Low Carbers Challenge--April


Let's see, yesterday I did Mammoth UML with TH. Day before I did Core Cardio with the Ball, with the day before being Burn Intervals. I was sore yesterday, so UML was only half since I wanted to walk today. I probably could have done the whole thing now that I'm at torday. I'm not sore at all. I just remember that with TH I have to be careful and not always go all out unless I'm familiar with the workout. His leg work can cause non-ability to rise from toilet seat! Not a good thing.:eek:

I'm not sure what I'll do today. I was thinking yoga, but not sure. I'll be back at STS next week, just decided to take a week off of rotations. I did not take a week between CLX and STS and I think I burned out on rotations a bit. Not used to following a schedule.

Well, I had better get back to work since I'm procrastinating right now. Always seem to do that when I start trial prep.....:D
Rhea - I'll bet jumping from the one rotation right into STS was probably not a good idea ;). Glad you're taking a break before getting into it again :). And yes, getting back up off the toilet is a great thing, so glad you're being wise the whole way around :D!
Hi babes! I agree you are going the right route Rhea! A break between rotations is a great idea. :)

I never want my hamstrings to keep me from rising from the toilet, YIKES! :eek:

Lita, I've gotten tired hoisting the darn weight up to do chest work as it is and I'm supposed to go higher for meso 3 of course so I'll be right along with you on that! Does Cathe recommend another rest week after meso 3 do you know? Have you decided what workouts you're going to do after STS is over?

I finished meso 2 yesterday and for the first time, my lats are really feeling it! I did Step Blast today and even though I did the leg workout 2 days ago, I felt the leftovers today. :cool: Next week is my rest week so I plan to do cardio. I've actually missed it. Kind of. :p

Have a great weekend!
Tracy - First of all, I had an ephinany on the weight dilemma. Not sure how it will work, but.... I'm going to grab a second chair and sit one on each side of my bench with the dumbbell on it. That way I'll only have to lift it up a few inches which will be far better than trying to hoist it off the floor and back down. I'll let you know how it goes!

Yes, according to her STS rotation, you ARE to rest after Meso 3. I'm really not sure what to do. I've so enjoyed STS that I'm tempted to start over. BUT the thought of all those blasted PU stops me everytime I think of it :p! I do think it's done positive things for me (but nothing eye popping, if you know what I mean) but I think the effect would diminish if I were to jump right back into it.

I would kinda like to do 4DS but they're too long for every day with my added daily stretching. And I hate to miss the stretching because even though it frustrates me to spend so much time doing it every day, it's nice to not always hurt so bad, ya know ;)? So maybe I'll do it but make a 5DS out of it ;).

I will definitely do S&H when it gets hotter. But I kinda miss GS too :rolleyes:. Or the pyramids....


Now look what you've done :eek: :D!
Hi Everyone,

I've been so tired from work and also am sick of a few dynamics of some coworkers, I didn't have the mental energy to exercise the past 2 days or get on the forum. So I can feel for you with the lazy boss.

So today (Fri) I did the second week of plyo legs. Didn't get as sick to my stomach this time. I think STS has improved me, but also nothing eye popping. For some reason, I just don't feel as into it. I am looking forward to be done with this series. I did order the STS cardio dvd.

Tracy, that is so nice to get projects like the scrapbook done. I hate having things like that hang over my head.

Rhea, I don't like following rotations too much. Seems that I never feel like doing the workout on the rotation. I like to just pick something for the day. I do, however, keep a calendar so that I can make sure I'm shifting workouts around.

Have a good weekend.
Melinda - I am so sorry the last couple of days have been downers :(! I'm sorry you're not as into STS as you were but I find myself getting ADD anytime I'm on the downhill side of a something ;) :eek:. Thankfully I haven't felt that way with STS so far - but I think that's just because there has been such a variety.
Good evening!

I know if I had all the time in the world, there would be more enjoyment with STS. Just need shorter workouts with all the work I have to do around here. I realized that I will have be short workouts next week too since I have trial. I'm too anal about the trial prep to be able to concentrate on long workouts. So I'll probably repeat my one-on-one trainers with TH. Believe me, he works you out. I did one called Bun Shaper today; 40 minutes of bun exercises is tough. Oy.

