Lurkers Invitation 2010

Did BBL Sculpt and SC Cardio Core Circuit. Whew!

Pam, Time does fly doesn't it?

Joey and I did go hiking yesterday. Since it was Sunday, there were many people out as well. We love it when we can be by ourselves. So we went to a different place, away from the crowds and gun shot noises, and explored another area with it's beauty and quite. Was wonderful!

I know about kilns. I use to do ceramics. I wished I kept my kilns. One was very small for and the other was huge. Both were high fire kilns. I didn't know you would have to use a kiln for stained glass. What do you fuse?

I've been hearing wonderful things about 30/30. Very challenging and a workout to grow with. In a couple more weeks I'll be done with my rotation and am going to do that one for sure.

Eunice, See you soon. Looking forward to your posts always.

Janie BBL Sculpt and SC Cardio Core Circuit?! Wow, are you still standing? That sounds like quite the combo!

How wonderful that you were able to get away from the crowds and gun shot noises! What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

The kiln is really separate from the stained glass, but glass fusing has become quite the rage with the stained glass crowd. I took a glass fusing class last fall and then jumped into a big project that didn't turn out well, so I haven't done much with my kiln since then. I did do some small Christmas ornaments during the holidays that came out really well so I need to do some more small projects before getting so ambitious again. The only way you would combine the two is that you might want to make some interesting fused pieces to include in a panel.

Eunice, We miss you too :( Hope you are doing well!

Janie - I am impressed! Think you'll feel it tomorrow? :p

Pam - I will seriously think about the Big Green Egg for my husband's birthday! We don't usually have this amount of snow here, so we usually grill throughout the winter.

I did IMAX 3 Step Only Premix with an 8" step. It's Monday :)

Have a great day, everyone!
Sorry pinkquinn not that day I just couldn't do it but I did got up early on Sunday 6:30 and got it done, it felt so good.

Hi Pgeiger OMG it has been so crazy over here, Saturday I was with the intention to do my every day stuff but then watching the new; something I hardly do) the earthquake in Chile, I have a friend that her parents live over there and just wondering you know, but thanks god there fine.. good to know that you have hobby's; very interesting I don't know what are you guys are talking make me wonder what kind of hubby I would be in to. Week 4 meso 2 that's right... are you ready for meso 3?

HI Elle jay good job getting all caught up with the rotation,and your paella sounded delicious:p I think this week is going to be pretty hard for me to get it done, today I did went to get my Mexican Passport and it took me all day to do that; now is time to cook dinner, get the girls on bed, check home work OMG I would love to get it done tonight I have 30/30 and abs.. The movie I was watching was "Love happen" good, sad movie..

Hey Janie that combo sound very challenging (BBL & SCCC) how was it? :) I like the thread as it is; I like that if I missed a day I go back and read everyone post's... this is fine..

Today was a little crazy:confused: we went to San Bernardino to the Mexican Council it took for everrrr. I just got home not to long ago; so is time to cook dinner, I really hope I can squeeze my workout today but I doubt it; Wednesday I will be gone to San Diego so another day that is going to be hard to get my workout done; good thing next week is rest week but I don't think so I will be working to get caught up with my work. Janie and all my friends question?? should I just skip the rest week and go for meso 3? since I will get mess with the rotation with Cathe Tour to San Diego? What should I do? Have a 3 weeks rotation o start early?...
Thanks you guys you all are awesome..;);)
Well yesterday I did Cardio Core Circut. Today I was too tired to do anything. I went to the closing ceremonies for the Oylmpics yesterday and didn't get to bed until late. I really enjoyed it. I went downtown early and watched the Canada USA hockey game at every TV I could find. When we won the gold the whole city went wild. People partied until the wee hours of the morning. I think there were a lot of people calling in sick with major hangovers LOL....

pgeiger Our cat wasn't unhappy for long. It is amazing what they forget once the treats come out.

