Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Today's workout was Hammer Conditioning, 32 minutes, 204 calories. I also added a fitness blender cardio warm up, 10 minutes, 34 calories. I finished off with Party Rockin Step 2, timesaver #1 34 minutes, 258 calories. Total time was 76 minutes and calories burned 496. It is so windy today. I had to go out and track down my trashcan. I came back and I think I had someone else's because it had a sticker on it. I ended up going back out and switching for the one in front of a for sale sign. I thought the sticker was a good idea so I put stickers on mine too. I was thinking the neighbors probably thought I was odd running around taking trashcans! Or cul de sac is pretty much all elderly people. They watch all of the time. We have one little lady that comes out with her dog even in her bathrobe to check out things when someone different is outside. Two more days and I am on the final week of Hammer and Chisel. I have gained some weight lately. I was getting sort of worried but my clothes fit the same. I did my body fat yesterday and it was 14.4% That is down from the over 19% it was 6 months ago. I thought this morning maybe I needed to change the batteries in my Omron so I did that and it was still 14.8% today so I guess it wasn't that.
Hammer Conditioning all 12 reps This is kind of fast paced. It gets the HR up some
rnd 1
clock push up crunch right 12 reps
side lunge row right 15# each hand
repeat on left side
rnd 2
fly lunge twist light weight right 8# dumbbell 12 reps
sumo squat press 20# 12 reps (this was up 2.5#)
repeat on left side for the lunge and then do sumo ( I was to failure at the end of the second set with 20's)
rnd 3
burpee renegade row 15# each hand this was up 3#
stiff leg dead lift crunch 20# each hand up 2.5#
rnd 4
plank raise tap crunch right 12 reps
reverse lunge curl kickback right 15# each hand
repeat left
Belinda, I was looking at the chapters today on Party Rockin Step 2 and noticed there are some segments put together on the end of one rnd of bonus step 1 and step segment 1, bonus step 1 and step 2 etc.. I thought those might be nice for an extra warm up for what I am doing now.
Yes, we had several bad storms when we lived in that house. That time our roof had to be replaced and rain gutters. The roofers put a tarp over the fifth wheel but we had more storms and it blew off and rain got inside even more. We had neighbors help to get it back on when it let up. Some of our poor neighbors spent months with windows boarded up waiting for insurance to come through. It blew from the south and we had baseball sized hail. It was horrible. Yes, when you have to empty it is soon evident that was like another home full of stuff.
Diane Sue, I don't have Party Rocking Step 2 :( I never bought that series/or dvd's. Glad you like it. That is horrible you had so much rain/hail damage to your house and RV :) That is horrible about your insurance letting your wait for month. A few years ago when we lived in E we had damage on our roof from the hail/rain. That wasn't fun :)
Diane Sue- Great job on the body fat %.... If only mine was so good...I like chocolate too much!

Belinda- Good job on catching up on your workouts too!

I do like Party Rocking Step 1 & 2. The only ones I don't really do/like from that series are Great Glutes and Lean Legs. I've done them a couple times and they are ok but nothing I grab frequently. (Too much floor work which I avoid).

This morning I did PINK #10. We learn the entire power clean and jerk in this one. I really, really like Debbie. I wish two things. 1) That she would have done the next level of workouts showing more weight on the bar. 2) That I could actually get more weight for that little bar! I might have to get a real bar and go through it again with weight. Then I did Kelly Coffee-Meyer "Lift" workout 2 timesaver premix.
Belinda, I like the workouts in that series. I pull out Party Rockin Step and X10 the most though. I like Rock Out Knock Out too. There is just something about Party Rockin step that I like enough that it is what I use if I am not really in the mood to do cardio. I think maybe the sequencing and the music are a big part of it.

Doreen, I understand on Great Glutes and Lean Legs. I generally use parts of them when I use them. I like the abs on Lean legs. The standing work on both is so similar and reminds me a bit of the Total body workout which the name escapes me right now. I guess it is the light weight upper and lower together stuff. I really do not enjoy that part much. I don't mind floor work though.
I used to add that premix from Kelly Coffey's lift a lot. I was recently thinking about it when doing Hammer Power.
Today's workout was Chisel Cardio followed by 15 minute glute chisel, 56 minutes, 323 calories. I got up extra early to get it in because I had to go have a small cyst removed this morning. She said I could do my weights tomorrow :D I was a bit worried I was going to have to hold off a bit. Tomorrow is the last day of week 7. The nice thing about Chisel Cardio is that there is not a lot of jumping. Just the burpee jumps. She uses the bemch and a dumbbell for most of it. I did lower my step a bit this time. I just used 4 risers under each side. I have previously done it with 5.
Hallo ladies,

I did KCM 30 Min To Fitness KB Bonus Core/ABS #1 = 44 min and GAIAM Quick Start Walking w/ Debbie Rocker = 24 min.

