Marvelous Moms & their equally Marvelous Babes 5/2

Jen-yum on your salad! How do you make it?? I think I'll go the Academy Sports this weekend and chekc them out in person.
I just watched a Turbofire clip...Must get this one! It seems a little less intense than insanity so it will be a good starter for me. Operation TF will be underway asap!
good morning, ladies! Checking in really quick before work

Melanie-so happy to hear you feel better! I can tell by how you write that things are looking up for you. crossing my fingers on that job for you! You asked awhile back about my supply now that I'm back to work...forgot to answer! I've been able to maintain it, which pleasantly surprises me! She still gets the majority of her food from formula during the week though, as I only pump about5ounces at work.I've also maintained my weight not so pleased about that! I think these last 5lbs and tummy fluff are mine until I wean.

Christine-your day sounded great!! I wish I had some close girlfriends...friend making has never come easy to me.

Jen-saw on your facebook that thereis a story about that green swimsuit..hmmm....

hi susan, priscila, allison, kendra, and judy! have a great day
lisa- I have a super hard time making friends, I get really uncomfortable around people, I sort of hover and slowly make friends. My friend from yesterday< Molly, used to baby sit me! Back in the day when we were kids, how was it okay to leave three kids with a 12 year old? She is 2 years older than me. It is nice, because she already knows all my baggage! She has lived in Hawaii for the last 6 years, and just moved back, a few months before we ended up here. Fate! It is a long drive for a play date, but it was worth it and many more to come. IT was so nice to talk. I love your pics on FB of Reese. She has great hair.
Melanie- Again, so glad to hear you are feeling better and crossing our fingers on the job! What do you have going on today? Work? Home?
Jen- Yum. Okay, so the recipe for the other night was just in my head so here it is, not real professional, but super good.
1 lb turkey sausage casings removed
3 cloves garlic chopped
2 shallots chopped
1 red pepper sliced into strips
1 yellow pepper sliced into strpis
1 can diced/stewed tomatoes with basil and oil, drained
2-3 cups chicken stock
1 tub mascarpone or light cream cheese
1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
chopped roasted pecans or pistachios
any whole grain pasta that you enjoy
while water is coming to a boil in a separate pot, heat a few tablespoone olive oil in a large saute pan. add sausage and break meat up and cook almost all teh way through. ONce the meat is about 2/3 of the way cooked, add peppers, shallots and garlic adn extra oil if needed so that they do not stick to pan. once cooked through, add tomatoes and chicken stock. add cheese, stir till melted. cook pasta and drain, add to sauce and sprinkle basil and pecans over the top. so easy and awesome.
susan- charlene on clx is about 5 feet tall i think, so watch her as well to see how she handles the weights. She mentiopns a few times in the videos that she modifies moves, because she is a little bit shorter than the others in teh video. Of course, go check these out first. If you get them on amazon, i get free shipping on amazon prime, I can help you out there, just let me know. Hope K is not getting sick.
Priscilla- How is the ankle holding up?
I am going to try to get an imax in and some weights today. I do not care if it means kimmy i sparked in front of a movie for a while. I have not gotten to llift or do anything good on dvd in a while, seems like we have just had too much going on.
Making lowfat chicken enchiladas and black bean and avocado salad for cinco de mayo.
Susan- I will have to watch TF clip! I've been waiting to sneak a peek. For the salad, its romaine/spinach, tomato, avocado, green pepper. The chicken is from our deli at publix, its sliced lunch meat (buff chicken flavor) so its not actual whole pieces of chicken or fried or anything. I haven't tried it yet but will let you know at lunch how it is. ANd I use a ranch/yogurt dressing that is all natural.

Lisa- Hee hee on the green bikini....nothing sexual but nothing I want to post on FB for others to read. ;) I notice the tummy fluff went down significantly after weaning and it does a little each month.

Christine- Thank you so much for taking the time to post recipe. Its fine that its a throw together, I like that and it takes the stress off me. :) Will definitely make this week/weekend. Sounds awesome! Lift heavy and grunt loud!!! I started babysitting a 4 month old at 11. :eek: WTH? But I've always been older than my years, so everyone says.

I'm surprised at you two, Christine and Lisa saying you don't make friends easily. You both are so kind and sweet. I guess I could say that I don't make "friends" per se but acquaintances easily. I only have a handful of close girlfriends and only one or two that I would hands down call in a crisis.
Breaking news....I read on OD that Beachbody will have four new workouts!!

Turbo Fire
Body Gospel
P90 Next

OMG!!! I definitely will get Insanity Asylum!!! I am searching the web for more info now.
insanity asylum, droooooolllllling!
jimmy is on a time out. boo!
oh, and i forgot, add salt and pepper to taste in the recipe!
Hey would you ladies mind if i joined your check-in? I guess you would call me a,but i have a baby around the same age as you all-6.5 months.;)
K is napping
I got disc 5 done this morning during her early nap.
Christine-thanks for posting the recipe. I say you just jot down what you make nightly and send it to me:D My own "Meals by Christine"!
Jen-hope you enjoyed your salad..yum!
Ok Im doing an insanity workout tomorrow! I know that are all very hard but what is a good one to start with??

