January 08 Rotation Check in

Hi and Good Morning to you all,

Hi Chris: Just read your note from the other day. My DH had surgery to remove something that caused bursa tissue to build up. I think he got a piece of wood chip originally from working on the 3rd floor. The surgery was blundered from day one. It just kept getting worse as time went along. The follow up care was terrible and he ended up having to have the surgery all over again. WHAT A NIGHTMARE!

You all have been doing so good with this rotation. Good job to you all. :D

Today I did PLB followed up with BBC B&L Treadmill 30min cardio. Phew! That was tough! Feel better now that I got in a decent workout today. :)

Hi Kathy! I see that you ordered STS also. :)

BBL Heidi
Good Saturday afternoon!

I'm checking in today with Rhythmic Step. I did NOT want to do this today. I was tired from interupted sleep (I have a Type 1 Diabetic 12 year old son that I check his blood sugars at 12midnight and 3am most nights), and it's actually the start of my "work week". I work every Saturday and Sunday overnights, 12 hour shifts. So I did NOT have the gumption to to this workout. I debated on whether I could just skip one... it wouldnt be SO bad. In the end, I decided I'd put the step down to 6 inches, instead of 8 that I usually do. And I'd forego the Bonus Burn today. Fair deal. I cranked out Rhythmic Step, which I did, indeed, end up enjoying..Except at the end, when I'm thinking, "You want to do the whole thing, AGAIN???!!" LOL!

Heidi: What a horrible ordeal with your DH. I'm an RN, and know about some major medical goof ups (I've not been a part of them though! phseww!). Your workout today sounds INTENSE! I'm not so sure I could follow PLB with much!

Kathy & Joanne... Hi-5's on the 4DS Kickbox/bootcamp! Yes, Joanne, I think that is my major concern, that I'm going to fall or trip, especially with the fast feet up the step, I feel so unsure of that one! And the kickbutt one is so unnatural for me! (Someone else is usually kicking my butt...LOL!). But it's such an odd position , and you have to use a LOT of upper body strength to hold yourself up there. i'm not sure of that one at all!

Heather: HSC is TOUGH! WTG on getting through it! I know, I have to trick my mind into different thinking to get myself through workouts. I usually tell myself that if I want, I can quit anytime I want to, or that I can do modifications if I need to. And then I end up doing the whole thing, unmodified! It's all a mind thing sometimes!

My eating yesterday was on track, and today, i'm having a bit of a fight, but doing ok so far. Tonight at work , the girls are all bringing in food. I know I'll cave, But I can't beat myself up for it. I'll just have to do that much better for the rest of the week! I did make some nice healthy turkey meatballs, in low fat Ragu tomato sauce, so I'll try to stick with more of those!

I didn't preorder STS yet. I'll probably do it next week. Did you guys read where the price is going to keep going up as it gets closer and closer to the release date? .... tricky!

Hi ladies!!

I did HSC this morning and then this afternoon the whole family, even the dog, went to the walking track for a while. I am so enjoying these nice days. But, that will end soon I am sure. It is suppose to be colder tomorrow.

I haven't preorder yet. But, I will..I am playing around with my credit card billing cycles. If I wait until the 25th or around there, then my statement will print and it won't be billed on the statement until the next month. Yes, in the past the price has increased. But, hopefully I will get my order in before that time...

Have a great night...
Hello and Good Morning,

Chris: Great job on sticking with RS! I know how you feel being just too tired to get in that workout. Once I get going I don't stop because it just so much fun! :)

Kathy: Way to go on HSC! I haven't done that one in a while.

I ended up pre-ordering and getting a few that I was missing. I can't wait to get the Cardio Kicks & Circuit Max. :) These seem to come up often in Cathe's rotations. I am always looking to find a replacement.

Looks like we are going to be hit with another snowstorm! I have to get more shovels today!!! I am not going to be able to do too much shoveling because my wrist still hurts from that fall over a month ago. Count DH out for any shoveling as well. That leaves my two DS's doing most of it.

Today's workout:
BM2 I really like the foot work on this one.

What is your workout for today? Have a good one! BBL Heidi
Hey Heidi: They say we might get some snow too. But, it might be a mix of snow and icy stuff. Not sure!! Let those kids do that shoveling!!! Great choices on new workouts..Those do come up alot lately anyway..Congrats on your preorder. I will be ordering soon..

Checking in today with Rhythmic Step...Love that one..I haven't gotten to the bonus burn yet. But, I will!!

