Marvelous Moms & their equally Marvelous Babes 5/2

Jen, I really appreciate your advise. I did tell her that I will not allow the dog inside the house from the beginning but I also told her that it is going to be VERY hot here in TX around that time of the year (july) and I'm afraid that it would be cruel to leave the dog outside. I have no clue. When I told her that she mentioned the possibility of leaving the dog in a dog care center , but I am feeling bad that she even mentioned that. They're are being kind enough to drive from GA and the last thing I want is to spend extra money for the dog or feel bad about the whole thing. We have a great relationship and surprisely I do get along with my brother's wife. The funny thing is that DH is CRAZY about dogs, we always had dogs while growing up and wherever he sees a dog he runs to pad him. Needless to say he doesn't see it as a bog deal at all. I guess part of everything is that I am very afraid of dogs.
Hi, guys!! I have barely been online -- too hectic -- stepkids over the weekend, then DH left on Sunday for a week-long conference. My mom came over on Monday and just left today. So now I can actually reply :)

I met DH 10 years ago today :) Our 6 year anniversary is next weekend (5/15). Time flies, doesn't it? He surprised me with tickets for a James Taylor/Carole King concert in June. I'm really looking forward to it!

So, I'm a total dolt. JUST NOW, I realized there is a way to check everyone's status updates! I wondered how on EARTH everyone could keep up with every friend they had. I am a bit slow LOL

Melanie, I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling more like yourself in recent days. I am really hoping and praying for you that these career opportunities in your town are realized. What a blessing it would be to rid yourself of the stress and expense of that commute, and all the extra time you'd have for yourself and your family. :)

Susan, I love cleaning and purging! I have really been on a kick since August -- taking at least 1 big box and bag to Goodwill a month (most months, I make 2 trips). It feels so good to be freeing myself from so much stuff!! One of my guilty pleasures (though I don't know why) is the hoarding shows on A&E and TLC. I think I'm so horrified by the idea that I just keep cleaning out my own house LOL

Christine, I love it that you got to visit with your old friend! Friends who have known you your whole life are real treasures. My mom is 62 and is still friends with her best friend from age 8. I think it's amazing the history they share. Dinners at your place this week sound awesome!

Jen, glad you and DH had a wonderful weekend away! I couldn't see any pics on Facebook, though (except that supercute avatar of James!) -- I can only see "Info" and "Photos," but no recent photo albums. I can't see your Wall either...?!?! So you like STS Meso 2? I have ADD when it comes to deciding what to do next for weights. It's not working in my favor LOL Just ordered New Rules of Weight Lifting for Women, which also preaches heavier weights. Am thinking of doing Week 4 of Meso 1, and then starting Meso 2 next week. My big difference this time will be doing CARDIO! I didn't do much cardio when I did the 8 weeks of STS Meso 1.

Priscilla, if you don't want the dog, tell them. My in laws assume everyone wants their dog around, and it drives me insane. If it would help your sister, maybe you could locate a place near you where they could board the dog. That way the dog could travel with them. Or maybe they have a crate they could bring too. Sorry for the stress :( But really glad to hear your ankle feels better!

Lisa, awesome that you bought your own place at 25! When I was 25, my head was nowhere near that -- I was too interested in going out and spending my money, not saving it. Sigh. Hindsight really is 20/20, isn't it?! LOL

Lorren, welcome! I'm 37, SAHM to a 4 year old and a 7.5 month old. Also stepmom to 3 teenagers. We live in Philadelphia
Christine, I started reading Master Your Metabolism. So far, so good! Also reading Tom Venuto's Body Fat Solution; great book.

Anyone have big plans for Mother's Day? We're going to my parents' for brunch, then to DH's parents' for the last half of their BBQ. I would kind of like to stay home alone LOL
Morning..quick hello! K and I are both sickies! Throats are burning and snot is a runnin! K is wanted to nurse alot to make her throat feel better. We were up a lot last night.
Not feeling toooo tooo bad..will try and workout at naptime. K is up so I will be back for personals ina bit
Hi Allison~ it's always nice when you check in with us!

Susan~ sorry you two aren't feeling well. :(

I'm tapering off of my Reglan (might have contributed to PPD) and oddly Ive noticed an INCREASE in my milk production. My prolactin level is normally high when I'm not pg/nursing and Reglan increases prolactin if they are high anyway, the med might not have been doing much of anything (besides causing potiential side effects). Gotta love drugs.

I have today off, then work the next two days. I don't like working two days in row. :( But it'll be nice next week when I only work two days all week. A high school friend is coming to visit for five days. She wants to help. I look forward to our visit (and some help too). :eek:

My dishwasher is broken again. DH purchased extended warranty on we've had repair people here monthly last 6 mos or so. Now it's completely broken. :( WE might have to order out next week so we're not stuck with dishes for all of us!!

