Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Can't decide with one I want to start next week? Maybe I mix them all up in no oder? Or should I go through each dvd/sets? That should be an interesting mix? Mmmmm.........? What do you think?

Supreme 90 Day
JNL Fusion
MET-Rx 180
LesMills Combat
LesMills Pump
Hip Hop Abs
Rocking Body
Brazil Butt Lift
Debbie Sieber Slim Series
Debbie Sieber Slim in 6
Body Gospel
Kathy Smith Project You
Body Beast
21 Day Fix
21 Day Fix Extreme
Turbo Jam
Turbo Jam Fat Burning Elite
Turbo Jam Get on the Ball
Turbo Fire
Good afternoon ladies, today was again two Cathe Live, Road Trip all Step Class and Cardio Boxing with Stability Ball Abs. I also did Element yoga for stress relief.

Belinda, sounds like you had an active day. I take it you are not planning on doing any of the program rotations? you are just going to do them once? I know on the Beachbody site that they have calendars for hybrids of programs. Maybe you can look at one of those to start to see how to lay it out. In case you can't find it:

Diane Sue, yes, the montly membership auto renews. You will need to cancel. The six month and year memberships do not auto renew. Have you checked out your library for Barre workouts? Mine has a ton of them. Maybe you could check out a couple during your rehab.
Today I did Cathe Live Lower Body Burn, 52 minutes, 294 calories. I chose this one because it is lighter in weights. I omitted the overhead press though. I then did Lean Legs and Abs, chair/firewalker, abs, and stretch, 28 minutes, 77 calories. I kind of liked the intense quick cardio a the start before lifting :) I had to modify a bit on Lean legs Abs with the overhead press too. I usually like this one because I like doing abs with resistance.
Last night I did Cathe Live Crush it Low Impact Live 34 minutes, 200 calories and You tube Sarah Beth Yoga Hands Free Yoga, 27 minutes, 77 calories. I wanted to Check out Cathe Live before I got up this morning to do my workout. I could have done better with Crush it but I avoided the overhead stuff with a dumbbell. Now I have to figure out cardio with out all of the upper weight work added. I saw several step cardio workouts that just called for a bench so I am guessing that would work ? I had to stop and switch to my HR watch and transmitter because the HR7 Bluetooth was going crazy with 198 HR 19 minutes in. I guess streaming and using HDMI with the larger screen TV was too much for it.

Belinda, have you done any of those programs? You could use Les Mills Combat workouts with Les Mills Pump. Supreme 90 is a nice workout program. I have it but, it is loaned out to my granddaughter.

Laura, I looked at both of those workouts. I would like to do some of the boxing workouts but I don't think my shoulder would do well with it yet. I am trying to decide which cardio workouts would work well without lots of light weight work added.
Diane Sue - I have done some, but not all. I really don't want to do any full rotations, otherwise I never make it through all my dvd's :( I have done:

Supreme 90 Day - a few workouts a few years ago
JNL Fusion - never
MET-Rx 180 - never
CXT - never
LesMills Combat - 1 or 2 workouts
LesMills Pump - never
Hip Hop Abs - a few workouts
Rocking Body - I don't think I did that one?
Brazil Butt Lift - done a full rotation
Debbie Sieber Slim Series - never
Debbie Sieber Slim in 6 - never
Body Gospel - 1 or 2 workouts
Kathy Smith Project You - 1 or 2 workouts
Body Beast - never
PiYo - never
P90X3 - done 2 full rotation
21 Day Fix - done it for 3 month, love it :)
21 Day Fix Extreme - done a full rotation
Turbo Jam - done
Turbo Jam Fat Burning Elite - done
Turbo Jam Get on the Ball - I think I only used 1 workout
Turbo Fire - did only a few workouts

Maybe I should start w/ Supreme90? Than play around Pump/Combat? I also want to incorporate Cathe's workouts? So many dvd's, I am overwhelmed. Glad to hear you like Cathe Live and good for your for being careful with your shoulder.
Belinda, if it were me I would probably do a cardio and a weight workout if they were short on one day and then a longer cardio on another. I suppose it would depend too what focus the weight workout was. Total Body or Body Parts.
I just gave the Turbo Jam Ball workout along with a band and a couple of band workouts. She was excited over them.
Thanks for your advice, Diane Sue :) I believe most of the sets are TB except Cathe's. I think I will do that, do short weight wo on one day and a longer cardio another. Turbo Jam Ball are a lot of fun. Thanks again, I really appreciate it.
Good morning,

I did Les Mills Combat Combat 60 Extreme Cardio Fighter. I LOVED IT! Thanks Diane Sue for the recommendation. OMG, the workout and music was fantastic. I didn't expected to do push ups and abs workout on the end :) I don't think I ever done a push ups or the ab workout like this one. Very unique! I can't believe I never done that one before :( So much fun.

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
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Belinda! You are making me want those workouts with your raving review! (JK!) I looked over your list and recognize none of those titles! I guess I haven't branched out very far from Cathe in my video library.

