Lurkers Invitation 2010

Kelly Glad to hear that you had fun in Chicago and got your deep dish pizza as well. It is so nice when you go away and don't gain weight. I unfortunately gained 5 pounds :confused: I didn't think I was eating that bad and I did do a lot of walking after the training.

Pam We did surprise a few people. I like Low Max and my legs felt it this morning. I haven't done the Gym Styles for a while. I know I would be very sore after that.

Eunice It really sucked not being able to find any clothes that fit. However since I will be going to Montreal in January to shop I have time to try to lose some of that weight. No there has been no difference before or after we got married. Everything just stayed the same. Glad to hear that your ankle is getting better. My DH sprained his just before Christmas. He was on an old wooden ladder trying to fix our garage door and the leg of the ladder snapped off and down he went. The hospital is just across the street from us so it is very handy.

Well this morning I was going to do my workout but I didn't sleep very well because I was stressing about work, so I was going to do it after I got home. Well my day was a stressful as I thought it would be and I had to work late as well. So by the time I got home had dinner, made my lunch and did the dishes it was almost 8:00 and since I go to bed around 9:00 I missed it. Well tomorrow is another day, try try again.

Eunice Your workout yesterday sounds like mine. I was sticking with Cathe on the weights at first, but almost always had to drop down in weight before I was finished. I was so shaky and am SORE today! My lower abs were really sore, I'm not sure where that came from! I hope you are able to join me on the cardio soon too. But don't rush it! Let me know how it goes with the PT today.

Thanks for the recipe - I need to find those amaretto biscotti. You are so sweet to offer to send me your Low max. Since I ordered it from eBay and it wasn't very expensive I'll just keep this one (it came yesterday).Maybe you can sell yours on eBay?

Cheryl Sorry to hear you gained weight on your trip, isn't that frustrating?! Especially when there is no obvious reason for it. :mad:

My Low Max got here yesterday but I'm not sure when I'll get to try it since I'm doing Cathe's March rotation, and then we have the fitnessfreak rotation after that. I know I'll get to it eventually though. I am VERY sore today after the Gym Style Chest and Triceps. Tomorrow is GS Legs - it sounds scary :rolleyes: Sorry to hear you had such a tough day yesterday, I hope today is better!

Kelly Are you getting back into the swing of things being home? Deep dish pizza - yum! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it :p e was on an old wooden ladder trying to fix our garage door and the leg of the ladder snapped off and down he went. The hospital is just across the street from us so it is very handy.

I couldn't believe it when I looked at the calendar yesterday and saw I had CCC for today, but it has been conquered once again. Although that 4th round was as tough as ever, it did seem a LITTLE bit easier today. I still can't do all of the crossover pushups yet though :mad: Well I need to get in gear and get ready for work. have a great day everyone!


Pam~Yeah, slowly getting back into it. Got my workouts in both today and yesterday. Struggling with the eating though... I swear, I felt like I all I did yesterday was eat. And even worse, it wasn't hungry eating, it was just bored social type eating. Ew. Oh well, yay for new days!

Cheryl~Sorry to hear about the weight gain, I'm sure you'll have it off again in no time. LoMax is one of my faves. But then I think I say that about everything LOL

Wedding plans are coming along well, our colors are gonna be royal blue, silver, and white. It's going to be really cool! Thomas won't let me have any say in the honeymoon - that's his dept and he won't stray from that LOL
But from the sounsd of it, it will be someplace tropical. :D

Did Pyramid total body premix this morning, and I'm sure I'll be feeling it later.

Question for you guys on STS - is there any special equipment you need to do the strength training? I'm interested in getting it eventually but I don't have any weight benches or anything like that.

Have a great day ladies!
Feeling much more in control today, it's shaping up much better th:Dan yesterday. Got half my water in already and not snacky at all.

