January 08 Rotation Check in

Hi Kathy,

Great job! Wow you deserve that rest day. Doing a stretch will really help because I think you are going to be pretty sore after this past week. :) Good job on the eating too.

Been a busy day...just back from the Home Depot and Best Buy. My DH and I went out also to the 99 for dinner. I was good. I got the teriaki chicken with veggies. Very yummy :9 I only ate half of course because they give you so much. The rest is for lunch tomorrow.

No workout for me today....yet that is. I am too full right now to even think of doing a workout. :) Oh well....tomorrow is another day.

Have a great night. BBT Heidi :7
Happy Monday, gals!!

Checking in quick from COLD COLD Massachusetts! Bitterly cold weather with sub-zero wind chills. Only thing is, my workouts warm me up and motivate me to get it going!

Yesterday was nice not to have to workout. I enjoyed the rest! AND I enjoyed the PATRIOTS WINNING THE AFC CHAMPIONSHIP!!! Unbelievable team this year, unstoppable, unbeatable!!! I was a tiny bit disappointed, because i was really hoping to see Green Bay go to the Super bowl with them.

But... I did have to get back to work and do my 12 hours overnight again. I struggle through every weekend. I'm used to it, but do struggle.

Mondays are tough. And I think I've been dreading Butts & Guts on Monday's schedule since I read the Rotation way back in the beginning! I just finished, and yes, it was tough going. I sleep just 5 hours after my sleep deprived weekend, and am not in top form. So I did what I could. My only modifications was #1, not wearing the ankle weights.. #2, skipped the one leg up on the ball holds..and #3, dropped a few of the repetitions from the last floor sequence on your hands and knees. But i definitely felt WORKED, and if I don't feel this tomorrow (like I never had DOMS from last weeks leg work!!), something is WRONG!!

Heading out now for my shower, and then bringing our 3 boys to "Big Adventure" play place. It's a huge place dedicated to games, video games, prizes, etc. Plus they have a restaurant. I HOPE I can find a nice light salad...

Not sure I'm going to get to crank out the Bonus Burn... I'd like to think I would, but I know after we get back, I'll be cooked for the day!

Hope everyone's recoverd and ready for our 4TH and LAST week of this rotation!! (Can you believe it?? already??)

Good Afternoon Everyone,

It is Tuesday and I survived Drill Max this morning. I had never done it. It was a killer! I did the bonus burn before the workout. I have been getting in all the workouts this past week. Just haven't had time to get online.

Is this month's rotation hard or am I just a wimp? I feel my entire body talking to me all day long. I think it is saying, "Please stop, please stop, please stop the Cathe workouts!" My body feels like it did 5 months ago when I just got back into working out. Any of you feel like that?

Whoever had the mac and cheese slow cooker recipe--please post it here. I love trying new recipes.

God bless,
First, here's the recipe! It was very good!

Macaroni Jackpot (Crockpot)
Serves: 6 (1 1/3 cups)
Weight Watcher Points: 5

16 ounces extra lean ground turkey or beef
3/4 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup (one 2.5-ounce jar) sliced mushrooms, undrained
1 (10 3/4-ounce) can Healthy Request Cream of Mushroom Soup

1 3/4 cups (one 14 1/2-ounce can) stewed tomatoes, chopped and undrained
2 cups uncooked elbow macaroni
1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes

In a large skillet sprayed with butter-flavored cooking spray, brown meat
and onion. Spray a slow cooker container with butter-flavored cooking spray.
In prepared container, combine browned meat mixture, undrained mushrooms,
mushroom soup, and undrained stewed toma?toes. Add uncooked macaroni and
parsley flakes. Mix well to combine. Cover and cook on LOW for 6 to 8 hours.
Mix well before serving.

235 Calories 7g Fat 17g Protein 26g Carb 475mg Sodium 2g Fiber
Exchanges: 2 Meat 1 1/2 Starch? 1 Vegetable

Now for my Check In!

First of all, I *finally* got DOMS from Butts * Guts yesterday! Sore lower body big time! Unfortunately, Drill Max was on tap for today! EEK!

I did it after lunch instead of my usual morning. I was freaked out about doing Lower Body work right after BG and my legs being sore, but it wasn't TOO bad, considering. The weights were lighter and it seemed more like functional moves as opposed to more weight/strength focused stuff. Still..it was TOUGH! I hadn't done DM in it's entirety for a long time (have done the premixes). Again, a few moves I can NOT get... (am I the only one?) .. #1. Divebomber push ups. I *know* I don't go down far enough on those! #2. Push ups on the ball... NO WAY! I guess it's the push ups in general that give me a hard time!

Heather! YES! I am too feeling really pooped out this last week! My body feels very tired. It's mostly this last week, since Cathe started "slamming" out the lower body stuff! I think I might end up taking a 'rest week' after this rotation. Light workouts and a LOT of stretching. I'm due for one.

