Low Carbers Challenge--April

Oh shucks - forgot to select the email notification thingie again :rolleyes:. And now I have to go into my CP 'cause I'm getting notifications on everything BUT this thread....
Hi everyone,

I am from the Fitness Forum. I was on the cardio challenge thread, but it has died down to Tracy and myself, so I figured it would be better to join you all if you don't mind.

I am currently doing the STS as well. I just started my 3rd mesocycle on Monday. I have to say that I feel my waist has gotten bigger from STS and I'm not happy about it. I have also noticed that my core endurance is down, I find myself not being able to do core work like I used to. Hmm, I don't like that. I do notice that my back is stronger.

I will finish up STS, but am looking forward to 4DS again.

I'd like to know all your thoughts on your STS results.

PS - I'm not really a low carb person, but oh, well!
Hi Melinda :)! That's okay - we have always had people here or there that aren't LC with us. We're not that fussy ;) :p.

I'm doing the STS rotation with you (and Cathe, et. al.) this month. I'm not getting into the weighing and all that others seem to be doing. I *appear* to be larger in the waist but as my clothes still fit, I'm not going to go crazy over it. Believe me, once you hit menopause, you have waist issues anyway :rolleyes:.
Hi all!

Melinda - welcome over here to our little thread! Hey, I'm not that lc anymore either. I think that Lita is the only one that is an angel when it comes to her eating habits. :D

No workout for me, massage today. It was perfect since my back was sore from the darn push-ups yesterday. Right in the middle. I'm going to get Disc 8 in tomorrow somehow. Probably not in the morning, but I'm going to sneak out of work earlier than planned, get home, work out, pack up car and then go to Reno to doc appointment. Yep, that's the plan. Then it is down the hill to the bay area from there.

Lita - so how did you hurt yourself? From STS? too much? I hate to hear about the pain and I would feel just as frustrated for having to stop in the middle of the rotation. I get frustrated from not being able to finish this week! lol:eek: (Its that anal thing, gotta complete things or its cheating, right?)

Can't comment about the waist since my tummy has been a bear lately and I look pregnant by the evening.

Oh, and I haven't tackled any of the ab circuits yet. I might take then with me and try them out while I'm gone.
Rhea - It definitely feels like cheating (or quitting) by not being able to complete a planned rotation! But GMTA, right :D? I know exactly what you mean - I'm just lucky if by evening I don't look like I'm having twins! It's never good, but by evening, it's a nightmare!

As for the PT, I didn't actually hurt myself at any time (that I know of). For years my hamstrings have been sore. Then probably 3 or 4 years ago, my hip flexors started being sore all the time. But I just told myself I was working them well but not finding time to stretch enough...

Then about a year ago, my hips started waking me up in the night. Not always, but with increasing frequency. About 5 months ago, it became an every night thing. After going that long without a decent night's sleep, I decided I had to do something. Ergo, here I am :rolleyes:. The problem is they've added on all this stretching (I was doing it 30 min every day plus going to PT 2x a week) so while I was getting a whole lot more flexible, that just meant I could get into more positions to feel the pain, since the stretching did nothing to fix it. Now I guess we're going to move on to Plan B - although no one seems to know what Plan B is ;)...
Hi babes! Melinda, I'm glad to see you here!! :D I'm on meso 2 of STS and I really like it. I add on abs when I can and feel like I'm getting stronger but can't see any difference. As for the stomach, I think I'm ignoring it like usual! :p Do you happen to know a way I can reach Linda? I got a notification on my email that she sent me a PM on the old forum and I can't get into any forums now, or PMs. I guess Anna cancelled them all!

Did disc 21 today. This is the first week of meso 2 that I'm not as sore everyday, yippee! Think I'll do Low Max tomorrow.

Lita, I am so sorry you've been in pain for so long!!! :( I so hope they can find out what is wrong and fix it SOON!!! And I can relate about interrupting STS, I was really bummed out when I was sick and had to put off doing a workout in the program!

Rhea, I think you'll like Ab Circuits. I wasn't that thrilled with them the first time through but now I like alot of them. I'm jealous of your regular massages girl, I tell ya!

Here's to pain free days!
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Thanks, Tracy :). Believe it or not, I don't really pay much attention to the ham/flexor pain other than when it's NOT there and then I think - wow, this is wonderful. I just think the added hip pain was the straw that broke the camel's back. However, I've had some brain surges here recently so when I see Torrie this morning, hopefully we'll be able to come up with an effective plan B. Fingers crossed, anyway :p!

