Lurkers Invitation 2010

Hi Janie and everyone.

Another Diane here. I don't post often here, but visit often enough that I probably should! It's so easy to lurk! Anyway, have been married for 10 years, no kids. Like your cat, Janie, I have diabetes, too!

Got into Cathe right before i got married and it's been a sweat fest ever since! I just started to use the workout manager last month and love how it keeps track of the workouts...very motivating for me. I think I need a group like this to keep me going!!

Today I did Cardio Core Circuit from the Shock cardio series...I'm still alive to talk about it!! Yikes.
Hi everyone,

I am glad to see that I am not the only one who has lurked around here for a long time.

I just got my workout done. Athletic Step, I really like that one. I was going to do it this morning but when I was doing some dusting in the bedroom last night I think I hit the volume and so I slept through my alarm. Oh well better late than never.

Janie I hope you enjoy your trip to the Ocean with your husband. I will keep you posted with my days at the Olympics if I can connect to the internet where I am staying.


Diane, Yes, I do live near the coast. About an hour and a half away. It's so lovely and like to visit as often as we can. We will be visiting Westport on the West Coast. Does that sound familiar to you?

I'm just the opposite, my body needs weight training one day the next cardio. Sometimes in the morning and evening. Depends if I need to lose weight or not. I did STS last year for 3 months, and found a tremendous change in my body. Leaner, stronger and more tone. Then the holidays came and went and so did my hard work. I've gained 20 pounds but I'll never give up. Will just start over again. I'm still however, a lot stronger than I've ever been before.

I love Christi Taylor, her cuing is remarkable. Glad you enjoyed your workout.

Eunice, 4 daughters!?! You look great for having so many children. You look so young. You even went to the RT. OOOOOO how lucky you are. Maybe someday I will also be able to do that. You are going again this March to San Diego? How wonderful for you! I bet you are so excited.

You did a great job on your workout today. Good for you.

Diane06, Welcome aboard and it is so nice to meet you. I don't know too much about diabetes, except people/pets have to have shots so they don't get sick. Do you have to have insulin too, or can you control it with food?

Well, I can already tell , we need you as well. I also use the Workout Manager and find it helps a great deal.

Great job with Cardio Core Circuit, not easy I understand. Congratulations for doing such a hard workout. Glad you are still here to talk about it. LOL:)

Cheryl, I viewed Athletic Step. Looks like a great workout. I love Step though. Glad you found the time to do it. Good for you.

Oh, please do post us about the Olympics whenever you can. It will be great to give us first hand news about it. Be sure you get as many autographs as possible.

Hi to Pam, Kay, Elle and Gabriella. Join us when you can.

See you all Friday, and keep posting OK? Also, have good workouts.

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Janie, I hope you have a great time at the coast. I live in North Carolina about 2 hours from the coast and love to get there whenever I can. Right now we are recovering from a 'snow event'. We got somewhere between 3-5 inches last Saturday and the schools are still closed, even though it's been above freezing every day since then.
My workout this morning was Step Blast. I'm enjoying the Active recovery week by doing some of my favorite step workouts. I also did the abs from Low Impact Circuit. Cathe is the queen abs :p
I hope everyone is doing well. I'll check in with you later!

Hi everyone, let see
Toady I did kick,punch and crunch I did not finish the whole workout because I have a friend who wants to workout too,( I went with her last Monday to the gym and do the spin class) so she asked to join me today she is new with Cathe and the whole thing of working out but I really hope she stick around and work hard I let her take my dvd she wants to practice, this Friday we'll do it again, I'm thinking what dvd is the right for her but I don't have any of the beginners dvd's I don't want scare her so I workout at her pace and try to teach some of the moves.
I know is going to be hard but I want to motivate her...
Any suggestions?
Have a good day everyone..;)
How did you like MMA kickbox? I haven't opened that one yet. I've only done the 2 circuits ones from the shock series and love both of them.

Janie, Hope you are enjoying yourself on your trip. I do take insulin for my diabetes. I took shots for years, but now wear an insulin pump. Hope your cats are doing well!

Today I did only half of maximum intensity strength (legs). By the time I went to work out, my legs were aching from yesterday's shock cardio. So, rather than overdo it, I stopped and will do the upper body on another day.

Have a great workout everyone!
Hi everyone, just checking in real quickly. Today I got Disc 8 done & HiiT 30/30. I hope everyone had a productive day & accomplished what you wanted! Take care.

Hello ladies.
Today I did Bum Bum and a 4 mile walk. I am trying to rotate cardio and strength in the mornings and get in a walk in the afternoon.

Janie- Hope you had a wonderful day at the beach.

Diane- I enjoyed MMA Kickbox. I am still building endurance after a long time without working out so this was perfect for me. I plan to do this one again very soon.

Eunice- Good job with KPC. It is one of my favorite. I have never taken a spin class but am interested.

Diane and Elle-Hope your STS workouts went well. I hope to start this once I become a regular exerciser again.

Pam- 3 to 5 inches of snow sounds perfect. Enough to enjoy without having to shovel!

