Like/review/verify/don't buy check in for 2016- 2024

Good morning,

I will do a stretch today.

This is the rotation I came up with for the next 3 weeks: As far as the cardio goes, I will mix in Less Mill Combat, Rock'n & Sock'n, Turbo Fire and XTrain All Out Low Impact HiiT

Week 1 :
D1 - XTrain Bic +Triceps premix #11 = 49 min
D2 - Cardio
D3 - ICE Metabolic TB MishMosh Double #1 = 85 min
D4 - Cardio
D5 - XTrain CBS premix #11 = 77 min
D6 - Cardio
D7 - stretch/or rest day

Week 2:
D1 - Cardio
D2 - Slow & Heavy Chest &Back = 59 min
D3 - Cardio
D4 - S & H Legs & Shoulders = 67 min
D5 - Cardio
D6 - S&H Triceps & Bic = 60 min
D7 - stretch/ or rest day

Week 3:
D1 - XTrain CBS premix #1 = 51 min
D2 - Cardio
D3 - XTrain Biceps & Triceps premix #2 = 58 min
D4 - Cardio
D5 - ICE Metabolic TB MishMosh Scrambled #4 = 58 min
D6 - Cardio
D 7 - stretch/ rest

Thanks Laura! I keep it low impact(no jumping) when I do IMAX. My knees can't handle high impact anymore. Good job on your workout yesterday.

I will be back later to report what I did. Enjoy your Sunday, everyone.
Today is a rest day. Yesterday evening my granddaughter and I took my dog Gertie for a walk and ran back. Yhen we watched a movie till her parents came to get her.

Belinda, I am sorry that the delivery people were rude. I hope things are better and the new refrigerator is all that you hoped it would be. When they delivered ours we didn't have the hookup for the ice maker. They signed off that they couldn't test it running properly. We had to get it and put it on but, they weren't really rude.
I like your rotation. It looks like you will hit everything nicely.
I will just keep Cathe Live till I am tired of it or feel I shouldn't spend the monthly fee. The thing is we rent movies online and two movies a month is that. I don't feel to bad about it and it is nice having something different to add. I have never done a live workout so it is kind of nice seeing that I can do it without too many mistakes :)

Laura, I hope that the knee is better today.

Doreen, how are the Max 30 workouts going?

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I didn't think I would be able to work out today, but I did. Not only is my knee still acting up, but my back injury (which I've had since I was 11) flared up in the middle of the night as well. It might have been something from the weight workout yesterday (deadlifts, although I was careful), but honestly it can act up for no reason. I just ended up doing Cathe live Steptastic. I modified to low impact where necessary. By the end of the workout, my back started loosening up, so I hope some light yoga later this afternoon will work it out.

Belinda, looks like a really good rotation. I think I'm going to have to accept that low impact is my future. This is going to be hard for me.

Diane Sue, I'm really enjoying Cathe live. I was hesitant that I would since I love the production value of the DVDs (and the premixes) so much. DH gave me the year as a Christmas gift and I think I will continue to ask for it for Christmas. I have several of the weight workouts on my 'rotation' for the week, so I hope my back frees up.

Have a good weekend everyone.
Diane Sue - sounds like you had a great day yesterday. We bought the refrigerator at Costco, white glove delivery :( DH and I ended up clean/disinfecting the refrigerator for over 30 min. Not to mention, I had to mop my floors afterwards (it snowed that day and it was moody outside ) I am starting to really like the new refrigerator, it has French doors. Thanks about the rotation.

Laura - I hear you on the low impact :) I used to run a lot, now I can't anymore. You still get a great workout in. I also have to be very careful with deadlift, I had a few slipped discs. I hope your back feels better soon and with some stretching.
Laura, I hope that your back feels better along with the knee. I have a stress fracture in my low back and hip. I get Dexa scans every couple of years. The back is improving. Actually I didn't know there was a hip one too till last year when they mentioned it was about the same. I think that is why I was having some low back hip issues during the Hammer and Chisel rotation. It doesn't give the area much of a break. I find that wide stance deadlifts and deadlifts that are more endurance aggravate. I also hurt myself when I was 12 and slipped on ice on a downhill driveway. I landed hard and ever since that time I my tailbone area is sensitive and will hurt off and on.

