Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Today I did Cathe Live Power Step 39 minutes, 347 calories and added the stability ball abs from Cardio Boxing and Stability ball Abs live. I did this with the stretch and it was 15 minutes, 63 calories. The abs started at 32 minutes into the workout. Total workout was 54 minutes and calories burned 410. Normally I would have used my Bosu ballast ball for all of the abs but I did not want to stress the neck with the boat hold move and overhead stuff. Power Step was pretty intense and moves that I am used to with Cathe. It kept the heart rate up pretty well. average was 141 and max was 163.

Belinda, I guess I already said that I love Les Mills Combat :) They are really a lot of fun.

Laura, was there a lot of jumping and high impact in the cardio mish mosh live workout? I have had my eye on that one. It is nice to be able to make notes on the workouts. I think sometimes a nice soak in the tub is more relaxing for than the yoga. Even when the yoga is meant to be a relaxed before bed yoga.

Doreen, I know what you mean, I have the I want list but am still working on waiting for them as gifts or something. It looks like you are getting quite a list to try to get from the library :) I was surprised that you were able to get Sean T's workouts. Beach Body doesn't even have their newer stuff available on their on demand streaming. At least that is what I heard on Beach Body. Even the purchased on Demand stuff.
Diane Sue, yes this one has HI in it. Some I did, some I substituted a previous LI or something like mountain climbers or squat digs. This page has a list of the exercises:

It is funny with my knee, I just am playing around to see what it likes and what it doesn't. For example, I have no problem with step (as long as it is 6"), jumping rope move or jacks kills me but I can run in place, anything with a power lunge move in it is out, but I am ok with power squat moves.

Also, I don't use a mat or the bands for markers. I have a permanent drop foot issue on my right (from the back nerve damage), so I have just marked it out with masking tape on my puzzle mats so I don't trip. I also substituted the shuffle shuffle drop move for the suicides for the foot drop reason. Some of these exercises like the suicides are timed exercises so I just did it as quick as I could for the duration.
Today was again two Cathe live workouts, Step Express with Blasts and Hi-Lo Hiit Live (moves are from RWH). Both have HI segments. Was hoping to walk today, but it is raining, so I will do some yoga later.

Saying hi to everyone who checks in later.
Today I started with a live workout that I thought was lower only. I cannot remember what it was called but I spent 8 minutes doing the warm up and the first round of 3 exercises, Cathe uses only 8# for this, and it was compound lower with upper overhead squat press, lunge bicep curls and a plie into a jump with overhead triceps. I stopped there because it went on with more overhead presses. So, I put in Live Lean Body Lower, 51 minutes, 305 calories. This one was a nice mix of moves with 10 and 15# dumbbells the firewalker band and a gliding disc. I then put on live kicckbox and barre and started at 30 minutes into the workout doing the barre and stretch which was 23 minutes, 94 calories. I burned 36 calories with what I did during the 8 minutes I spent on the other workout and did not do overhead press with it.
Lean Lower Body
squat 15's
deadlift 15's
plie 15's placing each on the floor and picking up then holding
wide stance deadlift
repeat this rnd
firewalker band doing jacks and jogs then repeat then
1 leg hops with the firewalker band and leg swings with arms overhead
remove band
static lunge with 15# full, pulse, half, full
side slide right 8 reps then switch to left sometimes it is 4 reps switching back and forth ( I lost count at times and didn't notice what the pattern was)
rear lunge with one disc alternating feet
No equipment
lunge , then forward back lunge
lateral walks right 4 then left 4 repeating
cross back lunge 15 reps, 15 reps, 7 reps 7 reps, 3 reps 3 reps
firewalker band
side walks, angled walks, facing back walks high and low walks
10# dumbbells
diagonal lunge put weight down and pick it up
disc warrior lunge
No disc warrior, crescent pose, down dog, the flow is done twice on each side

Laura, thanks for the link on Mish Mosh cardio. I can see that that one may wait for a bit. I too, have certain things that bother me. I can do jacks but the flying jacks bother my knees on the landing. I just think it is too unstable of a move. Straight up and down jumping is okay for me though. If the power lunges are in one spot and not alternating legs I am better off because I can concentrate on the knee angle more efficiently. I keep a mirror in front of me to watch my knee angles. I don't use the bands for markers because I end up kicking them somewhere. When I used my puzzle mats I would use the lines in the mats for markers. I just pretend they are there. I do use my yoga mat when I do the one Ripped with Hiit Low Impact workout. It seems okay. If I accidentally roll it up I just toss it and keep going.

