Low Carbers Challenge--April

Good news, I did not feel sick today when I did week 3 of the plyo legs. It didn't seem as bad as the first 2 weeks.

My back was feeling tight today, right in the lower part. But I don't know if that's from exercise or stress or what. It's working itself out.

Lita, yea, I agree, the wrist weights probably should come off. I go back and forth between wanting to get stronger and then wondering...why? OK, I just need to finish STS and then I can give myself a mental break on rotations. I am finding more and more for cardio I just want to walk the 3 mile trek that DH and I do. And what's so wrong with that? I know it's not real intense, but the plyo legs are kinda like a cardio workout, so that is interval cardio in a way.

Rhea, I've never had a massage therapist push on my stomach. My MIL did, though, and I guess she was laughing the whole time because it tickled her.

Where are ya, Tracy?
Yeah, Pam was trying to help move things along in there, which she did, but I was pretty miserable the rest of the evening. I was surprised that it was such a pain. Even today I was great until I drank a bunch of WATER. Now my tummy is full of gurgles, pfft.

Trial is done. PHew. Just waiting for the verdict. I guess I'll have to wait here for a while. I'm actually getting a little hungry. I might have to see what I have around here to raid, not much, that is for sure.

Hi babes! I had a hair appt. last night so I couldn't stop by here. :( I can't post during the day from work, it is a big no-no. :mad:

Lita, I did increase my weights in 4DS from the usual. I think if you do the same, you will get more out of the upper body work in the series. I'm also wondering if you did a premix of PUB, you can put your own breaktime in and still go heavy. Just a crazy thought! :D

Rhea, I hope you win your trial!!! And I hope you're doing some serious reclining this evening with a little wine! That doesn't bother your tummy, does it? I hope not! I'm worried about you. Does stress make it worse?

Melinda, I blame STS for me wanting to go light on the cardio! When I'm doing the weight work, I haven't got a lot to give to cardio! Heck, even though this was an active recovery week for me, I didn't do an IMAX! :p And I hadn't even thought of putting my heavy weights on top of the dumbbell rack, what a great idea! :D I can't imagine it would fall over or anything but just to be safe, I can test it first. And boy, DH is addicted to sugar too! :eek:

I have struggled the most with chest in STS. Hoisting the barbell has been tough! I'm excited to try the chairs. As for flys, I can try the chairs for that too but I don't seem to kill myself as much with the weight for those.

I start meso 3 next week, I hope I don't join the puke party with plyo legs! :p Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Melinda - That's great that you didn't get sick this time :D! You're so right about the wrist weights. I'm not sure who I think I'm trying to impress :rolleyes:. I agree with the walking as I've had that inclination myself!

Rhea - Fingers crossed for the verdict! And hoping that your stomach soon feels MUCH better! (((Get well soon!!!)))

Tracy - I'll have to try 4DS going heavier, for sure! I don't know about the pyramids, though... I really hate not being able to go along with the music, lol :eek:. I don't mind using it for endurance, though :). Fingers crossed you don't get the sick feeling from the plyo legs!!! Chest has been my nemesis on this series too. I think next time through I'm going to not push so hard so that I'm up against the wall by the end of the series!
Just a quick note, I seem to do better with weights and chest work compared to pushups!!! I really don't like them.

Walked around to a lot of garage sales today. The weather is great for it. Bought a bunch of stuff too. Someone had a bunch of medical supplies (which makes me wonder if it was stollen), but it looked older, so maybe they got to take discontinued items. Anyways, I got a box of 30 - 40 bottles of shampoo/body wash for $3. The are 16 oz bottles. I couldn't pass it up. She had them for 50 cents each, I was grabbing a bunch and she said "I have a box you can have for $3". Well, with my kids, I'm looking for volume when it comes to shampoo, not quality. I have 2 boys with short hair that go through shampoo faster than me!
Hi babes! I used the chairs for my barbell for chest work today and it really helped! Thanks so much for mentioning it Lita! It was a little harder using them for incline presses, my shoulder wasn't realy pleased with me in lifting it off and putting it back on the chairs but it was certainly better than what I was doing before! It was the first workout of meso 3 today and I admit I was worried I couldn't lift the weight I was supposed to but I did, whew!

Tomorrow is the scary-hopefully-no-puking plyo legs!

Rhea, I hope you won your trial and your tummy is better!!

Melinda, working 9 hours at the food stand is a much longer workout than I ever want to do! :p And ain't it great when you find good deals?
Melinda - A busy weekend for you :)! Can you believe we're on our last STS week? Today was the first time Plyo Legs made me sick on my stomach and lightheaded. I really could've done without that :p. But I think it's just because my reflux has been acting up the last couple days.

Tracy - I am so glad it helped! I'm hoping by my next go-round with STS I'll have come up with something else but I'm not sure what, lol! I just know that I cannot justify the wt rack and a barbell just for STS. So ... let's hope the brain juices flow between now and then ;). Hope those plyo legs went well!

