January 08 Rotation Check in

Hi to everyone,

Hello Kathy: Happy Birthday to your DH! Can I have a piece of cake too? Sound yummy...I know not part of my plan at this time.;-)

HSTA! Wow that is tough.}( Have fun when you get to it.

I have been on-line getting my Amex points. I just ordered a new mp3 which my DH said is for my BD. (Late of course) I had enough points to get it almost for free. I ended up getting a Sony Walkman 8GB mp3. It was rated really well in Consumer Reports and has everything that I would ever need in an mp3 player...and then some. :7

I should be able to fit all my iTreads on this so I don't have to keep erasing and re-entering them. Yeah!!!! :) My old mp3 could only handle about 60mins worth of iTreads which would be just 2.

Can't wait to get it!:D

Well...time to get to my workout for the day.

BBL Heidi
Hi everyone!! Checkin' in with HSTA this morning. OMG!! - that was tough! Maybe I was just not on top of my game this morning, but I kept thinking "OK, this has got to be one of the hardest workouts Cathe has ever put out!" But I did it. I had to laugh at myself during the hover squats with the 30lb barbell on my shoulders. I sat down on the high step. That was it - couldn't get back up! So I just hovered when Cathe sat for the rest of them. I'm using the excuse that I'm tall and have much farther to go down and up than she does! ;-)

Heide, have fun with your new MP3. You'll love it! That's so sad about the pups, but nice they are getting help. I almost adopted a three-legged dog once from the pound. But we already have one at home (with four legs!) and I could just imagine my DH's reaction if I came home with another. Hope your arm isn't broken. I might have missed something, but how did you injure it?

Kathy, the cake sounds yummy! Go ahead and indulge, HSTA will burn off those calories!

Heather, it sounds like you have a wonderful family. That's great that your DH was able to quit those habits.

Chris, LIC is definitely fun. It might be too late, but you asked for suggested subs for the 50-minute cycle. I'm trying to think of some, too. I don't have a bike - I could go to the gym, but not sure if I want to do the bike. I do have a couple icycles that I could do, though. Anyway, I think any Cathe cardio that's about 50 minutes would be fine. Step Blast, or maybe KPC? Or you could do one of the cardio mixes from BM2. Can you do a run or walk instead? I'm thinking either the icycle or maybe Turbo Jam - something different. That's tomorrow's workout.

I did do my bonus burn last night, but there was no way I was doing it right after HSTA. So, hopefully I'll get it in tonight.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

RE: January 08 Rotation Check

Checking in on Wednesday!

I didn't end up doing the bonus burn yesterday... My abs were really bothering me, I think because I did my 200 crunches on my new stability ball (my other one got a leak), PLUS the abs from LIC..I was hurtin'!

Today, instead of the bike, I decided to do "Turbo Jam: Cardio Party 3". It is a 50 minute workout, so I felt it was pretty close. I tried to play it down just a bit, and keep my HR at a steady eddy pace, because that's what biking would be. I loved it! I always have had such an easy time getting into TJ workouts, the music is a blast! THEN... I did the first workout from COREMAX. And yes, my abs are hurting still, but not so much, so I did most of it. Pooped out on some of the plank work at the end though! damn!! I plan on sneaking in the bonus burn in a few! (might back off on the crunches though!)

Heather: thanks for the prayers for my son. He is doing a TON better today. Back to "normal" , if there is a 'normal' with his diabetes. It's constantly keeping me guessing!! Wow, about your DH. Maybe he equates his "bad" addictions to your "good" one? Maybe he's even a little jealous that you have GOOD addictions? Maybe you could get him to workout with you even? Has he ever tried?

Heidi: I think I missed on what happened to your wrist! I hope it's not fractured!! And ye gads, please do stay away from your DH's ortho doc!!! Congrats on your new walkman!! and for getting it almost free! I have an old music thingie of sorts that I use to run when the weather is nicer. I LOVE getting into tunes when i run, it really pushes me! Enjoy!

