Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

I worked out this morning but had to get out to do some shopping and banking. I kept getting severe storm warnings on my phone app. I wanted to do it quick and get back. Now, I think I may be coming down with whatever coughing virus it is my husband has had for the last week. I got so busy that I didn't eat today till 4 when I got home. Then was helping husband with the wall board for the kitchen. Today I did Cathe Live 80's Style Cardio with Low Impact blasts, 48 minutes, 390 calories. I then put in Live Step express and skipped the warm up and stopped at the straddle jumps on and off the step and went to the last blast, cool down/stretch 26 minutes, 209 calories. HR 133 avg/ 164 max Total time 74 minutes and calories burned 599

Laura, I hope the new modem helps with your internet. When we moved in we hooked up our modem and it did not work. We went out and bought a Netgear Genie that has 5G on it and when they come out again the guy hooked it up for us. I save the 5G just for streaming.

Belinda, it was just the gate between two brick walls that comes into our walkway. It looks so much better. My husband talked to the guy at Home Depot and got the best paint for it. It was thick and meant for the wrought iron. It covered well and it dried faster than I would have thought an oil based paint would. I had to scrub the rust off that was starting to form. They had used a flat pea green colored paint on it before. Even the paint was wanting to scrub off.
Good morning,

CTX All Step + Shoulder is done.

Diane Sue - Oh no! I hope you don't come down with something. Hope you feel better soon. Good job on the gate. Sounds like a lot of work.

Hallo to everyone that checks in after me. Have a great day and workout everyone.
Today I did Cathe Live Muscle Max, 51 minutes, 256 calories. I skipped a little of it. This one does not use the step. Afterward I put on and did two active Stretch workouts with Daniel one for upper and one for lower, 31 minutes, 51 calories. These held the stretch for one minute each and you were encouraged to hold the stretch and tighten the muscle so it has a bit of toning to it.
Muscle Max Live
w/u uses some light weight work for upper then squat kicks and lateral lunges 6 minutes
Lower 3 rounds of 3 moves as in tri-sets I believe Cathe uses 15# dumbbells and a 45# barbell
Squat 20# each hand 16 reps first round of 3 moves then 25's the send and third Reps change up from singles to 2/2count on some rounds
Static Lunge 20's rnd 1 and 25's 2 and 3 16 reps then 4 slow on
Deadlift 12 reps 45# all 3 rounds
at 17 minutes upper starts
Push ups and deadrows 2 rnds
Chest Fly and 1 arm row 2 rnds I did not do chest and back
at 27 minutes Lower
2 rnds
Plie Squat with barbell I used 25# dumbbells 8 single 8 2/2 count
alternating reverse lunge with bicep curl that is single then triple
wide Deadlift 12 reps 45# barbell
At 35 minutes 2 round
shoulder press 15# ( I did a few curls first rnd then no weight shoulder press the second)
Medium tension band tricep kickbacks
(My band broke and I had to switch to my b-lines) biceps curls with band and 8# dumbbells
at 43:56 minutes core 3 exercises 2 rounds
side bend holding 1 dumbbell 15# I think they started lighter then Cathe moved to 15, 16 reps
Bootcamp plank 16 reps
ankle grabber sit up 16 reps
Elbow in on ground crunch up other arm up 16 reps

Belinda, All Step was the first one of those CTX cardios I did with the set. Step and Intervals was my favorite and 10,10,10 was near second once I figured I could skip the first part. I don't remember what it was but I always dreaded it. Probably hi/lo which I used to hate.
Diane Sue - I always dreaded hi/lo too. I keep pretty much everything low impact, can't jump anymore. Even jumping jacks, I step side to side instead. I don't care if I get my HR up, I am looking more at the step count :) All Step and Cardio Step Intervals are a lot of fun. I am glad I am revisiting all those oldies :) Good job on your workout today.
Yeah, my wifi is working better than ever. Did both Get Steppin and Step on It from Cathe Live. Still trying to adjust to my schedule change. Still sleeping good.

Great jobs on the workouts everyone.

Diane Sue, hope you are feeling better.
Good morning,

CTX Leaner Legs is done.

Laura - yeah, on your wifi :) Nicely done on the Cathe Live step workout.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Today I did two Cathe Live workouts, Gloved Up and Ready and Boxing with Leg Blasts. So happy with my wifi now.

Belinda, good job on leaner legs.

I don't plan on working out tomorrow. My DH and I have to work on taxes.

Have a good weekend everyone.
Today I did Crush it Low Impact live35 minutes, 232 calories. I then did part of Low Impact Hiit Circuit live, 38 minutes, 230 calories. Since it has so much upper emphasis, I went very light or modified by doing something else. I think I would have been better off just doing RWH Low Impact Hiit., since it is the same cardio moves.