How's your days treating you, ladies?
Hi Pam I know yesterday workout was good, I'm SORE too my triceps are still feeling it it was hard to put on my workout clothes today:confused: Yea that sore.. Pam I think you engage your core really good yesterday that's a plus+ good job. I just got back from the PT she say that everything looks good and pretty soon I'm going to be able to go back to normal :DYea!!
You can look online for this cookies I got the cheap ones you don't need to get the supper- duper- expensive, there good!!
Tomorrow leg workout is another goody;):confused:
I like those cross over push ups for the core they work really good.:)

Hi Cheryl don't worry maybe you've retained water from the travel, that happen to me I look like I'm blowing bubbles, big chicks, funny!! when you get back to normal you'll see it was nothing:D What rotation are you doing?!
Good that you live just across the street from the Hospital.... Can you sleep well with all the noise ambulance and all that stuff?! :p
Yeah tomorrow its another day, you'll be fine.:D

Hi Kelly good job with your workout and congrats that you are doing good today with your food , every time you feel like you want to have something that you know its not good for you.... think about your dress;)

Toady I couldn't do CCC but I went to the gym and did 65 min on the Elliptical cross country I use the 10# vest.. What do you guys think I should put my weight as it is or add the 10# to my weight?! Anyways I burned 700 cal, the workout manager say 1300 cal I like that one better but who knows i take the 700cal.
have a good one you all:p:D
Hello, hello!
Well, one successful day under my belt, yippee!!
I actually have some time to post, so I figure I'll share some wedding details... :D The wedding itself is going to be at St. Thomas More, a Catholic church here in the Denver area (both Thomas and I are Catholic), and the reception will be at a reception hall not far away called Cielo at Castle Pines. Flowers are roses and callas, w/ blue accent flowers. I have some pics up here, if you'd like to take a look. My dress is out there too. The ones of me in it are when I first went looking. My actual dress that I have fits much better, its not nearly as tight as the one in the pictures, and it's in ivory. Let me know what you think!

Here's the link to the Chicago pics as well:

So here's how today looked:
Brekkie: FF yogurt, banana, coffee
Lunch: Salad w/ tomatoes, cukes, mushrooms, chicken and light ranch
Snack: 1 serving trail mix stuff (soy nuts, almonds, dried cranberries, and pumpkin seeds)
Dinner: Spaghetti (whole wheat noodles, light sugar free sauce, lean ground beef)
Water: 50 oz
Exercise: Pyramid total body premix

Have a great night!
Pam It really sucked when I weighed myself. I am hoping to get back on track next week. This week I have three lunches to go to since I am leaving to go to a different office. Today my manager and Assistant Director took me out. Tomorrow another manager wants to take me out and then on Thursday all of my co-workers want to take me out. GS Legs is a tough one especially the ball work (at least for me it is :D)

Kelly Your wedding colors will look awesome. Also your dress is gorgeous. I was thinking of doing Pyramid uppper and lower body this week but changed my mind. For STS I found that a weight bench was good to have especially when you were doing bench presses with heavy weight. Also Cathe's Tower is something that I would like to get for the chin-ups and pull-ups. You can also use that for the bench presses as well. Do you have a barbell?

Eunice Right now I'm not doing a rotation, just my own thing. I thought I would do workouts that I hadn't done in a while. Today it was cardio and weights. We don't hear the sirens at all, we also have a firehall just down the street too.

Kelly Glad to hear you are getting back in the swing of things with the workouts. I hate it when I eat from boredom. That is a terrible habit that I tend tohave on days that I work at home. I don't know why - I don't do it when I'm in the office, but maybe since I'm so close to the kitchen and it is so handy..:confused: That is the one thing I don't like about WAH days!

Thanks for posting the link to your wedding pics - I can't wait to go check them out. And somewhere tropical for the honeymoon sounds perfect to me! I LOVE calla lillies! Your colors sound like they are going to be beautiful!

Looks like you had a great day yesterday - good for you! :D

I did a full STS rotation without a bench - I just used my step. I definitely think that I could've gone heavier on my weights in some cases if I had a bench but I got great results without one. I also didn't have a way to do chin/pull ups, so the STS push/pull tower is on my wish list.

Eunice I'm so glad that the PT said that everything looks good. I know that must've been a big relief for you! How are your triceps feeling today? Still having trouble getting your clothes on? :p
I will definitely look for those cookies online. I love to shop online.
I hope you enjoy your leg workout today as much as I did :rolleyes: I was thinking it was pretty easy compared to some of the STS leg discs until we got to that floor work. Ay yi yi! My glutes were screaming! :confused:
Good job on your elliptical work - 1300 calories?! I would like that one better too, but 700 is nothing to sneeze at either!