Belinda, some white glove service. I am sure you will enjoy the new refrigerator. Ours is double door with a lot of extras. I like that when I open it the light gradually comes on. I bought a special single surge protector meant for refrigerators since I have had two different appliance repair people tell me that you need to do that because everything has those computerized systems with the control boards.
I did Tabata Strength from Max 30 yesterday morning. Again, another tough workout- especially the tabata section with the diamond push-ups. I didn't make it through this one without several breaks! Today was a day off- I think I really needed it.

Now off to finish my taxes... and then decide what to do this week for a rotation!!

Oh- and I caved and bought a Jungle Gym suspension system..... $30 on Too bad none of my DVDs use the suspension system.... but Lift Weights Faster 2 does so I'll have to review and test those out...that's my plan for this summer so hopefully I can hook it up to the kids' swing set outside or take it to the park. :oops::D
Diane Sue - sorry to hear about your stress fracture and that you also had an accident in childhood. When I was 11 I was in an accident and broke my back. I was in a body cast on my back for 3 months. This later led to massive disc herniation, sciatica, nerve damage, and multiple surgeries. Sometimes it just flares up like this. I think I'll have to stay away from H&C. If it was giving you problems, it would probably do the same to me. I try to be extra careful during deadlifts, but sometimes they just get to me. I also wonder if because of my recent knee problems if I haven't been overcompensating on my other side.

Doreen - good job with the tabata workout. I always have to take a couple of breaks, I just need water when I work out. Besides wiping off that sweat! Good deal on the suspension trainer. The way the weather is here, it seems like summer will be just around the corner.
This morning I woke up early... wind was blowing. So I wasn't feeling like a hard cardio workout. I started Rockout Knockout and by the end of the first combo thought- yeah- I've got more than this today and popped in Max:30's Sweat Intervals. While I didn't end up having that level of cardio energy I did get a good workout using the modifier for several moves. It's got quite a bit of kicking and punching moves in it so it actually was a good combo to combine the two.

Hope everyone is off to a great Monday!
Hi ladies,

I am done with XTrain Bic +Triceps premix #11 = 49 min :)

Diane Sue - I am sorry about the stress fracture. Some of those exercises don't look safe. Be careful, girl. Sounds like you have the same refrigerator :) Mmm…need to tell my DH about special single surge protector? Thanks for the tip!

Dorreen - nice combo today.

Laura - have a great workout today.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.
Today was Cathe live Step On It and Metabolic Cardio Circuit. My back is feeling better, no deadlifts in the circuit so hopefully no problems tomorrow. Going to do Element pm yoga tonight. My insomnia has been horrible the last couple of nights.

Doreen, good combo, I've made a note of that one. I do like having the modifier in Max 30.

Belinda, another workout down!

Good day everyone.
This morning I did Cathe live tri-sets legs 47 minutes 338 calories. I then did part of live To the Mat legs and icy core doing the warm up and stability ball portions and going near the end and doing some of the core work (lower ab emphasis) and stretch, 26 minutes, 102 calories. Total time was 73 minutes, 440 calories. I did notice that that there was weighted ab work with some upper body overhead stuff as I forwarded through to the mat. I liked the tri sets workout. It really didn't have much of a break throughout. I am tired! I got to watching The Intern with Robert Deniro staying up with my husband. It was near 2 this morning when I crawled into bed and then didn't sleep well. I should have went to bed earlier. I have seen the movie before. I just really liked it.
Tri-sets legs 3 rnds done 3 times each (these are not all in the correct order on each round. Cathe forgets some deadlifts on one round and has to compensate. Cathe uses 15's and 12's for dumbbells and starts with 1 set of weight plates on the bar then increases to two. She also has times where she starts lighter and increases weight.
rnd 1 3 risers and step
Barbell plie squat 45#
split squat on step right 15's then left
side step up !5#
rnd 2 2 risers on step
reverse lunge using step 15's
wide stance deadlift 45# barbell
cross back lunge off step 15#
rnd 3 3 risers on step
step up 15's
stiff leg dead lift barbell 45#
squat 20's