Elle What the heck is a Big Green Egg????:confused:

worseenemyI am glad to hear that your friend's parents are OK in Chile. It is scary how many earthquakes there have been lately.
As for skipping your rest week and going straight to meso 3, I think it depends on how you are feeling. If you are feeling OK and not drained from Meso 2 I say go for it. And by the way I am very jealous that you get to go see Cathe in San Diego. Enjoy!!!!

I'm sorry but I made a mistake reporting my exercises. I meant to say that tonight was the BBL Sculpt. And of course I already did Cardio Core Circuit this morning. That one was really hard, had to modify in areas.

The kiln is really separate from the stained glass, but glass fusing has become quite the rage with the stained glass crowd. I took a glass fusing class last fall and then jumped into a big project that didn't turn out well, so I haven't done much with my kiln since then. I did do some small Christmas ornaments during the holidays that came out really well so I need to do some more small projects before getting so ambitious again. The only way you would combine the two is that you might want to make some interesting fused pieces to include in a panel.

Pam, My workout really wasn't too bad. I did the Cardio Core Circuit in the morning (and I modified a bit) and before supper I did the BBL Sculpt. There was no way I could have done them back to back. When I wrote that I already done it, it was a mistake, I should have said I'm going to do the Circuit one tonight. OOPS!:eek:

What kind of kiln is it. High fire, low fire, enamel? If it just for glass, how hot does that get? Thinking about maybe, way in the back burner, if I should need one or not. Depends if I will do stain glass or glass beads. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Something to think about.

Elle, I know I'll feel this workout tomorrow. I'm feeling it right now. But that's OK, it's working. Tomorrow will be another weight workout. But with heavier weight.

Well I'm impressed with you using an 8" step with IMAX 3. I can only do it with just the step and when I feel energetic I use 6". Way to Go!

Eunice, After all is done, I'm lounging in my chair almost catatonic. I really got myself into something that is really hard. But, I'm going to see it through and give a review when it's over. I'm having to modify in a variety of areas.:confused:

You have to take a rest week. If you don't you will regret it. All the work you have been doing in STS series require you to do that so that your muscles can heal. During your rest week, you shouldn't touch a weight at all, but you can do cardio, running, jogging, steps, anything but weight lifting. After that week, start with Meso 3. If it is all messed up because of a Cathe Tour, then just do what you can. One day have a cardio and the other day have weight lifting. Then one day of rest. Hope that makes sense. Make sure you get at least one or two days of rest before you do the tour.

I'm also glad that your friends parents are OK in Chile. (Prayers and hug for those poor people).

Cheryl, Great job on the Cardio Core Circut. I did this one this morning and was very tough to me. With modifications in certain areas I did finish.

I bet the colosing ceremonies the the Olympics was so much fun! Did you call in sick? LOL Just kidding.:rolleyes:

Elle They are predicting snow for us AGAIN today. I have lived here 25 years and have never seen it snow so often. The good news though is it's supposed to be in the mid to upper 60's by the weekend.

Eunice Sorry to hear that things have been so crazy for you. The earthquake in Chile is terrible, so glad to hear that your friends parents are ok! As far as meso 3 goes, ready or not, here it comes! I'm pushing out starting it by a week though to line my rest week up with our vacation. We are going to New Orleans for a long weekend the week after next, so I'm going to repeat meso 2 week 4 next week. Good luck getting the workouts in this week!

I agree with Janie that the rest weeks are important. I would think you could do the first 3 weeks of the rotation and then pick up with week 4 when you get back. I am *not* an expert in these matters though!

Cheryl How did you like Cardio Core Circut? It was one of the first Shock Cardio workouts that I did, but I must've been eating my wheaties that day because I didn't think much of it. Then when it came up in the rotation, holy cow! It's up again on Friday of this week I think.
I bet it was just amazing being at the closing ceremonies and also to be in town when the hockey team won. That was one great game! I would've liked it to go the other way :eek: but I am glad the US and Canada played for the gold and silver!

