January 08 Rotation Check in

Hi everyone,

Just checking in today. I did my workout this morning.

I am sort of skipping around on this rotation. So today was a 60min run for me instead of a cycle. (I don't have an indoor cycle anyway)
I did iTread Set 24 60min Intervals. This was a great workout. I ran it easy instead of at the runners speed. So my highest speed for the sprints was at 6.8. I have done two killer leg routines the past few days and my hips were pretty tight this morning starting off.

Chris: Take it easy. Rest and ice if you can. x(

Hi Kathy: Like I said yesterday...this was a lot of fun but tough. }(

Joanne: You'll like LowMax but be warned...it gets those hips good.

Hi Heather: Hope you are doing well today. :D

Tomorrow's Plan:
iSculpt #12
PUB w/abs and stretch

I will be checking out next months rotation too. :)

Have a great evening everyone. BBT Heidi :7
Thanks, girls!

I was so discouraged yesterday, and unfortunately it dragged me down with frustration. And I wallowed in my own self pity, and drowned myself with eating badly. The only good part of that was, my husband and I had plans to go out to dinner. We were trying out a new sitter, and giving her a "trial run". We rarely go out to dinner. With my son being diabetic, I get too wound up about leaving him. So that anxiety also fed into me eating "off". Anyhow..the GOOD part was, that I went to dinner, not worrying about calories/fat/etc. I ordered what I really wanted to eat (Prime Rib special), and put REAL dressing on my salad ! I seriously can NOT remember going out to eat and doing anything like that. I truly enjoyed myself and relaxed. And I didn't feel "guilty". I know that all sounds bad, but you know, sometimes you need a break...

I could hardly walk yesterday, it was horrible. It's the muscle behind my calf that got pulled. I aced it for the evening, which made it feel better. I woke up this morning... and it was SOOOOOO much better! I'm barely limping, and can go down stairs without cringeing and holding on the wall!

so my plan today is to do some good stretching, maybe a Pilates workout first.

Tomorrow was going to be a rest day anyways... Because MY 8 YEAR OLD SON IS MAKING HIS RIGHT OF RECONCILIATION , too! (how coincidental, Kathy!). I was going to also take my usual rest day on Sunday (with work), and then do C&W on Monday... but not sure how that will go, I'll have to see how my calf is. Maybe I'll just do some low impact cardio (Kathy Smith Project: YOU stuff), to get started. Just to end the rotation and start my 'rest' week.

I'm hoping to do Feb's rotation, but... I'm really wanting to do something with less cardio. I've skimmed over Kathy Smith's new book: Feed Muscle, Burn the Fat, and she makes some really good points. On how cardio is so overrated, and can actually impead weight loss. (that may be my problem with these nasty 7 lbs!). So I'm hoping Cathe has more strength focused rotation, if not I may just modify or do one of her other ones. Wasn't Sept. 07 a good Slow/Heavy weight focused one? I'll have to go browse...

Happy workouts to you gals today!!

Hi and Good Morning,

Just checking in with my workout done.

I didn't do all that I had planned but....

PUB w/abs and stretch. By the time I was done I was pretty wiped out. I started on the iSculpt circuit and got the 2 sets of squats and jumping jacks done. That was it. I was just too tired to anymore. :)
Went to be pretty late last night. My DS which is much older (22) came to visit and we played a board game with yougest DS (12) until 11PM. Ooops...it was a school night but he did go to school this morning. We were having such a nice time that we didn't realize what time it was. :D

Chris: Sorry to hear about your calf. Ouch! You are right to stick to easy stretching today and give it a rest. Don't beat yourself up about not eating right...you and us Do need a break once in a while and enjoy life a little without being so strict that we just become boring people. ;-)

Hello Kathy,Heather and Joanne. Hope you are having a great day and workout when you get to it. :7 BBL Heidi
Hi all! Heidi, that itread sounds like fun. I love that isculpt workout. I only did it once - didn't think it would be hard, but it was deceiving! Very tough. Sounds like a fun night with your kids!

Chris, glad your calf is feeling better, but it's probably a good plan to stick with the stretching and rest it. I think your dinner sounds divine and just what you needed. You only live once!!

Kathy and Chris, my 8-year-old son made his first reconciliation last year and his communion. My other two sons made theirs the two years prior, so we had three years of communions! It's nice to have a break this year!

