Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Love Intensity BC! That's a great CD.

I got Seasun Ziegler's Stepping up from the library. I will have to see if I have enough brain power after this week to try it tomorrow morning or not!! I worked on Bench press this morning followed by some yoga. Nothing too exicting
Back from lunch with my friend.. They probably wished we would leave the restaurant since we were there from 11:30-2:00 Really, it is a new restaurant on the edge of the city and there were only a few people there though.
Today I did a bit of warm up and stretching before I started the workout. I did Chisel Total Body followed by 15 minute glute chisel. I did a few modifications and used a bit heavier than Autumn for most of the exercises which is half or more what I would usually do. I even lowered the lower body to 20"s instead of 35-50's because I did not want to pick up that heavy of a weight load. When she did the step up curtsy thing on the bench I did not hold the weights at the shoulders , I held them at my side. We will see how I feel tomorrow if I get in the last workout of the rotation which is Hammer Power. I also did Tony's one on one Patience is a Hummingbird yoga. I had to forgo the arm balance on the left side. There was just no way. Total time was 89 minutes and calories was 361.

Belinda, I like Intensity Bootcamp. I have used the premix a lot that is the Low Impact Hiit and Bootcamp.
Good morning,

Amy Dixon Breathless Body Volume 2 The Edge = 54 min and KCM Kickboxing premix #3 Punch Mix = 22 is done :)

Diane Sue - I really like Cathe original BC too. Your workouts look intense yesterday, wtg!

Dorren - have fun with Seasun Ziegler's Stepping up. Sounds like a good one.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.
I loved Stepping up! I got about 90% of the combos the first time through. Music is a great little walk down 80's lane. It would be one I would love to own. It's good fun choreo at a fairly fast pace, but low impact steady state. But alas- I don't think these CIA's are available anywhere anymore. I guess unless I happen to find on ebay or something. So I'll have to do it a couple more times before it goes back to the library!
Today I was going to try Power Hammer but did the warm up and first set of overhead press with only 8 pounds and I knew there was no way. I went ahead and did 10 minute abs hammer and 10 minute chisel abs, The Masters Cardio bonus dvd, and Piyo Strength dvd, Strong legs with the discs. 77 minutes, 345 calories.

Doreen, that workout of Seasun's sounds familiar. I may be confusing it with one I have called Straight Up Step. It is somewhat easier than others of hers I have had. Have you looked up CIA to see if they have it? I know, I hate when the workouts just seem to drop off the face of the earth. Particularly if I really like one and it wears out or gets broken.

Belinda, I have heard a lot of people mention Amy Dixon but I have never tried anything of hers.
Good morning,

I did GAIAM Lower Body BalanceBall workout = 40 min. I finished 6 DVD's this week :)

Diane Sue, Amy is pretty good and shows modification. Good job yesterday.

Doreen - glad you like Seasun's workout. WTG, yesterday.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Rest day ad family day today. It is a bit cooler out today after being in the 80's yesterday. They say Tuesday it will be cold and rain with possibility of a few flakes. We will see. I see people outside doing spring stuff. I keep holding out for a bit. It is not unusual for us to up and have freezing weather in March.

Belinda, Finishing 6 dvds is an accomplishment this week :)
This morning I did Ultimatum Bronze. Nice little body weight 40 minute workout alternating strength moves with cardio moves. Very fun.

Belinda- Great job on 6 DVDs!

Diane Sue- Hoping your arm/shoulder is feeling better soon! I did do some internet sleuthing but it appears that the CIA website is not active any longer. Every once in a while I do wonder where everything ends up... thrift stores? land fill? Some box in a storage locker or basement?
Good morning,

I just finished Amy Dixon Super Fit Bod + Bonus: Tight & Toned Core (12 min) = 69 min. This week I will play around with Amy Dixon workouts. Next week....maybe Tracie Long? Haven't decided yet :p

Doreen - thank you :) good job on your body weight workout this morning. Have you checked Amazon for the CIA dvd? I found it, but it wasn't cheap.

Diane Sue - thank you :) How is your arm/shoulder? I am like you...I am holding out too. The weather this year is crazy. One day is warm outside, the next day it's snowing :( I do a lot of spring cleaning. I am getting rid of stuff I don't use anymore or it's just laying in a box in the basement. Eventually I want to downsize :D Our house is way to big for us. I am donating bags of cloth. Just bought a new couch set, I will donate my old one to a church in our town.

I will be back tomorrow.
This week I am trying to be easy on the shoulders. I did P90X 3 Eccentric lower body with the Cold Start Warm up, 44 minutes, 200 calories. I never feel that that one is all that tough since some moves are non weighted so I did Cathe's Lean Legs and Abs, chair, firewalker, abs (omitting overhead moves with the weights) and stretch, 28 minutes, 113 calories. I also did X Train All Out Low Impact Hiit, 39 minutes, 299 calories.
Calories burned 612.

Doreen, does Seasun have a website or facebook where you might be able to enquire about the workout? Just a thought. I am sure you have looked all over. I remember when Cox cable used to have some free channels, sort of like you tube and there was fitness stuff. I had done some portions of Seasun's workouts there. That has been a long time though.

Belinda, I am wanting to plant some veggies in some pots and one corner of my tiny yard that has a tomato cage that was left behind by previous owner.
Hello everyone, I have finally been cleared to go back to exercise. Had a tough spell with bronchopneumonia (sp?) and have been really down and out. Plus I was just suffering from a terrible depression throughout. I think my chronic insomnia was making everything take longer to heal as I was just not getting any quality rest. I've been reading everyone's posts, but just haven't been posting myself.