Janie Wow, we all thought you were super human doing CCC and BBL Sculpt back to back!

My kiln is specifically for glass, but I think you can do other things in it too as the temperatures are the main thing. Depending on the look that I'm going for, I fire my pieces to 1500-1750 degrees. It gets hotter than than, but I'm not sure how hot. I have never done glass beads but I think they would be a lot of fun. I thought you did those with a propane torch though....?

This morning I did disc 22 - Chest, shoulders and triceps and then the cardio from 10-10-10. I don't know what the deal was when I was doing my 1 RMs for the incline bench press- the workout card always has much higher weights than I could ever manage for those. I think I must have messed something up there. It said I was supposed to be using 41 pound dumbbells and 25 was all I could manage. I knew when Cathe was using 30's that my 41 pounds had to be an error!

Have a great day ladies!

Good morning ladies... how is everyone doing? Hopefully good, working hard and putting your game face on it.. I know I have too:p
Thumper how fun that you went to the closing ceremony, did you felt sad because the Olympics are over? I hope you are getting re-charge of energy to go back to your normal daile stuff. Cardio core circuit I have done it only once as it is after that I think I did the cardio portion only, but not a doubt that is a good one. Don't be.... I bet if you had the opportunity to go to one of the Cathe events you would do it too. I know you are far away and its holding you back; I will take lots of pictures for you all..

Let's think of something that you all can do, maybe you guys can mail me something that Cathe can sing for you or something else I don't know; what do you guys think??

Janiejoy we forgive you just because you are so funny, and I don't think that you are an old lady:p either..I don't have all those DVD"S to do your rotation but sound really hard. Have you see Cathe March Rotation oh boy it looks so good, after I'm done with mine I want to start that one.
Next month I'm planning on doing AM workout and PM workout for 3 week, I wonder if doing 2 moderate session of cardio is better that 1 long one? That's what I have to figure out. Thanks for the advise I will take it, your right my muscles need to heal I'll be doing something else during my rest week. I remember when I went to the NJ RT I didn't workout after for 2 days Cathe knows how to make us work, on Friday it was just a game, Saturday we did 3 workouts AM, afternoon and PM , Sunday AM workout ecxaustinggg:eek::confused: but fun.

Pgeiger forgive me I know that you have say it before, but were do you live? did you guys got snow again? At least you'll have nice weather by the weekend. Thanks Pam I will try really hard to get it done I think I'm so ready for the rest week, my body and my brain need a rest, but I'm just bad I don't know but when I don't workout I do really bad with food, not junk food but just food; I want to eat, eat all the time and when I workout I think before I put something in my mouth. I"ll take Janie and your suggestion thanks.

Yesterday I did not workout. Today I have disc 22 let see how it goes; I"ll be back later to report.
Have a good day everyone:D:D
Disk 22 down! Woohoo last week of Hypertrophy! This is working out well, I just found out I will be out of town next week - I will have walking trails available for my down week :)

Cheryl - this is the Big Green Egg: Pam was telling me how much they enjoy theirs and I've been on the fence for awhile about it 'cause it's not cheap :)

Pam - Yup, we're getting more snow here, too, isn't it bizarre? Between the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, the rain in south california this year and the whacky snow storms up here on the east coast - it kind of makes you think that we are on a very weird cycle (I'm not a conspiracy theorist, promise!). We are only going to get a coating to 2", but it's been warm enough that I bet it will be like last week and melt as it hits. We will be treated to high 40's this weekend, so I will wait patiently. Our snow has melted a lot in the last few days and I can see green lawn again!

You did cardio on top of the weight work? Oh my - I was happy I could make it upstairs and wash my hair after today's Disk!:eek:

Eunice - hugs to you and your family - so happy that everyone is safe! I don't have any suggestions for you about what to do, but I think a rest week is very important. I'm going to be ready for mine next week!

