Least Favorite Moves

>I ...get frustrated that Cathe doesn't use people of various
>heights in her more recent workouts. I'm tall and can't touch
>the step without compromising my low back.

I hear you on that one!

It was always nice to have Rhonda in workouts, because she's around 5' 6" (about my height--which I don't consider to be 'tall,' but which is taller than the current crew) and it's nice to see how the moves 'look' on someone close to my height (ie: her jumps aren't as high, she doesn't get off the ground when doing levetation holds, etc.).
>Tuck Jumps--? maybe just too hard?
I don't like them either---and I can't imagine any way that I could ever do them. I might get height, but never a 'tuck' (just not a fast-twitch person).

>Hammer Thrust Lunges--I don't like any front lunge except a
>walking lunge.

I don't mind these with MODIFICATIONS, like taking out the pivot and turning them into kind of a reaching lunge (which hits the glutes and hams nicely, but is safer for the knees).
> Oh and a move that makes me angry just to do it (don't ask me
>why...) are those "flying angels" in the warmup of Imax 2. I
>haven't noticed them in any other Cathe workouts (THANK GOD!
>;)) They just irritate me!

I actually like them if I take out the turn, but I do not do them 'as-is.' (As you may have noticed, I'm not fond of many pivot moves).

Unfortunately, they are in some other workouts (at least one in the "Classics" or "Cardio Hits").
>Have to add that drill in drill max where you hop and turn and
>then skip and turn, although I *heart* drillmax, I DO NOT
>*heart* that drill x(

I find it more doable (in my space) to omit the turn and just go backwards on the second 'lap' (which also could work the muscles differently). That way, you can just hop or skip as far forward as you can (even if that's only 2 or 3 moves instead of 4) and then continue by going backwards.
Here's a vote for fast foot repeaters. My HR goes sky high and I'm always skeered of tripping!!:eek:

>Here's a vote for fast foot repeaters. My HR goes sky high
>and I'm always skeered of tripping!!:eek:

I agree! I have fallen doing FFR's. I modify them and take my step down to just the riser height.

I forgot about squat-thrust-climbers!! I HATE those, too! lol They actually hurt my hands and fingers.. don't know why though.. lol.

Hammer Thrust Lunges- Can you elaborate on your modification? I can't really picture it, but I'm all for anything that spares my knees.
>Hammer Thrust Lunges- Can you elaborate on your
>modification? I can't really picture it, but I'm all for
>anything that spares my knees.

First, keep facing forward (no twist from the side). Then step forward into a forward lunge while reaching towards the front heel with both hands (or you could keep the hammer punch: the reach just gives you a good idea of where you are aiming). Be sure to keep the knee behind the toe, with the shin as close to vertical as possible(or even the knee behind the heel a bit). Push back up through the heal of the front foot.
I dont like any move on top of the board (flying angels, skip across, bow and arrow on top) they seem to slow me down. I feel as if I have to keep watch where I'm going. I also dont like the power squat turns (C&W) and I still cant do airborn jacks or at least I avoid them and do something else!!

Pretty much anything step-related. My step works wonderfully as a weight bench and a cat bed.

Regarding squat thrusts, I have actually begun to not hate those as much as I once did, maybe because I have to modify them by placing my hands on the step, since I can't go to the floor as it will compromise my lower back. I do know they are incredibly effective in getting the heart rate way up!
I agree with quite a few on here, but also the ski hops from 4DS bootcamp. I don't want to be a better skier!! LOL
I do love 4DS Bootcamp though, alot of fun & different.
>Terminators. I cannot get up & down that fast.

Melanie~ Not that you are going to be doing a lot of Terminator Climbers in your condition, but a good modification is to use your high step to perform them. I use 4-5 risers, in addition to the top. You do the Terminator's the same way, but place your hands on the high step, so that you don't have to go all the way to the floor. Even though I am an advanced exerciser, I have always done Terminator Climbers this way. It still gets your heartrate nice and high,but is much less punishing to the knees.

I'm with you on most all those moves. I am afraid on many like FFR's that I am going to twist my ankle or knee. Not worth the risk if I can't work. I just do a lot of modifications. Just glad to know I'm not alone with these opinions.

power turning squats
another vote for jeanie hops
shuffles down the step(i feel like a horse,galloping)
power scissors

thats all i can think of right now.

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