Kay- Hope you were able to squeeze in that workout today! It must be difficult to have enough energy to get it all done some days.

Cheryl- Wow, to be at the Olympics. A dream come true! Please keep us updated!

Goodnight to everyone,
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Gabriella - what in the world is bum bum? Sounds interesting! Also, was it you who said you are turning 49 this spring? I am too. When is your birthday? Mine is April 3. i can't believe I'm almost 50 - I used to think 50 was so old!

My workout today was Step Works. I hadn't done it in awhile and it was a lot of fun.
Our snow is pretty much gone and the kids have finally gone back to school, although they are saying we might get some more on Saturday. It's been a crazy winter! I hope we don't get snow though as we are supposed to run in the Krispy Kreme challenge on Saturday morning. It's a crazy race where you start from the NC State campus, run 2 miles to the Krispy Kreme, eat a dozen donuts and run 2 miles back. The goal is to do all of that in under an hour and hopefully not throw up! :eek: My 17 year old step son eats the donuts, the rest of us enter as casual runners and just have 1 donut (or maybe 2 :D) I hate to run but this is the one race that I do every year.

Eunice - I love to get new people interested in working out but you're right, Cathe can be tough for someone who hasn't been working out. I loaned one of my friends Low Impact Circuit and had her just do a couple of the combinations at first. She really enjoyed that. I also have a friend who is just getting into working out now. She found a package at Walmart with a step and Cathe's Basic Step and Body fusion. I sent her a copy of Cathe's beginner rotation which uses those DVDs. So far she has just been practicing the basic step to get used to the moves, but she has been hanging in there for 3 weeks.

Diane, I'm very impressed with you doing weights and HiiTs on the same day. I did that once to catch up after being away for a long weekend and it was tough!

Diane06 - my sister has been diabetic since she was very young and is also on a pump now. She hasn't done as well as you though. She wouldn't even be able to think about doing a Cathe workout!

OK, I've had a big enough break, I'd better get back to work, Take care ladies!
I have a question about this checkin - would you like to hear from us every day? Or can I summarize? :) It's been a rough week at work :eek:

I continue my rest week by well - resting! Still waking up at 4 AM and I did do 4DS HIS (the premix for step only) Monday, IMAX 3 (the step no blast premix) on Tuesday and the 4DS LIS (premix for step only) today. Since I work from home on Fridays, I will do a little longer step workout and the prepare for shoveling on Saturday!! woohoo 12-16"! I love snow :p:p:p

And I did eat much better this week - keeping the calories lower and only 1 cow tale (you know the caramel with a sugary frosting inside, yum).

Have a wonderful weekend!
Well I didn't get my workout done today. The phone went at 11:30 last night and woke me up. It was Boston Pizza.....with the wrong number :mad:. I had a hard time getting back to sleep so it was a day off for me. I will get back to it tomorrow.

Janie, I will try to keep you posted with the Olympics, I am hoping that the place we are staying will have remote internet access. As for the autographs we are not allowed to talk to the athletes or anybody else famous that might be there. I guess they need to be strict because they don't want any distractions for them.

Till tomorrow

Hi everbody. This evening I did my treadmill for 50 minutes. I almost didn't get that in.
Cheryl, that is aggravating to be awakened from sleep. I woke up during the night and could not sleep for some time last night. It really messes up your whole day,doesn't it?
Elle, I am sorry you had a rough week. Wow, you work out at 4 A.M.? That would be extremely tough for me! By the way, what is a cow tale?
Pam, that Krispy Kreme thing sounds fun, hopefully no snow while you are running!
Everyone else, I hope you had a great day. Hope to hear from you soon.

Good night!

Well no workout for me this morning. We went to a wine dinner last night so I just couldn't get up for a workout after too much wine and staying up too late. It's going to be a loooong day at work:p
Good morning.

Hope you on the east coast are staying warm and preparing for shovel max !!

Yesterday was Low Max premix 1. I love this workout and the music keeps me motivated. Today will be Supersets. It feels so good to be getting into a routine again but I must admit it is really hard to get going some days. I tell myself I can quit after 20 minutes if I really want to but I am usually having so much fun that I keep going.

Everyone have a wonderful Friday. Tonight is senior night and my son's last home basketball game. Lot's of mixed emotions as the school will also be closing after this year due to lack of funds.

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Shovel Max! I like it!

Today I did Athletic Step and psyching up for STS the 2nd month. I bought some more plate weights over at Dick's - need to find a garage sale this spring before I buy new dumbbells - my gosh they are expensive!

Gabriella - is your son's school a Catholic school? We have a lot of those closing in the PA/NJ area this year. It's sad. :(

Diane - I am grateful I have a job to have a hard week with! I am considered overhead, so every month that I dont' get laid off is a good one... A cow tale is caramel wrapped around a frosted middle. They are made by Goetze caramels and are long and skinny like their other caramels (they are a weakness of mine).
You kept the thread going! YEAH! So proud of you all.

Pam, You are doing wonderful with your workouts, keep up the good work!

I too (as you can tell) love to visit the ocean as often as possible. Yeah, it is so much fun.

Eunice, Are you and your friend doing Kick Punch and Crunch today?