Janie - You are too kind - I am a little over 5'6 so the height is good for me on the step. I don't attempt the vertical leaps that HiiT does tho with the 4/5 risers! That's just way too much on the joints :) Although I was reading an article that says that plyo moves and jumping are actually good for you as you age. I need to find that article again...

Hi Pumper/Diane, Diane15, Pinkquinn!!! Hope you are all doing well!
Thanks Elle you are so sweet.. Did disc 22 today and I was happy I was able to finish the flys with out any big trouble, lately my left shoulder want to give up every time I do flys, the bench press I was suppose to do 72#:confused::eek: No way I did 55# I don't have a bar rack so is hard to put all that weight over my self I think is even harder put it down after all the work. I love how it felt the shoulders today I worked them pretty hard I even did an extra rep. I'll be taking my rest next week :p

Well have a good night everyone....
Well I didn't exercise again this morning. :( I am having a hard time getting back into this work thing. However I will attempt it tomorrow morning. I am getting ready to do Meso 2 since I couldn't do it in February.

Janie, Cardio Core Circut is tough. I have to modify some things as well. The closing ceremonies were a lot of fun. We kind of poked fun at ourselves. I don't know if anyone saw the opening ceremonies at the end when it came time to light the torch one of the pieces of the torch did not come out of the floor. Well the first thing in the closing ceremonies is the floor opens and you see a lot of sparks coming out of the hole a worker jumps out and the the missing piece rises into place and the torch is lit again. It was funny to see they could laugh at the glitch. I did want to phone in sick on Monday.....I really wasn't ready to go back to work yet.

pgeiger I liked Cardio Core Circut, it is a tough workout. This is only the second time I have done it. I know it will get easier eventually :)
The hockey game could have gone either way. The USA really had us biting our nails when they tied it up with just 28 seconds left in regulation time. I have never seen so many people on the streets of Vancouver after the game. It was really crowded but people were behaving. It would have been a nightmare if people started acting like idiots.

worseenemy It is kinda depressing now that the Olympics are now over. It was a fun time and the two weeks went by so fast. The paralympics are next starting March 12th. There won't be as many people as the Olympics but they are also very good athletes. Most of those events will take place in Whistler it will only be curling and sledge hockey here in Vancouver.

Elle Thanks for the link. I don't remember seeing anything like that here. Now that I know what it is I will see if I can see something like it in the stores.

Good morning ladies, I hope everyine is doing well.
Eunice I love your idea of all of us sending you something for Cathe to sign, what a great idea!
I live in North Carolina and we DID get snow again :mad: Luckily it wasn't cold enough to stick to the roads and it should be gone by the end of the day. And it is supposed to be warm this weekend :D Mid-60's and maybe 70 on Monday. I am ready! How did disc 22 go? I did it yesterday and am feeling it today!

Elle How nice that your rest week lined up so well. Mine isn't lining up as well, so I'm just going to make some adjustments. Walking trails sound perfect for your rest week!

You are right, this weather has been crazy everywhere. Compared to the horrible stuff others are getting, I'll take our little snow storms and try to keep quiet about it :eek:
I decided to start doing a short cardio on some of weight days to get my cardio fix in because I am a cardio nut. Pluse we are going to New Orleans next weekend, so I'm trying to make sure I don't have to worry about all the eating and drinking while we are there! :p

I am over 5'7" and I rarely use higher than a 6" step, especially for an IMAX - wow!

Eunice Wow, 55 pounds on the flies! That is impressive. I think I'm doing 35 or 40 and have to struggle to get through all the reps!

Cheryl I missed the opening ceremonies, but did see them poking fun at the mistake in the closing ceremonies. That was funny! I bet it was REALLY hard going back to work on Monday! You are so right - I'm glad that everyone behaved after that hockey game. I just never understand when things turn ugly but with the combination of emotions and beverages flowing that happens too often!