Hi to everyone else. I hope that you all have good workouts.
Good afternoon,

Today I did D3 - ICE Metabolic TB MishMosh Double #1 = 85 min :)

Diane Sue - me too :) I can't believe I haven't pulled them out before. Looks like you really liking Cathe Live :)

Laura - glad you got a good night sleep. I think you would like LM Combat, they are fun. Good job on Cathe Live workout today.

Dorren - I have so many on my to do list. If you get a chance try LM Combat :) Most fun workouts I have done in awhile.

That's it for me today. Good night, everyone.
Oh the DOMS!!! I guess I really have been neglecting my leg work lately. I'm really feeling my STS Leg workout from yesterday! I tried to do Tracey Stahel's High Intensity Step 1 this morning but it felt like moving with lead in my legs. I struggled through the first 6 combos before opting for some foam rolling instead.

I did find Les Mills Combat on the library request list. I haven't requested yet since I have Max:30 until Mid-April. But I will and then see if someone will lend it! I also found some Lauren Brooks on the library request list - I don't have anything of hers. Not sure if they were the ones with the TRX or not but I guess I'll just have to wait and see! The library also had ICE on in the database.... hopefully I'll eventually get that one too for another rotation before I decide if I'm going to buy it or not.
Doreen, this is the Lauren Brooks workout that I have that uses the suspension training along with kettlebells. It has some premixes that work well too. I have 3 of her workouts.
Do you have the Tracey Staehle Total Body Bootcamp workouts that use different pieces of equipment? The suspension trainer is used for a little of it as an option. Edited to add that I just looked at the TRX website and there is a TRX App from the iTunes app store or google play that comes with 4 free workouts.

Belinda, that was probably quite a workout ::) If it is anything like the Cardio Mish Mosh looks on live tv.
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Diane Sue- Thanks! Bummer- the Lauren Brooks isn't what I requested from the library. I'll go back on and check for that one. I'll check out the TRX app and I've also found some on youtube. I don't have the Tracey Staehle bootcamp one. I think I requested from the library a while back and no one would lend.

Since I was short on time this morning and still feeling like I've been neglecting legs I did a quick circuit of sumo deadlifts, goblet squats, lunges, and hip thrusts. 30 seconds, 15 sec before the next. Felt good to workout those muscles again!
Today I did live Cardio Core Circuit, 46 minutes, 286 calories. This didn't seem as hard to me as the dvd workout. I chose it because it said standing core. I ended up modifying some of that because there is no way I was going to do wood chops and the overhead circles. I did some of the rotation standing stuff like they do in Ripped With Hiit and at the end when they strung the core together I just jumped on the rebounder. I really did like it though and I generally love weighted standing core work. Cathe sure did have a lot of bloopers :) I did okay until I would look at someone doing the wrong thing. It did get confusing at times.
I also did Get Steppin 44 minutes, 327 calories. This was pretty easy to follow. All of it was familiar stuff, no surprises and it seemed a bit more steady state than interval type work. Total workout today was 90 minutes and calories burned 613.
Good afternoon,

Sorry for being so short this morning. My DD got some bad news from her doc this morning :( Please, keep her in our prayers!

Doreen and Diane Sue - wtg, on your workouts today.

I will be back tomorrow
Today was Cathe live IMAX and Step Sweat. Step Sweat was steady state. It has some different step combos. It even confused Cathe several times.

Belinda, I will keep your daughter in my thoughts and prayers.

Diane Sue, I agree that CCC live is easier than the DVD. Although I like the core work better since it is standing. I have to do the premix without the core work because I can't get up and down that fast with my back.

Good workouts everyone.
Belinda my heart goes out to you and your daughter. Praying wellness.

Laura, so far I think the live workout I did today had the most errors in it. I did Step Sweat the other day. I liked it. I just got done going through several lower body workouts so I could see how much overhead stress was in it. Cross train lower and lean mean legs both looked good but, I think I will need to wait on them. I am between legs with weights and stability ball and legs and glutes live workouts for to or row depending on how my leg feel. I could see the dvd CCC being hard for you with the core. I have hit the floor a few times harder than intended. Thank goodness for mats and cushioning. With your back I would be afraid of it.

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Belinda- My thought and prayers with you and you daughter as well. May you find ways to be an encouragement to her.

You guys are making me want to sign up for Cathe live again!! If only I could figure out the techie issues with my equipment.

This morning was Friday Fight 1 from Max 30. Good stuff. After the first water break I mostly did moves that were between the level of the modifier and the gang. I heard Shaun yell at one point.. "this isn't choreography - go at your own pace" Which seems to be good to remember for these!

I got another interlibray loan yesterday too. Amy Bento Slo-mo Strength. I'll give that one a test run next week sometime.
Good morning,

Thanks for your prayers, everyone! I really appreciate it. Monday DH and I will go with DD to the doc. Please, keep Aleisa in your prayers!