Diane Sue, good job on Chisel Cardio plus Glute chisel. I never ordered Party Rockin Step and X10. I was afraid it would be to high impact. I do have Rock Out Knock Out and really like it. I only paid $4 :p And I like the music in that one. I do have to keep all those jumping jacks low impact. There are a ton of jumping jacks in that one :(

Doreen, I have Great Glutes and Lean Legs. Again, I only paid $4 for each. Haven't done them yet. A friend of mine, didn't like them, that's how I ended up getting a few last year (before I started this thread, lol) And for $4 I couldn't pass it up :) Good job on your workouts.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. That's it for me today. See you all tomorrow.
Belinda, X 10 does have a low impact segment. A person could do a double low impact mix. I think that there is one. After my surgery I could do that one and gradually went through them. Some are a lot more Impact than others.. Flying Jacks or air jacks are too hard on my knees. I just do jacks or at the time I would do low jacks.
Diane Sue, that sounds great :) I am on a no buying right now :D With all the premixes, I have plenty workouts, lol. I also do low jacks for jumping jacks. Those are hard on my knees too. I still have dvd's in shrink wrap:oops: need to go through all of them first. If I find X10 for $4 maybe I'll buy it? LOL! I heard nothing but good things about X10. Must be a good one.
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I think the double low impact premix of X10 is my most frequently used section of that disc. I've never done the entire section. Most I've done is 3 at a time but I do think its a great DVD. I also love Flex Train from that series but I haven't done it in a while.

This morning I grabbed one of the ruthless DVDs I've not done before "Ringside" It was much lower- key than the rest of that set and I don't think I'll return to it. Didn't seem like too much thought was put into it.
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Hey girls,

I did Muscle Endurance premix UB splits = 44 min + LB splits = 39 min and KCM 30 min to Fitness KB premix/bonus : #3 Kick Mix = 21 min.

Doreen - I need to look into X10 once I am through all my dvd's. How do you like the PINK set?

Diane Sue - have fun with your workout today.

I will be back tomorrow.
Today was Total Body Hammer and 10 minute ab hammer, 56 minutes, 314 calories and I finished off with P90X3 Pilates, 30 minutes, 107 calories. Total time spent 86 minutes and calories burned 421.
So much frustration with things today. I spent a big share of my day on the phone. First of all the Fed X guy that was delivering the control panel to my dishwasher threw it over the gate to our walkway and there was a piece broke off. I heard it hit the ground and looked on the doorstep then had to go around the corner and found it on the pavement. :mad: So I had to call fed x and the appliance parts place. Then I had to deal with my cell phone company because I paid off my phones and they are still trying to charge me for them. On a good note, Polar has notified me that my Bluetooth transmitter is fixed and on the way.
Total Body Hammer

10, 8, 6 reps each exercise then in the round then repeat
bench press 25# each hand 10,8,6, 10, 8, 6
squat 40# each hand 10,8,6,10,8,6
reverse grip row 30# each hand 10,8,6,10,8,6

incline fly 20# each hand all sets
reverse lunge right 25# each hand 10,8,6; left 10,8,6
wide pull up 10,8, 6; 10,8,6

Belinda, I don't blame you. After all we are all trying not to buy more. Now, I never have workouts still in the shrink wrap :) When they come I do them as soon as I can.

Doreen, I have only done all of X10 maybe 3 times. I just use parts of it. Mostly low impact and step.

military press seated 20# each hand all sets
split squat 20# each hand right 10,8,6; left 10,8,6 I went 25's last time and think I should have done it again this time
posterior delt fly 1 right 15# 10,8, 6 left 15# 10,8,6
Today I did the Black Ultimatum workout. I split it up again, did the warm up, paused the DVD, worked on squats to a max reps set of 6x 100, then finished the video. I must say so far I'm really liking these Ultimatum workouts. They are hard but she gives enough rest to make them doable. I can also easily see how to make them harder if needed! I do wonder what is up with the current trend of filming in empty warehouses as the background set!?! Is it just cheap space??

Diane Sue- Ugh- sounds like a day for a heavy bag punching workout to take out all the frustration!