Cheryl Hopefully that weight gain is just one of those fluky things. My weight fluctuates by 3-4 pounds on a regular basis, but I always freak out when it's on the high end until it suddenly drops back down again. Those lunches out can really be dangerous though, can't they?!

I agree with you on the ball work for GS legs. I thought it was relatively easy until I got to that part then WOW! I was complaining out loud!

My DH surprised me with a new water ski last night :D for no special reason! I was very excited, especially because he knew the main reason I wanted it was because it's pink :p Now I can't wait to get out and give it a try this weekend. It's supposed to be close to 90 both days so should be a good weekend for it.

Have a great day!
Hi Kelly thanks for sharing your albums you have good pictures:D I love your dress and the colors too.. that is so excited:p Good for you another good day :D I love the pyramid workout too. I did sts and I didn't need anything crazy, just the step with extra raisers and the slander for pull ups I have the thingy for the door so that's what I used.

Cheryl you are been spoiled ha!! maybe not the kind that you would like to get but that's good & dangerous too:p That's good too you are doing your own thing you should try to follow one of Cathe rotation I love to do that it saved me a lot of thinking:confused:
I like cardio and weight too I haven't done it in a while but I have that one too.

Hey Pam I don't eat for boredom I'm worse then that when I don't workout I just don't control my food I know its bad that's why I don't like to skip any workout day... "If you've workout so hard why do you want to eat if you don't need, or your not even hungry" that's what I say to my self:eek:

I was so excited until last night it hurts so bad that it woke me up:mad: so today I went back to the PT she massage, move, stretch I know I'm going to be on pain again.. well I'm already on pain I had to take 1 vicodin because I need to finish my day, you know cooking, cleaning, driving picking up the girls OMG I'm so tired.
I didn't want to workout today I only did core max segment 1 & 2 after that I went to get my little one from school, after that I went to therapy,go picked my other daughter from practice, after that cook dinner, I'm done:confused::mad: so I don't know what's for tomorrow but if it is upper body I'll be fine if it is cardio I'll go to the gym again.
I thought that the tough part was the lunges with the low pulse or something like that, but yes the floor workout its hard too:p

Wow that was a good surprise:D that its a good husband aww so romantic!! I'm gonna have to complain with my DH hes not that kind of guy:confused: But again he'll say "you spent all of my money" hahaha so I better don't say anything ha!
So have fun Miss Vacation with your new ski, and please don't forget the pictures:p
See you guys later!!!
Pam Well I have lost 3 pounds so far. It is so easy for it to go on but soooo hard to take it off. :mad:Lunch today was Sushi. My meal had tempura in it (not healthy) but there was a salad and sushi as well. Lunches out can be dangerous, that is why I usually bring my lunch. Isn't is nice when you get gifts for no reason. Three more sleeps until you can try it out :D

Eunice I have been really spoiled this week. One of my staff brought me roses today. They are gorgeous. I normally follow one of her rotations but I thought I would do workouts that I hadn't done in awhile. Today I did Legs and Glutes. My legs were feeling it after that one.

Well today we brought one of our cats in to get shaved. He gets mats really easy and he really dosen't cooperate when I try to brush him :confused: Attached is a picture of him with his new haircut.



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Eunice ONLY core max segment 1 and 2?! That is a LOT of ab the PT :( Hopefully though it is going to help make it feel better sooner in the long run. My legs and glutes are soooo sore from yesterday! When I got out of bed it was hard to walk because my calves were so sore! :rolleyes:

Yes my hubby is a big sweetie! He's funny though because he doesn't like the 'forced' gift times like birthdays, Christmas so much. He would much rather do the surprise gift once in awhile. You know I'm terrible about remembering to take pictures (even when I remember to take my camera! :p) but I'll try!