This morning I worked on squats. My knee feels a little squishy- which is weird. Then I did the power circuits from mix and match on Body Max 2. Love those- its like the IMAX 4 that never was!
Today I did Cathe Live Step Express with Blasts. 41 minutes, 299 calories. I then did Cardio Strength Blast 43 minutes, 313 calories. I omitted the overhead stuff with the weights, like squat press and during the last part with the deadlifts I did deadlifts with bicep curls and no push ups. I used the rebounder for some of the jumping stuff. Total time was 84 minutes, calories burned 612.

Belinda, I always loved doing Les Mills Pump and the music and instructors made it seem fun. I like the 3 cardio workouts in that set and loved the combat in Les Mills Pump. When they came out with Combat I bought all of them. I love that set. It is so much fun. Those two sets are pulled out quite a bit.

Doreen, I have put together just the power segments with the lower weights from both Body Max and Body Max 2 as a lower cardio circuit. It burns a lot of calories and is a tough workout. Nice work.
Today I ended up doing Cathe live Step On It. Actually, I did it twice. My knee is a little tweaky today. I had another workout planned, but it had blasts in it, so since I had so much fun with the steady state step, I just did it again. Then Element yoga for Flexibility.

Tomorrow I have a planned day off. It is our wedding anniversary tomorrow. We are going to eat at our favorite Greek restaurant (where we had our researsal dinner). So I know I will overindulge!

Doreen, I love BM2 so much. Hope your knee is ok.

Belinda, I haven't done that one in a long time. I'll have to pull that out after my live workouts this month. I counted and I have 9 of those on your list. Need to do them more often.

Diane Sue, hope you are felling better and enjoying your live workouts.
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And I got notification from interlibrary that my next selection is in.... Insanity Max 30. Anyone done this one? What have I gotten myself into!? LOL! I'm guessing I'll just sample from it and not try to do it as a rotation.
Doreen, I have it. I'm a cardio junkie so I do love it. But I'm the kind of person who loves doing X10 X77 on a regular basis. I never followed the rotation, but do track my max out times and try to push myself further each time. I pull out Friday night fight the most. Hope you like it.
I did Cardio Challenge this morning. Its a fun (HARD) little workout. The 30 minutes seems to go by fast. I "maxed out" around 7 mintues which i guess would be what I expected. I like the modifier in it. I'm happy to see that I get it until around April 20th or something.

Laura- Happy Anniversary!!
Today I did Cardio Sweat Live and 13 minutes of Step On It starting a bit into it because I had to work with the Bluetooth monitor and ending starting with combo 3. That is all I had time for. The lunch crowd was showing up at Sprouts (grocery) right after I got there. They get lunch from the deli and wait in lines to check out. This was 55 minutes and 412 calories. I really liked what I did. It was so tempting to keep going with Step on It. I am looking forward to when I can do more of the compound weight type workouts and upper body. Really the shoulder is much better but I have neck issue that is really more relate to my arthritis. I should not have pushed the pull ups like I did.

Doreen, I have heard that Max 30 was cardio and a lot like super intense Insanity but short. I don't have that one. It will be interesting reading your thoughts on it.

Laura, enjoy your dinner and day off. Happy anniversary. Ours is on Easter Sunday this year. We usually do the family Easter and egg hunt so I imagine we will have to celebrate another day. It will be our 43rd anniversary :) I love X10 and have done the X77 mix. I can't do it as often as I would like because of the knees though. I sure wish I could.
Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday :( Yesterday I got a new refrigerator delivered, it was a nightmare :( The delivery guys were so rude :( I put in a complain with their company. I usually don't do that, but they were out of control. After they left I went grocery shopping.

Yesterday I ended up doing Barre 3, haven't done barre workout in month. I still have a few month left on my streaming. I will make use of it as much as I can.

Diane Sue - great job on your workout yesterday.

Dorren - I have them too. They are tough workouts.

Laura - happy Anniversary! Hope you had fun yesterday.

I will be back later. Have a great weekend.
Today I just did live long strong legs, 49 minutes, 300 calories. I have my granddaughter here and am getting ready to take her to her activity since her parents are out of town.
Hallo ladies,

I did ICE Metabolic MishMosh Premixes: Scrambled #3 Mixes all 3 Muscle Meltdown - Chest rounds throughout the workout. - 63:18

Diane Sue - good job this morning and have fun with your granddaughter today.

Maybe I will go for a nice walk later? Like I said, I am lazy today. BBL!
Today I did Cathe live Get Steppin' and Cardio Srength Blasts. I had IMAX live scheduled instead of Get Steppin',but changed it out. My knee was not happy with IMAX today, so went steady state. Will do some yoga later to try to stretch it out some. We had a great day yesterday, thanks.

Belinda, sorry about your problems yesterday.

Doreen, hope you enjoying Max30. At least they gave you a decent time to try it out.

Diane Sue, enjoy the time with your granddaughter!

Have a good day everyone.

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