My friend has been dating this guy for just a few weeks. She really likes him and it appears that he really likes her but, of course, it's brand new. (Isn't everything wonderful at the beginning stages? ) There's one issue that is bothering her and I don't know what to suggest so I thought all of you experts could give some advice. Whenever they go anywhere and he meets women that he knows, he gives them a quick kiss hello on the lips. There's a restaurant where he knows a lot of the workers so he could be kissing multiple women in one evening. My friend is turned off from this as she feels he kisses them (albeit a quick peck) then he will kiss her as the evening goes on and she doesn't want to be kissing other people's leftovers! I feel the same way. I know some women that give quick kisses hello on the lips to other women as well as men. She certainly doesn't want to come across as a nag and turn him off so how should she delicately handle this without it seeming as though she's a complainer, whiner, etc.?
Thanks for your thoughts.
Thanks for your thoughts.