Cheryl Congratulations on losing 3 pounds! I know what you mean about it being so much harder to take off than put on. It just doesn't seem right does it?! I always wonder why I don't look like Cathe with how hard I work out, but I know that it's because I don't eat like Cathe! I really SHOULD take my lunch with me to work, but for some reason packing lunch is something that I hate to do! One of the best things I ever did with the kids was start having them pack their own lunch! Sushi is a pretty good lunch but you're right, the tempura is not so great.

I might even get to try my new toy tomorrow - we are going to try to go to the lake after work on Friday since we are having 15 teenagers on Saturday for DSDs 16th birthday party starting at 1:30 so we might not get to the lake Saturday.

And you got a nice surprise yesterday too with the roses. Isn't that wonderful?! It sounds like they are going to miss you when you start your new job!

I like your cat picture. Is he enjoying the heat from the register there? Ours love to do that! Both of my cats need to be shaved and are very uncooperative when we try to do it, so I need to make an appt to take them and have them shaved. They will not be happy about it!

Kelly I looked at your pictures, they are beautiful! I can't believe how much you have done already, you must be a very organized person. I just love the dress and the flowers! What a fun time!

This morning was Athletic Step and Core Max segment 2. I hadn't done any of the core max's in awhile and forgot how tough they are! The roll in's on the ball always kill my wrists though :confused: I wish I could figure out how to do them and make it easier on my wrists. Overall it was a great workout though. Eunice, I guess you will be headed to the gym today huh? Take care of that ankle. Have a great day everyone!

Good morning! Happy Almost Friday to you! :D

Thanks for the compliments! You know, it's funny, I'm not real organized most of the time, but when it comes to the wedding, I am. Just really excited, and today being 4/29 makes it one year from today! :D

Pam~one of the reasons we're getting started so early is because we're paying for most of the wedding ourselves. We wanted to start figuring out how much everything was gonna cost so we could save up. Hence the reason that we picked a further-out date as well.

Ok, good to know. Maybe I'll put STS on my wish-list then. Can't have too many Cathe's LOL

Another decent day yesterday. Started out with KPC - I LOVE that one, probably my fave. I did the punching/kicking combos with little 2 lb weighted things - feeling it a bit today.
This morning, started off with The Gauntlet. Hadn't done that one before, pretty cool. Feeling good today.

OMG, my stomach would be killing me after 2 segments of CoreMax! LOL I'm impressed, Eunice!

Cheryl, Congrats on dropping the 3 lbs! I love sushi...salmon and shrimp are my faves. I love salmon rolls too.

Have a great day ladies!
Cheryl your doing good that was fast though 3 pounds, I wish I can loose 1 pound my self, this month probably I'm going to gain weight:mad: but good for you, you'll see that was nothing to be worry about it.. I like sushi but we hardly go out for dinner or lunch I cook 24-7 so when I get some its at the grocery store :confused: Rosa's!! beautiful they going to miss you thats for sure;) Your cat its cute we can't have pets here not yet! and I don't need one ether!!
Legs & glutes good one.
Hi Pam my core its sore today that's for sure.. hahaha your legs are sore ha! don't you just love it when you go to the restroom and you can't even seat right, I mean that's funny ha!:p
That sounds like fun birthday party and going to the lake that's nice.
I'm soooo jealous:D on the good way though because you get to do step and Athletic Step its so fun!!! Oh well!! I'm done downloading the free workouts and I was just checking one of them it was Step Moves OMG I wanted to get up and go do it right on that moment:(
I went to the gym today Elliptical for 60 min. and the rowing machine for 10 min, I was just testing it next time I'll do that one;)

Kelly that's smart what you guys are doing I bet your are going to have a beautiful & BIg wedding.. 12 months to go!! now just work, work!!!:p
I'm sore but that's ok, but that's nothing when I was good I used to do 2 workouts per day, like 40/20 and Step Moves or 30/30 and Athletic Step you have an idea. So 2 core segments its nothing!;) I wish I can do more:(
Happy Thursday to you all..:D:p:confused:
Well it was my last lunch today. We went to a college near our office that has a program that trains chefs. The food was really good and I wasn't good with what I ate either :eek: I had a chicken curry with mango salsa and.......and chocolate raspberry cheesecake for desert :eek: OK tomorrow I get back on track.