Doreen, I have a TRX and some dvd's. I used it more when I had my X mount on the ceiling. I have never got my husband to install it here. At our last home that we lived in for two years I didn't get it installed because when my dh tried he couldn't find a stud in the ceiling. The house was really old in the historical district and there was a lot of plaster walls and stuff so it was near impossible to hand things without enormous holes. I like the TRX. I have several workouts that incorporate the TRX and Kettlebells. Also Tracey Staehle's Bootcamp workouts use one as an option. I will have to go look and see what others I have that use it. I have an excellent flexibility workout that uses it. You might find some that you can get on TRX tv. There is no attic over my workout room here so I feel a little apprehensive again about using the X mount. I t is a little harder to use with the door attachment for everything. You can get some excellent ab moves out of it with your feet n the handles in plank type moves and pikes etc. while being suspended.

Belinda, I have to be careful with the crossback off the high step. Too heavy and too high ad it aggravates the hip and knee. I started at 14 inch when I was doing Hammer and Chisel and Lowered to 12 inches later. They use the beachbody weight bench and it is 16 inches when flat. Also the power moves on the Hammer workout is a bit tough on the low back doing the cleans and jerks etc. . I think when I do those again I will give myself more recovery time because a lot of the time I was achy and going right back at it the next day. I ordered the refrigerator surge protector from Amazon. I will go check back on my orders and send you a link.

Laura, my heart goes out to you. That had to been a terrible thing to experience. I hate when children have to go through so much pain. I am glad that you were ale to recover enough to now be able to workout like you do. I totally understand that you would be cautious. I posted above to Belinda some of the stuff that bothered particularly on Hammer and Chisel. Also I think with more recovery between workouts they would have been better. Autumn of course used much lighter weights than Sagi does. It could be that you are over compensating. I am so uneven from one side to the other. I have good balance on the left and the right is awkward and a real struggle. Interestingly, I thought balance work would help improve it but it sometimes just means pain instead. My leg that had the torn meniscus is my good balance side. The other leg is the side where the stress fractures are.
Diane Sue, we were posting at the same time. I am also very uneven on balance. I've tried to work on it like you, but no it does not seem to improve. Through therapy I have become more aware of compensating. They caught that when I stand, I switch all my weight onto my left leg (my right side is my bad side). I try to catch myself and balance between my two sides, but I know that when I get fatigued I still will find that I have done it again.

I went through a lot, but at the time I was too young to really understand. Later in high school, I became good friends with a girl who had lost the use of her legs and was in a wheelchair. She fell into a hole in the backyard that was being dug for a swimming pool. It was then that I realized what a near thing it had been for me. I feel very grateful to be able to do what I do.

I've got trisets on my to do list. I've been holding off on lower right now because of the knee. How does it compare to the DVD?

Thanks and have a great day.
Laura, I think that Tri set legs feels harder. Maybe because there is less of a break between each set. The breaks are mainly quick changes of step height. She really doesn't go that heavy but, a person could heavy up if they wanted to. I stayed pretty much with Cathe except I did not go down to 12's and I am not sure how much her bar weighted before she put the plates on. She generally does 16 reps. I think it was the wide stance deadlifts that were 12 reps. Also she has some pulses in some of the moves. So, that makes it a bit harder to count reps..

Doreen, I went and looked and another workout that I have that uses TRX is Lauren Brooks workout 3. Just in case you have any of those or could find them somewhere. I should use the TRX instead of pull ups and bands.
This morning I did Cathe live tri-sets legs 47 minutes 338 calories. I then did part of live To the Mat legs and icy core doing the warm up and stability ball portions and going near the end and doing some of the core work (lower ab emphasis) and stretch, 26 minutes, 102 calories. Total time was 73 minutes, 440 calories. I did notice that that there was weighted ab work with some upper body overhead stuff as I forwarded through to the mat. I liked the tri sets workout. It really didn't have much of a break throughout. I am tired! I got to watching The Intern with Robert Deniro staying up with my husband. It was near 2 this morning when I crawled into bed and then didn't sleep well. I should have went to bed earlier. I have seen the movie before. I just really liked it.
Tri-sets legs 3 rnds done 3 times each (these are not all in the correct order on each round. Cathe forgets some deadlifts on one round and has to compensate. Cathe uses 15's and 12's for dumbbells and starts with 1 set of weight plates on the bar then increases to two. She also has times where she starts lighter and increases weight.
rnd 1 3 risers and step
Barbell plie squat 45#
split squat on step right 15's then left
side step up !5#
rnd 2 2 risers on step
reverse lunge using step 15's
wide stance deadlift 45# barbell
cross back lunge off step 15#
rnd 3 3 risers on step
step up 15's
stiff leg dead lift barbell 45#
squat 20's