Melinda - Did you do the plyo legs this week? I'm pretty scared to try them when I get permission since people are talking about throwing up, being dizzy, and almost passing out :(. I'm not thrilled about any of those 3 things and on top of having leg problems to begin with, I'm really worried!
HI, gotta get out the door for work, but just wanted to say I did the first plyo leg workout today. It went by quickly, but I felt queezy and had to actually sit down after some of the plyo stuff. I'm sure it's from bring up the HR so high. I sat on the ball and would rock around a bit, that helped a lot. Didn't want to have the blood pool in the legs, but honestly at times I felt like laying on the floor. Will post more later!
OK, back from work.

Lita, I wonder if you need more calcium in your diet or potassium? Just a different thought about the legs. And for a great muscle relaxer, try a glass of wine and an aspirin. Gets rid of DOMS and helps relax those muscles when your are tense and just can't wind down.

Back to the Plyo workout, I liked it. It moved by quickly. I was glad to hear others were feeling sick to their stomach, I'll have to find that and read about it. Did Cathe say anything about it. I was wondering if any of the people on the dvd got that sick feeling. I've had that before with some of her high cardio exercises. Also, I can not handle doing preacher curls on the ball with both hands and leaning over the ball. That makes me feel sick.

Tracy, I will email you Linda's email. I couldn't open the PM. Glad we got rallied over here before the website disappeared. Jenn had her baby, it was a girl. I told her we were over here and she said she'll see us soon. I have missed her. Didn't she post on this thread at fitness forum?

Rhea, I like the ab circuits dvd. The 2 person med ball part is fun. I do this with my son. I haven't done them much, I find myself still doing the ab segments from LIC and BM2 and B&G. I really like all of those.
Hi babes! Wow! Dizziness? Sick feeling with the plyo legs? Yikes! I haven't gotten sick before with cardio, (I am guessing it's the cardio that's causing this?) but I've gotten my HR up high enough that I get a little pain up my chest and almost to my shoulders. I'm going to read some of those posts too! I wonder what Cathe recommends to prevent that. I hope it doesn't happen to you again Melinda! Or to any of us!

I'm glad you heard from Jenn Melinda because I haven't heard from her in months! Yes, she did post on our low carb challenge forum previously. I take it all is well with her and baby girl? What is her name? I thought she was due in May so I'm surprised baby girl arrived already!

And thanks for Linda's email address, I wrote to her. It is a good thing we all have everyone's email addresses now so we can meet up!

Lita, I hope you are feeling better and a new plan of action for your hip pain!

Did Low Max today. After the leg workout this week, I really felt it! :eek:
I think I'll do Low Max since I'm seeing this posted. Haven't done that in a long time.

Jenn's daughter's name is Grace. I love that name! I thought she was due in May as well.

I have also had a smiliar pain with high cardio, but it's felt like it was running down the side of my neck, makes me feel like I'm having a heart attack. I think it really has to do with maxing out the HR and not getting enough oxygen. That's my theory, anyways. Hopefully as the heart's capacity increases, the pains and sickness will go away
Melinda - Thanks for the tips! I just upped my potassium yesterday - must be a case of GMTA :D. I already take hordes of calcium for osteopenia but I've recently added sugar-free yogurt (very expensive but at least the store is finally carrying it) that I mix with cottage cheese at lunch for an extra boost.

Tracy - I get the pain-in-the-shoulder thing whenever I'm really pushing it. If I'm really good to go for the day, it doesn't happen often. But if I push cardio when I'm tired, it's definitely there.

Re: disc 26... Cathe hasn't responded yet. But I am glad to say I did it this morning and had no problems with it. Of course, I think that's because of 3 big reasons:
1. I treated it more like an endurance workout and kept my wts lighter (although next time I have to go even lighter on a few things).
2. I did NOT jump, turn, etc while using weights. I have enough issues with joint movement, thankyouverymuch ;). I did them wt-free and focused on the ROM of the move.
3. I am not a jumper, never have been, and never will be. So when I "jump" you gotta believe it's a baby-hop compared to what the majority can do :p.
Hi babes! That's a sweet name for Jenn's little girl Melinda. I heard from her and she hopes to post again when she's cleared for exercise. I also heard from Linda, she PMed me to tell me the forum was coming down. And it was due to too much spam! She couldn't keep up with it and asked Anna to take it down months ago. I'm sorry it's gone but I'm glad we're all meeting here now.