Well, off to get the laundry folder. I can't believe how much I have. Oh yeah, I haven't done it for weeks, I suppose that's why there's no underwear left! lol:D
OK, I just finished up week 2. Did week 2 of meso 3 shoulders/bi/tri Once again, I rushed through the last set. I did feel stronger than last week, was able to up the weights. I think it will be interesting to do the 4DS and see if I am stronger on that.

Rhea, I think I would have reallly loved the STS more if each dvd was 45 min.
Rhea - I don't think it's being anal, my dear :). I think it's being good at what you do :D! So you just do what you have to do to be able to keep up - and still have some time to take care of yourself properly. STS will be there whenever you can get to it and give it the attention it deserves ;).

Melinda - I find it very hard to be patient during the last sets, too :eek:. I also like to killed myself hoisting weights for chest work yesterday :rolleyes:.
Okay, so this week will be a week off! Just don't have it in me. I was exhausted all this weekend. I will golf tomorrow and maybe do some yoga after my massage on Weds, but that's it. I'll hop back on the bandwagon this weekend.
Hi babes! I'm so sorry I started some pondering for you Lita! :confused: But don't go back and read my question since I'm sure you've moved on from it by now! :D Did the chairs not work for you on your weights? I'm a little nervous to jump from the weights I used for chest in meso 2 to the weights I'm supposed to use for meso 3! :eek: You had said that you were able to go higher with meso 3 without adjusting weight. If that's the case for me, I'm going up 4 pounds and I have a bit of a tough time with it 4 pounds less! Goodness.

Rhea, I agree with Lita, you are great at your job and I don't think you should push yourself on anything you don't want to do. It's good that you are listening to what your body is telling you! Good luck on your trial prep and trial!!! :cool:

Melinda, I always seem to have unfinished projects hanging around. I'm just glad I am able to ignore them for the most part! :p I'm sorry your co-workers are causing trouble!! :mad: I get sick of some of the negative attitudes I deal with at work and need to get as far away from them as possible! I hope things are better for you at work.

This is my rest week from STS so I did a cardio workout today. I would rather get back to STS though thankyouverymuch! I believe I'm stronger too but nothing eye popping for me either. I'm OK with that. I am curious in how my workouts will be after STS is done.

Have a good week ladies!
Rhea - I think that's a great plan for the week!

Tracy - Believe it or not, I've actually continued contemplating it since then :p. But now I'm more inclined to think after Meso 3 that more muscle endurance is called for than strength ;). But of course, it depends on where I am with my legs and all on exactly what I'll do...

The chairs did help for the first half or so of the workout. But by 2/3 through, I was seriously having to get my knees up in the air to hoist them up above the chair level. Finally, by the end of the workout, I reduced my weight. I just couldn't do it anymore. But I did leave both chairs out and will use them next week for chest. Since we're going a bit lighter again, hopefully they'll be just the ticket.

I did notice this morning Cathe said to just do more reps rather than struggle and risk it. Too bad the answer wasn't a bit more timely :p. But of course, I should've known the answer without her having to say it :eek:...

I can't remember who posted it but they said they were quite disappointed when they returned to the other workouts that they weren't able to lift any heavier than before STS :(. My thinking is that the pacing and tempo of those workouts are just not conducive to increasing in weights like we did with STS. But that's just MHO ;).
Good evening!

Had fun golfing this evening. Not much else going on with me. Cut out the dairy completely (I miss cheese.:( ) to see if tummy gets better. So far, no real change, but it may take a couple of day. Really cut out the coffee too, grr.

Hope everyone else is doing great. Talk to you later.:eek:
Hi babes! Lita, you just gave me an epiphany! I hadn't thought of using chairs for my barbell for chest but I think it may work! Thank you! One of the biggest reasons for me to order the pull up tower was to put my barbell on it but if I can find something else that will work in the meantime, that would be great!