I was so stressed out yesterday, I forgot to mention my friend gave me her Jessica Smith Walk Strong 6 Week Transformation set :) She didn't like the set :( she knew I love her. I was like YEAH :) Of course, I couldn't wait to try the new set out :) That was before I got the news about DD :( I did D1. Cardio Party + Interval Mix.

Today I did Jessica Smith WS 360 Abs = 30 min + Lower Body Sculpt = 31 min. I really liked the LB Sculpt, she uses a chair instead off going down on your knees. My knees really thanked her for that one :) I also did XTrain Chest, Back & Shoulder Premix 11 Extreme (Rounds 1- 8) + (Rounds 1- 3) + Core #1…77.54. At the 47 min mark, you did Round 1 & 2 again. My shoulders are fried with all those circles.

Good job on your workouts, girls!!

I will try to catch up on personals tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Today was again two new to me Cathe live workouts, Gloved Up and Ready and then Cross Fire Express. Loved both of these. Cross Fire Express is HI. The first three cycles are tabata drills, the fourth cycle alternates cardio and weights. Gloved Up is pretty low impact. It has some jumping jacks/jumping rope, but not a lot. It has two heavy bag segments (but Cathe does it w/o the bag if you don't have one, I do). There is no kickboxing in this. No bloopers in either of these. Will also get in a good long walk with DH today, weather is beautiful.

Doreen, prepare for DOMS with slo-mo. I actually have a checklist that I go through each day to play Cathe live to prevent buffering. And I always do the low quality video. I really didn't think I would enjoy live as much as I do. I should know by now that whatever Cathe does I love. Good job on Friday Fight, love that one.

Diane Sue, I will be looking over some lower body workouts this weekend. I think my knee can take it now. Do you have a favorite from the live yet?

Belinda, it was nice of your friend to pass on that set to you. I will keep Aleisa I my prayers. I hope for the very best on Monday.
Today I did Cathe Live legs with weights and stability ball 56 minutes, 284 calories followed by Live To the Mat stopping at 30 minutes, 95 calories. Total time was 86 minutes and calories burned 379. I stopped at the side plank leg raise.
Not so many errors today :)
Legs with Weights and stability ball was 3 rnds of 3 exercises followed by stability ball work at 43 minutes.
RND 1 squat 16 reps 15# dumbbells
elevated lunge 12 reps 15# dumbbell
wide stance deadlift 50# barbell
RND 2 static lunge 15# dumbbells
plie squat barbell held in front 12 reps (I used two 20# dumbbells)
slide back lunges 12 reps 15# dumbbells
RND 3 stiff leg dead lift 12 reps 50# barbell
step up with 3 risers 15# dumbbells 12 reps (Cathe kept going back and picking up one weight by mistake LOL)
side slide lunge 12 reps 15# dumbbell
Stability ball
Roll ins 4 sets alternating a slower set with a fast set at 16 reps each
outer thigh work on ball
ball toss and catch
To the Mat was ball and band work

Belinda, I put Aleisa on my prayer list I keep with my tablet. Thanks for her name. It is good to have a name when I am praying. It is good that she will have your husband and you there. That is so nice that your friend gave you the Jessica Smith workouts. I am sure you are excited to try them out.

Doreen, I love Slo Mo with Amy. It is such ac great workout series.

Laura, it seems like a lot of the kickboxing workouts are not heavy on the impact. Well, generally but, Cathe adds in the jacks and punches etc.. I love using my heavy bag. I have a hundred pound one on a stand. that has a speed bag. It came with a lighter one and I finally got the heavier one so it doesn't have as much swing. I used to do the sprawls and the lighter one would come back at me when I was on the floor. Right now I think I would do the legs workout I did today again but heavier and also the Tri-sets legs. Cardio Core Circuit with the Standing legs will probably be a favorite too when I get past this neck problem.
Happy Saturday,

I just finished LM Combat Power HiiT 1 + JS WS Brain Fusion Fun = 31 min + Barefoot Fusion Sculpt = 31 min. I didn't like the Brain Fusion Fun and the Barefoot Fusion Sculpt was ok :) I don't think I will reach for those two much :(

Maybe I will do a nice stretch this evening?

Diane Sue - thank you so much for keeping Aleisa in your prayers! Nice workouts as usually :)

Laura - thanks for keeping Aleisa in your prayers! It was very nice of my friend :) I think, she didn't like the 2 workouts I did today? I need to ask her. Do you have Cathe Live and her OnDemand?

Doreen - I really appreciate all the prayers for Aleisa! Thank you! I have Amy Bento Slo-mo Strength workout, had that dvd for years :( I never done it :( Maybe I need to pull that one out soon.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

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