Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Hallo ladies,

This morning DH and I cleaned out the garage. I donated 8 garbage bags full of cloth. I am so glad those bags are gone. I will continue to fill more bags next week. DH and I had a garage sale last year, those cloth been in my garage the entire time :( Since DH had injured his shoulder, they sat in my garage for the longest time. My kids brought a lot of bags for the garage sale too. I will not have another garage sale, it's just not worst my time to sit there all day long just for a few hundred dollars. I rather donate them and get them out of the way.

I just finished CCPP and Amy Dixon Women's Health Ultimate Fat Burn (circuit wo), very fun workouts. Another dvd I had for years and never done it. I am getting there, lol.

Laura - wtg, on Terminator IMAX. I did that one not to long ago. Very tough workout.

Diane Sue - wtg, on your long workout. Is it your birthday? Hope you enjoy the double birthday party. Getting hungry just reading the food you having :)

Doreen - that is funny :) Great find at the thrift store. Our thrift store/Goodwill never have anything good.

Good night, ladies.
Today is a rest day. My grandson is coming over this afternoon to help go through things in our garage and clear out stuff.

Belinda, it was my husband and granddaughter who turned 8's birthday celebration. They are 1 day apart so we just did it together. :)
So, you are purging and cleaning too ? We have so much stuff just sitting in boxes and containers that we move with us and it just sits in the garage and attic.
Today did two Cathe Live's, Athletic Training and High Intensity Cardio step. Finally developed a spreadsheet for Cathe Live so I can track which ones I did, how I liked it, and modifications for the future. Also went for a nice walk with hubby before it snows again. Will be doing Yoga Relax in just a few minutes.

I really, really need to purge and clean too! I've been after hubby about the basement for the last couple of months. Hubby is a pack rat.

Belinda, good job on knocking out thoses dvds. You are getting there!

Diane Sue, enjoy your rest day!

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning,

I ended up taking a rest day yesterday. I really needed one. DH and I went to visit the kids inn DC. We went Alexandria, walked downtown old Alexandria and the Harper.

This week I will do Tracie Long's workouts and Cathe's mixed in. Last week I finished 7 workout dvd's :) Not bad.

Diane Sue - how cool is that :) Happy belated birthday to both. Yes, I am purging and cleaning too. We also have still boxes from our move 4 years ago. We been donating a lot. It feels good to get rid of all that stuff.

Laura - thank you :) I haven't even touched all the workout dvd sets :) Should be interesting. It was a nice day yesterday to take a nice walk. I am so done with snow.

I will be back later to report what I did. BBL!
I am back:

I did Tracie Long Leaning Out = 50 min. I am confused on that dvd. It say's it has 2 custom chapters? One is 20 min and the other is 10 min? Are those considered premixes? I am having a blond moment :p It was a fun, sweaty workout. She had some very unique moves. I also did Jessica Smith 10 Pounds Down Cardio Abs : Cardio Abs = 28 min.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Yesterday I did Seasun's step workout again. Today it has to go back :(.

This morning I did bench press (pyramid up, then down) then followed with RWH chest, back, shoulders.

Laura, would be interesting to see your spreadsheet. I've seen a couple others floating around. All the classes look so good but I've just resigned myself to the fact that my technology is not current enough to do Cathe Live without tech frustration! I think I would need chromecast or an updated Roku.
Hey girls,

I also did Karen Voight Pure & Simple Stretch = 40 min. Really helped losing up my hips. I figured the Tracie Long wo out...those are premixes.

Doreen - good job on your workout.

That's it for me today. I will be back tomorrow.
This morning I Ripped with Hiit Low Impact Hiit 1, 28 minutes, 183 calories modifying a couple of the moves. I wanted to use the spin bike and watch a movie. My laptop had some sort of crash so had to go through all kinds of stuff to fix it. I ended up watching part of a movie on Vudu and spinning for about 30 minutes before the computer was done, I then put in Pedal Power and did Timesaver 3 skipping the warm up. The workout was 60 minute and calories 449. Total time was 88 minutes and calories burned 632. I went to the doctor this afternoon for the shoulder and neck. She thinks the neck pain is from the arthritis that we have dealt with before and it seems like I have injured the rotator cuff. She doesn't think it is torn so she gave me some muscle relaxers and a once a day tablet for the pain to help me not take all of that Advil which is making me sick to the stomach. So, I have a list of rotator cuff exercises to do and she says I may be able to still do bicep curls and things like that but nothing that uses the shoulder. What I am doing is fine.