Thanks for the tip on not being able to push it and going lower if needed, with Cathe's belated blessing no less! I have found that I need to do what's right for me and haven't sweated (har har) being perfect with STS.

Now that you've written it Lita, I can see that the gains made from STS may not be felt in Cathe's other workouts. :( Some of the workouts go too fast on the weightlifting to lift so heavy. It might be felt in S&H and PUB and PLB perhaps. And 4DS maybe.

Rhea, I'm envying your game of golf! And I'm so sorry you've given up all dairy and your beloved caffeine!! :eek: I really feel for you!!

Did Kickmax today. I'm pushing myself a little on the cardio this week because I need to go lighter on it during STS workouts. :)
Rhea - Man, what a sacrifice :(! Let us know if it's worth it, okay? I've thought of giving up dairy for the same reason but man - that's at least 1/2 or 2/3 of my daily eating! I was so upset when they quit selling Hood's LC milk here so I've been getting unsweetened soy milk. It's okay but even if it is lactose free, it's a lot harder on my gut than Hood's was. What I should've done was just quit then - but I am so spoiled by my hot milk at night :eek:. And then there's cottage cheese - that's my breakfast of champions, ya know :p!

Tracy - I think the dual chairs will work well with the barbell! It was hard for me, especially as I fatigued, because I was using DB and couldn't actually get them lifted simultaneously. Several times I almost knocked myself off the bench being pulled to one side or the other :rolleyes:. I am hoping STS helps with S&H (even if it will be a while before I do it) but I honestly - for me - don't see it helping with PUB. That workout is too fast to ever be anything but an endurance workout for me. Which is a shame because I love it! I've never really gotten into 4DS upper body but I think that's because I haven't pushed enough to make it feel like I got any decent upper body work in. Maybe now I won't be such a scaredy cat and will go heavier and make it feel more like a complete workout ;).
Hey, everyone.
Mon: back/chest of Meso 3, week 3
Tue: walk
Wed: rest

Lita, I am using 2 - 25# dumbells for the chest press on STS and getting it up there is my biggest problem. I can barely flip them up. It does concern me. I try to go slow. maybe I should try the chair thing as well with the bar bell.

I bought the 2 - 25# for squats and standing stuff because I can keep it on my weight rack. I put all the heavy weights on the top row of the stand so I don't have to bend down when I get the weights. That's the problem with the barbell being heavy, it's hard on my back to pick up the heavy weights straight from the floor. I have long legs and I think that in part is some of the problem.

Rhea, my husband does better if he cuts back on dairy. He takes those dairy digestive aid pills and it helps, but he's best if he doesn't eat it. BUT, it seems he's addicted to it and sugar!

Yes, the one thing I like with STS meso 3 is slower reps and fewer of them. One of the things I hate the most is those 72 push ups in GS chest. I have noticed my back is stronger from sts, but don't know if I'll see many changes in the other Cathe workouts. I'll let you all know, only 2 weeks left of STS
Okay, I had to cave today and have one cup of regular coffee. But that's it. Still no dairy and a bit better in the tummy until the massage therapist pushed on it....ouch. It was hard.

Tonight will be some recliner reading and some Ghosthunters watching with a preview of work on the trial. How's that sound for fun!
Melinda - I think you should try the chairs if you can - at least that would cut out half the distance you're lifting time after time. I'm using my 25# DB and have wrist weights on but even using the chairs, I start peeling the wrist weights off after the first round because I just can't do it anymore. In all honesty, I think the wrist weights are probably really pushing the safety issue... the 25s are debatable enough :p. I manage to pull a muscle right above my sternum every time I force the issue. Too bad it takes me so long to learn :eek: :rolleyes:!

I think pushups are the worst exercise in the world. Of course, I used to think GS was horrible because of them - but then I did Meso 1 :eek:! I suppose if I could keep good form with them that would be one thing, but the only way I can do that is to slow the way down over what Cathe does. I think those workouts would then be twice as long for me until I got them all in :(.
Rhea - Was the pain of the massage therapist pushing on it worth it :eek:??? I am glad you were feeling better for a while! Other than the trial prep, I think your evening sounds great ;)!

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