Muscle Lost with LM&R?

Right now I’m in a difficult season of life and have adjusted my workouts accordingly. Between the stress of having a hard time finding work and stress in my marriage, I’m now facing a hysterectomy, removal of my left ovary and both tubes because of a large cyst and fibroids.

I’ve been doing P.Volve for the past 2 weeks and it’s plenty enough for me right now. I remember last summer I was crushing STS 2.0, when I did those same workouts earlier this year, it took everything out of me because my life was more stressful.

I’m facing a 6 week recovery, not sure when I can even ease back into e exercise. I’m not worried about losing muscle, that can be rebuilt, I just want everything to be benign.

So LMR is coming at a perfect time for me because that will very likely be where I restart fitness after my operation. Good thing I cleaned up during the Mega Boss sale and got all the equipment I need!
Sorry you have to go through this. Please keep us informed and I will be thinking of you and wishing you well. Maybe the new series can help with recovery after your surgery.
Sorry you have to go through this. Please keep us informed and I will be thinking of you and wishing you well. Maybe the new series can help with recovery after your surgery.
Thank you! I’m in the process of trying to schedule the surgery and a few friends want to do a go fund me so I can have the surgery with my doctor, who I trust. I’ve been reading stories about other female exercisers who have had hysterectomies and gotten right back to fitness after recovery. And Angelia Jolie is my age and I know had hysterectomy and double mastectomy and she’s just as gorgeous as ever.

Today is 4 weeks since the ER visit and any episode of pain, which is encouraging for me even though I need the surgery. At least I’m not so worried and can focus on getting things done before the surgery.

I did Killer Legs yesterday for the first time as well as the barre bonus and loved it! I got to use my mini ball I picked up from the Mega Boss sale. My glutes and hips have a nice soreness today.

So I think LMR will be exactly what I need to get my strength back. As well as work on good functional total body strength. And my plan is to spend a few days at my parents house once I’m cleared to drive and have some post op behind me.

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