Least Favorite Moves


While we covered our least favorite workouts; what are your least favorite moves? These are the moves that have the highest degree of Yuck Factor. For me, it is those hideous Genie Hops in IMAX 2. Genie Hops are my one-way ticket to plantar fasciitis. I also detest Slam-its:-(

I'm with you on the 'genie hops'...I always substitute different forms of 'power 15's' for them. Makes for a good hard blast.

I don't care for the repetitive nature of the blast in LIC and get frustrated that Cathe doesn't use people of various heights in her more recent workouts. I'm tall and can't touch the step without compromising my low back.

Not a fan of hip thrusts either, my long torso just doesn't move like that. I do 'em but they sure don't look like the crews.

Take Care
Genie Hops--I feel it mostly in my shins

Tuck Jumps--? maybe just too hard?

Hammer Thrust Lunges--I don't like any front lunge except a walking lunge

Plie Jacks--again, why do I end up feeling these in my shins and not my thighs more?????
Hi Sarah:) Hip thrusts are in the abs sections of MuscleMax, Butts and Guts, LIS, CoreMax and some others I can't recall at the moment. They work the low abs nicely but I can't make the move look as pretty as those petite 5'2" gals can.

Take Care
Laurie I'm 5'0 and I can't make hip thrust graceful either. Maybe one day I will but not anytime soon.

My least favorite more is splits squats or one legged squats whatever you call time. I hate them. I hope there aren't too many in STS.

Ah yes, now I remember what hip thusts are. Thank you, Laurie. Thankfully, I don't have a mirror in my living room, so I can't confirm how un-pretty my moves are ;-)

Yes, slam-its....and slap-claps.


We find beauty in the most incomprehensible places and the otherwise homely faces. It is our gift to see beyond the dirt, terror, sadness and defeat and find the true soul that lies within. We are Rescue.
For me they are Genie Hops, Ski Hops, Split Scissors, and Power Turns. Of course, I do them all; however, my stomach knots up in anticipation of each of these. Oh, and the basic crunch, I just hate it. I'm sure there are more, but I just can't think of them now.
My least favorite moves are definetely genie hops (I HATE those!!) and power turning squats. x( x(

Oh and a move that makes me angry just to do it (don't ask me why...) are those "flying angels" in the warmup of Imax 2. I haven't noticed them in any other Cathe workouts (THANK GOD! ;)) They just irritate me!


OOOh, me too, the flying angels, I simply do not do them.;)

I am with Laurie on the squat thrusts, it hurts my low back too much, and the tuck jumps? Yeah right.:eek:

I actually do not mind the genie hops, weird huh? I also hate those plie jacks where you have to scoot your feet together really quick, I am not so quick...
And I thought i was the only one who can´t stand the genie hops! There are so many that LOVE IMax2,but simply due to those genies, I don´t like to do it. (although I really like the rest of it)

Have to add that drill in drill max where you hop and turn and then skip and turn, although I *heart* drillmax, I DO NOT *heart* that drill x(
Squat thrusts - broke my knee cap - nuff said
Ricochet (sp?) - tweaks my knees funny
hip thrust repeaters - so not cute when I do it
Figure 8's - again with the knee thing
Jack knife crunches - I hurt for days after those babies!!!

Shuffles down the board x(
Power turning squats (I never seem to jump high enough to do a 180 turn!!!)
Ricochet, bothers my hips (I do an up-and-back instead)
That heel-toe move, feels to awkward to me

By the may, what are squat thrusts and slam-its (or in which workouts are they?)

>By the may, what are squat thrusts and slam-its (or in which
>workouts are they?)

Slam-its are in Step Jam and Low Max. You "slam" one foot on the end of the bench and the other is on the floor. Not fun.

Squat-Thrusts are in Bootcamp (original)--Cathe calls them "Squat Thrust Terminators" in that one, and 4DS Bootcamp, Drill Max, etc. You get down into a push up position (on your toes) some require you to do a push up and some don't. You then jump back into a squat position and do an airborn jump or tuck jump. Some are different than others. They're the last part of the final Drill Max drill after the football runs. They're also in the warmup of 4DS Bootcamp. Again...not fun.


Ricochets...but I hate double ricochets even more (I don't do either, as I find them to be knee torque waiting to happen).
> For me, it is those hideous
>Genie Hops in IMAX 2. Genie Hops are my one-way ticket to
>plantar fasciitis.

I don't like them at all done the way they are (too much time on one foot, IMO), so I switch feet during the move, or sometimes turn them into a 'hop from one foot to the other,' depending on what I feel like doing.

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