Lifting like girls

Shoulders. 25 sets of them! 10 sets of presses, 6 sets seated DB presses and 4 sets seated BB press. Then it was 4 sets of side laterals, 1 arm rear delt flys ( tried to do 2 handed but couldn't bend over, on the 1arm I supported myself with the off arm) and decline DB front raises, finishing with 3 sets of DB shrugs. Tried to "volume fry" myself....and it worked! Make Thursday your own friends!!!
25 sets of shoulders, Tom??? Your shoulder workout love is back after last week! Also good job listening to your body yesterday when your biceps were talking to you.

Yesterday I did a Kelly Coffey Meyer boxing DVD called Train Like a Contender for some cardio. Today I did Cathe Live from 2014, one of the first ones, for Upper Body. Lots of back and shoulders in this one. A good burn! Hope you have a great day, too!
Leg day #2 of this week. I'm ready for the weekend. It really feels like fall here. At least my pumpkin spice coffee creamer is available in stores now, not that you care about coffee Tom, lol. But it sure makes me happy. It's the little things. Have a great weekend!
Well yesterday was a "not so much" day, so today was make up arm day, all supersets. 3sets of ez bar curls/ skullcrushers, DB curls/ pushdowns and dec DB curls/ overhead tri extensions. All sets in the 8(minimum) to 15(maximum) range. Now, back to football...have a great weekend friends!!
Some legs ( sort of) and abs. I actually did 4 sets of BB bench squats, only 100# but just to see if I could... and I did, wasn't pleasant but they were the first in months!!
Bench squats (100#) x5, then 3x8
Calf raises (100# )4x25, crunches with a 25# plate 4x20 and cable crunches 4x20. Nuttin heavy or profound but "sompin"! Raining here, pretty sure my "waterworld" basement is sure to follow. Enjoy your Sunday!!!
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Lisa, I was surprised...not wetter than the day before???and yes, Big Red pulled it out despite 4 turnovers and 120 yards in penalties!!
Chest and tris here, 11 sets bench, 1 long finishing set (x16)of DB inclines and 3 sets pushdowns and a set of seated DB kickbacks. High bench was 210, 2 sets of 200x3 then 185x7 and lighter stuff to finish. Hope you are feeling better Lisa cause I'm thinking about driving to your house to pick you up so we can go find Karen!!! Worried about her, hope we hear from her soon! Survive your Monday!!!
Good news about your basement and your team, Tom! I agree, I'm really getting worried about Karen!!! It's time for a roadtrip to make sure she's ok. I'll try to PM her, maybe she'll see that.

Today was Biceps and Triceps. A little tricky because I got my flu shot yesterday so my arm was sore, but I powered through! Have a terrific Tuesday!
Back and bi day. 3sets of chinups, pullovers and DB rows. Bis were 3sets of alt DB curls and 1set of hammer curls. Short and sweet and that was nice!! Lisa, I need to get a flu shot too and yep, always makes my arm sore too!! Way to work thru it!! Tomorrow should be a leg day...we will see, maybe abs and something leg like!! All for me, hump day next!!
Tom, definitely get that flu shot! There have already been people testing positive for the flu in the Pac NW! Nice back and bi day!

Glutes on a Wednesday. I got some new cloth glute resistance bands and I love them! They were a great addition to today's torture session. Be well today!
Yesterday was another punt. Today was shoulders, 20 sets, consisting of 8 sets DB press, 3 sets of side laterals, seated bent over DB rear delt flys, decline DB front raises and DB shrugs. Nothing heavy except side laterals, and I overloaded those, shortened the ROM and yep, too heavy but this is one of many weak areas for me so I "let em fly"!! Tomorrow arms, will surely show for that! All for me friends!!
Well my Huskers play Ohio State...bad draw but game day is in Lincoln so should be fun!!!
Today was arms, I dropped to 35s for everything since I'm getting some early tendonitis symptoms and I went light and long to hopefully not aggravate stuff!! Supersets, 6 sets of alt DB curls/ skullcrushers and 2 sets hammer curls/ kickbacks, 16 sets in all. Good work on getting in leg day 2 Lisa!!! Off to bed for me, lightening and thunder be da#$ed!!!
Yesterday was just touching several body parts, bench was 150x8 170 x10 10 and 150 x10, Bwt squats x30 20 15, calf raises x30 20 15, seated BB press 100 x10 8 and 1x8 chinups (tendonitis is rearing it's ugly head). Just a little something to make me feel like I showed!! I'm going to try to do some abs this morning, been slacking on those and lower body for sure, but I have an appointment for 10/14 to work up the "hip thang"! Enjoy Sunday friends!!
Yesterday was ab day, 100 reps of cable crunches and crunches with a 45# Oly plate. All were 5x20. T ok day was chest and Tris, 14 sets of chest, 6 tri. Bench was up to 190 x3 200 x3 3 3, 190 x3 3 3, 170x8 150 x8 100 x20(that was hard at the end..lotsa stretch!!) Then did Inc flys x10 then right into Inc DB press x10 as a finisher and finished I was! Tris were skullcrushers x10 12 15 and pushdowns x10 8 8. 20 sets in all and it was plenty!! Have a great start to your week Lisa and Karen, hope to hear from you soon!!
Tom, you killed it with the weights today! High fives!!!

Did legs today. Not sure why Monday mornings are so hard since I am not at a 9 to 5 job, more like a 24/7 never ending job, so there shouldn't be a difference in Mondays...but yet, there is. Well, that's what coffee is for (or in your case Tom, Twizzlers). Lol! Be well friends

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