Muscle building & staying lean Jan. 2007 rotation

I started this today. One day down, and I am really expecting great things from this. I just have a feeling this is perfect for my body!! Thanks Deb!!

Does anyone want to share their results from doing it last month, I would love to hear!!!

I wanted to know what anyone does when the Rotation only is 4 weeks and the month as well, almost 5 -- like January?

I did a rest day today, since I had dental work done and my mouth is killing me x( . So I wanted to know what everyone does until the next rotation schedule comes out?
Hey Debbie,

I have 2 questions about the rotation:

1- Can I switch S&H chest and back on week 2 with Step Blast on week 3, so I do all of S&H in one week? Or should I do weeks 2 and 3 as is?

2- can I sub PS series with one of the weeks of GS?- I just got PS on dvd!

I will follow whatever you recommend. Thanks so much, I always enjoy and get great results from your rotations!

Hi Debbie

I'm doing a P90X rotation and still have quite a way to go with that but my plan is to do this rotation when I'm done as it looks similar to the concept that the X uses. More weights, less cardio with a little yoga/stretch thrown in once a week. Since I'm getting decent results with what I'm doing now, I figure I may as well stay with what works and this fits the bill perfectly.

So....I just wanted to say thanks.

Hi Debbie,

I'm starting this rotation today and am VERY EXCITED about it. I've been trying to work in more YOGA to my routines but have never wanted to sacrifice weights or cardio and so with just "so many" hours in a day, Yoga always got sent to the back burner. Anyway, I am going to really PUSH myself with the weights and I think the YOGA will keep me from bulking. I beleive this rotation is going to give me just what I want.

I do have a question as to eating. What do you eat to maintain/lose body fat but keep up your energy level?? I'm 5"2", and approx. 124 lbs. I'm about 20% body fat but would love to get down to 120lbs and 18% body fat. Any suggestions on foods/ books etc.? I was looking into the "Jay Robb" books, are you familiar with them?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Well, I follow the BFFM plan (Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle). You can read about it here:

It works, I've been following it (living it) for over three years. I maintain around 130#, 18% body fat. I'm 5'5". In the summer I like to kick up my cardio and get to around 15% body fat.
Hi Debbie:
I've been doing your rotation - just started this week and enjoying it. Today I will be doing LC cardio premix, and thinking about adding on the kick max drills to the end of it for some extra cardio.

I am 41 and have been reading about increasing my muscle mass to burn fat since in our 40's woman tend to lose more muscle and it's harder for us to burn fat. I was reading some of your posts and can see you are incorporating this idea into your workouts. I am a cardio junky - just love to sweat. I work out 6 days a week with 45 to 60 minutes of cardio a day and working 1 or 2 body parts a day. I am 5'3" and 130 pounds, but I am a size 2/4 - 18% body fat. I'd like to get down to 14-15% to see more definition in my body. My goal is to try to increase muscle so that I will be stronger in my late 40s and still keep the fat off. My diet is clean, I'm eating 5 to 6 small meals a day which include healthy fat, protein and high fiber. On Sundays I allow myself to eat what I want, but don't over do it.

Your rotation has 2 days of cardio and 2 days of rest per week. Can I do 1 day of rest and for the other day add an extra day of cardio?
I'm really missing some more cardio in my workout. Friday, was my rest day and still did a 45 minute yoga class, but dying to do some cardio, and didn't.

Did you really see fat loss and muscle building results by cutting back on cardio?

Yesterday, I did GS back, shoulders and biceps, I'm really feeling it today especially in my biceps. I haven't done GS series in a while and forgot how hard it is.

Hi Erin,
Sure, you can add another day of cardio with this rotation. Some people doing this rotation was concerned that they wouldn't lose enough fat with such little cardio. I advised to just do what they feel is best for them, go ahead and add cardio if you want.

Yes, I only do cardio twice a week even now and I'm keeping my body fat at around 16-17%. I'd like to get down to 15% for summer so I will tweak my diet to do that. I am a mesomorph body type, however, it responds the best to heavy weight training and little cardio. Everyone is different, you have to see how your body responds to certain rotations.
Thanks Debbie.

I told you this morning that I was going to add on the Kick Max Blast Challenge to the end of LC Cardio Premix and after the 1st 3 blasts, I told myself, hey this is a leg workout and if I want to do Butts and Gutts tomorrow, I'd better do something else. So I added on the Added Cardio section to the end of the LC premix. It was good and took me 1 hr.

Have a great day.

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