Have a great evening ladies!
Hi Kathy,

Just came in from going to get several more shovels. No more excuses for the kids not to help out.;-)
The amounts keep going up as to how much snow we might get. I think school will be cancelled for sure tomorrow. DS will be very excited!:)

Is Rhythmic Step confusing to get? I haven't done that one either.
Have a great bonus burn workout. }(

BBL Heidi
Sunday Rest Day Check in:

So I ended up getting tonight off from work. Too many nurses scheduled, so I got a vacation day!

It looks like big snow is coming our way tonight too! (Where do you live Heidi?... I'm in Massachusetts, and they're saying 6-12 inches). And that makes in more like a snow day for the boys tomorrow too. At least my husband is home too, so we'll have a fun family day shoveling snow (yeah, right! LOL!!)

I do love Rhythmic Step! It's a totally fun workout, I always feel like I'm doing a major dance number after I've completed a sequence with all the right moves! LOL!. The never ending bonus combos get me at the end though, everytime! It's a bit complicated to get, but a lot of the moves are signature "cathe" step moves too, with a few twists. I ususally just make sure I'm doing some sort of moving when I dont' get the actual step (it took me the longest time to get the step off to the side, double hop on top, knee up on the step!)

I'm looking forward to IMAX tomorrow, after a good night's sleep, instead of a good night's WORK! I'll have so much more energy!

See you then!
Stay warm!

Good Morning!

School is closed! They finally did something right for a change. The last couple of heavy snows that we have had they kept the schools open. I received a phone call this time saying all schools were closed due to the storm. Ya! Got the shovels ready for the boys. :)

Hi Chris: I live in Mass too!:) Gloucester as a matter of fact. Where are you?
The school closing list is incredible! The whole state looks like it is shut down.

I still get confused with BodyMax 2! I will have to check out Rhythmic Step at some point. Rewind..rewind again right?;-)

Have a great workout today....really a workout with all this snow coming. }(

BBL Heidi
Monday Check-In!

So I did indeed have Sunday night off from work, and I did indeed crank out Interval Max this morning! An oldie but a goodie. I love the simplicity of the step moves and the interval moves, even though they kick my buttocks! I debated on whether to do Bonus Burn right after, but I thought I'd like to do it in the afternoon, and get a little metabolism boost then. My eating was crappy yesterday, so I'm going to be making that up this week bigtime with better food choices!

And we did get 10 inches of snow in the wee hours of the morning. It came down like crazy! Heidi, OMG, I can't believe you're in MA too! I'm in western mass, outside of Springfield (I work in Springfield), in Westfield. My 3 boys are home from school today, and it sounds like my oldest son's friend is coming to make it 4 (or 5 , if you count my husband, who does, in fact, behave like an 8 year old alot of the time!!!)

Checking in from cold, but dry Chicago! All our snow melted from last month, but I'm sure we'll get more. It takes alot for our schools to declare snow days here.

Saturday I took my rest day. Sunday was High Step Challenge. I got nervous when she did two sets of leg presses during the first cycle. But that was it for the leg presses, I think. The hover squats kill me at the end. I always forget about them.

This morning was Rhythmic Step. Heidi, I think you asked if the steps were complicated. I've done it quite a few times, so I'm used to it now, but it was a little tough to learn at first. Although Cathe really breaks it down well. It's definitely worth learning.

I just looked at the rotation and realized High Step Advanced Training is after Interval Max tomorrow. That's a tough one!
Hi Everyone,

Been a rough weekend for me. I was excited on Friday about getting to pre-order STS on Saturday morning. Well, I mentioned the 37 DVDs to my husband and the $200 price tag and it was all downhill from there. He gave me the "37 DVDs--how many DVD do you need?--what is wrong with you!" Speech. That sent me into a major depression.

Saturday is my rest day. So I didn't work out. Ate more than I should have. Not junk. Just more than I should have. Woke up Sunday and had gained 2 pounds. That was beginning of my worst day in a long time.

I began working out. Doing Rhythmic Step. I cried through most of it. Then got interupted by my 7 year old. That was all I could take. I blew up. At everyone. My husband was at home. Why can't he deal with problems when I am working out. It is like nothing I do is important. Well, I finished my workout and bonus burn. Going from tears to anger and more tears.

What hurts the most is that after almost 25 years of marriage I feel that my husband just doesn't understand that I would like some support for the things that are important to me. Whether or not he thinks it is important.