I think you are doing really good in motivating your friend. Also you still can do your workouts the way you are used to them and she can modify. Tell her she will be up to speed very soon and that modification is normal when first starting out. You are a good friend to want to help. And it is fun to workout with someone.

Gabriella, I love MMA Kickbox? It was really hard and only had to modify a bit towards the end. I haven't yet done the 2 circuits yet, but will soon.

What is an insulin pump?

Glad to see you listening to your body. Half of MIS legs is a great workout. I split this workout also and do the other part. You did good.

Diane, Great job on working out. Is Hiit 30/30 as hard as everyone thinks it is?

Gabriella, I watched Bum Bum and it looks like a great workout! Can't wait to do it. How long does it take to do a 4 mile walk? Your plan of working out sounds great.

Pam, Step Works is not an easy workout. I still have to modify on that one. Good job, glad you enjoyed it.

Enjoy your run for 2 miles. Wish I could do it with you. You go girl! Have fun and try not to eat donuts. LOL;)

Elle, You don't have to post everyday, (life can get in the way sometimes) just be easy on yourself. I like to try to post everyday, but sometimes it just doesn't workout that way. Doing it everyday makes me accountable on what I eat and how I am doing on my workouts. It's like having a journal/diary per se. Telling people about it makes me want to work at it more.

You are doing a great job on your workouts. It's seems like a really good routine. Oh do enjoy that 12-16 inches of snow. Make a snowman! LOL:D

Will talk later,

Good afternoon! Today I did STS disc 9- Legs (ouch!) It never gets easier. No cardio for me today, my legs are too wiped out!

Janie- Did you & DH have a good time? I hope so! I am not familiar with Westport, I am in southern California. What state are you in? Regarding 30/30, I think it’s tough. I agree with the assessment that out of the HiiTs it’s the easiest (but nowhere near easy). I guess I should say it is the least difficult of the three :p.

Elle- those cow tales sound yummy! They must be a regional thing because I’ve never heard of them. Good thing, I don’t need another temptation, LOL!

Gabriella- It sounds like you are doing great getting into a routine. I know it’s hard to redevelop a habit, but you are well on your way! Keep up the great work. Enjoy your son’s basketball game too.

Pam- Don’t sweat the missed workout, at least you enjoyed yourself last night, right? I too enjoy wine occasionally (maybe a little more than that ;)).

Well, I hope all the rest of you are still there! Enjoy your weekend everybody.

Hi everyone, first let me said that admired you guys who talk to one and each of us by name and remember everything about us:D:confused:
That's a good memory!!:p Well, I just love this thread it keeps growing and is very motivating to see how hard all of you guys workout and work:p.

Yesterday I couldn't workout my DH and I went to San Diego for my DD birth certificate and apostille our marriage certificate I need all this we are getting ready for a BIG change. Passports, we all are moving to Australia this coming summer:D You all know my DH work for the USMC so he got orders to go work there. We all are excited about it just worried for all this little details.

My friend did come over again she was sore from kick,CP so she couldn't stay and workout with me, I really try hard to find something light for her I think Core,balance its pretty easy but she couldn't keep up. that's ok she still young and will work her way up to Cathe's dvd's level, at some point I was the same way. So today I did step blast! Yay! and I found out that I can do alternating curls with 20#:eek::eek: So proud of my self! of course I dedicated all my strength and time to do that, so I don't think I can do it in the middle of the workout but I did 3 sets of 8 reps whohooo!!
OK everyone have a happy and strong day!!:D
Hi Everyone,

Well it was STS Disk 12 Legs for me this morning. I can tell I am going to be sore tomorrow.....

Eunice it would be exciting and a bit scary to move to another country. My cousin moved to Australia years ago and loves it there. Our neighbors did the same thing but they moved to Norway. They are back here visiting for a bit but they are glad they made the move.


Diane, After a leg day that you did, I agree with no cardio. Those legs in STS are hard!

Joey and I did have a good time. It rained a lot but still enjoyed being there. I'm in Washington State, the Emerald City.

Hiits 30/30 is the easiest of the Hitts? Oh, I can see I'm in for a lot of work. Can't wait!

Eunice, It's not a big deal about remembering what people say. All you have to do is press the button "ON" near the bottom right hand corner of each person who posted. Press "Post Reply" Then you can go through each person who posted and answer them, then, just delete there quotes (or leave them on, it's up to you) Try it, you will like it.

Oh my! Australia, sounds so wonderful/beautiful and full of adventure. How long will you be staying? You are very lucky to be able to go to other countries. What a wonderful opportunity.

Your right, your friend will get it eventually, and in the mean time, you won't have to modify much. Look who's talking, Queen of Modification, I am. LOL:D

Sounds like you had a good time with Step Blast. 20#'s alternating curls, 3 sets of 8 reps? You are good. Way to Go!

Cheryl, With my experiences with STS, all the leg work made me sore the next day. But, that's a good thing. Not easy to do. Good job.

You all have a great evening, and I'll be posting this weekend. Feel free to post if you like. It helps me if I continue posting everyday if I can.

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