Belinda- I would say $4 for x10 would be a good bargain! I like PINK but it is easy. I do it mostly as a warm up and the first time through I'm not adding more than 5# to the bar because I'm wanting to follow along and learn the form on all the moves. My plan is to circle back around and do the later workouts (#5-10) with weights. I think then it would be more challenging (would probably feel a lot like LIFT by KCM) as a workout itself. I really like Debbie as the instructor. She's honest, friendly, encouraging and motivating.
Good morning,

I did Hardcore Extreme " Interval Blast Plus Legs" = 69 min and Jessica Smith Walk On "Buns & Tight walk = 30 min.

Dorren - I wish I would find X10 for $4 :D I also bought the PINK set, still haven't done them. So many workouts and so little time, lol. Good job on Black Ultimatum workout.

Dianne Sue - have fun with your workout today.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. I will be back tomorrow.
Today I did Chisel Endurance and 10 minute Ab Chisel 48 minutes, 239 calories. I then did Some of Party Rockin Step 1, going to the chapters and doing the bonus 2 combo 6, then doing the finished all combos and stretch, 23 minutes, 151 calories. Total time was 71 minutes and calories burned 390. This is only the second time that I have done Chisel Endurance in this 8 week rotation. It was there 1 more time but had the option of Chisel Power and I used it instead. It is 60 seconds done for each move. Some include some weights and some are moves like negative pull ups( hard to do timed and while sore) , run ups, decline push ups to name a few. I used 12 and 15# for the weighted segments.

Doreen, I could have used a heavy bag :) Good idea. It is nice sometimes to have an easier workout for an active warm up instead of the really light stuff some have. I guess that is why I have used P90X3 Cold Start quite a bit because it is 12 minutes but gets the HR up while having some nice stretches,

Belinda, nice work. You are shrinking your list :)
Good morning,

I did XTrain -Chest, Back + Shoulders = 51 min + Bonus Core #1 = 7 min + 100 Rep Challenge Lateral Raise = 7 min (I felt those, lol) + XTrain Bic + Triceps Premix #12 Timesaver (Round 4-9) + 35 min. I also did Jessica Smith Walk On: Flat Ab Walk = 30 min. That's it for today:)

I will be back tomorrow. Any plans this weekend?
Today the schedule was either Max Hammer Strength or Hammer Build Up. I was really on the fence on which to do. Hammer Build up hits arms and abs while Max Hammer Strength does not. I finally chose to do Max Hammer Strength , 38 minutes, 168 calories, then I did Hammer Build Up rnd 5,6,7 which was biceps, triceps, and core 16 minutes, 76 calories. I finished off with 15 minute leg hammer which was suggested with Build Up. Total time was 72 minutes and calories burned 372. This is my last week of the Hammer and Chisel rotation. Sunday of course is my rest day so 3 days next week.
Max Hammer Strengtb
each exercise is a 30 sec pre-fatigue and then an 8 rep heavy
reverse lunge R 27 rep
reverse lunge right heavy 27.5# each hand
repeat left
push up 33 rep
bench press heavy 27.5# each hand
squat 28 rep
shoulder squat heavy 31.5# each hand(holding the weights at shoulders kind of limits how much I can lift)
pull up 22 rep (I used heavy tubing and door attachment
pullover heavy 40#
good morning 20 rep
stiff leg dead lift 40# each hand

Not much here this weekend. We picked up some stuff today for some household repairs, like kitchen lighting, bath faucet, so I know we will be busy.
chin up tubing 30 reps
1 arm row right 40#
1 arm row left 40#
stay low sumo 46 reps
sumo squat heavy 43#
band military press 27 rep
military press 20# each hand
split squat right 29 rep
step up right 20# each hand
split squat left 28 rep
step up left 20# each hand
ledge calf raise 38 reps
seated calf raise 40# each hand
Build up
rnd 5 20 sec standard curls 20# each hand;
20 sec hammer curls 20# each hand
15 sec concentration curl right 20# the 15 sec concentration curl left
rotation curl 30 sec 20# each hand
rnd 6 all moves 30 sec dips 16 reps
kickbacks left 15#
kickbacks right 15#
skull crusher 20# each hand
rnd 7 all 30 sec
med ball plank hold
med ball mountain climber
windshield wiper with med ball right 8 reps (this goes to the side then middle tap with ball in feet. I used 5# instead of 8
repeat windshield wiper left
So my son passed along a stomach bug to me and Thursday through Friday morning I was down for the count. This morning I tried a workout- but still not back to 100%. I just did Tracey Staehle "Step Sweatfest" section 2 for 30 minutes. But even though this is an easy, steady state cardio- I needed several breaks. But I do love the whirly-bird move she has in there so that made me smile. That and the nutcraker music for the cool-down.

Belinda- Great work- looks like an Xtrain all upper body!

Diane Sue- What's you plan for after Hammer & Chisel?

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