Mom delivers 16th child!!!! YOWZA!!!

Oh, who cares if she has 16 kids?? This is a free country so people are allowed to do whatever they please. This is not Communist China so we're allowed to have more than 2 kids. What about people with more than 2 pets?? They shouldn't have more than 2 pets if we shouldn't have more than 2 kids. People consider their pets as their children which I find very utterly ridiculous. I'm from a large family. My mother is from a family of 9 kids. My DH's grandmother is from a family of 18 kids. Parents will pay more attention to one child than the other if they only have 2 kids. From what I've seen with Michelle Duggar during the program they aired a few months ago, she treated them all the same even the youngest one.

Don't even BLAME everything on Americans who have more children than average on environmental problems. What about immigrants?? Those from Mexico are not exactly the cleanest people and they have a lot of children. There are A LOT, I mean A LOT of immigrants in this country which causes the environmental problem. A lot of their countries are not clean either so why should they be clean in our country?

You folks make me laugh. I always enjoy reading your negativeness towards a lot of things.......
Honeybunch, it was completely insane a lot of the time but really fun (and loud too) and I loved it. I am number 12 and was indeed "mothered" by my older sisters. I have 8 older and one younger. I called it being tortured because not one is a mellow as my mother and they were much more stern in the dicipline department. Our doors were never locked since there seemed to be someone coming and going at all times and I remeber when we moved once we had no keys! Who needs keys when someone is always home? It was my dad who loved kids and my mother always said she'd have been happy with two which I find very funny. The last nine of us were all girls and that made for an interesting dynamic. My oldest sibs had flown by the time we younger ones came along and I have nieces and nephews who are just a bit younger than I. My husand is an only and he is irritated by mess and noise and still hasn't figured out why I am so oblivious to it since what three can do can't compare to what I grew up with. At Thanksgiving, there we fifty of us present and that was just sibs and their kids and a granny or an aunt here or there. I did fantasize about being an only child but honestly I wouldn't trade that for the world, growing up in the Bailey Family Zoo. :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
> You folks make me laugh. I always enjoy reading your
>negativeness towards a lot of things.......

You are *not exactly* riding on the "positive train" yourself.
If she wants more kids and can handle more kids, I say power to her! I know that I couldn't do it, three is hard enough and anyone who can do more is a very strong and centered person! I do have one question, though......what can sex be like after having so many kids? I mean, do you think that she can still feel it???? Can he?? That may be an ignorant question, but man, I imagine that her kids just crawl on out when they are ready now! :+

Missy-I was wondering the same thing, but didn't have the courage to post...Of course you all think I'm crazy anyway!!

This is my opinion...The family sounds VERY stable financially...From what I know of children that are home schooled, they're well educated and typically well socialized outside of the home...After reading what the father was saying, sounds like they could be VERY invloved in church...

If the kids are being taken care of and are healthy, the family's fine...

Isn't it funny, I've always wanted a house full but have never been able to answer: "what can sex be like after having so many kids? I mean, do you think that she can still feel it???? Can he?? That may be an ignorant question, but man, I imagine that her kids just crawl on out when they are ready now!"<--Missy quote

MJ in MN
>In today's disastrous environmental climate, this is
>downright unethical and immoral.
I agree!

Instead of saying "how wonderful" "how amazing," Í'm thinking "how could they!"
Oh, who cares if she has 16 kids?? This is a free country so
>people are allowed to do whatever they please. This is not
>Communist China so we're allowed to have more than 2 kids.

I am troubled by it, for the environmental reasons stated above. People in developed countried use 4-7X the natural resources that people in less developed countries do. Which means that this family is adding quite a bit to the Earth's burden, and in the future, as those children have children of their own, will be using more than their fair share of natural resources, and in a way depriving others of that use.

>What about people with more than 2 pets?? They shouldn't have
>more than 2 pets if we shouldn't have more than 2 kids.

The children/pets analogy is faulty: responsible pet owners have their pets spayed and neutered, so they will not be reproducing. And an animal uses up far less resources than a human, and will not be contributing to the future burden on our natural resources.

As when that couple had 5 children at once through fertility treatments, I'm sure the vast majority of people will say positive things about this situation. Frankly, it appalls me.
What about immigrants?? Those from Mexico are not exactly the cleanest
>people and they have a lot of children. There are A LOT, I
>mean A LOT of immigrants in this country which causes the
>environmental problem. A lot of their countries are not clean
>either so why should they be clean in our country?

What a racist bunch of (*@#!

"Dirtyness" isn't the same as destruction of the natural environement to continue to fill the needs of an ever-growing population that uses a lot (by driving huge vans, purchasing items packaged in plastic, not composting or recycling, eating a meat-based diet that causes more land to be used for grazing and more water use). The immigrants you refer to probably use fewer natural resources than "native-born" Americans.
"As when that couple had 5 children at once through fertility treatments, I'm sure the vast majority of people will say positive things about this situation. Frankly, it appalls me"

Kathryn - why was this appalling to you? What did you expect the parents to do once the mother was pregnant with 5 embryos? There's no perfect solution in that situation.

>Kathryn - why was this appalling to you? What did you expect
>the parents to do once the mother was pregnant with 5 embryos?
> There's no perfect solution in that situation.

The fact that they went through in vitro in the first place, then kept calling it a "miracle" or "God's will."

And the fact they already had a 2 year old child, and didn't seem to be able to wait until nature took it's course, or just stay with one child, or adopt (and still kept talking about how it was "God's will" IMO, "God's will" was that they have children when they naturally come about..and maybe just an agnostic, I'm not speaking from a religious perspective, but from what I see as hipocrisy).