Doreen, I have a TRX and some dvd's. I used it more when I had my X mount on the ceiling. I have never got my husband to install it here. At our last home that we lived in for two years I didn't get it installed because when my dh tried he couldn't find a stud in the ceiling. The house was really old in the historical district and there was a lot of plaster walls and stuff so it was near impossible to hand things without enormous holes. I like the TRX. I have several workouts that incorporate the TRX and Kettlebells. Also Tracey Staehle's Bootcamp workouts use one as an option. I will have to go look and see what others I have that use it. I have an excellent flexibility workout that uses it. You might find some that you can get on TRX tv. There is no attic over my workout room here so I feel a little apprehensive again about using the X mount. I t is a little harder to use with the door attachment for everything. You can get some excellent ab moves out of it with your feet n the handles in plank type moves and pikes etc. while being suspended.

Belinda, I have to be careful with the crossback off the high step. Too heavy and too high ad it aggravates the hip and knee. I started at 14 inch when I was doing Hammer and Chisel and Lowered to 12 inches later. They use the beachbody weight bench and it is 16 inches when flat. Also the power moves on the Hammer workout is a bit tough on the low back doing the cleans and jerks etc. . I think when I do those again I will give myself more recovery time because a lot of the time I was achy and going right back at it the next day. I ordered the refrigerator surge protector from Amazon. I will go check back on my orders and send you a link.

Laura, my heart goes out to you. That had to been a terrible thing to experience. I hate when children have to go through so much pain. I am glad that you were ale to recover enough to now be able to workout like you do. I totally understand that you would be cautious. I posted above to Belinda some of the stuff that bothered particularly on Hammer and Chisel. Also I think with more recovery between workouts they would have been better. Autumn of course used much lighter weights than Sagi does. It could be that you are over compensating. I am so uneven from one side to the other. I have good balance on the left and the right is awkward and a real struggle. Interestingly, I thought balance work would help improve it but it sometimes just means pain instead. My leg that had the torn meniscus is my good balance side. The other leg is the side where the stress fractures are.

Diane Sue - Good for you for listen to your body :) I think the older I get, the more I have to back down on particular exercises. I am getting old, lol. Good job on your workout today.
Today was Cathe live Step On It and Metabolic Cardio Circuit. My back is feeling better, no deadlifts in the circuit so hopefully no problems tomorrow. Going to do Element pm yoga tonight. My insomnia has been horrible the last couple of nights.

Doreen, good combo, I've made a note of that one. I do like having the modifier in Max 30.

Belinda, another workout down!

Good day everyone.

Laura - glad your back is feeling better. Hope you get some sleep tonight.
Good morning,

Just finished Les Mills Combat - Combat 45 Power Kata = 45 min. I love those workouts :) I am so glad I bought them.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in today.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone.
Today was two Cathe live workouts, LI Hiit Circuit and Cardio Mish Mosh. Then DH and I went for about a 4 mile walk. I can't ever remember a year where it was in the 70's in March. Lovely to get outside.

Belinda, good job on the Combat workouts. They are on my list to get to. So many are on my list. I ended up not doing yoga last night. I took a nice soak in the tub and I think I ended up falling asleep about 15 min after. Nice to get a real sleep for a change.

Diane Sue, thanks for the trisets info. I've made note on my spreadsheet.

Hello to everyone who checks in later.
I wonder if I could get Les Mills from the library?? Hmm. I'll have to add it to my list. (so many lists- stuff to get from the library, stuff I can't get from the library and am watching for on Ebay, stuff I want to buy and haven't seen on Ebay, stuff I want to buy!) He He.

This morning I did STS Meso 2, Week 1 legs. Just feeling like I've been shorting the legs lately and wanted some pure strength work. And I love this meso's leg work with the tri-sets.

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