Pam After today's lunch I will see if I gained it all back. I think Cathe eats really healthy too, I wish I could stick with it. I pack my own lunch when I go to work but it was too easy to grab that chocolate bar around 3:00 when I was having that afternoon slump. Oh my........ 15 teenagers.........I don't think I could handle that. Enjoy your day tomorrow if you can get to the lake.

I really got spoiled this week with all of my lunches and the roses. They have told me that I will be missed but I know someone else will be able to fill my shoes.

Our cat was a bit cold last night. This morning I wrapped a blanket around him so he could warm up. It is getting warmer here but it is still cool during the night. I am with you in bringing them to someone else to shave them.

You had a good workout today. I missed mine today because I was still so full from lunch I really didn't want to jump around.

Kelly Good for you in budgeting for you wedding. That is much easier that trying to pay off everything after the fact and realizing that you spent way more that you planned to.

Eunice I would have been surprised if you core wasn't hurting you today. Don't worry that you don't go out for dinner much. Eating at home is much healthier and cheaper. Hope your ankle gets better soon.

Kelly Happy 1 year pre-anniverary! Sorry I'm a day late with that ;) It looks like you are doing a fabulous job with your wedding and your planning. You are smart to stretch the cost of the wedding out over time and not get stuck with all of the bills at the end. Too many people just take out a big loan and then start out with a huge amount of debt which is nothing but trouble! I don't have KPC, typically the kickbox workouts are not my favorites so I haven't gone out of my way to get them. I've heard good things about that one though. Maybe I'll have to get it as a download one day. I just LOVE the gauntlet! I haven't done that one in quite awhile - since before I started my STS rotation in January.

Eunice We don't go out for dinner very often either, usually only if we have something else going on (like going to a show after work or something). My husband prefers to always eat at home if given a choice. I like eating at home, but it's nice to not have to worry about what to make sometimes too! I'm sure your core IS sore! I only did one CM segment and mine is sore! I know what you mean about not being able to sit right when you go to the restroom. After the very first STS leg workout I had to very gently ease myself up and down for about 3 days! :p I prefer it to be not quite that sore :) I'm sorry you didn't get to do Step Moves, but you will be able to soon! You had a good workout on the elliptical and rowing machines. I really like the elliptical trainer, that is always the machine I choose when I am in a gym.

Cheryl Those college programs where they train chefs are supposed to be really good! I've never been to one but have heard nothing but raves about them. How COULD you be good in that setting?! We all have to splurge sometimes though. I just love good food and good wine too much to be able to eat REALLY well. Overall I/we do pretty well, but I just have to have a brownie or french fries once in awhile! :rolleyes: I am known as the cholcolate lady at work. I keep a huge bowl of candy in my office and I take it to my meetings with me. I always buy the little tiny fun size chocolates though so at least I can get that chocolate fix without going too crazy. Hardly a day goes by that I don't have some chocolate. :rolleyes: It's so nice that they have spoiled you this week at work, I'm sure it means a lot to know that you have been appreciated.

Poor kitty getting cold with his new haircut :( I always wonder if they get embarassed :p

This morning was GS BSB (Back, Shoulder, biceps). It went pretty went except I have something going on with my right shoulder. I did the 3 sets of overhead presses and on the last set my right shoulder was just having no part of the last 2 reps. I think the next exercise was lateral raises and I ended up doing 10 pounds on the left side and 5 on the right! Hopefully it was just a temporary glitch but I guess I will see on Monday because that is another shoulders day. Now we are wavering a little on our evening plans for tonight. We have a friend who plays in a band and they are playing at a place close to our house. It's a wine bar and they don't sell any food, so you can bring your own. I have never been there but it sounds fun! I guess we'll see what mood strikes us tonight. I also have to make the birthday cakes for tomorrow. I'm making 2 ice cream cakes, so those shouldn't take too long to make. If we don't get to the lake tonight it may be Sunday before I get to try the new toy since I don't think we'll make it tomorrow with the party. Well looks like I have run on way too long here. Hi Janie Hope you are having just a fabulous time, I guess you will be back, soon.
Happy Friday everyone!