I agree with your assessment about a high HR and lack of oxygen. It makes total sense to me!

Lita, I read that thread and saw Cathe hadn't responded. I'll check again today but I figured modification would be in order! That and the good ol' pause button! :p I can do both of those! I'm glad you got through it just fine!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Lita, my jumps were baby jumps too. That's about it for me. No tuck jumps for me!

I just finished disc 27, shoulders, bi & tri. I liked it, like going heavier with fewer reps, but toward the end I wanted the workout to be over, so I didn't wait the 1 minute for the last set. Oh, well.

I'd say I like this mesocycle the best.
Good evening!

I'm back and will be back to eating properly and exercising again. Yep, that means I pigged out and did not even try to workout while I was gone this time. :eek:

But that's okay, I'll get back to it since my tummy has been telling me that I've been bad too with lots of little spasms. Well, I suppose I should get back to putting things away. Talk to you later.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one doing baby jumps around here :eek:.

Melinda - The workouts do get a bit long in Meso 3. I thought disc 27 was to be shorter and was pretty bummed when it ended up being as long as disc 25 :rolleyes:.

Tracy - I'm sure you'll do just fine! I didn't have to do the pause thing but I was really toning it down ;). I also only had my bench w/ 3 risers for those jumps. I had a hard enough time getting that high :p.

Rhea - So glad you're back :D! Even if you didn't eat well or exercise, I hope you had a great time!
Well I popped in Burn INtervals today. Did not have the time or the mental ability to do STS. I needed to completely forget the day. Boss is a jerk and I'm sooo tired of working for his lazy butt. My office staff is ready to quit too. I wish he would just quit himself. We would all be so much happier.

Any hoo, that was my day. Hopefully everyone else's was better.
(((Rhea)))!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry you have to put up with the jerk :mad:!!!! Could you take a picture to hang on your door to practice darts with ;)? I have a really nice set of pub darts I'd happily send you!
Hi babes! Glad you are back Rhea, and that you had a good time!! I love indulging when I'm on a mini-vacation. Seems to motivate me to get back into the swing of things when I get back home. I'm so sorry you have such a jerk for a boss though!!!!! :( I spoke to an attorney this past week I used to work with years ago and he told me I showed him a drawer with a smashed phone, courtesy of my old boss. I didn't even remember that! I feel for you, I really do. Maybe some one will finally catch on to his laziness and fire him! (I'm hoping they'll do that where I work with one of my lazy co-workers. There are less and less attorneys who want to work with her.)

For a little levity, the attorney I spoke with (we have a case against his clients) told me that he has to settle the case and his strategy will consist of begging. :D I sent him some documents by email and he wrote me back and said, "Could you highlight the bad parts for me? I'm really busy today." Boy! It sure reminded me how much I enjoyed working with him! :p

I'm looking forward to meso 3, thanks Melinda! Did Cathe ever address the nausea factor in plyo legs?

Thanks for the tips on the small jumps and saying I'll do well Lita! I am very good friends with the pause button and am not afraid to use it! :D Although I won't be starting meso 3 for 2 more weeks, I am gearing up and hoping I didn't mark my weights too high. I did the last leg workout for meso 2 today and I don't think I felt it as much as Cathe and crew did but I may be paying for this all tomorrow!

This past weekend, I finally got all of my Cathe gear and photos from last year's road trip into a scrapbook. Goodness! It took HOURS to do. And I junked up the dining room table pretty darn good in the process too! But it feels really good to have it done. :)

Have a great week babes!
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Tracy - Congratulations on getting that scrapbook done :D! How funny with the smashed phone! Sounds like you don't need a cast iron skillet to get the job done :p. As for Meso 3, you'll know when you get there if you went too heavy - my problem with it is, once again, chest :rolleyes:. But my problem is not the weight I'm to use, but in getting it hoisted up into position.

Rhea - Fingers crossed you have a MUCH better day today :)!

Melinda - I've also noticed that not only can't I jump, I can't lift both my feet at the same time :rolleyes:. One foot or the other always leads - it's like they refuse to play well together :eek:!

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