Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Today I mixed up some mostly cardio workouts that are low impact. First I did Cathe's Low Impact Crush It Live, 33 minutes, 204 calories. I changed the moves from overhead on some moves with the weights and one move, I just did not use a weight that had you move forward and punch out with a dumbbell. I have done this one before but wanted low impact today. I then put Cathe Live Low Impact Cardio Strength with Step to try out. I did not do all of it but it was doable for most of it and I can see I can use the first part for a low impact cardio. I did 39 minutes of this one out of the 53 minutes total and watched enough to get the moves written down. I finished off with YOu Tube Fitness Blender Feel Good Stretch cool down. 15 minutes, 40 calories. This was a somewhat active stretch. Total time today including the stretch was 87 minutes and calories burned 504.
Low Impact Cardio Strength with Step live format:
6 minute warm up
step cardio with one riser on each side 17 minutes
break and raise step to 3 risers each side unless you want to stay with one
10# dumbbell step up and over repeating then up and over with an overhead press
then up with a side raise leg and upright row( no weight)
switch to 5 or 8 # dumbbell leg adduction with a front swing all on one side then switch sides(I did a bicep curl here)
5# lateral raise knee up all one side then switch sides (I used no weight here)
At 32 minutes mat - I dis some stepping and watched part of this.
Straight leg push ups, standing rear flies, repeat but push ups with an arm out, repeat but push ups with shoulder tap
lying triceps press, pull overs, overhead seated extension repeat
I started back here and did the biceps
bicep curl seated, hammer curl standing repeat I did 15# the first time but I felt it a bit in the shoulder so dropped to 10#
I did not do the core which was crunch, plank, and superman
I did the stretch but it was pretty brief

Doreen, I have not heard of that workout. You do find some different workouts. A nice metabolic burn to start the weekend :)

Belinda, Les Mills Plyo Hiit is a tough one. Nice workout. It is rare for me to sleep all night without waking up. Sleep disorders are hard to deal with.

Laura, wish you some positive sleep vibes. I am so sorry.
Hi ladies,

Update on Alesia :) We got the test results, the tests came back normal :) I am so glad they retested her. I really appreciate it all your good thoughts and prayers. Thank you, girls!

Debbie - I followed the modifier and still got a good workout in. I can't imaging dealing with a sleeping disorders, so sorry you are going through this.

Good night, ladies.
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Today I did Cathe Live Buns, Barre, and Ball 49 minutes, 249 calories. I didn't expect the calorie burn to be that high but I think it is correct by perceived exertion. Anyway, it kept showing my HR from anywhere around 59 to 64. I even tried stopping Bluetooth and rinsing it and retrying. My resting HR is generally around 55. Maybe it was correct. I liked the workout. I got a good burn without weights :) I then wanted some cardio and put in Boxing and Leg Blasts live, and did quite a bit of it. I did the w/up and boxing that lasted till 33 minutes then started with weights work cardio blasts alternated with legs. I did the snowboard cardio with squats at 15's that is done twice stopped at the next cardio blast that was lateral hops with a tuck, I forwarded to find the stretch and ended up doing the final move of deadlifts with 15's (Cathe had a 15 and 12 in her hands) and did the stretch. This was 42 minutes and my HR was 117/147 so maybe the monitor was working? 265 calories. I finished off with a Fitness Blender compound cooldown stretch that was nice 7 minutes, 18 calories. Total workout time was 97 minutes and calories burned 532.
I discovered last night that all along both shoulders and lats up into the neck it was literally feeling sore when I would put pressure on it. I did some foam rolling and it made a huge difference. Later I was just surprised how much better it was. This morning it was fine when I got up. So, I am thinking mobility, stretching, and rolling may be the key to getting past this because the injury probably has made everything tight. I thought I would give the boxing a go today and limit weights to see how I do.
Talking about veggies, I made a recipe today post workout from my Whole 30 cookbook that was yummy. It was Brussels sprouts, butternut squash and onions pan roasted in olive oil with some sage, nutmeg, salt and pepper. I fried an egg in the skillet too and tossed it on top. They suggest to make it a meal you could add chicken to it .

Belinda, Slow and heavy is a good one.
This morning was a quick Ruthless - 19 Full Body Circuit. I forgot he does leg floor work in this; fire hydrants, pizza press, etc..... not forever like most floor workouts but enough to feel it. I hate floor work but after I had done one side I was committed!

My 10yo's birthday party was this afternoon. We went ice-skating. I think my arches and ankles will be screaming at me later! I'm hoping I can get another quick workout in later this evening. I'm feeling so short-cut on workouts these days! But work is at full tilt for the next month so I guess something is better than nothing.

Diane Sue- I've been really surprised in the past how much rolling a tight body part out really helps- almost instantly!

Belinda- What wonderful news for you and your daughter!!

Laura- best wishes for some sweet dreams!!
Good evening,

I also did Prevention Walk your way Slim w/ Michelle Dozios.

