Sad that someone above thinks in vitro is not an act of God... Many infertile woman undergo MUCH more than in vitro and are still not able to conceive or carry to term. Just because the doctor has a hand in the process does not make conception any less of a miracle - and if you've ever been close to the issue, you'd understand how much heartache there is in the world of infertility...
As to those who are into the evils of population growth propaganda, I guess I won't be expecting any thank you notes when your social security checks keep rolling in because my 'excessive' family of children is still paying into the system. Or if one of them is the scientist who discovers the miracle cure for any disease you may be suffering from or an all-organic, inexpensive, non-polluting petroleum alternative, I guess you'll say 'no thank you'?
The problem isn't with excessive population, it's with people who are not working on real solutions. With all the brain power our 'excessive' population possesses, do you really think too much garbage is that big of a challenge? Or pollution, or whatever other world ill the media is pushing as the latest crisis? The answer isn't fewer people, it's getting the people who are here to take more responsibility for the damage they've done and working on fixing it.
I went to the family website and was really impressed with the level of family committment expressed there. Irresponsible, immoral, unethical (adjectives from previous posts)?! I hope they DO have more children, because that's what our planet needs - more people who have that kind of positive, responsible attitude. THEY are the ones who will be taking on the problems of the world and actually doing something about it. I'd much rather have 20 kids from one family like that than than the 'reasonable' number from a typical dysfunctional family. (And just for the record, what IS a 'reasonable' number? Did I miss the memo on that?)
Sorry for the length, but this is one topic that really ruffles my oysters. In a world where there is so much disregard for human life and the miracles that are all around us, we need more families who truly understand what it means to be part of a family.
I'm going back to my family, now - me and my big pregnant 'unreasonable' belly have to go try to mold the future generation into intelligent, respectable citizens who have more open minds and generosity of spirit and the creative spirit to take on the troubles of disease, pollution, poverty, violence...well, for now, I'm just going to try to get them into bed on time
(We'll deal with the rest of that stuff tomorrow.) Don't worry, I'll keep them on 'my' part of the planet so they don't mess anything else up