Haven't decided about my workout today. I might do a few miles of hills on my elliptical & some upper body/abs. I have to take Jory this AM to get a tuxedo for prom next weekend. He had to take the AM off of school so we'd have time to order it! Life can get so busy!
Here is one of my favorite poems I have read since becoming a mom: (some of you probably have read/seen it before but its nice to see)

Before I Was a Mom

Before I was a Mom,
I never tripped over toys
or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not
my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind
and my thoughts.
I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom,
I never held down a screaming child
so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom,
I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn't want to put her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom,
I didn't know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body..
I didn't know how special it could feel
to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond
between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small
could make me feel so important and happy.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much,
before I was a Mom.
Allison- One of gfriends mentioned that she can't see my wall either. I will have to check it out??? I don't know why you can't see my pics either. Are we FB friends? I thought we were??? I hear ya about Mother's Day, I just want to be with my boys but we will have a jam packed weekend. :( Yes I really like Meso 2! I wasn't sure about the minute long rests at first but they go by quickly. I also have more time to adjust my weights. With Meso 1, I was always pausing the DVD because I just wasn't quick enough. :) Happy Anniversary too! 10 years is great!

Priscila- Is their dog an outside dog? It's hard not to feel bad if they have to pay to board the dog, but remember, it is THEIR dog and their responsibility, not yours. Maybe this could be your chance to be around a large dog and try to not feel fearful anymore???

Melanie- I hope you get to try out your new running shoes! Oh my, Jory is going to prom??!! Can you believe it?? I can't wait to see the pictures! He is going to look so handsome!

Susan- I'm sorry you guys are sick! :( I hope you feel better soon. This cold season has just lasted forever! Do you gargle with warm salt water? That really helped me last week when I had a sore throat. It only lasted about a day before the stuffiness kicked in.

Good morning Lisa! How did Reese sleep? Caden?
Jen~ just looked at your wall. Everything looks good. Thanks for posting the poem, I don't remember reading it before. This is one I have on my fridge:

If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy.
If a child lives with fear, he learns to be apprehensive.
If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement he learns to be confident.
If a child lives with acceptance, he learns to love.
If a child lives with recognition, he learns it is good to have a goal.
If a child lives with honesty he learns what truth is.
If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice.
If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith in himself and those about him.
If a child lives with friendliness, he learns the world is a nice place in which to live to love and be loved.
Priscilla- My DH and I have had a lot of animals over the years, including a large german shepherd. LIke Jen said, it is their dog and their resposibility. ANd you are not obligated to house the dog, they coudl always get a vet tech to watch the dog near home, etc. And from a mommy point of view, babies and dogs are not a great combo unless the dog has known the baby from day one. You just never know. THe hard part of being a mom is stirring the pot a bit to protect yoru kids and your house!!!
Love the poem Jen! Yay! I will totally steal that from you!
Mel- I think the Reglan is not helping you at all, glad that you are able to know your body so well! Glad to hear you so happy and motivated, dishwahser aside!
Susan- Boooooo to being sick. Get well!
allison- great to hear how ou are! missed you!
john peed through his diaper last night. nothing like changing a bed and jammies and swaddl in the middle of the night. i could not get back to sleep, but feel okay. swimming today, so out soon, will not be around a tn today, we are also going to dh office for lunch.
Christine~ are you still swaddling John? How do you find a blanket so big? I was going to try to swaddle one of the girls yesterday and my swaddlers were all way too small! The girls can't be much bigger than 12 lbs or so! Not sure if they'd like it anymore anyhow...but just curious.

i hope the blahs are gone, they suck! It might have been combo of benadryl & reglan....don't know & don't really care as long as it stays away!!

Precila~I am not an animal person. WE have a cat & a german shepherd. We used to take our chocolate lab everywhere (but noone let him in the house). We kennel our dog rather than commuting & bothering others. It's just $8/day here.

I'm off to tux shop. BBL
Melanie, yes I swaddle him for naps and slep! He loves it. I tried a nap with no swaddle yesterday and it was not so great. I ADORE the miracle blanket. Here is the link:
He is a big baby, as you know and does great. It is impossible for him to break out of, as well. I have three of them! They are much better than teh swaddle me blankeys in my opinion. They would be perfect for the girls.
James is finally growing out of the swaddling. He now falls asleep jumping in the Jumparoo. It is quite funny. I will have to try and post a video on FB.

There was a setting on my wall on FB that I had to check in order for others to see it. Glad its visible again.

Hoping to do Insanity tonight. It was scheduled for last night but I had a late hospital case and didnt get home til after 7p. My job is really getting in the way of working out! :p
Hi chatty girls!
I manged to do Walking STronger...since I am not 100% didnt want to tackle Insanity and feel like a weakling.
Melanie-great on your milk...yuck on broken dishwasher!
Christine-have a great day! I got all the fixins for your lunch..but here in backwards Ark they didnt have Fiber One cottage cheese..oh well!
K is not happy..I will be back
Hi Jen, Pricilla, LIsa, Judy, Kendra, Lorr
Ok Christine, got the fixins for the turkey sausage pasta. I can't wait to make it!

