Low Carbers Challenge--April

Melinda - I love them, too, but they make me feel guilty :rolleyes:. Anyway, I'm in WY. Rhea and Tracy live on the West coast so they are the ones to ask. As usual, I'm the clueless one ;)!
Hi babes! I hope everything goes OK with that mean test Rhea!!! :( I am saying prayers and keeping my fingers crossed that something is found that is easily fixed to take your suffering away!

Lita, your cardio week sounds GREAT to me! Are you glad STS is over now? I think I'm going to miss it when I'm done. I like not having to worry about what workout to choose next. :p

Melinda, your son is leaving so soon, WOW!! I don't know alot about Chico. It's not near L.A. or S.F., it's in a quieter part of north central CA if I remember right. It is a college town. Rhea might know a little more than I do, I haven't lived in CA for almost 19 years and the state is so big that I can't keep up with all of its goings-on. :)

Started week 2 of meso 3. If that doesn't sound boring as heck, I dunno what does! :D I'm not bored though, I'm sure I'll hurt tomorrow! Those chest flys almost did me IN!
Tracy - Not sure how much more "cardio" I'll do this week - don't wanna OD on it, ya know :p! But all the faster I've been pedalling, I don't think it even counts :eek:. Oh well - it's a nice change and I'm not up to making this body any more sore than it is! As for being done with STS, I'm torn over whether I'm glad or not :rolleyes:. I'm really interested in knowing how Cathe is going to fuse it into June's rotation! Like you, it was so nice not having to choose but on the other hand, right now I need shorter workouts and as you know, some of them get kinda long... I'm also wondering how much the leg workouts aggravated all I have going on right now.

Melinda - Oh to be so young again and anxious to conquer the world! I hope all goes well for him. Hopefully he'll actually worry about jobs, living arrangements, etc before he totally decides to settle there!

Rhea - Fingers crossed for your test!!!!!!!!!!!
Good afternoon!

Melinda - I can give you all the info you want about Chico. I went to Chico state, I live only 1.5 hours from it right now, just on the other side of the Sierra Nevadas. Warn him that Chico is HOT in the summer (90s and 100s, but dry heat). It is a college town, so by the time he gets here it will be a lot slower and calmer than it is Aug-May. So if you need someone to go check on him, I could if you want....lol...I can spy if you need. If he wants to go to school, he can attend the Junior college first, Butte College and then transfer to Chico State later (definitely the cheaper route since he has not established residency yet) Chico is located in the "Sacramento Valley" (big area really); is about 2? ( I can't remember, it might be less) hours north east of Sacramento; about 45 minutes from Redding, CA. Those are the biggest cities around it. San Francisco is five hours away from Chico. LA is about 9-10 hours (just to give you a round about view.)

Okay, doc appoint went fine, didn't feel a thing, had great drugs. Did not get a headache from no food too since I had some green tea and then some white grape juice first thing in the a.m. I do have moderate gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining, had lots of red streaks I guess) (no surprise there, but it is worse than I had the first time, darn it.) But no ulcers or anything. So I just have to be good with what I eat and take my nexium, etc. Hmm, probably avoid stress too....lol

Okay, I had better get my workout down before my massage.
Rhea - As long as you have great drugs, it's almost worth it, isn't it ;)? I am so relieved it went well :D!!! I know watching what we eat is no fun but it certainly beats having a worse condition that would have a different remedy :p!
Rhea, thanks so much for the info about Chico. He is going to be going and staying with a friend and his family, so at least not totally alone to begin with. Of course I am sad, just because he will be gone. But I wish him well. My husband says he remembers being 18 and wanting to live in FL (DH is from Michigan). He says he totally relates to our son and is excited for him just to be able to have an adventure. People at my work said they wanted to take a poll of when he'd return to Ohio. DH moved to FL after college, but soon found that it was expensive and difficult to pay the bills. In the end, here he is with me in Ohio, which is a pretty cheap place to live in the US.

Rhea, also, do you take Omega 3 foods or supplements? The reason I ask is that's suppose to help reduce inflamation and for me it reduced my allergies by about 85%. I don't know if it will help the intestines, but it's suppose to help in the heart, so who knows?

Lita, I used to be anxious about not following my schedule for workouts, but now I'm getting more lax. In a way it's good, because I can get so ridgid about exercise, but now I find myself putting more rest days between workouts. However, I am walking a lot, so that's good... Right??? Wyoming, well, I need to look on the map to see exactly where that is. I know, that's awful, I should know. Hey, I'm good with the states that surround me and ones south, which is where I've travelled for vacations. I'm good with most states until I hit the Mississippi River.

Tracy, have you had much DOMS with STS. I really haven't had it too bad.

Thur: week 4 plyo legs. One more workout to go and I'll be done with STS. I think I may just throw a STS week in here and there just to mix things up. I do feel stronger, don't really look different, except I feel like my waist looks thicker. However the measurements are the same. I think my back is stronger and maybe that's what's making me look different. But I never wear clothes to show my stomach anyways, so I guess it doesn't matter.

Boy, I'm chatty today!
Melinda - I like chattiness - that way I don't feel so alone talking by myself :)! I didn't know where WY was until I moved here, so can certainly understand someone else not knowing :p! Having grown up in PA, I can say that I do know where Ohio is (and Indiana and Michigan) :D. But that's about the lump-sum of my geograpy :eek:. It's a class I never got in school so - I refuse to take full blame for being ignorant ;). As for walking, yes it IS good and something I really miss. But since enjoyment is to be part of your workout, I think the extra rest with the fresh air and sunshine thrown in sounds like a winning plan!
Good evening!