Kathy: OMG..I love cake! That was one of my downfalls on Sunday morning at work. I never ever eat after 5am at work, because I take my Synthroid pill on an empty stomach when I get home. Well, the housekeeper brought in a birthday cake from home: GERMAN CHOCOLATE! Holy cow, I couldn't contain myself! Though I did just eat a sliver (the sliver had ALOT of frosting though!) Good Birthday wishes for your DH today!! He's a lucky guy!

Joane: Hi -5's on getting HSTA done! Now I'm really sceered!! Not so sure I want that one! I mean, I know most of Cathe's workouts are challenging, but ... the sound of hover squats with 30 lb barbell made my butt hurt and shake!! I'm already dreading MOnday's "Butts & Guts" because I haven't exclusively worked my lower body for a LONG time, and I'm going to be hurting next week for sure!

Great checking in with you guys!!!

RE: January 08 Rotation Check

Chris, too funny....after my last post I decided I'd do TJ Cardio Party 3 tomorrow instead of the bike. Glad to hear you enjoyed it! Butts and Guts is next week, but Legs and Glutes is the day after tomorrow. Well, tomorrow for you, since you are a day ahead of me. Are you doing that one tomorrow?

RE: January 08 Rotation Check

OMG!! Joanne! I didn't even look at tomorrow's workout! And it's followed by BOOTCAMP! HOLY MOLY!!!

I'm going to KICK BUTT!! I CAN DO IT!!!

Well, maybe my legs will be all ready for Monday afterall..LOL!!

RE: January 08 Rotation Check

Hey everyone,

Just checking into today with a workout...FINALLY! :)

I ended up doing iTread Set 1 20min
GS Back,Shoulders and Biceps Timesaver 36min. Was nice because it didn't over fry my wrist. If I had done triceps...I don't think I could handle it.

Wrist not fractured or broken luckily. I really don't understand what the deal is with it. I guess I will have to make that appointment with the ortho doc just to see what he thinks.


Wow on HSTA Joanne! }( This sounds like it is really tough.

Hi Chris: Great job on getting in Turbo Jam. Who is this by? Is it a step workout?
You can do it! Have a great burn on those lower body workouts. :)
Glad to hear your DS is doing better.

Hi to Kathy: I hope you had just a little taste of that cake.;-)

I am really happy everyday that I can put a Cathe sticker on my calender. Do any of you use them?

I hope you all have a great night. BBT Heidi
RE: January 08 Rotation Check

Hi ladies!!

Checking in today with High Step Training Advanced...I didn't get to the Bonus stuff yet. Not sure if I will. But that is ok. I will get to it tomorrow..

I did have some cake..But that is it. No leftovers for me..
RE: January 08 Rotation Check

Chris, yea, I was thinking you might not have looked at the next workout on the rotation! Have you done it yet? It's on the schedule for me tomorrow, let me know how it goes. Although I'm thinking of subbing another 30 min. cardio for Boot Camp.

Checking in with Turbo Jam Cardio Party 3 (subbed for cycle ride) and first part of Coremax. Did about 80% of Coremax, due to interruptions and oh, no, I just don't think I can do that! :eek: I skipped right over the levitation holds. I never got to the bonus burn last night. :-( I forgot it was movie night at the kids school. Tonight we have a basketball game, but hopefully I can fit it in. I know it's only about 10 minutes, but when I'm done for the day, I'm done!

Kathy, good job with the cake! No leftovers are good! No temptation.

Heidi, glad your wrist isn't broken.

I've finally gotten my eating in check, hopefully. No snacking last night and I did pretty good the day before. Just have to keep it up.
It's Thursday, and I survived!