Hi Janie, both Diane's, pinkquinn. Kay and Gabriella - did you go back to being lurkers?

Oops - I had to come back and edit because I forgot to talk about my workout! I was supposed to do MMA Boxing according to the rotation but I couldn't get exicted about that so I did IMAX 2 instead. I really like that one except for the hops on one leg. And those plyo jack things never get any easier! I am always so happy when I finish those! After that I did the abs from Cardio and Weights.

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Pgeiger did I say flies? I'm sorry I ment to say press.:confused: I'll be back later..

Good morning ladies, I hope everyine is doing well.
Eunice I love your idea of all of us sending you something for Cathe to sign, what a great idea!
I live in North Carolina and we DID get snow again :mad: Luckily it wasn't cold enough to stick to the roads and it should be gone by the end of the day. And it is supposed to be warm this weekend :D Mid-60's and maybe 70 on Monday. I am ready! How did disc 22 go? I did it yesterday and am feeling it today!

Elle How nice that your rest week lined up so well. Mine isn't lining up as well, so I'm just going to make some adjustments. Walking trails sound perfect for your rest week!

You are right, this weather has been crazy everywhere. Compared to the horrible stuff others are getting, I'll take our little snow storms and try to keep quiet about it :eek:
I decided to start doing a short cardio on some of weight days to get my cardio fix in because I am a cardio nut. Pluse we are going to New Orleans next weekend, so I'm trying to make sure I don't have to worry about all the eating and drinking while we are there! :p

I am over 5'7" and I rarely use higher than a 6" step, especially for an IMAX - wow!

Eunice Wow, 55 pounds on the flies! That is impressive. I think I'm doing 35 or 40 and have to struggle to get through all the reps!

Cheryl I missed the opening ceremonies, but did see them poking fun at the mistake in the closing ceremonies. That was funny! I bet it was REALLY hard going back to work on Monday! You are so right - I'm glad that everyone behaved after that hockey game. I just never understand when things turn ugly but with the combination of emotions and beverages flowing that happens too often!

Hi Janie, both Diane's, pinkquinn. Kay and Gabriella - did you go back to being lurkers?

Oops - I had to come back and edit because I forgot to talk about my workout! I was supposed to do MMA Boxing according to the rotation but I couldn't get exicted about that so I did IMAX 2 instead. I really like that one except for the hops on one leg. And those plyo jack things never get any easier! I am always so happy when I finish those! After that I did the abs from Cardio and Weights.

Yesterday Joey and I did STS Disc 31 Chest & Back. Today we did BBL Tummy Tuck and I did the Insanity Cardio Recovery. The last one was so needed to stretch those muscles out.

Pam, Yes, you do glass beads with a torch, but sometimes (and this is if you make and sell a lot of bead, which I won't be) instead of using a blanket (a material to help cool down the beads) you can use a kiln to do that. Just set it on a hot temp. and place the beads in, turn it off and let it cool down naturally. At least I think that's how you do it.:confused: I'm still learning. Went to a place in town that sells kilns, glass of all kinds, (hard/soft, and tubes). They also have classes there, (very interested in that). There was a woman there that gave me all kinds of info about it. I think I talked with her for over an hour. It's an amazing place. I don't think they sell glass for stain glass projects though. Now to learn a little about Stain Glass, which is here in town too. I'll go there sometime soon and learn more about this as well.

Your not the only one that has a hard time with 1RM's. I also had some problems with my weight too. What I did was kind of figured out what to use in the first or second rep and adjusted from there. You did a great job on your workout.

Eunice, Cathe's March Rotation does sound fantastic. I'm thinking of that one as well, soon. I'm going to wait awhile though. I'll be done with my rotation in a couple of weeks, then will do a active recovery week, then, I'll just slow down just a bit. Whew!;)

When I like to burn calories I do a 30 min. cardio during the morning and another 30 min. at night before dinner, Instead of one very long cardio. But it all depends on your energy. Breaking it up like that allows you to take a breather, and still enjoy the affects of one very long workout.