Susan- Hope you are feeling better! Better not try Insanity while sick. Its hard enough as it is! :)
Thanks for fixing your FB, Jen -- love the pics! You look amazing -- you've worked so hard to get your body back and it shows :)

Melanie, glad you have NEXT week's work schedule to look forward to. At least for this week, you have the CDs from Christine to keep you company in the car. You can call me too, if you want -- I'm home! I'll PM you my numbers :) Wow, $8 to board a big dog? Around here, $20 is common for a big dog. It adds up too fast!

Christine, I think Drew would have a FIT if we tried to swaddle him now. He was only good that way for about 8 weeks. After that, he'd kick and squirm and scream, breaking out into a sweat and turning red in the face LOL That's awesome that John will still do it. I hate it when Drew wets through in the middle of the night. DH never seems to hear anything on those occasions, when I'm trying to get him changed, get the bed changed, and feed the kid too. Sigh.

So, DH has been out of town since Sunday at 5:30pm. I am losing my freaking mind. Drew has decided this is NOT a good week to sleep through the night, so he's been up 2-4 times a night. Ella is exhausting me with her constant want for attention. I need a break!!

Drew is just about ready to take OFF! He's made a forward crawling motion twice, so I think he'll figure it out in the next couple of weeks. He's going to be into EVERYTHING, I can tell already. And of course, my Shark Steam Mop died on Monday, when I've got this kid who is now happiest rolling and sliding around on the floor. So we're off today or tomorrow to find a replacement (and a bottle of Murphy's, so my hardwoods can shine like Susan's!).

Trying my new Rykas (finally). I had to order the next size up, as the 9s made my feet go numb while I was doing Insanity last week. Excited to get a workout today!

Looks like the kids are not going to be napping at the same time today. Bah.
Alison~everything is less expensive up here (except maybe groceries). I used new shoes today too! Don't you love new shoes?

Christine~I started listening to Ellen's CDs yesterday. She's funny. Thanks again. I pulled out the halo sleeping bag wraps and wrapped the girls in them for naptime. They are so cute sleeping in their crib together. I should take a picture...

Susan~ how are you feeling? Have you started Insanity?

Precila~ how's your ankle?

Jen~what's your workout schedule like now? Are you able to get a full hour in on workdays?

LisaMarie~I'm glad you are still able to nurse. How's the tidying up going at the house? Purging on workout videos? lol

35 minute of repeats are done. They are "mini running intervals". I threw in some stability ball abs & a couple reps of upper body/back weight work.

We decided to purchase Jory's tux. It was $325 to purchase, or $200 to rent. Since he's in 9th grade & likely to go to prom for four years I thought it'd be a wise investment. He's already 6 feet tall & I don't see him growing much more than a couple of inches at this point. Now I just have to get a pair of shoes & he's set (size 13).

Alright, I'm off to fold some cloth diapers. Waves to all!
Hi Girls,
Melanie- yes i remember you too-i used to check in on the preg forum with 1st 2 babies.I am so glad you got your girls! you have alot on your plate that is for sure!
Christine -your dinners sound so good!
Jen-30...yeah!! whens your bday? i turn oct.2nd.
susan -i think our babys are really close in age-kates bday was oct.16-she is already a busy little lady-crawling around!

i just got the sts program in -have any of you gotten good results with that yet? did you add alot of cardio with it?

Hi Alison,Lisa,Priscilla!
K is napping..not sure for how long..poor baby cant breathe. No fever..just a nasty head cold. I feel like I have been hit by a truck..but Im making it.
Allison-sorry Drew has kept you up! Why do they pick the hardest time for us not to sleep???
Melanie-so how do you get the poop out of the diapers? My mom said she used to dunk them in the toilet when I was a baby ewww. Jory will be so handsome in his tux!!
I need coffee!!!
Woo hoo on the tux for Jory! Hard to believe these little baby boys grow into 6' boys in 16 short years, right?! When is his prom? What's his plan for the night -- dinner, after-prom parties?

I forgot to mention the Biggest Loser! Anyone watch this week? SunShine's makeover outfit looked totally 80s to me, and not really that flattering. (And what's with her one brother's corn rows? I thought he was a girl until he started talking!) Thank goodness Michael and Daris finally got haircuts!! I bet they both lost 2 pounds just from that LOL And can I just say that I think Sam is a damn attractive man?!? I had an idea there was something going on between him and Stephanie (the producers edited "in" just enough -- hand holding at elimination, her comment when she got home about falling in love). Too cute!
Allison I thought the same thing about Sunshines outfit. They usually provide a sylist to help dont they?? Sam is ahottie! Oh and Daris' hair..slilcked back it looks great but all puffy..not so much!

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