Man, I had to psych myself up for that one! ... Legs & GLutes, followed by Bootcamp. I'd forgotten how long LG was, so I looked it up to get ready. 51 minutes..do-able. But, I haven't done JUST lower body focused workout in a very long time... I got through it, a few moaners (explosive lunges!! and lift ups on the step get me every time. I also can NOT do those leg thrusts up, while you're on your side and lift my body up at the same time. So mostly, I just thrusted the top leg up alone). I got through that, and got soothed by the stretch..and then 4 DS BOOTCAMP! I also got through this one, somehow. DH was around and watching me the whole time. He thinks I (and Cathe!!) are pretty much crazy! He was rolling his eyes at all those maniac drills! LOL! But maybe I impressed him just a tiny too! *grin*. So I did it! And I'm going to squeeze in the Bonus Burn later . My legs are going to be hurtin bad tomorrow, I have a feeling...

Heidi: Good to know your wrist isn't broken, but do find out how to care for it so it can heal! Turbo Jam is a series of workouts by Chalene Johnson , through beachbody.com. They are kickbox focused, and all use fun, funky music, that just makes your body WANT to do the moves... It's also very Core focused, even the cardio. I really enjoy it, especially as a contrast to Cathe. I do have the calendar, but don't use the stickers...

Joanne: CP 3 is pretty fun, isn't it? I can't do the levitations either. I might be able to do them if it didn't hurt my fingers and wrists so much. Hey,...maybe I should try them on my Perfect Push Up handles? I skipped a bunch of the plank stuff, I was pooped! It's funny, my son had a basketball game last night, and this Friday is movie night at *their* school! And I feel the same, after dinner, I'm pretty much DONE for the day...I just want to put my jammies on and chill! I would never be an evening exerciser!

My eating has been pretty dang good since Monday , except for a small PB mishap last night before bed. *sigh*

Hope you guys all get a good WO in today!

Hi Everyone,

Glad it is Thursday. I didn't do the 50 minutes cycle thing yesterday. I did the Bonus Burn and the Coremax Segment One. Yes, those levitation holds are murder. But I did attemp them and sort of did them. That has to count for something. Cathe says it does. So I think I am okay on that. Instead of the cycling I did The three workouts that came with the slanted risers. They were 30 minutes each. Long but not that tough at all. I agree with what someone else posted about the workouts--they show you how to use the risers but are not really a great workout in themselves.

So today is Thursday and back on track with the January Rotation. Did Legs and Glutes plus 4DS Bootcamp (cardio only). I do not have ankle weights so I did Legs and Glutes without them. I can feel it even without the ankle weights.

Have a question about ankle and wrist weights. Could you use wrist weights for the new STS series in order to increase what you are lifting by small increments? You know the wrist weights that can be adjusted by adding or removing the weighted packets inside them. I have looked into plates mates and pace mates but the price is just not making me like them. And since I need ankle and wrist weights, I would get even more use of them with the STS series. Just a thought.

Hope everyone has a great workout today.

God bless,
Hi ladies!! Quick checkin as I need to get the kids to bed...We got snow today. So shoveling snow, 50 minutes on the elliptical and segment 1 of coremax is my workout for today...

Talk to everyone tomorrow..
Checking in after doing KICKMAX today!!

What was Cathe thinking? Those leg drills at the end KILLED after the leg work yesterday... Holy camolie! Maybe we do work lower body this rotation!!

It was tough stuff for me today. The boys had a 2 hour school delay, and so I cleaned a bit and puttered. And did my workout later than usual. I'm pooped today. Got up every 3 hours for my son's blood sugar checks, and it's catching up to me... So that had something to do with it too.

Heather: You're right! those levitation holds count just for attempting them! I can feel them in my core, even though my legs don't get off the ground , can't you? I have no idea if using the wrist/ankle weights would be good for STS. To me, it seems if they're attached in a different spot, they might work your muscle differently than by holding weights. Have you asked Cathe in her forum? That would be good for the new STS forum!!

I still haven't gotten around to ordering. I'm going to today!!