Doreen - thank you :) Happy birthday and I hope you all had lots of fun. You are doing great with your workouts, do what you can.

Diane Sue - how old are you? Your workouts look intense. I agree with your on stretching a.s. on :) I am 52, I sure need more stretching the older I get.

That's it for me today.
Doreen, happy birthday to your son. I would say skating is another wrkout. The seeming unending floor work is kind of boring but it is effective. You are doing good.

Belinda, another workout done? You seem to get a lot in. When I was younger I could put in 3 hours of working out and do daycare along with taking care of my family. I have slowed down considerably. I am 63 and sometimes wonder where I got that energy, nut I think it was probably not that healthy or necessary to work that hard. I would put 10 miles on the treadmill and still d o a step workout or weiggts.

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Diane Sue - wow, you look amazing and young :) That is great you have so much energy. I have never worked out for 3 hours, lol. Lately I been wondering if it's healthy or necessary to workout over an hour? Maybe an 1.5 hour is too much? I wear a Fitbit, I don't stop until I have all my steps, lol. I know once the weather gets warmer my workouts are getting shorter too. I always will walk my dogs and aim for 10000 steps a day.
Hi girls,

Hope you having a great Sunday. Today I did Jillian Michael Yoga Meltdown Level 1. I can't remember the last time I did that dvd, must been years. The workout reminded me of 21 Day Fix yoga. Not bad for 35 min. Jillian was very calm in that one :)

Have a great Sunday, everyone. That's it for me today. I will relax the rest of the day.
Still not sleeping. Did the warmup and the first three combos of Body Max 2 before I hit the wall (or actually had to sit down on the step for 10 min). See if some exercise will help me sleep. Great jobs everyone else.
Today did Cathe Live Totally Toned Legs 56 minutes, 294 calories. I followed this wit live For the Love of Cardio, 44 minutes, 367 calories avg HR 136/ max 162. I was only going to do part of the cardio but was enjoying the variety of cardio so I just kept going :) Total workout time was 1 hr 40 minutes and calories burned 664. For the Love of Cardio had w/u, kickboxing moves like kicks, speed bags, boxing moves and jacks, then it goes on to 80's style cardio, jacks, skipping, jog in place, high knee runs etc., then it moves to cardio legs at 24 minutes and a slower tempo, at 35 minutes it is the last section using the mat with some moves like she uses in RWH low impact and some wide burpee tucks, popsquats, at 40 minutes it is cooldown and stretch.
Totally toned legs
8 minute extended warm up ending with last move using a 10# dumbbell
calf raises with 15#each hand
Step with 3 risers
no weight
on step reverse lunge pulse reverse lunge kick 20 reps
gliding disc
hands on step slide in and out right
stand up slide back lunge, add pulses and arm moves
warrior slide back lunge
back to hands on step slide in and out
repeat on left side
side lunge with disc 24 reps right then repeat on left
back to step
drop squats alternating sides 7 reps 15# dumbbell
static lunge 15# 32 reps,16,7.3.1 right then all on left
step ups 15# pair 16 reps 8 tempo 8 slow right then do same on left
elevated lunge (Cathe uses 10) 12# 24 reps on each side
cross back lunge standing on step, 12#, 15,7,7,7,7,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 all on right then same left
move step away at 34 minutes some isolations
chair position hold feet together, repeat feet wider, standing with front leg pulses 48 reps each side then repeat 32 reps each side
inner thigh 48 reps each side
outer thigh lift, pull in push out, circle back repeat on other side
platform glute raise 64 reps each side

Laura, I am so sorry that you are having to deal with that for so long. I know it has to be miserable.

Belinda, I used to do Jillian's Yoga Meltdown a lot. I got her Yoga Inferno after I had knee surgery but really never did it much. Nice workout today with CTX.
Good morning,

Today I did Turbo Fire 45 EZ Class + TF Stretch 10 Class = 55 min.

Diane Sue - I had JM Yoga Meltdown for years. I think I only done it once? Back them, I wasn't into yoga. I couldn't even hold myself up with down dog, LOL! I guess, practice makes perfect. I really like the looks of Cathe Live. Fantastic job, girl!

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

Have a wonderful day, everyone
Today I did Cathe live Rock it Sock It, 53 minutes, 380 calories. Ripped With Hiit Abs 1, 10 minute Ab Chisel, 11 minutes, and Turbo Fire 10 minute abs and 10 minute stretch, 45 minutes, 171 calories. Total time was 1 hr 40 minutes again and 551 calories. I also threw in some foam rolling and shoulder stretches while loading workouts. I think more than half of Rock it Sock it is boxing and upper focused. The shoulder and neck are a lot better and I have not had to take anything for it the last two days :D

Belinda, Turbo Fire Fire 45 EZ never seemed like an easy workout :) I always thought the 55 Ez was easier. Funny I did a bit of Turbo Fire this morning but it was abs and stretch.
Hello all!

This morning I did Max Out Cardio from Insanitymax 30 and then X10 step section. I was pretty dead by the end of the X10!!

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