gonna pack a few
Welcome, Lorren! Glad to have you. Warning, we are all tired and a bit nuts.
Susan- So last nights diner was so awesome. DO you have a Trader Joes near you? They have a great veggie blend called Soycatash, it is edamame, corn and peppers. I sauteed som eoil and tossed it in with some chopped garlic and shallot, served over barley (I cook barley in chcicken broth). Here is the recipe I used for the turkey burgers. IT was darn good, all plates were clean as can be!
My new favorite lunch is ww pita with fiber one cottage cheese, cut up peppers, lentils, garlic pepper and a sparkling water. Cannot get enough of it. Yummmm!
Christine-no TJ near me..closest one is in! Your pita sound yummo..I will have to give that one a try! Everything is cold, right?
I have been previewing Insanity..I am doing the Core Cardio for recovery week looks fun and not as intense..I know I am a whimp!!!
just combine fozen edamame and corn! i like the mix, bc i do not have to think! those burgers are awesome. i also sprinkled sesame seeds on top after cooking and drizzled a little sesame oil on top. soooooooo good.
good choice. stick with the shorter routines in the beginning. you have to dive into the crazy ones!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes, all cold on the lunch wrap. so delicious and i feel so great the rest of the day. and particularily regular. it is like 40 g of fiber.
got a 9 mile run in, john chilled while i did muscle max upper body and then ab circuits weight/plate workout from sts. jimmy pretended to be a gardener in the back yard and was cutting the grass with scissors. crazy nut.
those burgers sound devine! I am making those very soon! I will try the fiberone cottage cheese. I think I will have this for lunch tomorrow!..with my soup of course lol

I am feeling a little drainage int he back of my throat...mannnnnnnn I hope Im not getting Haley's cold. We all drink after each other and are in each others faces around here all the its inevitable!
Sweet Jimmy!!
yesterday K pooped in her high chair while we were eating lunch...I FORGOT she had pooped..picked her up and was gonna play on the floor...there was poop everywhere..we both needed to change clothes!
Im off to get Haely and hit the grocery.
thanks for the welcome girls...
a bit about myself- i am a stay-at-home mom-with 4 kids-2 boys 2 girls ages 6,4 (almost 5),almost a 2 yr old (may 16th),and 6.5 month old baby girl. SO it gets reallllll busy around here. I also do homeschool with the kids so thats always exciting!
I also turn 30 this yr! THe BIG 3-0!;)
i look fwd to getting to know you all!
Hi girls,

I hope you are having a wonderful day. Ohh, Daniel is rolling over non stop! and he smiles all the time, way too cute. I just talked to my sister in law and she wants to come home in July with kids and my brother. Pressure is on. I know it sounds silly but I want to be in the best shape ever. Here is the thing, they have a labrador and even though I like animals I don't like big animals inside the house (sorry it may be a bit controversial for animal lovers), she asked me if she can bring him since they're driving. I guess I don't care as long as it stays in the backyard. Any suggestions? I don't want to hurt their feeling but I don't want it inside the house at all!

My ankle if doing a lot better, I did a Turbo Jam (without the turbo ;)) yesterday and it hasn't bother me the way it used to. I'm not a 100% recovered but well on my way.

Christine, I know I should go to the dr, I'm motivated to go for the orthotics. Do you recommend an orthopedist or podiatrist?

Susan, I think you'll love Insanity, give it a try. It's so easy to modify. I haven't been doind it lately b/c of my ankle but I'm dying to sworkout with Shaunt T again!

So, when is Turbo fire going to be released? Anybody knows?

Jen, Is Brandenton close to Brandon in the west coast? I lived in Tampa for a while and it sounds familiar. I miss FL and of course Publix, I think there are few Publix in Tx but none of them close to where I live. The office I worked was next to a Publix and I just loved it.

Melanie, I wish I had a buddy to run outside. I find it very motivating when you have someone to go with. My DH probably would but we don't have anybody to take care of Daniel if we went together.

Welcome Lorren, you have a baby boy or girl?
Hi Kendra and Allison!
Lorren, we posted at the same time LOL so I got my question answered. Welcome again and we enjoy having more people around. I'm Priscila and just turned 36 last week, mom to a baby boy of 5 months.
Got to go back to work
Aww come on Susan! Just dive in and try a hard one!! Core Cardio is easy! ;)

Christine- Can I join in on the Dinner by Christine? :p The image of JImmy in the backyard is cute. Love it! Keep the recipes coming!

Priscila- I am an animal lover and I am not offended. Here is my two cents: If you are not comfortable with having the dog at your house, then say no. Speaking for myself, I would want the homeowner to be upfront with me about the fact that they did not want the dog there then to allow us to bring our dog and then be weird. Does that make sense? But then again, I am also a polite dog owner. I dont assume everyone loves my dog. Bottom line, be truthful about how you feel. It is YOUR house. :D Turbo fire should be released soon.

Welcome Lorren! I am 30 (yes the big 3-0 ;) ) with a 6 month old baby boy. Looking forward to chatting with you!
Welcome Lorren! I remember "seeing" you around forums. I think we've been pg together a time or two. ;)

Thanks for all your positive vibes gal. I am feeling all of myself. :D Feels so good to be back.

My new running sneakers came today, can't wait to try them out tomorrow!

Waves to all!

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