Cheryl it was a fun week doesn't? Its alright to have a cheat meal, I know a recipe "Chicken curry" healthy one its really good, I bet the original was better..;)
the 2008 trip somebody asked about Cathe's diet, Chris say that one day the had order pizza, when all the guys went to get some it was gone Cathe ate it all:confused: but can you guys imagine Cathe metabolism?! she live,breath,workout. She teach classes at her gym sometimes she does twice a day beside her own workout, she lives in her gym:p so everything she eats it get transform into energy. I wish I can have some of that!:p:D
Poor cat:( I hope he'll get better soon!
Pam I saw your pictures on FB you are really good baking ha! :p I see you are the lady of tittle's your good Pam, try to get the one that are 60% or more of dark cocoa I think those are not as bad as the milk chocolate, I got my chocolate from my protein shake after every workout so I really don't miss it that much:D
I'm sorry about your shoulder I know what you mean because believe it or not I'm falling apart... I had left knee surgery, it went up to my hip had PT for that one,left shoulder I did not pay attention to that one until after a year so it was little bit hard to get over with, after that one I pull a muscle on my right shoulder I took care fast so it was easy and now my right ankle that its going to be a pain on my booty because its going to take longer just because its my foot and I use it the most... so yeha! i'm falling apart:confused::mad: Take care of your shoulder hopefully it was just a temporary glitch like you say.
That sound like fun "wine" and bring you own food I'm sure you'll have a blast!!!:cool: I hope you get to try your new toy but sounds a pretty busy weekend, so take care and enjoy:p

Hi Janie Hope you are having just a fabulous time, I guess you will be back, soon next week I can't wait to heard all about it!!!

So I'm out I'm going for Gym BSB I'll be back later:D
Happy Friday everyone!
Well Pam your workout of Athletic Step and Core Max #2 sounded like fun so that's what I did this morning. Wow it had been awhile since I had pulled Core Max into the rotation. I think I will be doing that one more often.

Pam Your`re right it is hard to be good with all of that good food around. Today I did pretty good at eating healthy except for those two glasses of wine at dinner. It was red though LOL. I love good food and good wine as well. It does make it tough sometimes to eat something clean. :D
I don`t know how you can keep candy in your office and not eat all of it. I know I would :eek:. I am trying to cut back on my chocolate consumption. I found that it was getting to be a regular habit. It does mean a lot to know that I have been appreciated in all that I did for them over the years. I will miss all of the people (not so much the work). You know I am not sure if they get embarassed with the lack of hair. He does love the blanket right now though :)

I hope you shoulder is OK. I had problems with mine a few years back and I can`t seem to get the strength back. I used to be able to do should presses with 15 pounds now I can only do 12.

Eunice It is funny picturing Cathe eating all of that pizza. But you are right that she is very active so if she doesn`t eat healthy she will burn all of those calories off. Umm the benefit of having a very active job compared to one where you just sit at a desk all day.

Happy Friday

Eunice I can't believe Cathe ate all of the pizza, but somehow it makes me feel better to know that she does eat some unhealthy foods!
I haven't been doing much fancy baking lately, I actually like cooking a lot more than I like baking, but it's fun to bake something really far out there sometimes! I do like dark chocolate the best, especially the Dove promises! I really don't know what's going on with my shoulder, but I could even tell with the 5 lb weights during my core work this morning :confused: My husband had something similar happen last summer - no pain just no strength and his went away in about 3 weeks, so I'm hoping for similar results. We'll see.
Holy cow, you really are falling apart! ;) You need to take it easier!
We did end up going to listen to the friends band and we were glad we did because they were really good and they gave us one of their CDs too.

Cheryl That AS CM2 combo was a good one wasn't it? I agree that I need to do more of those CM workouts, they are really good! I count red wine as healthy eating since there have been so many studies saying how good it is for you! :D

I hear you on the active job vs sitting at a desk all day! It's really bad on the days that I work at home because I hardly move from the office. At least when I go into the office I end up having lots of meetings on the first florr (my office is on the third) so I get some time going up and down the stairs.

This morning I did MMA Boxing. This was only the 2nd time I've done it and I liked it better than I remembered liking it. The core work is really good in it and my abs were still sore from CM2 the other day too :confused: Now we're getting ready for the big party :) have a great Saturday!


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