But for now... I think I'm going to go crank out the Bonus Burn before I start dinner!! I haven't done it in a while, and I might not get to it tomorrow...

Looking forward to hearing how everyone is doing!...

Hi Heather and Chris,

Just checking in to see how you are handling this weeks workouts. I see everyone is in agreement!x( }(

I ended up doing PLB and Coremax abs #1 today. As for the PLB I switched it around and did the floor work first. It was still tough but I thought it worked out better for me. I am always so tired out by the time the standing portion is over that I can't give it my all. When going to the DVD after the floor work my legs were shaking and made me crack up! After the standing portion I felt great. It seems that doing this last stretched out my legs. :) I think for now on I will be doing it this way.

Chris: I just printed out the Macaroni Jackpot recipe. Thanks! it looks yummy. :9 I love crockpot recipes because I can get dinner on the table in a pinch after work.

Hi Kathy! How was your workout today? Or are you still really sore too?

I hope you all have a great night.
BBL Heidi:7
Hey ladies!! Not sore today. But, tomorrow I think I will be...Today was Butts & Gutts...That one seems to go on forever!!

Chris: Great recipe! I am going to have to try that one!!

Heather: I agree..this is a tough rotation..Cathe is getting us good!!

Heidi: Hanging in there.. We had a busy day so I didn't get on the computer or workout until later in the day..

Have a great night ladies!!
Hi all! Just checking in though I haven't been keeping up with the rotation the last few days. I definitely agree, it's killer. I've felt so run down the past few days. I came down with a nasty cold/upper respiratory thing. I took rest days Saturday and Sunday, but managed to do KickMax yesterday. There was no way I could face BodyMax2 today. I'm feeling pretty miserable. I'm going to see how I feel tomorrow. I was looking forward to next week's workouts. I hope I can get back to myself and finish out the rotation by the end of the month.

You are all doing great!! Keep it up!

Hi Joanne,

I hope you feel better today.:)

Just getting moving this morning. I haven't decided on what I am going to do for a workout yet. Cardio step workout or an iTread.

Have to get DS up for school. BBL Heidi:7
Yea! I felt much better this morning and managed to do BodyMax2! It was tough, but I made it! Following a rotation is really motivating. If I didn't have BodyMax scheduled I would have done something much easier or nothing at all. I think Butts and Guts is tomorrow - I haven't done that one in a long time. Now I'm off to take my daughter who has the same thing as me, to the doctor. She's running a fever, so better get her checked out. Happy workouts all!

Checking in with Low Max....

God, I haven't done this workout in a LONG LONG time! I did remember it was lower body focus, but wow... 7 intervals went on forever! LOL! My glutes were still a bit sore from all the previous lower body work, but I did get through it. I do remember not being able to get through the lunge sequence blast in the past, but again, somehow I did all the reps without crying! I guess I got me some lower body strength afterall!

I continue to feel tired, and struggling through these workouts more than usual. I mean, I feel great once I'm done. But I'm really having to push it through. There's going to be a good week next week (the last week of Jan.) to take a break before February rotation comes along. So I'm excited to do that.

Joanne: I know what you mean when you're doing a rotation and feel compelled to do what's on schedule! It's a definite motivator for me too! Amazing you made it through BM2 feeling crappy! That's a LOOOOONG tough workout!! Make sure you drink alot of water, and take care of yourself! And if you get a fever, do NOT push yourself anymore!

Kathy: Wondering how your lower body is today after "BG"?? Am I the only one that was super sore after this one and thinks it's tougher than any of the lower body workouts from Cathe?

Heidi: Let us know what workout you do!

Heather: How are you doing out there?

And I have another yummy recipe to share. I made it last night for dinner. It's called: Roast Pork with Garlic Pepper Crust! Oh my , it was good, and quick! I made it with Dijon Roasted Potatoes... Here's the recipes:

Roast Pork With Garlic Pepper Crust

4 servings

1 pound pork tenderloin
6 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme leaves
1 tablespoon lime or lemon juice
1 teaspoon olive oil

Heat oven to 450 degrees. Line shallow roasting pan with foil; spray foil
with cooking spray. In small bowl, combine garlic, parsley, pepper and
thyme. In small cup combine lime juice and oil.
Brush pork with lime juice mixture, coating well. Rub garlic-pepper mixture
over top and sides of pork. Place in prepared pan with garlic-pepper side
up. Bake at 450 degrees for 25 to 35 minutes, or until pork is no longer
pink. Let stand 5 to 10 minutes before serving

Amount Per Serving: Calories 157 - Calories from Fat 49
Percent Total Calories From: Fat 31%, Protein 62%, Carbohydrate 6%
Totals and Percent Daily Values (2000 calories): Fat 5g, Saturated Fat 2g,
Cholesterol 67mg, Sodium 50mg, Total Carbohydrate 2g, Dietary Fiber 0g,
Sugars 0g, Protein 24g

And here's the potatoes:


Cooking Spray
1 teaspoon Olive Oil
2 tablespoons Dijon Mustard
3/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
1 1/2 pounds uncooked new potoatoes, quartered


Coat 9 x 13 baking dish with cooking spray
Preheat oven to 425 degrees
Whisk together oil, mustard, paprika, thyme and salt and pepper in a large bowl, add potatoes and stir and coat
Transfer potatoes to baking dish and roast 15 mins, stir and roast until tender on the inside, about 15-20 mins more

Serves 4 and 3 Points
About 1 and 1/4 C per serving
Hi and checking back...