Hmm, I am supposed to be taking Omega 3 fish oils supps but have been really lax lately. With my reflux, it doesn't taste good the second time! LOL

I read a lot about hiatal hernias and gastritis and reflux today. All have the same type of resolutions....avoid caffeine, chocolate, tomatoes, spicy foods, etc. I guess I have to avoid stress too somehow. My tummy acted right up when I was back at work this morning. I guess I ate a little too much at dinner to since right now my heartburn is a maximum throttle!

Well, did Burn Intervals today. Skipped the add on for the abs since I ran out of time at lunch. But Burn Intervals was enough. Now off to get some sewing done!
Hi chatty babes! :D

I would be interested in how Cathe may infuse some of STS in a rotation too Lita! I'll let you know how I feel after STS is over, I may be ambivalent about it too. I've really enjoyed it because I'm a much bigger fan of weight work than cardio! :p It's also warmed up here so I may slow down a little after STS.

Rhea, I'm glad they didn't find anything bad with your test! And good drugs are always helpful! :D Don't you just love it when you're told to avoid stress when in reality you can't do a thing to change any of it? :(

Melinda, I have gotten quite a bit of DOMS from STS! :eek: I haven't noticed any difference in my appearance and my clothes fit the same but I feel a bit stronger. I didn't know I could lift as much weight as I have until I tried with this program though. I really like that! I'm glad Rhea could fill you in about Chico! I think your son will get alot ouf of this experience!

My geography is pretty bad! I know where WY is now that I know Lita! But I admire east coasters because they have more states to remember.
I only have 3! :p But I know a few more east of the 3 too.

I finished up week 2 of meso 3 today. I found DOMS from the first week took 2 days to kick in. I'm worried that plyo legs will kill me tomorrow from doing it yesterday!

Have a great weekend babes!
Rhea, can you eat flax seed? That's what I have. I grind about 3 T and put it on my oatmeal every morning. It takes time to work, maybe a few months, but what do you have to lose? And that doesn't burp up like the fish oil.

If you have to take the fish oil, keep them in the freezer and swallow them first before you eat, that way they are in your stomach first. The freezing does help (and swallow them frozen)
Rhea - Hope that heartburn is gone today!!! I use flax meal like Melinda does - it kinda tasted funky at first but now I love it in lots of things :D. I do understand some can't convert the nutrients in it to the omega 3s, though. (I do have it all written down somewhere if you really wanna know the details ;) ). Anyway, I think they sell flax oil caps these days, too, if you don't feel you're getting the benefit from the flax meal. I tried the fish oil caps but even frozen, taken right before meals, and every other trick I know of, I still "ate" them all day long :(! I tried bottled oils but the only one I could use no problem was Carlson's. I think Netrition sells it. And it's supposed to be the primo brand to use if you're gonna take the fish oil.

Tracy - You are too funny :p! For me, when it's really hot, it's S&H ;)!
Hi ladies!

Lita just told me you were all hanging here now! I really do miss you all! Not much new with me - still working on the old hips and tush. I'm doing a lot of the newer Firms and also the Jillian Michael dvds.
Wow, Jeanie - long time no see :D! And look at all that hair :eek:! Thanks for popping in and brighening my day ;)!
Lita, talk about "eating" the fish oil capsules all day. Here's the worst... taking a fish oil capsule, then eating spaghetti. The result was a fishy, Italian burp!!! Yuck!
Good evening!

Jeanie!!!!! So glad to see you! So you have been doing Jillian too? I have the 30 day shred and love it, but had to rest for a bit since my calves were for some reason really, really, tight after the first time. (when I got up out of bed, I almost couldn't walk I was so tight. LOL) I'm going to add her in my rotation tomorrow. I love that they are only 20 minutes of hard work.

Melinda....that's just gross. But i understand. I eat flax seed, but usually in the lc muffins I make, just haven't been making them lately. I probably should add them back to the diet since they have good protein and the flax seed.

Lita - HB was there a little today, but not so bad. I actually get a little HB from an empty stomach, like right now. So I have to go eat....hehe...it is a good excuse. But I have not had anything since lunch, so I'm starving.

Tracy - you are too funny. I don't like doing much during the heat either. Even with the swamp cooler on, it just makes it muggier.

Well, off to dinnner.....cao!
Rhea, I think of you everytime I make my cheesecake/pumpkin treat! LOL!

I like the Shred workouts, but she has a newer one that I LOVE! It's called something like "Boost Your Metabolism" and it's TOUGH but really works! It's longer -- about 54 minutes. I agree though -- the Shred workouts are great for time restricted exercisers!

Lita, you are my little ray of sunshine! :)
OK, I have finished the STS workouts. I am going to have to look into those Shred workouts, you're caught my interest.
I think I have that workout on the way....should be here next week. Ordered it in one of my weak moments at work while procrasinating on Amazon.com. I really must stay away from there when I'm bored. One click is all I have to do to order.:eek: I was actually looking at the new Booty Ballet workouts too since they are all about 30-40 minutes. They were tempting me. Hmm...I might have to go look at them again.......jk
Rhea - I find that I have HB a lot if I don't eat several small meals a day. But like you said, a good excuse to eat, right ;)? But I also have to make sure I don't eat past 6pm or I have terrible reflux at 4:30am when I'm trying to exercise.

Jeanie - Right back at ya :D! I have to wonder who has the most workout tapes - you or Rhea :p!

Melinda - Are you glad to be done with STS? I think it was a great learning experience and change for the same-old but it felt mighty good to get back to "oldies but goodies" this morning :cool:.

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