So, after church (most of which I was still crying), I took my dog and went on a long walk. After 3 hours and over 7 miles I returned home. And I had made a decision. I was ordering STS. I am not discussing by decision with my husband. My husband didn't say I couldn't. He just said "what is wrong with you". Well, I will have to plead insanity by the time the DVDs arrive. But I feel better. I know $200 is alot. But the price will be close to $300 with the extra ab DVD by the time the presale is over.

And I guess the 7 mile walk, the crying, and the stress used up a bunch of calories. I had lost 3 pounds when I got on the scale this morning.

Please keep us in your prayers. I don't know what is going to happen when 37 DVDs show up in a couple months. I am hoping and praying that by then he will understand that even though this in not a priority to him, it is to me. And DVDs are cheaper than a gym membership or a trip to a mental ward.

Thanks and God bless,
Heather: Big hugs to you!!!! My hubby says the same stuff to me and I also order anyway. I didn't tell mine how many DVDs. I just said I was going to order the new system...He thinks I have enough too. But, I tell him it is better that I be interested in exercise( he likes to say obsessed;whatever!!) then something that is harmful to me or the family. It could be worse!! You are right though. This is cheaper than a membership!! Oh one more thing...It drives me up the wall when my hubby won't deal with the kids while I workout...Glad you lost the pounds though...

I don't envy you ladies that ended up with snow. Thankfully, we didn't get any snow. But, our nice warm weather is no longer here!!

Checking in today with the rest day. But, I did lead our homeschool PE class. We did 30 minutes of cardio drills (I even had them do those mountain climber things) and stretching...Then the kids spent the last 30 minutes playing a balloon game. It was alot of fun!!

Have a great evening!!
Heather, sending you big hugs too. ((())) I'm so sorry you're dealing with all that. I just don't think husbands understand this stuff sometimes. I get really cranky if I don't workout. Oh, and the interruptions! I have four kids, so I get that. They've finally realized mom needs her time to herself in the morning and I'll be a nicer person later on. I just go ahead and order stuff and hope I'm home to get the mail that day! ;) DH does comment on my collection (ummm, over 200) DVDs, but for the most part he lets it go. When he does comment I'll remind him of all his "toys" i.e, hot tub, ATV, boat, etc. I'm lobbying for a treadmill right now, but not getting too far. Anyway, hang in there. STS won't be arriving for quite awhile - hopefully he will come around by then. If not, don't sweat it, you deserve something for yourself.

I'm checking in to give myself some accoutability so I do the bonus burn tonight. Going to do the tricep dips now... :)

Thanks for the hugs Kathy and Joanne. I thought I was the only one with a husband who doesn't get it. Oh well, I will keep on working out and telling myself I deserve the new series for all my hard work.

I used to not tell my husband when I would order Cathe. Then one day 4 Day Split arrived and he was home. He asked how much it cost. Then I got the, " we need to discuss these types of purchases beforehand" speech. So I was trying to include him in the STS information. The only thing he got out of all the info I gave him was 37 DVDs and $200. And then I got the "how many DVDs do you need?" and the "what is wrong with you" speech. So much for a discussion.

Actually we can use a 6 million dollar fitness center located at the Air Force Base about 15 miles from my house. But that entails getting ready to go time, drive time to and from, and then figuring out what to do and getting it done without Cathe there to inspire me and keep me moving. And also the gas and wear and tear on my old car. So that would be about 2-3 hours each time. I don't have that kind of time. I am still home schooling my 4 boys.

When I work out at home I can keep them going on their work and get my workout in too. If I was gone for 2-3 hours I don't think too much would be getting done.

There is also a fitness center a mile from my home. Brand new and has everything. Including a memebership fee of a couple hundred dollars, 2 year contract, and monthly fee of $50. Cathe is sounding better and better to me. Why can't my husband see how much better Cathe is?

Today is High Step Training Advanced. I just got it and the slanted risers delivered by UPS at 5:30pm last night. So I haven't previewed except for the segments that are online. But I'm going to give it my best shot today. I am going to wait and do the bonus burn afterwards. I think I am going to need all the energy I have just to get through this one.

Is anyone else doing this one today? Let me know how it goes. Misery loves company you know! LOL. I'm sure it will be fun in a tough sort of way. I have heard it has a ton of leg presses.

Well, can't put it off any longer. Let you know if I survive. If you don't hear from me within a couple of days, just figure I am recovering.