Laura, I liked Gloved up and Ready. I am not sure if I have done the boxing and leg blasts though. I have just started back to a bit of boxing since the shoulder injury. We have had our taxes done for awhile. Already mailed out our check. I am glad it is done :)

Belinda, leaner legs always was a burner for me.
Good afternoon,

I did CTX KB + biceps/planks this morning. Just getting around to post.

Diane Sue - good for you for listening to your body. Good job yesterday.

Have a great Saturday, everyone.
Hello all!! I've been working on everybody else's taxes:)... this week was killer with a couple big tax returns heading out the door.... so that feels good. Just a couple more weeks of craziness and I go back to my normal schedule.

This morning I did Party rocking step 2. Felt good but I can tell all this sitting has sapped by endurance. And while Intensity Max 30 is good hard cardio there's something different about steady state!!
I decided to just do some yoga and stretching today. We have family coming over in a bit to help with this kitchen remodel. I did a fitness blender workout, rest, relax, restore, for tight muscles, 32 minutes. Kelly started with the neck and worked down. My knees have been bothering me the last two days. I think have been concentrating on legs a lot through Hammer and Chisel and post rotator cuff problem, they have had a bit too much.

Belinda, nice work. You are getting through those CTX workouts.

Doreen, I remember some friends of ours that have a CPA office being pretty much not able to take a break during tax season. It is funny how the body gets used to certain types of workouts and others will seem harder.
Diane Sue - good job on that yoga/stretch today. I hope all that stretching will help your rotator cuff. I have 2 more workouts on those CTX workouts than I am done with that one.

Doreen - sounds like a lot of work. Hope it lights up soon. Good job on PR step 2 today.
Today I wanted a bit of cardio. I didn't have a lot of time but I did 24 minutes of Live Pedal Max, 5.27 miles, 207 calories.
Good afternoon,

I did Karen Voight Total Body Training Pilates today. That one really works your inner thighs.

Diane Sue - nicely done with your Live Pedal Max today.

Have a great Sunday, everyone.
Good morning,

CTX Upper Body Split and All Abs is done. All Abs went on forever :( I thought that workout would never stop. I felt like I was doing the same ab exercises for 36 min. Glad it's over, not sure if I ever gonna do All Abs again in the future? Way to long for me.

I may do a stretch this evening? Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Finally finished our taxes. I'll be back to working out tomorrow. We have once again been having internet problems over the last 2 days. I thought we finally had this fixed.

Have a great day everyone.
Today I did Cath7 Live Leg Blast with High Step. I omitted the overhead presses on the moves that used them. I just raised the weight a bit. This is a high rep lower weight workout. Not a lot of cardio in it. 57 minutes, 317 calories. I was in so much pain last night in my shoulder blades an neck up to the base if the skull. I did not do anything that should have caused it over the weekend either.
The workout went like this: They use a barbell with 10's and 5's ready for later. I just used dumbbells.
6 minute warm up
step with one riser power 15's, raise to 2 risers running man, raise to e risers up and overs with pulses with 10#
foot on step knee pulls with 10# right then do on left
BW leg lifts alternating
10# dumbbell squat press, 10 squat press q leg lifts,
10# each hand lateral walks 4 side to side
high step up up down down
12# step ups
squat press 12# 20 reps
lateral walks 12# each
step up 12# each hand
10# down up overhead press
1 10# side leg lift with overhead press singles and triples right then repeat left
12# alternating reverse lunge off high step singles and pulses
10# weight plates on bar(U ysed 15's) squats, close squats, wide squats
2 risers elevated lunge Body Weight, singles and doubles, on the first side there is an addition of fanning the arms up and down.
Barbell Front squat increase weight to 2/10's and 2/ 5's I USED 15'S singles and pulses high reps
Static lunge with bar and 5# plates I used 15's and my legs were fried by the end
calf raise holding bar with 1weight plate while standing on the high step toes forward, in and out
Floor work at 44 minutes topper and mat
1 foot on step hip lift repeat other side
toes on step on forearms down down up up feet
no step side leg raise, hip raise leg lift and in out
lying down heels together press up
heels together knees in out
at 52:27 stretch

Belinda I used to do that all abs workout every week for the longest time :)
Laura, I am glad you got your taxes done. I hope you can get the internet problem worked out.
Diane Sue - lol, no way I could do that ab workout each week :) Good for you, girl! Your workout looks impressive.

Laura - yeah, you are done with your taxes and your internet is fixed.
Good morning.

Kettlebell Kickboxing: Scorcher Series "
Power" and Baladea Flow is done. I had KB Scorcher Series for a long time, finally getting through them, lol. Not bad, this one got my HR up. Baladea Flow was a surprise, was actually pretty good too. I also did ICE MTB Timesaver : #1 Warm Up + Blizzard Blast + Stretch -- 23:13.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.

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