Yea, I guess I'm not that far behind after all. I did Drill Max this morning. Cathe snuck that last cycle in. I thought we were all done and was laying on the floor thinking, whew, I did it! Then she says one more cycle! I made it though. That is a long workout. I'm planning LowMax tomorrow and Imax2 Sunday, if the family cooperates! Sometimes it's harder getting my workouts in on weekends.

Happy Friday all!!

Joanne: I too was fooled by the iSculpt.;-) I thought that I could fit this in after PUB..boy was I wrong. This is more like a boot camp workout. Needless to say I didn't get very far into it before I called it quits for the day. JUST BEAT!

Great Job on gettingin Drill Max today. That one is also tough.}(
Have fun tomorrow in doing LowMax. This one I like because it is fun...but it also is going to get you good in your hips. (Or it did to me. :) )

Have a great evening. Heidi :7
Hooray--it is Friday. Tomorrow is my rest day. Thank the Lord!

Chris--Sorry about your calf muscle. Your dinner out sounded wonderful. And it along with a good night's sleep was the best thing you could have done for yourself. Enjoy a stretch workout and take it easy. You will be up and running great in no time.

Joanne--Terrific job on getting through Drill Max. It kicked my butt! Have fun with Low Max. I did that on Wednesday and my lower half is still talking about it.

Heidi--High Five on getting PUB w/abs and stretch done. That is a tough workout. Thinking about it makes me tired.

Kathy--Did you make it through Imax 2? I did that one yesterday. Worked up a real good sweat.

I almost didn't workout yesterday. Woke up with a bad headache. And was going to take the day off. Then I weighted myself and had gained 2 pounds from the day before. So I decided to get my butt in gear and get moving. By the time I got through Imax 2 my headache was gone and I felt much better. I also went on 2 walks yesterday with my dogs. For a total of 6 and 1/2 miles.

Woke up today and weighed myself. Had lost the 2 pounds and felt great. Did Kick, Punch, and Crunch this morning. It was tought and fun. Sweated buckets. Hadn't done that one in a long time.

Well, off to the park with the kids for a home school play time.

Hello and God bless to anyone I missed.

Wow Chris! That is a funny. Same day for penance! Glad your feeling a little better. Rest and light work is the best..

Checking in today with Imax 2...And I did Fit kids by Denise Austin with my daughter.

Well, gotta go make a birthday cake..Talk to you later!
Hello Heather,

Good for you for getting in KPC today. That one is fun and a great workout. Even better to have worked off that headache. When I get bad headaches I usually go for a long run. It usually works great.

I hope you enjoyed the park with your kids. How was the weather for you today? It was freezing cold where I am in the N. East. I am looking forward to next week because by tues. it should start getting warmer.

Have a great night. BBT Heidi :7
Saturday check in:

Thanks for all the well wishes. You know I'm green with envy that you guys are all doing the rest of the rotation!! The workouts you guys report in with are making me drool! LOL!!

I think the biggest one I miss is doing the whole IMAX2. I love that workout...and getting to the end to do the Pina Coloda song is like a huge reward, isn't it? I love the whole Pina Coloda sequence!!!

I'm also missing KPC!! .. Not sure about C&W's though, I don't have fond memories of that one... It's not THAT challenging, is it?

I did end up doing another version of Stretchmax today. yesterday I did the band workout, and it was heaven! My muscles were so tight, it was a good thing. Today I did the Ball stretch...another great one, though I don't feel the stretches as much. Still, a good one! It makes me think that with the next rotation , I want to include a 20 minute stretch segment a few times a week! I have all 3 stretchmaxes that I DVR'd off of Fit TV. too... Does anyone have this DVD?

Heather: Hi-5's for pushing yourself to workout in spite of a headache, and then for it working to relieve your Headache!! I dont tolerate headaches too well, I always try to do a workout too. Since it can't hurt!!

Kathy: hope your son's bday and Right of Reconciliation went well today!! My son's was this morning. He did good, but when he got up there, he could only remember ONE of his *many* sins ("I hit another kid at school")..LOL! But it was all very sweet! Afterwards, they had a reception ... unfortunately it was at 11:45am , right before lunch, and included all baked goods , donuts, goodies. *sigh*. We were all hungry, and this time, I could NOT pass them up. I think I'm destined to have these 7 lbs for the rest of my life! LOL!

