Hey everybody. Well, I must say, I don't think I want another flu shot, ever. They usually don't bother me at all. This one, knocked me on my butt. Every muscle ached. Yesterday was a bear. Barely made it through work. I'm feeling better today, and had some other business to take care of, so today was a PTO day. Upper body, mostly back. With a HoCo thrown in.
Glad Plan B worked out for you, Lisa, and yes there are times watching British TV, when I need closed captioning.
Glad you're not working out with the inmates Tom, and just for grins, my right side is bigger, but my left side has better definition.
Yesterday, was a leg day, with a little Mark Lauren thrown in. I thought working out, would get rid of some of the aches. Not so much. If I get the flu, after all of this, I'm gonna be really upset!
Have a great day, everyone!