cathe uses it. In addition I did myofascial and realignment work. I loved these three resistance workouts together!
I have a question for you or anyone still using STS 2.0. Do you do the whole rotation over and over? Or do you just total body only or splits only? Since you have the gains, I was just wondering because I really need to focus on getting back into my routine and still have not tried this series. I love XTRAIN and RWH, but never did the first STS series. I like the look of 2.0 more than the original so I wanted to give it a try.
Hi Firemedic, what I've been doing is doing two body parts per day. For example, Monday-Chest & Triceps; Tuesday-Legs & Shoulders and Wednesday-Back & Biceps - the I repeat the same for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so I do the workouts twice per week, hitting every muscle two times. I only do cardio probably a couple times per week. Honestly, this has made me stronger and I definitely see much more muscle definition. I also love Xtrain, RWH, STS 1.0, and those a great workouts but for some reason, I don't know why, I have fallen in love with STS 2.0.
Hi Firemedic, what I've been doing is doing two body parts per day. For example, Monday-Chest & Triceps; Tuesday-Legs & Shoulders and Wednesday-Back & Biceps - the I repeat the same for Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so I do the workouts twice per week, hitting every muscle two times. I only do cardio probably a couple times per week. Honestly, this has made me stronger and I definitely see much more muscle definition. I also love Xtrain, RWH, STS 1.0, and those a great workouts but for some reason, I don't know why, I have fallen in love with STS 2.0.
'Workout' - I'm always interested in novel ways to mix things up, so I hope you don't mind me asking a few questions. Do you do the full, say Chest & Triceps workouts on Monday, or one of the premixes that combines them? And where do you fit in the Recovery and cardio workouts? And what type/length of cardio are you doing? I'm planning on a rotation of the original STS this Fall but then plan to use STS2 again - I love the "Parts" workouts the most, so I may use some of your ideas. Thanks! :)
I love STS 2.0, actually more than the original. I started with 12 week rotation then 10 week. Now I do my own rotations. I usually create a total body rotation or body parts rotation for 8-10 weeks. I also include total body barbell and killer legs from the 2023 workouts in the rotation. I also alternate the premixes, which keeps it interesting and targets the muscles differently. I really don't think I will buy another strength training series. Cathe nailed it with this one. Right now, the plan is to use LMR as like a deload week, after I complete one or two rotations of LMR.
Thanks, that was what I was wondering what you keep doing after the full rotation.
Thanks, that was what I was wondering what you keep doing after the full rotation.
you do what you want. I have done so much with this series! I’ve combined it with the original and I’ve alternated the splits with high reps workouts in one week, so upper #1 lower #2 and then high reps or power hour etc. I’ve used Body parts two a day as “workouts described, two a day, so it feels like XTrain. I find it versatile and effective. I am planning a strength rotation splits and body parts this fall. I wouldn’t hesitate to do another Cathe rotation. I DO add more cardio than what is in her rotations now.
'Workout' - I'm always interested in novel ways to mix things up, so I hope you don't mind me asking a few questions. Do you do the full, say Chest & Triceps workouts on Monday, or one of the premixes that combines them? And where do you fit in the Recovery and cardio workouts? And what type/length of cardio are you doing? I'm planning on a rotation of the original STS this Fall but then plan to use STS2 again - I love the "Parts" workouts the most, so I may use some of your ideas. Thanks! :)
Hi Debinmi, yes, I do the full 2 body parts workouts each day and then repeat again (work each body part twice in a wekk). For example, Chest& Triceps, I do these premixes:


I don't do the bonuses for Legs & Shoulders (don't like the extra exercises). For recovery and mobility, I'll just do one of those in the evening and also my cardio I will do it before dinner, two or three times per week. It does take more time; the workouts are longer - over 1 hour for sure. I do get up at 5:00 AM to exercise and I work from home, so planning these tend to be much easier than when I was coming in to work 5 days per week. Yes, I love this series. I love all of Cathe's DVDs that I have purchase but this one, STS 2.0 is absolutely my favorite. Hope this helps
That said, I also loved all the heavy hypertrophy-focused work in STS 2.0. Aside from the visual gains, I did have capability gains, too - I could lift and squat heavier, and though there wasn't much cardio, the full body and lower body workouts, because of their heavy nature, still managed to elevate my heart rate and I didn't see much loss there as far as cardio-demanding activities (like hiking).

I could not agree more with what is quoted above regarding hypertrophy. Regardless of the stigma around bodybuilding, I have much respect for those into the process. It require a lot of commitment, planning and consistency. kudos! That being said, i am very keen on 3 forms of strength training. Endurance, hypertrophy and pure strength. The combination of 3 of them is the way to go in my opinion. For RESULT purpose and for fun sake, I need three of those! Also STS original --- 1.0 was designed to cater for 3 forms, not just for hypertrophy/"show off side of bodybuilding"
I came back to say thanks for the discussion on STS 2.0. I’m heading into another phase of my GIP and am adding UB Resistance so you’ve given me lots of ideas.

I wanted to add something about weight training stigma. I think it’s important that we don’t assume that a person who isn’t lifting is afraid of doing so. There can be very good reasons to avoid it for a period of time, not all of them aesthetic.

It’s also ok to carve out your body to your preference using what achieves that aesthetic. I love my LB. There aren’t many 69 year olds that feel that way. I didn’t feel that way for most of my life. Right now I am happy feeling that self love every time I slip into a pair of pants or exercise tights.
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