It sounds like Cathe road trips are extremely wonderful with lots of work. LOL:D Enjoy it you are so lucky.;)

Ella, Congratulations on a job well done! Enjoy your trails with the active recovery week. How are you feeling? Do you see any difference in your body?

I here that as well, that plyo moves and jumping are good for your bones. It helps build stronger bones.

Cheryl, You are going to like Meso 2. It is different from Meso 3 and not so many push ups. LOL

Oh, that's funny about the Opening and Closing ceremonies. (chuckling) LOL:D

Pam, Good plan for working out before you go to New Orleans. Awe, you missed Fat Tuesday! But New Orleans is fun no matter when you are there.

Great job on IMAX 2 and ab work. IMAX 2 is one hard workout!

I hope I didn't forget anyone, been away yesterday and couldn't post.

Have a great day and will be back later to see how everyone is doing.

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Must be the day - I didn't do my cardio today- bad me :) I woke up late and had to run to an early meeting. I'll do two things this weekend :).

Janie - I feel stronger, I'm not tired, I don't see any change in my body yet. A lot of it is my diet, I know it is :). There is some stress in my life that I deal with by eating. I know what the problem is, just overcoming it is a little challenging :p.

Pam - I am a cardio nut, too - I looked at Cathe's March rotation and almost ditched the 3 1/2 month rotation to go work that. I will finish this first, the rotation will still be there! Have fun in NO, I did some work down there when I was living in P'Cola and had a good time :D Get a muffaletta for me!!!!

We had snow up here in PA, too, but yay it didn't stick! And we are getting to 50 this weekend! I can't wait...

Cheryl - the only place I've seen the Big Green Egg in person :))) is Reading China and Glass (think it's called Kitchen Outlet in other places). I'm sure it's in other places, I've just not seen it.
Eunice press or flies - both are impressive! :p

Janie You are really getting me intrigued with the BBL and Insanity workouts. I already told my husband they are on my birthday wish list! The names alone make the BBL ones sounds attractive!

I think that the glass beads would be a lot of fun. I have seen some amazing ones, but I'm not that artistic, so not sure how well I'd do with them. I have so many hobbies already though, I don't need another right now. maybe someday.....

I got a message that my versa gripps had shipped the other day :D I was really hoping that they would arrive by today since tomorrow is legs, but no such luck :( Oh well, I'll have them for next weeks leg work. I am looking forward to trying them out.

As far as New Orleans we purposely planned to NOT be there during Mardi Gras. We were there for halloween one time and it was insane! I can't imagine it being crazier than that.

Elle Sorry you didn't get your wokrout in today, although sometimes it's nicer to get that extra sleep!

It sounds like I'm going to have to check out the March rotation. Maybe I'll line that up for after I finish this STS/SC rotation. I'm not a muffaletta fan (don't like olives), but I just might have a beignet for you :D We are also warming up this weekend. I hope we are done with the cold for th season!

We used to have a BBQ store that sold Big Green Eggs but they went out of business with the terrible economy. There is an Ace Hardware store here that carries them though.

Well it's time to cook dinner. Have a great evening everyone.

Thumper sorry that you did not workout today I know that feeling, don't worry little by little you'll be back on no time, remember you still getting adjusted to you every day routine;) I hope you are feeling better today.
I did not got to see the Olympics, when I have the house full of girls is Disney Channel or news(DH)

JanieJoy nice work I like the name of the workout Tummy Tuck let me know if you see any difference I really want, need a tummy tuck, today I did the core w/O from the kettle bell DVD I know I'll feel it tomorrow it was hard. I already download the March Rotation to my calendar looks fantastic, I did not went to San Diego today it will be tomorrow my DH is going to School for two Months, then I"ll clean my diet and try to loose 5# am planing on doing AM cardio and PM cardio I hope that help:confused:

Pgeiger Great job on IMAX 2 and ab work. IMAX 2 is one hard workout!
I hope you have fun in New Orleans sounds like FUN! Come ON Pam we can do it am planning on doing March Rotation it calls for a lot of my old DVD'S that I haven't use them in a while, I can wait to do that one.