Rhea - Miss ya :(! How's it going????? Did you get your verdict? Are you feeling better?

I got my verdict and then ran off to the Bay Area for the weekend. Ended up with an attack of allergies or a cold or both. So no workouts for me yet. My sinuses are much better today and I managed nine holes of golf without keeling over, so I'm planning on getting back to workouts tomorrow.

Sounds like all is doing well with everyone. Oh yeah, not guilty on one of the felonies, so I did good. :cool:

Okay, off to bed for me!
Hi babes! I'm so sorry Plyo Legs made you feel sick Lita!!! :( It didn't make me sick today, I was so happy! I think I did OK because I had last eaten at least 2 hours before attempting it! I thought the cardio was going to be as hard as I3 but it wasn't. I did pause it a couple of times, only one time to catch my breath, the other to change my weights. I almost lost my balance and lost all form on the half turn jumps though, yikes! :eek:

Lita, it's a good thing I already use a barbell, otherwise I wouldn't have ordered the weight rack. (I also have another workout that does pull ups too.) I will attempt the squat rack STS someday. Or maybe I'll just do one as a stand alone workout and see how it goes!

Congrats to both of you Melinda and Lita on your soon to be completed STS adventure!
Rhea - Glad you got one not guilty :D!!!! Hope you're totally better soon :)!

Tracy - Well, notice "form" is something I didn't discuss :eek: ;)! There is no such thing as a one-leg squat thrust in my little world :eek:... Anyway... So glad you made it through the first plyo leg workout! Gosh, I can't believe you're in Meso 3 already :eek:! (PS - I think the only reason #35 made me sick was because of all the advil, tylenol, etc I've been taking along with the lack of sleep)
Hi babes! Rhea, for some reason I missed your post, I'm sorry!!! Congrats on your win at trial!!! :) What are yours and DH's plans for the summer? Will he be coming back home or staying in the Bay Area?

Lita, you are too funny! :D I told someone at work about the workout today and said I think it is a great stand alone leg workout, all in 45 minutes. So I'm going to loan her that disc and see what she thinks.
I tell you though, my booty and quads haven't been entirely happy with me today! :p Actually, they are downright mad at me!

First week of meso 3 is done. I failed pretty badly on the concentration curls today but I didn't care, I allowed a cheat instead.

I won't be around for a few days, so if I don't get back here before next Tuesday, I hope everyone has an awesome long weekend!
I'm pretty sure everyone is going to be sparse the next few days so I want to wish you all a great and safe holiday weekend :)!

Hope to see all again soon!
You have a good one too Lita! I'll be popping in, but not that much. Not much planned on the workouts either. Sticking to the 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels. She really is a bully, cracks me up!
Hey everyone,

Had some long days at work, so didn't work out. Today, Friday, I'm off, but feel totally wiped out and have a headache. Lots of people not feeling too well around these parts, so something is going around. I still haven't started week 4 of meso 3, but plan on doing that Saturday.

Have a good weekend everyone.
Melinda - Hope you feel better soon!

Rhea - I think it's great you're going with workouts that you so enjoy! Much better than forcing yourself to do something you don't ;).
Yep, sticking to what I feel like (besides a bit buzzed from the wine and the rum-dum I had at dinner....lol) I started another round of CLX today. Need the shorter workouts, so I'm going back to CLX for the next 90 plus days since there will be some adjustments for going to the Bay Area, etc.

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm off for an upper GI tomorrow, so no more food for the next 24 hours or so......sniff....only clear liquids...pfft, yeah, right, like chicken broth is going to make me not hungry. hah. I'll talk to you later!!!
(((Rhea)))!!!!! All those tests that are clear liquid followed by NPO are cruel and unusual punishment, I say :mad:! My fingers are crossed & prayers going up that all turns out well - that you find what's actually wrong and that it's something EASILY fixed :)!!!! My thoughts are with you, dear friend!

Let's see.... this is my rest week following the end of STS (I finished Friday) so Saturday I worked like crazy around the house, Sunday I biked (easy riding) about an hour or more, Monday I walked 45 minutes or so, and today I rebounded (cardio parts only with Gforce). Not very exciting, huh ;)?
Lita, I like rest weeks. I will get mine real soon!

Rhea, good luck with your tests. I hope it goes by quickly.

Sun: began week 4 of meso 3
Mon: walk 1 hour
Tue: ab work (which I haven't done in over a week!) + some cardio
I was suppose to do the plyo legs, but I planted a bunch of flowers on Monday and my legs are achey from the odd position so I thought I'd give it one more day before doing that workout.

So another question... Do you all live on the West coast? My son is going to Chico CA to stay with a friend. He says he wants to live there. He is 18 and of course it makes me nervous, but he bought his plane ticket this a.m. He's quitting his job in 2 weeks. He's basically going to go through his HS graduation ceremony and leave a few days later!

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