God bless,
Heather: Hope your survived HSTA...I homeschool my children as well. My daughter, Lauren, is 10(11 in May) and my son, Chris is 7(8 on Jan 27th)...I also loved that they can do their school work while I am downstairs working out. I don't think I would get much workout in if I had to go somewhere...What ages are your boys???

Checking in today with Interval Max and I did the bonus burn at the end...

Now it is off to take Lauren to drawing lessons...
I was supposed to do IMax today, but just couldn't get out of bed this morning! On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have to be out the door about 45 minutes earlier to get my son to band - it just wasn't happening today. So, I went to the gym at lunch and did my own intervals on the treadmill. I'll try to do the bonus burn tonight. I never got to it last night. :-(

Heather, I read your post about HSTA on another thread. You've scared me!! I've done it before, but it's been awhile, so I don't remember too much, just lots of leg presses. That's on the agenda for tomorrow morning.

I admire you both for homeschooling. I just don't have the patience. I have four kids, ages 11, 10, 8 and 5. They keep me busy!
Checking in with what was SUPPOSED to be HSTA.

Since I don't have that one, I ended up picking another circuit which doesn't show up on the rotation: Low Impact Circuit. I did the whole thing, which I haven't done in a LONG time. I've mostly done premixes from it. So it was challenging. But I have to say, the music in this series is one of my favorites! And I really got into it! I had to also revamp my schedule because my oldest son was home with blood sugar trouble (he has Type 1 diabetes). I'm going to try to fit in the bonus burn, but it might not happen today. I have a lot going on this afternoon/evening... We'll see! Maybe I'll freak everyone out and do it during our family watching of American Idol tonight!

Heather: So sorry to hear about your crappy day and the difficulties with your husband. Can he at least be grateful that your'e addicted to workout videos and NOT alcohol or drugs??? that's how I see it. How can it be a BAD thing? Fortunately, my DH has always supported me full force. I told him about the STS series, and the first words out of his mouth are: "So order it! I know you really like all of Cathe's workouts". I had debated on getting Power 90X for the longest time. But I just wasn't sure about Tony. I have some of Tony's workouts (a few Power 90's) and it's all so cut and dry stuff. No "fun" really.

Do tell us about HSTA, I dont' have that one, and am very curious! So tell us all the sorted details!!!

Tomorrow is a 50 Minute Cycle ride. I don't have access to a bicycle or exercise bike. What should I do instead, do you think?

Hi Everyone,

Hope all your workouts have been great!

Kathy--I posted about HSTA on the ask Cathe Forum. Titled "Leg Presses--Forget About Them!" I did survive. My boys are 16,13,10,and 7. I also have 2 girls--ages 23 and 19. They were home schooled, too. How was Interval Max for you today? I did that yesterday--tough--I was really needing some air.

Jojobean--Didn't mean to scare you with the post about HSTA. It was "fun." Just really tough, too! But after getting through it, I can say positively--"I deserve the new STS series.

Chris--Sending prayers for your son. Hope he is feeling better. I haven't done Low Impact Circuit in a long time. But I remember I liked it alot. About my husband--He was addicted to Cigarettes. He quit 4 and 1/2 years ago. As for alcohol, he drank at least a six pack every night up until January 1rst of this year. So I am very proud of his accomplishments. Both quits were an answer to years and years of prayer. I can't understand why he can't understand my "addiction" to workout videos considering all he has gone through. LOL. I don't think he would have put up with me being addicted to cigarettes and alcohol for 20 and 25 years respectively of our marriage.

Off to the park for a home school get together with the kids. Have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Hello to you all,

Heather: I am thinking of you.:) After a few months go by I bet your DH won't even remember your discussion about the DVD! Keep exercising to work off that extra stress. It works wonders for me!
I haven't done HSTA either.

Hello Kathy and Chris Jojobean: Just got back from having my wrist and arm x-rayed. I will find out tomorrow whether it is fractured or not. I have a new ortho doc to go see. Yeah! I don't want to go see my DH's due to problems he has been having.

Ohhh...I just saw on TV about some little pups that were born with no front legs. They were taken in and now they have some sort of wheel device to help them get around. Just the saddest thing I have seen in a while. Cute as anything though.

Didn't get in my exercises today...yet anyway. ;-)
I hope to get in a run later.
Have a great night. Heidi :D
Hi..quick hello..I am making hubby a birthday cake today. It is his birthday...He didn't want healthy with his cake. So, I made it with sugar, butter and all that fattening stuff...

I will be doing HSTA later...I will be back..

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