ElleJay we have a good weather today, warm, sunny, I just can NOT wait for the HOT summer over here high 100:mad: HOTTTT. Hope you get your workout this weekend.

Today I did MMA:Boxing it was nice, nothing crazy easy to fallow, after that I did the ab weights and plates and extra work with kettle bell for core it was though but nice work, I"m sure tomorrow I'm going to feel my tummy sore..:p I'll be gone for tomorrow so I'll se you all on Friday I won't be able to do anything but I have Sunday to caught up.
Have a good night everyone, time to cook dinner:D
Well I am having a very hard time getting back into working and working out. So needless to say I think I am taking a break this week. I will probably do a couple of workouts this weekend. I like to workout in the morning but I haven't been sleeping well so I think to myself I will do it after dinner. But after a long day at work I don't have the energy then either.

pgeiger I hope the weather improves for you. It is depressing when all it does is snow or rain. Enjoy New Orleans, it sounds like it is an interesting city to visit. Imax 2 is one of my favorites as well. However I like those hops on one leg :D

Janie, I did Meso 2 about a year ago and I remember that I enjoyed it. I just need to get my butt in gear. Meso 1 does have a lot of pushups and it does me in every time. I don't know how Cathe and the crew do it.

Elle I stress eat too. It is fustrating because your are not hungry and you don't really want what you are eating, but you just can't help it. :D

worseenemyIsn't MMA Boxing fun. It isn't too hard but you do get a good workout.

Till tomorrow

Eunice OMG! I can't believe you did weights and plates abs and then ANOTHER ab routine! :eek: WOW! Weights and plates is a killer by itself. I hope you don't have to laugh too much today because it will hurt!
I am in my friend, let's do the March rotation together! The only problem will be figuring out when to start. Maybe between my NO trip and you RT our dates will line up well. I haven't checked it out yet to make sure I have all the workouts, I better do that.

Cheryl I am a morning exerciser too. If I can't get it in in the morning then it usually doesn't happen. I'm sure you'll get back into your routine soon. I would think it's like having jet lag readjusting after those early hours you were keeping at the Olympics.

I can not believe you like those hops UGH ;) The weatherman said 2 beautiful words for this weekend: warm and sunny! Hooray!:D
I don't stress eat - I stress starve. But I eat from boredom. That's why work at home days can be dangerous for me. If I'm working on something that isn't keeping my attention I'll go get a can of nuts. Next thing I know I've eaten half of them. Maybe that explains the weekend weight gain after work at home Fridays! :rolleyes:

This morning was disc 23. Another killer leg workout. My left cheek (as Cathe would say, you know what cheek I'm talking about!) was killing me halfway through the first tri-sets! I'm not sure what that was all about. I made it through though so I am happy. Have a great day everyone. TTYL.

Hi everyone! I obviously haven’t checked in for awhile, I’ve been preoccupied with some other things and just haven’t had the time. Oh my gosh, I am behind on everyone’s posts and what all of you have been doing. I will try to read through some of them later, it looks like you all have been busy!

This week happens to be my rest week from STS, so I’ve been doing cardio & trying to fit in some core work. On Monday I did a 20 minute Interval Circuit workout posted on the website. Has anyone checked that site out? The instructor on there has many workouts that look really good. The one I did was very hard, but I really liked it. I also ordered one of those Gymboss interval timers, so now I can do a whole variety of Hiit-style workouts on my own. I’m so excited about that, weird, huh? Anyway, on Tuesday I did Step Moves and then added 20 minutes of Athletic Step. Today I will try to do a Cardio Coach using my bike.

Well I hope everyone is having a great day, and happy exercising!


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