Hope everyone has a great workout today! Let us know how it goes!

I still have Bonus burn for later! !!! *GRIN*

Checkin in with Legs and Glutes and part of LIS this morning. Legs and Glutes was tough! I forgot how hard it is. I matched Cathe's weights - I don't think I've done that before with L&G, maybe that's why. Chris, those leg thrusts are tough! Instead of my DH (like you) I had my 10-year-old son watching me. I was actually able to do most of them on one side, but puttered out at the end! My son (laying on the couch) tells me, mom, you skipped some! Yea, I know!! I've never been able to do more than one or two before, so something I'm doing must be working!! I decided to do LIS instead of BootCamp, but the DVD kept freezing and wouldn't let me get to the menu. Very frustrating! By the time I was able to get it going, I only had about 15 minutes to workout. Oh well, I tried! I'm not even going to say I'll do the Bonus Burn tonight, because I keep saying that and never get to it. I'm going to try though.

Chris, yea, I'm thinking my legs will be sore tomorrow, KickMax will be hard!

Heather, I'm not sure about the ankle weights with STS either. I'd ask in the STS forum. I'm still debating about whether to order or not. I know I'll get them eventually - I should do it and I can pay the credit card before they even get here.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! It's supposed to be a high of about 5 degrees this weekend, so we are planning to cocoon in the house watching movies.
Hi ladies!! I was thinking the same thing today as you guys. What was Cathe thinking!!?? My legs are going to be so sore to do Kickmax tomorrow. Kickmax usually gets me so sore on its own. Then we have to follow that up with Body Max 2!!!UGH!! We will be earning this weeks rest day for sure!!

Checking in today with Legs & Glutes and bootcamp cardio...I haven't gotten to the bonus burn stuff yet. But, I feel I have gotten quite the workout this week. So, if I don't get to it oh well..I will try though..

Heather: Not sure about those ankle/wrist weights either. But, what about weighted lifting gloves? I have a pair of them and you can add weight to them. I think mine are .5 pound at a time. I use them alot to add extra. I don't have a barbell, so I use dumbbells for everything. The weighted gloves give me extra to match Cathe better when she uses odd poundage on the barbell..

Take care everyone!! I haven't ordered STS yet. But, I will soon. I am thinking of adding the slanted risers too if I can swing it!!!
Hello and Goodmorning to you all,

Just checking in to see how you are doing.

Yesterday was really busy at work and I had a meeting with the accountant in the afternoon.

I did manage to get in BM2 earlier though. I forgot how long this one was. I was wiped out by the time the ab section came around. So I skipped this and the stretch because I ran out of time and energy.
I think the next time I will split it up a bit. Cardio in the morning then weights and abs in the evening.

This last week for this rotation looks like it is too much on the lower body.

I was reading back on some of the posts...Heather what about plate weights or pacemates for your DB's? I have these to up my weights gradually and love them. Jumping from 15#'s to 20#'s is too much. The magnetic plate weights are .5#'s each.

Not sure what my workout will be today. Everyday this week has been running around with the kids or DH. It is Saturday and I am up early but I have to take my oldest son back to his house because he stayed here last night. It was nice to have him back even for a short time. :)

Have a great workout today! BBL Heidi
Good Morning,

Still recovering from yesterday's Kickmax. It definitely kicked me! I was wiped out all day after that. Good thing I did the bonus burn first. I felt like I was starved all day yesterday. So I cooked a chicken in the slow cooker and made some brown rice for dinner. It sure was good. I thought I would have gained a bit of weight when I got on the scale this morning. But I had actually lost 1/2 a pound. So I am glad I listened to my body. Maybe I wasn't eating enough.

Today is my rest day. And after this week's Cathe rotation I sure need a rest day. I am going to take my dogs on a couple hour walk. I need to get out of the house and stretch my legs. If I don't move I think my body might just stop moving. My muscles are still taking from the last couple days workouts.

