Cathlete she part golden retriever??
Well, this is what I've been wondering -- why did her fertility doctor allow this??
I saw a case on Judge Judy where a welfare momma was suing someone for damaging her $300 dollar cell phone. I was glad to see JJ rip this woman a new one when she admitted to being on welfare. This is the crap that unfortunately goes on all the time but we unfortunately live in such a politically sensitive society where we can not call and ace of spades and ace of spades for fear of being called judgmental or insensitive. Whew, its been a long time since I became so passionate about an issue of this nature.
I will gladly donate if they make sure that money goes for a hysterectomy so she will never breed again!
From the AP:
Taxpayers may have to cover octuplet mom's costs
Would they qualify as their own line item on the California state budget??
I feel bad for all of the kids, and I feel bad for her parents. My prediction of the situation is pretty pessimistic. Unless some kind of non-governmental benefactor with deep pockets steps in and provides nannies, housing, supplies, etc, etc, I think we'll be seeing some of her children ending up in foster care.
There is no logistical way that one or two people can physically care for that many children who are that young, let alone provide emotional and developmental needs, especially for the children with special needs.
It's sad all the way around.
My concern is, like so many others, how is she going to care for all of these children?
Her father is overseas now and her mother is tired of helping. I feel bad for these children because it will be impossible for this one woman to care for 14 children.
We can all differ on opinions about her fertility doctor, her financial obligations, her emotional and mental state, but bottom line is, even if she is the best mother in the woman and 14 children is an enormous, if not impossible, task.
It is not my place to judge and I truly wish her the best, but I worry for those children getting the care they really need.