Lifting like girls

Oh Tom! I read your post and almost cried. Yes, this crap does hit fast. Take care, and have a great vacation, in spite of yourself.
Lisa, I’m fine. Just so much “stuff” that needs to get done. Hope you are well.
I’ve been lifting heavy, that ain’t much these days. Monday was chest, shoulders, triceps. Yesterday was a kick butt lower body. Today will be back and biceps, maybe a little metabolic.
I have a lot of tomatoes and peppers. It’s been very hot here this week. Close to 100 degrees. I think today 100 is predicted. That’s all I got. Tomorrow!
Karen, yay, great to hear from you! Nia Shanks would shake her finger at you for minimizing your strength. Her latest blog post is: "To Women Everywhere: Stop Disqualifying Your Accomplishments in the Gym." Girl, your heavy is great, and all that matters is that it's heavy for you! 100 degrees, ouch! Peppers and tomatoes must be resilient to survive that (I only know how to eat them, not grow them!).

Tom, hey, hope you're partying and feeling good.

Today was a Cathe Live stability ball Upper body workout from Feb 2017. Never done it before and it was great!

Be well, friends
Way to go ladies... great work!! DW bought me a cane!!!! The worse part is I'm using it! I had a few times I about lost it so the cane helps. I asked son 1 and he says we have to wait 3 months after the injection before I can get a replacement so I guess October it will be. Having fun despite and did a couple of upper body DB workouts. Glad you ladies are making up for this slacker...carry on!!!
Tom, you use that cane, as long as it helps. Who cares??? It's definitely not a sign of weakness, you are one tough dude! It sucks you have to wait 3 months. Your DS1 is such a great resource for you, glad he can guide you through this. Plus it's great that you can still work Upper body, and you've always hated leg day! Joking aside, keep us updated on how you're feeling. We can't fix it for you but we sure do care. Keep enjoying your vacation.

Karen, keep it up! Pull-ups are the pillar of strength (and near death, lol).

Today was a metabolic, cardio mish mosh. Have a great Friday!
Tom, you use that cane, as long as it helps. Who cares??? It's definitely not a sign of weakness, you are one tough dude! It sucks you have to wait 3 months. Your DS1 is such a great resource for you, glad he can guide you through this. Plus it's great that you can still work Upper body, and you've always hated leg day! Joking aside, keep us updated on how you're feeling. We can't fix it for you but we sure do care. Keep enjoying your vacation.

Karen, keep it up! Pull-ups are the pillar of strength (and near death, lol).

Today was a metabolic, cardio mish mosh. Have a great Friday!
This Tom! Exactly right, keep using that cane. Who cares?
Thanks for the the pull-up encouragement, Lisa. Some days I feel like most of my weight is on my assistance band. Have I told you lately, I hate pull-ups? Yesterday was lower body, and some knitting and crochet. I’m teaching myself, with the help of You Tube to Tunisian crochet. Many different stitches, with many different fabric patterns. Very beautiful and interesting. Everyone is getting shawls, blankets, scarves and sweaters for Christmas. You can tell, I’ve run out of ideas. Yesterday was lower body, and watching You Tube. I’ve also thought about getting into yarn dying. So many ideas, so little time!
That’s it for me guys! Until Monday!
Karen, Tunisian crochet sounds gorgeous and exotic. Definitely a unique gift that people will love! YouTube is a great place to learn. My two DDs love to follow along, draw their favorite cartoon characters with a teaching channel Draw So Cute. It keeps them occupied AND they learn art skills. Win win! Oh yeah, about those pullups, I've stopped trying. I just hate them so much. I feel like I should be ashamed about this maybe?? But I'm not, lol. The only pullups we have going on around here are the potty training kind! :pSo what I'm saying is you're doing awesome, pull up band and all.

Tom, you still road tripping? Driven through Idaho yet?