Belinda, it is nice to get in a good stretch. I was really needing more when I was doing Ripped with Hiit.

Doreen, to bad the dvd has to go back.

Laura, I just printed up a PDF that was over on the on demand and live forum area. I am thinking of trying for a month. I just need to be able to figure if there is enough to be worth it for a month while I am rehabbing my shoulder. I am getting a bit bored trying to figure out what I want to do.
Today I did Cathe live Steptastic (which was!) and Cathe live Hard Strikes LI Boxing (which was also good). Finished up with two Namaste yoga practices, exalted warrior and sun-moon.

Belinda, good job on your workouts again. I actually had Karen's in my hand, but choose Namaste today instead.

Doreen, I know I hate when I have to send one of my loans back. So sad. Don't you just love those finishers today on RWH? Those get me every time. What I am loving the most with Cathe Live is the step videos since she hasn't produced any new ones with the last couple of series. My spreadsheet is just a basic thing where I track the workout (cut and paste from Cathe's desc), the calories I burned, length, and any comments to help me with the next time. Can you upload an Excel spreadsheet here? Never tried. But again, my log is very basic.

For example, recent workouts are (only included my calories and comments):
Steptastic - 332 cal.
Used 6". No hard blasts. Can use 8". Great and fun step. Nothing tricky.

Hard Strike LI boxing - 331 cal.
Good all boxing wo. Need to have 7 to 15 lb db for future. Good plank work.

Athletic Training - 240 cal.
Step Segment the same as the DVD. Kept step at 6" and still had lower back pain (as in DVD). Really liked the band work. Used both green and silver bands. Used green FW band. Suffered leg cramps towards end (probably due to step segment). In future, should sub another step segment then go into strength work (starts at 14:00). Strength workout starts w/ step @ 10". She moves lightening fast between weights.

High Intensity Cardio Step - 365 cal.
Had step @ 6". Keep at 6" (side step hops). Used 3 lbs. weights (all shoulder work and it goes on awhile).

Get Steppin' - 380 cal.
Had step @ 6". Use 8" in future. Has Intensity Music soundtrack. Very fun. All steady state.

Have a good day everyone!
Diane Sue, we were posting at the same time. Sorry to hear about the rotator cuff. Does not sound pleasant. Hopefully, the meds will help you be able to sleep. If you have any questions about any of the live videos, I can preview some for you if I haven't done it. She has 5 spin, several step w/o weights, and several all floor cardio. She uses weights in a lot of them.
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Laura does she weights on the cycle ones? Can I just use my computer and stream with hdmi ? I don't have chromcast or Roku 3 l we have Roku stick but it is downstairs. I upgraded our Internet speed and the tests played perfectly on my laptop.

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Laura - Cathe live Steptastic sounds amazing. Once I through all my dvd's, maybe I sign up for Cathe Live. Good job today.

Diane Sue - I am sorry to hear about the rotator cuff. Please be careful, my husband tore his in 3 places. I hope the meds help. Good job on RWH Low Impact HiiT today.
Diane Sue- So sorry about your shoulder!! Have you had trouble with it in the past? Do you think it was moves from H & C that lead to it?
I guess lots of lower body work headed your way while it heals?

This morning was Ultimatum Platinum. It starts with triplet rounds of cardio- all standing stuff. Then moves to two rounds of basic metabolic strength and finishes with core. A nice workout. This one would be great for summer when I move my workouts outside because you only need 2 dumbells and a mat. Wish I could get a digital copy for my phone to be able to do that! Maybe I'll snag my daughter's portable DVD player from the car!
Good morning,

Today I did ICE Rock'n & Sock'n Timesaver Premix #5 : Less Kicks: Most of the kicks are eliminated = 39:59 min + Jessica Smith TB Ab Transformer = 28 min + Tummy Torching Tabata = 4 min plus Tracie Long Leaning Out - Flab Fighter 13 min ( I wouldn't consider that one a premix :( after all that I needed a good stretch. I finished w/Karen Voight premix : Floor Stretch = 30 min.