Plus hubby has been suffering with terrible bouts of migraines. I think it might be related to this crazy weather we have been having.

Today I did Body Max 2 (which is one of my standby favorites). I wanted to see how much I've lost in the time I've been off. I was very pleasantly surprised that I was able to do it without any problems. Plus I went for a nice long walk with hubby this afternoon. I'll see how I feel tomorrow when I wake up to see if I did too much. On the plus side, my carpal tunnel has really calmed down and I think I can go back to weights again. Yeah.

I look forward to catching up with all of you again.
Laura, I am sorry that you were sick so long. Pneumonia can really drag you down. I have been there before. I am glad you are feeling so much better. Welcome back :D You chose a pretty hard workout to start so I would guess you are feeling much better.
Good morning,

I am done with Cathe Intensity BC + ME premix #1 Express workout = 53 min. This one had a lot of premixes, glad I am done with that DVD :)

Laura - I am sorry that your were sick. I am glad you starting to feel better and welcome back.

Diane Sue - I am not planting anything this year, way to time consuming :) I may do something in pots?

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.
Laura- glad you are feeling better. WTG on Body Max 2 for a "back to workout" selection!! That's one that scares me on a good day!

I've too cut way down on my gardening efforts. My kids love zucchini (ok - zucchini made into brownies and bread) but last summer my entire garden got FLATTENED with hail about a week before everything was ready. So depressing! So this year I may do some lettuce and zucchini but that's probably it!!

My husband has been on me to get my son to workout. So this morning the 12 YO joined me. So we ran through a easy warm up and then some planking moves and then I helped him learn some golf specific exercises from a magazine he had found. Mostly core stabilization type moves and some squats. Not much of a wo for me but fun to be the "trainer" for a day. I realize he's not very flexible!
Today I did a workout that I blended using RWH UB with abs, but subbed in RWH LI 1&2 for the HI cardio. Good hard workout. Good calorie burner. Happy to be picking up weights again.

I wish I could have a garden, but we just do not have a good yard for it. I grew up with always having a garden and I miss it.

Doreen, good job on being a trainer. I often wish I would have someone work out with me. The only thing I can get my hubby to do is walk. We do walk a lot when the weather is good. Body Max 2 is one of my all time favorites. I picked it as a guideline to figure out if I lost strength or endurance in my time off. I've done it so much that I know how I normally feel during segments. I was surprised that I really didn't notice much loss. I was really worried about it since I was out for so long.

Have a good day everyone.
Today I did Cathe's Ride on my spin bike 55 minutes, 12.82 miles, 424 calories. I warmed up a bit with Sarah Beth Yoga you tube morning yoga for 15 minutes. I also did her shoulder and neck stretch and her upper back . Both are not real long. Total time was 79 minutes and calories burned 424. I will try to get back here in awhile. I need to go do some things and I have my grandbaby coming later so the family can go to a Toby Mac concert.
I did upper body today. My quads are SORE from something I did yesterday- really not sure what since it was my son and his golf workouts. So I did Cardio& Weights upperbody premix and then had some time so I did cardio #1 and cardio #2 from the mix and match.

and I got an email that another interlibrary loan is ready for pick-up so I'll have to go see what I got from the list this time!!
Hallo girls,

I finally got my workout in :) I almost took a rest day :) I did ICE Rock'n Sock'm MishMosh Premix :Double It #1 Warm Up + Main Routine + Main Routine + Stretch - 81:19 plus GAIAM Gentle Yoga w/ Suzanne Deason = 35 min. I needed that stretch after that premix.

Diane Sue - nice job on that bike yesterday. Hope you had fun with the grandchildren. How is your shoulder?

Laura - good job on RWH plus abs yesterday.

Doreen - good job on your DOMS and workout today. What did you pick up at the library?

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great afternoon.
I woke up today with very sore hamstrings. Something in the last two days gave me some DOMS. So today I've been doing yoga off and on all day. I did all of Yoga Relax this morning, and then this afternoon I did 2 Element yoga practices, one for stress relief and one for flexibility. Might do an Element PM relaxation before bed. I knew I'd pay for the time off.

Doreen, I just love interlibrary loans. You'll have to let us know what you got. BTW. I have a special fondness for Cardio & Weights. That was the first Cathe step that I learned. Found her when she was on FitTV back in I think 2006. That started the Cathe obsession.

Have a great day everyone!
Today was a rest day. I had my 21 month old grandson over night. I took him home this morning and went shopping for stuff for a double family birthday party here on Saturday. I did not sleep well last night and my shoulder and neck hurt really bad. It is my fault because I chose to sleep on the twin sofa bed upstairs in the room adjacent to the workout room where I had my grandson sleeping in a pack and play. I was afraid he would wake up and crawl out and end up falling down the spiral staircase or through the railing that is pretty open over the living room. I could feel the springs in the mattress.

Doreen, it is nice being able to work with our children. I used to do that. When I have had grandchildren around some of them would work out with me. My grandson 15 stays over sometimes and says he wants to get up and workout with me but he generally will not wake up.

Laura, I liked the mix you did with Ripped With Hiit. Nice workout. I am sure the soreness will improve and not be as bad with subsequent workouts.

Belinda, nice long workout :)

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