On that front, I'm really looking forward to and hoping this more weights/less cardio is going to do it for me next month and in months to come with STS!

WHICH... I did pre-order this week (Did all of you?). I felt compelled to get another workout (since shipping is *free*), so I got... ready for this? ... High Step Training Advanced! Bring on those leg presses!!!! LOL!

Have a great weekend , gals! and enjoy your rest days!!!

And I meant to ask you , Heidi..what is this iSculpt stuff? I have no idea when you guys talk about it! LOL!... Inquiring minds want to know....!!

Hi Chris,

Today has been busy since I woke at 8am this morning. I slept later than usual because I went to bed really late last night. Gee...that's two nights in a row now.

My DS called to see if I could give his girlfriend a ride to the trainstation 2 towns over because she didn't wake in time for the one closer to her. I just woke up and hadn't had a cup of coffee yet but agreed. We had a nice talk along the way.

I then came home to work in the utility side of our cellars. I was trying to sort out my DH's tools and get them put away. I hope he can find them.... ;-)

The rest of the day was taken up with cooking eat-clean meals for the next week. I made several different dishes that I can just heat and run to my next errand.

As for the iSculpts and iTreads and so forth...they can be found on iTrain.com. I really like the iTread workouts for the treadmill. I only have a few of the iScuplt and istretch workouts. I tried to do the iScuplt Circuit yesterday after PUB but I was just too tired to do anymore. Plus, I realized that this is like a boot camp workout and I would rather workout to Cathe's Boot Camp anyday. :)
These programs are great on the run if you find yourself traveling and can't get to the gym or have equipment on hand.

I am glad to hear that you are taking a break on your workouts due to your calf hurting. This is a wise choice.
I did order the STS program when it was first offered a couple weeks ago. I also ordered a couple of the DVD's that I was missing. One being the Cardio Kicks which seems to pop up in Cathe's rotations frequently.
I hope that you enjoy your HST DVD! This is a tough workout too. }(

Have a great night. BBT Heidi
Hi everyone!!

I had a busy day yesterday and didn't get a chance to checkin. I did Kick, punch & crunch yesterday since I didn't get to it on Saturday. That was a rest day. Today will be Cardio & weights and the rest of the week I am not sure what I will do. Probably some of my other workouts until Friday..

Have a great day ladies!!
Hi Kathy and everyone,

Just a quick check in for me. I am working...suppose to be that is.

Have fun doing CW later! }( I really like this one too.

Today is GS legs and MM abs and stretch for me. I will be doing this later this evening.

I can't wait to see what Cathe has on for the next rotation! This one sure was tough!

BBL Heidi
Hi Gals...

I'm being a good girl, and taking a nice recovery week, started a bit early because of my muscle pull. WHICH , seems totally gone now. I did stretches on Saturday, and totally took Sunday and Monday off. It was actually nice on Monday not to have to push myself into a workout after working overnights on the weekend, sleeping like crap on Sunday day time, and having a nasty sinus headach for 2 days from it!

Unfortunately, I'm not able to get the full effect of any results from Jan's rotation, because of my decreased exercise, the scale just goes up. My body is so sensitive like that. It seems I have to work out like a maniac (6 days a week, 1-2 hours a day) and eat 90% clean, just to maintain.

How did you guys all do? Any positive results?

I'm also eagerly awaiting Cathe's February Rotation!!! But even if I don't do the specific one she posts, I will do one and check in with you , if we still have a thread!!!

What are you all doing today? I can live vicariously through you!!

Hi everyone!! You are all doing great with the workouts! Chris, good job sticking with your recovery week even though you're feeling better.

My weight has gone up and down this month. I know the rotation works because it's been going down when I'm watching what I eat. Not really restricting myself, but just not going crazy! But, when I've slipped back into bad habits it goes back up. Right now I'm down a couple pounds from the beginning of the month.

I took a rest day Saturday, did LowMax Sunday (ouch!), subbed Mindy's Intense Intervals for Imax2 yesterday (just needed a change of pace!) and did Amy's Kickbox Xtreme this morning. My L&G/KPC DVD wouldn't work in my DVD player. Very frustrating. I got it a few years ago on ebay and it acts up sometimes - I think it might be a bootleg copy. Same thing with my SJP/SB dvd. Anyway, one more workout and I'm done with the rotation!! Planning Cardio and Weights for tomorrow.