Today I just needed "fun," so skipped out on leg day and did a Sydney Cummings metabolic-ish workout. Have a great start to your week!
Made it back and today was a half a$$ed chest and Tris day. 11 sets of bench, light and more like a deload. Top sets were 3x3 at 185. Tris were 3x8 light skullcrushers and 2x8 pushdowns.
Trip was fun, the train ride was interesting, but got 0 sleep those 2 nights. We flew home and I gotta admit...a 2 1/2 flight tops a 40 hour ride!!!
Hope y'all are well!!!
Rough day, back and bis and it just wasn't there. 3x5 chinups, 2x10 pullovers, 3x10 DB curls and 2x10 hammer curls and that was it!! I know a 13 day layoff is never good but I think some if it is psychological, just dialed out! I walk like a cripple and even my balance is messed up....oh well, $hi! happens!!! Hope you my friends fare better!! Happy hump day!
Let's all meet up in Karen's garden, gather the excess tomatoes, and throw them at the $hit $how you're experiencing with your hip. Hopefully the countdown to getting your surgery is approaching zero. I'm sure it was a huge relief to fly for 2 hours vs 40 hours in the car! Sitting that long would've been awful. Keep on keeping on as best you can, friend.

Did some metabolic cardio today. Talk later, everyone
Third time in two weeks doing Cathe's 2017 Live Stability Ball Upper Body Strength. I love this workout, it makes me feel strong. Needed that today!

Also, thanks to Costco being way too early bringing out its Christmas toys for sale, my Christmas shopping for my kiddos is done. I rounded it out with a few things from Amazon. It's nice to be done so early but also a little WTF? But you snooze you lose with Costco inventory, so...
Lisa.... Christmas???..... amazing, I'm a Christmas Eve kinda guy!
Today was a 12 set shoulder day, all light. 4 x12 DB shoulder press 4x10 side laterals and 4x10 decline DB front raises. Tomorrow will be arms, may have to do some calf stuff soon, but other leg stuff on hold for now.
Good job Lisa, Karen, hope the Christmas "fabricing" is going well, those will be great gifts! Have a terrific Friday friends!!
Arm day, a little abbreviated, only 12 sets and lighter on the dumbbells. Everything was supersets, db skullcrushers x10 12 15/ alt DB curls x10 10 12, pushdowns 3x10/ hammer curls x8 8 10 then finished with 25 isometric curls each arm with the other arm providing resistance thru the range of motion. All the DB work was 40s and today it seemed enough!
Funny story, I updated my Facebook profile pic with a pic from vacay just standing with my arms down and ended up with about 60 comments, mostly about my arms!! It's crazy, don't see it but DW says I have " body dysmorphia" syndrome! Guess it's better than saying I'm fat or old as dirt... Both of which are true!!! Enjoy Friday friends!!!
Tom, yay! Celebrate those compliments about your physique, you've worked so hard for it! We're our own worst critics though, aren't we?

Karen, hey!

Today was cardio. Just meh but I survived at least. Have a great weekend!!!
Today I just tried to do some legs and abs, 100 reps of bwt squats calf raises and crunches. Trying to maintain what I have ( it's not much) lower body wise. I'm struggling to find leg work I can do but I used the bench as a stop and got along ok with the squats.
Have a great Labor Day friends!!
Chest and tris and while it started terribly be it ended up ok! Started with 95 on the bench and it felt sorta heavy but things improved. I used the small block on all the sets until the last finishers, 3x8 at 145. I worked up to 205x3 215 x1 185x8 then the 3x8 at 145. Tris were 3x10 skullcrushers and 3x8 pushdowns. This is the first time in quite some time I've been over 200, so that felt good!
Hope none of you are "laboring" today.. enjoy the holiday friends!
Tom, great idea to use the bench to assist with squats! 205#, wow, congrats! My labors never end, as my bosses are relentless!!! Lol. At least my DH has the day off so he's here in the trenches with me.

Today was total body strength. Didn't have much in me today so gave it what I could. Enjoy the rest of the day!
Kind of feeling unmotivated this week, so sticking only with workouts that sound "fun." Did a metabolic, compound type workout from YouTube today. I liked it so mission accomplished! Be well everyone

ETA: Karen ordered some Black Rifle "AK 47" medium roast during the Labor Day sale yesterday. Like you, not a fan of the names, but excited to try the coffee! Thanks for the recommendation!
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