Have a great day and I'll check back in tomorrow after I get through Body Max 2.

God bless,
Checking in with BODY MAX 2!

Holy Cow! I was quite intimidated by this ... 90+ minute workout?? But if I have something that's scheduled to do, I feel too guilty if I skip it (which I had fleeting thoughts about doing) or modifying it (by doing a premix). The other thing that got me more motivated to do it was the scale this morning. It was DOWN! Finally! And this was after a splurge last night (I was fighting chocolate urges ALL day long, and finally gave into them!). So if it's down after splurging , I was even more floored about this rotation kicking in and working!

It definitely was long, but I truly enjoyed the Step portion... it went by pretty quickly. The blasts and lower body circuit wasn't too bad either. (I'm saying this all in retrospect, mind you!). Though for some reason my legs aren't hurting as much as I thought they would be after LG and KM in a row! Weird. Usually after either of these, I can't sit down on the toilet without wincing. Not this time. At ALL. Just a little tightness when I stretch. Hmmmm... The upper body was actually harder for me than lower body. I like the abs routine a lot.. No planks! No side moves where you bring your legs up to touch your fingers!! *grin*

But I am pooped now. And I go into work tonight. I will really have to dig out a major "oomph" to do the Bonus Burn this afternoon... I didn't get to it yesterday either... there was never the right time!

Kathy: I know, I haven't ordered STS either yet. And I'm going to, but I'm just procrastinating... I really do want it!

Heidi: Good idea on breaking BM2 up! that is a LONG workout for me too!

Heather: I've got that wiped out feeling today, myself. These workouts towards the end of the week have been killers! Your chicken in the crockpot sounds good! Today is crockpot day for us. I'm making a dish called "Macaroni Jackpot". If anyone is interested, I can post the recipe.

Hope Saturday treats you well, girls! So glad tomorrow's rest day, except I don't really 'rest'. I work tonight , sleep a few hours (5 or 6) and then go back to work Sunday night... rest is not the word for my sundays! LOL!

Well!! Kickmax is done...Tomorrow I will be doing BM2. OH!! I will be loving Monday's rest day!!!

Well done ladies on that scale moving down. I am hoping for those results too. I am off in a little while to take my son to his friend's birthday party. I hope I can keep myself from the goodies. No cake for me...I hope!!

Have a great evening ladies!!!

Checking back in for the evening...

Way to go Heather and Chris on the ever lowering numbers on that scale.

Awesome job on getting in BM2 Chris. Yes this is long and tough. Especially if you have been doing a lot of lower body workouts.

Kathy: Great job on getting in kickmax today. Your going to need that strength...skip the cake.;-) Sugar does nothing for that. Extra water and a good hearty meal.

Speaking of meals...Chris could I have that recipe? Sounds good.:9

I started out trying to do my workout this morning....my treadmill belt needed to be tightened first. Of course this lead me on an hour hunt for the instruction book! I usually have it right next to the treadmill....of course when you need something it disappears somehow.

Next was the washer...I had to help DH work on this too. This took up another hour of my morning time. I finally got to my workout around noon. So much for getting it done early.

I did iTread Set 1 40min. BM2 abs and stretch. I didn't have the energy to really jack up my speed today. I just felt like I was dragging butt and felt heavy. Hopefully I am not coming down with anything! My DS has a cold right now with a headache and sore throat. :-( Maybe it is that TOM thing coming on soon I always feel wiped out a week before hand.

I hope you all had a great day and enjoy your evening. BBT Heidi :D
HI ladies!! I survived Body max 2!! I was pooped though. Glad it is a rest day tomorrow..I think I will stretch everything out tomorrow and do yoga or something!!

Thanks for the support..I had a couple of bites of Chris' cake at the party and a small piece of pizza. But, nothing else bad. I think it was a small success..

Heidi: Hope you are not coming down with anything!!

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