I'd love to do a check-in again next month. It really keeps me on track.
Hi ladies!!

I am in on that checkin for next month. I have enjoyed sharing my workout journey with all of you this month. So, we will start a new thread when Feb begins. I am sure I will end up doing Cathe's rotation.

I ended the rotation last night with Cardio & weights. I enjoyed that one so much last night too. Today I am headed down stairs to do some cardio. Probably some FIRM stuff.

Oh and I finally ordered STS yesterday!! Yeah!! I keep reading about other future workouts with kickboxing or something. Anyone else read about that? Sounds interesting. I will end up ordering any workout Cathe produces. I think she is an awesome trainer/instructor. I know I have gotten great results with her!!

Anyway, gotta go workout now..Talk to you later!!
Yea!! I finished the rotation today with Cardio & Weights. I love the step in it.

Kathy, so what workout did you do yesterday since you're finished with the rotation. I'm still deciding about tomorrow's.

I hope the Feb. rotation focuses a bit more on weights. It probably will since this one had so much cardio. I'm definitely in if it does.

Am I the only one who hasn't ordered STS yet?? I plan on doing our taxes this weekend - if they come out in our favor, maybe I'll order. ;-)

It's been great checking in with everyone. Hope to see you next month on a new thread!
Hello Everyone,

We survived Cathe's January 2008 Rotation! Hi-5s to all of you.

I did Cardio and Weights on Sunday. Monday I did 4 Day Split LIS-HIS Premix #8. It was fun. Yesterday I did Bootcamp because I missed doing it on the first Tuesday of this month's rotation. It was tought but not as tough as the last time I did it.

This morning was Kick Max. Yes, tough. The leg exercises at the end always kill me. I get through the ten drills and think I have got this made and then Cathe does those leg exercises. Killers.
My lower half is a talking about it still.

Hope next month's rotation is a good one. I am sure Cathe will not disappoint us.

Have a great last day of January tomorrow. Not sure what workout I will do. Something fun I think. After Kick Max I deserve some fun! LOL.

God bless,
Hi everyone!! I am proud of us all for getting through with this rotation. Hi-5s for sure!!

I have been running around crazy today. My son woke up with a fever this morning. I had to take my daughter for her eye dr appt. Then, I got a call from a friend. She asked how the kids were. I said ok that Chris had a fever this morning. Then she informed me that her kids had strep throat and that Chris may have that since they were playing with him yesterday. So, we went to the dr and sure enough he has strep throat. So, we then had to go get his prescription filled. Oh what a day!! I still want to workout..But, not sure what it will be yet. Something with strength training I think...

Yesterday I did FIRM Cardio Inferno and FIRM Bootcamp: Maximum Calorie Burn...Have any of you done the FIRM??

Anyway, that was the drama of my day..Talk to you later!!
Checking in with the January Bunch!

The last 2 days I totally rested. Wow. Amazing how I kind of like my extra 1.5 hours to do 'whatever'. I've always prioritized my workouts above everything, and now, I'm getting things done that I've been limited by it! As in: I went to the movies ALL BY MYSELF to see "27 Dresses" on Tuesday. It was heaven! I love the movies, and getting to sit by myself and cry without someone (myDH) making fun of me...was so fun!!!

Anyhow, I did do a light cardio today, and of course, i get those bit of endorphins to kick in, and I want to do MORE and FASTER and PUSH IT..LOL! I did the Cardio , Powerpush , from Kathy Smith's Project: YOU. It was 30 minutes. And then I did a segment from Stretchmax (no equipment).

Do you guys get in stretching during the week with these intense rotations? Other than the ones before/after the workouts. Just wondering. I'm definitely going to try to get more in. I really enjoy stretching!

Hi-5's on ordering STS, Kathy! I know, it took me a while too. The new blog and talk of it all around has got me more excited and makes me even more happy with pre-ordering!

Kickmax IS an intense workout! I hardly ever do it entirely , it's so much easier to take in premixes! So doing it from start to finish is a huge accomplishment for me too!

Have a great night, gals! February is almost here!!!


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