Workout of the day...Low Max 70min's. Wow, this is a lot of fun but tough on the legs. I did the PLB yesterday and doing this today really got my legs worked out. I didn't realize this was a lower body workout! I finished and went to work and have been sitting for awhile doing paper work. I went to get some coffee and my legs are stiiiiff! Going to need some extra stretching for sure tonight.}(

Great Job Joanne and Chris in getting your workout in today sick or tired! This is really a tough rotation...I agree.

Chris: Thank you for the recipe...it is printed out and I will add it to my list of goodies to try. :)

Hello Kathy and Heather...hope you are doing good today too. :)

;-) Have a great day everyone...BBL Heidi
Hi Everyone,

Checking in today with Low Max. Oh, I can sure feel my butt! It was tough getting through those long 70 minutes.

Thanks for the recipes ladies. I am feeling very hungry today. And very cold. This is my first winter being this weight. I am about 20 pounds lighter than in the past. And I am always cold. I have to dress in lots of layers. And I have to keep moving to keep warm.

Hope everyones' workouts are going well today. I am praying next month's rotation is a bit easier on my butt and legs. Looking forward to Saturday-my rest day! I need one bad.

God bless,
Hi ladies!!

Checking in today with Drill Max...

No, I wasn't as sore as I thought. I can definately feel me lower body. Especially in my outer thighs and glutes.

Thanks for the recipes...Yummy!!!
Thanks for the recipes - they look great!! And, I'm starving and it's not even 11:00 am yet.

Checking in with Butts & Guts. I actually did all the work on all fours - I hate those, but did them. I usually skip them! That is a really long workout if you do it all.

I think tomorrow is LowMax - have to look at the rotation. You're all making me scared. I haven't done it in probably two years. It is a long one.

I realized since I'm behind in the rotation, you will all be done before me! I'll still post, come by and say hi next week and motivate me to finish! ;)
Thursday Check-In, ...

Not a good one.

I just didn't feel like it, but ended up pushing myself into IMAX2. Of course, once the music started, I got INTO it. But still having that generalized tired feeling. I thought, well, I'll at least do 1/2 of it, and then see how I feel. I started feeling a bit of a pull behind my knee during the 5th interval, and should have stopped, but stupidass me kept going to the 6th, and pulled that muscle even more, to the point of I can't even walk on it without it getting spasm pain. I had this at least once before, from running.


Okay, so just because I'm even more of an ass... I stopped the workout, stretched my calf as best as I could, and then figured I could STILL do the Bonus Burn, since my legs aren't really involved (I did front lunges instead of back).

So I did it.

I was already figuring I'd have to move Saturdays workout to Monday, but now I'm almost thinking I'm "done" for this month?!?!

I'll see tomorrow how I feel...

And I'll still check in with you gals!

Any thoughts on what you are all going to do next month?

Chris, sorry to hear about your knee! I've done the same thing with my back. I was doing a workout (Kelly Coffey-Meyers Cardio/Sculpt) felt a weird twinge in my back and stupid me kept going through the whole workout. Paid for it for about a month with a sore back and hip. Kept starting back too soon and making it worse. Take it easy! A few days (or as long as you need) of rest is good. Hope you're doing better soon.

Drill Max is up for tomorrow for me, not Low Max. I'm actually looking forward to it.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do next month. I'll see what Cathe's rotation looks like. I do want to follow some type of rotation though, it really keeps me on track.
Chris: Sorry to hear about that knee. I did that a few years back with the ball of my foot. I had pain in it that made it hurt to walk on it. But, I stubbornly kept at it. Eventually, I was limping when I walked. I took time off from high impact and it went away. Every once in a while I feel it on Cathe's really long stepping, jumpy ones. But, nowhere near like it was. I learned. So, take a break and heal...

Joanne: You are not that behind. I did Drill Max yesterday. I usually still check in until the end of the month. Hope everyone else will..I plan on doing Cathe's next rotation. I am hooked on them. I like the way she puts them together..

Hi Heather and Heidi!! Did I miss anyone? If so, hi to you..

Checking in today with Lomax. I really like this workout. It is long but I like it!! Imax 2 tomorrow for me...I may have to move rest day to Saturday as it is a busy one. We are having my son's 8th birthday party then and he has his first penance at church that morning. So, it will be crazy!!

Have a great evening ladies!!

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