Doreen - I would love to workout outside. Great idea.

Diane Sue - hope you feel better today.

Laura - glad you enjoy Cathe's spin classes.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.
I have lots going on today. I am leaving to help my daughter out in a bit so she can take her son to the doctor. I got up early and did Step Moves, 44 minutes, 269 calories. I don't know why the calorie burn was so low. Generally I get around 325 with this one. Maybe I just was so careful with the arm movements and I did stumble through some of the choreography since it has been a long time since I have done that one. I hurried out to the polls to vote and I locked my keys in my running car while looking at a couple coming out that were smiling and saying high to me. I cannot believe I did that !! :rolleyes::confused: I have not done anything like that in years. My husband has to work all night so he was sleeping. I couldn't get ahold of him so had my grandson come and get me. Still had to ring the doorbell because my keys were in my car. I need a spare key. I am glad that is over with. Hopefully the rest of the day is better. I did not take the muscle relaxer the doctor gave me. I don't think I am going to. The shoulder feels better this morning. I think the less meds I take the better.

Laura, I keep notes like that on my worksheets. I also have an agenda book that I write workouts in, calories, heartrate, and changes that I make. Having the notes on the worksheets really helps when you do the workouts again and can go back and look at them. I write down substitutions that I use and why as well. Thanks so much for the link :) Thanks for all the information you have given.

Doreen, when we were staying at my daughters waiting on our house, I would use my spin bike and her elliptical outside. I even did Kelly's Home Gym Intervals out there with the dumbbells and spin bike. I took my laptop outside with me to do it. I have Ripped with Hiit workouts downloaded to my Galaxy Pro tablet. I have the 12 inch tablet so it is not bad for using for workouts when I don't use the computer. That is an idea with the portable dvd player. We have one of those too. I also have a small tv with a dvd player in it that is easy to drag around and have taken that outside but you do have to have a plug for that.
Today again was two Cathe live workouts, Power Step followed by Step Hiit. Only the first part of Step Hiit is step, the second half is all upper body/core weight work. A goody. Felt that one within an hour. Just finished Yoga Relax to try to get some of the soreness out. My plan is to pretty much only do Cathe Live for March. I might have withdrawal and have to throw in an old favorite somewhere. But I want to really try to get most of the workouts sampled this month. Between the holidays, ICE, and my illness, I just haven't been using live as much as I want. And I have really been having a fun time with it. I think the funniest thing is in the step classes when Cathe makes 'bloopers'. It is nice to see she is human after all. Sometimes I have wondered.

Belinda, actually I can't do spin at all. It hurts my lower back injury and my knee won't take it. I can only do recumbent bikes.

Doreen, good job on Ultimatum. After reading 2lazy4gym blog it has been on my wishlist. But so far I have been holding firm on my no buy plan.

Diane Sue, I'm glad your shoulder felt better this morning without meds. You are welcome. Let me know if you have any other questions on live.

Have a good day everyone!
Laura, I just subscribed to Cathe Live. I just wanted to try it for a month. I can cancel whenever I want right? Do they automatically renew when it is a month? I was just going over the lists of workouts. I am mainly looking at cardio and lower right now. There doesn't appear to be much for barre work added. Hopefully later I can add on some more with very light weights.
Laura, glad you having fun with Cathe's Live workouts. I took a few spin classes, that's it. I do have all Cathe spin dvd's, I don't have a bike or spin bike.

Diane Sue, have fun with Cathe Live. I am sure, there a lot of cardio und lower to pick from. Glad you are feeling better.
Good morning,

Today I did : Tracie Long Leaning Out : Lift = 20 min (this one had no warm up or cool down :() + Jessica Smith 10 Pounds Down Cardio ABS : Concentrated Abs = 26 min + Karen Voight Pure & Simple Stretch - Standing Stretch = 10 min.

Next week I will do Supreme 90 or Charlene Extreme? Haven't decided.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.

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