The press reaction to it was actually more appalling than the multiple birth itself (though I do think it's rather selfish to have such a large family nowdays---may have been great in pioneer days, when we needed to increase the population, but not nowdays. Just look around: what used to be areas of forest or other natural areas are now taken over by houses, landfills, fields of corn and soybeans that go mostly to feed cattle...all of this because of an ever-increasing population. Though a large family of vegan environmentalists would definitly leave a smaller footprint on the Earth than a smaller family of typical consumers).

And what about their first daughter, who certainly got a back-seat when they got all the press about the quintuplets.
Clare, If you talked to any one of those children, I bet they would be happier than you think. The family becomes closer and everyone works together. It is definitely not unethical except to people who only care about themselves.

"The fact that they went through in vitro in the first place, then kept calling it a "miracle" or "God's will."

And the fact they already had a 2 year old child, and didn't seem to be able to wait until nature took it's course, or just stay with one child, or adopt"

So, do you think that in vitro should only be an option for childless couples? Maybe this couple desperately wanted to give their daughter a biological sibling.

I'm agnostic also, but it's possible that they felt that "God's will" was what provided the medical technology that allowed them to do in vitro and become pregnant with and deliver 5 babies.

A successful in vitro cycle usually results in a single birth. Twins and triplets are common also, but any higher order multiples are unusual. Certainly, this couple wasn't planning on having 5 babies at once. So, once they found out they were pregnant with 5 babies, they really didn't have much of a choice of whether or not to have such a large family.

I agree with Clare and Kathryn. Frankly, if you want 16+ kids and can afford them (without asking for handouts from everyone else) then fine. But here's a thought - instead of just selfishly spreading their seed beyond what is really reasonable or necessary, why don't they use some of your resources, open-heartedness, love, or whatever and ADOPT. There are so many children across the globe in need of a loving family, a roof, food, etc. To keep having kids at this point is simply a selfish act. And I'm sure "the Lord" would be much more pleased if they practiced some kindness beyond their own four walls, as well.
The Lord could stop them if he wanted to. Be fruitful and multiply. A full quiver is a blessing from God. Let God decide what is best.
Missy, just reading your post has me Kegelling like a mad woman here!
Elevator up, elevator down and squeeze 2-3-4......:+

Take Care
But here's a thought - instead of
>just selfishly spreading their seed beyond what is really
>reasonable or necessary, why don't they use some of your
>resources, open-heartedness, love, or whatever and ADOPT.

As a mother and a wife I am extremely offended by this comment. Children are an amazing product of love between two people and there should be no limit as to how much two people love each other or the children as result of their love. We could use a little more love in this world that is filled with war and violence.

I have had all three surprise pregnancies (twice on bc) and three marvelous children as a result of my husband "spreading his seed." BTW you cheapen love and the intimacy of sex using that disgusting phrase. If I got pregnant ten more times, I would have ten more children, so does that make me selfish for not being willing to have an abortion? If it does, then I feel sorry for you.

I am all about adopting and think it is a marvelous idea and hope to do it someday, but do you have any idea how much it costs? Not everyone can afford to adopt and there is always that fear that you will fall in love with your child and then have it taken away again because the biological mom changes her mind (it does happen, you know). And adopting overseas... woah. You have to shell out MAJOR bucks, and there is a lot of bribery and curruption in foreign courts that will take you for everything you have before they let you take you child home. BTW, have you ever adopted? Are you thinking outside of your four walls? Here, let me give you a stone. I think it is a little unfair for you to put people down for having their own children and not adopting if you are not doing the same.
Sad that someone above thinks in vitro is not an act of God... Many infertile woman undergo MUCH more than in vitro and are still not able to conceive or carry to term. Just because the doctor has a hand in the process does not make conception any less of a miracle - and if you've ever been close to the issue, you'd understand how much heartache there is in the world of infertility...

As to those who are into the evils of population growth propaganda, I guess I won't be expecting any thank you notes when your social security checks keep rolling in because my 'excessive' family of children is still paying into the system. Or if one of them is the scientist who discovers the miracle cure for any disease you may be suffering from or an all-organic, inexpensive, non-polluting petroleum alternative, I guess you'll say 'no thank you'?

The problem isn't with excessive population, it's with people who are not working on real solutions. With all the brain power our 'excessive' population possesses, do you really think too much garbage is that big of a challenge? Or pollution, or whatever other world ill the media is pushing as the latest crisis? The answer isn't fewer people, it's getting the people who are here to take more responsibility for the damage they've done and working on fixing it.

I went to the family website and was really impressed with the level of family committment expressed there. Irresponsible, immoral, unethical (adjectives from previous posts)?! I hope they DO have more children, because that's what our planet needs - more people who have that kind of positive, responsible attitude. THEY are the ones who will be taking on the problems of the world and actually doing something about it. I'd much rather have 20 kids from one family like that than than the 'reasonable' number from a typical dysfunctional family. (And just for the record, what IS a 'reasonable' number? Did I miss the memo on that?)

Sorry for the length, but this is one topic that really ruffles my oysters. In a world where there is so much disregard for human life and the miracles that are all around us, we need more families who truly understand what it means to be part of a family.

I'm going back to my family, now - me and my big pregnant 'unreasonable' belly have to go try to mold the future generation into intelligent, respectable citizens who have more open minds and generosity of spirit and the creative spirit to take on the troubles of disease, pollution, poverty, violence...well, for now, I'm just going to try to get them into bed on time :) (We'll deal with the rest of that stuff tomorrow.) Don't worry, I'll keep them on 'my' part of the planet so they don't mess anything else up :)

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