Is anyone NOT ordering STS?


I am on the fence. I was thinking that I was absolutely not going to order it. I have most of Cathe's dvds, and I love them. Is there anyone else who is not buying them, or on the fence? Do you think that the STS is a MUST have? I need convincing!
Have a great day!
I had no choice but to pre-order!

I love P90X and this looks like it to the 10th power! I just know this is going to be great!
Added bonus for me is that my husband loves Cathe and is going to do STS with me. He won't do P90X because Tony gets on his last nerve:rolleyes:
I know that I will not be ordering least until I get a bigger place! Right now I am so happy with the results (and the equipment) I've gotten with all of Cathe's other DVD's. I sort of look at STS as a new and big "commitment", and I know I"m not ready to take the plunge quite yet!

I didn't pre-order when STS was first made available, what changed my mind was the fact that by doing Cathe's workouts, everything about my health has improved 1,000%, and when the best in the game today tells you she's taking it up a notch, it was a challenge I simply couldn't refuse.
I guess I feel like you do, a whole new commitment. I am also so happy with all the different rotations that I have been doing. I don't know if I have enough equipment.

I bought and tried P90X and I didn't find anything that great about it. I followed it faithfully, pullups and all. My husband also thinks Tony is a goof, and he made fun of him something awful!!!!! That is funny!

I am still on the fence. I go back and forth between, no way, I do not need it, to I will want it and it will cost me $77 more soon!~!!!!
At the moment, I'm not buying it.

1) I just started with Cathe's workouts and feel I have enough with her current list of DVDs to keep me experimenting and busy.

2) I know I'd want the extra equipment that would accompany STS (whether or not it's necessary), and I don't have the room.

3) I plan on sitting back and hearing about others' experiences with STS: Do they like it? Any positive changes? Was it worth the purchase? Any issues?

If down the line I reach a serious plateau, and people are loving STS, then I may buy it. But now isn't the right time.
Not ordering

I am on the fence. I was thinking that I was absolutely not going to order it. I have most of Cathe's dvds, and I love them. Is there anyone else who is not buying them, or on the fence? Do you think that the STS is a MUST have? I need convincing!
Have a great day!

It does not fit in with my way of working out, and I could not justify the cost anyway. I just hauled a load of exercise equipment to Goodwill, and had my son sell a lot of my unused fitness DVD's at his yard sale - I get all this stuff & never use it, so I'm not as quick to spend $$ anymore.
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I'm not, because:

--I do all my strength training at the gym
--I can't afford any more equipment right now
--I don't really have the space for any more equipment

But if there's a preorder for MMA you better believe I'll be the first! :cool:
As of today I have NOT orderd it. Although I am watching the calendar for the 18th. I had no intention of buying it until I went to the July RT. Now I am rethinking my decision. I need to take the time & read all the info on the site about it, espicially regarding the extra equipment needed.
Not sure I can afford it right now plus with needing extra equipment. I have not done the one rep max test. Although while at Wal-mart I did go to their weights & see what was the heaviest I could lift on a bicep curl, for me I got (barely) 2 out with a 20#.
We''ll see, I may change my mind. /COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
I'm not ordering. I think it's a really cool program. But I'm getting great results from what I'm doing now. Also, I actually think I'm at my limit right now for strength training, since I have a tendency to get tendon injuries whenver I go heavier. I don't think I could effectively use the program as it's designed.
I'm not ordering. I think it's a really cool program. But I'm getting great results from what I'm doing now. Also, I actually think I'm at my limit right now for strength training, since I have a tendency to get tendon injuries whenver I go heavier. I don't think I could effectively use the program as it's designed.

That's exactly how I feel. No matter how consistently I train and how strong I get, there's certain moves I can't do and certain weights I can't use. I found out recently from my orthopedic surgeon that my biomechanics (e.g. leg length, hip width, tendon lengths, etc) really are a limiting factor and always will be.

Plus I'm working through an injury right now and I don't think pushing myself to the absolute limit is the wisest choice (or even possible). Lol, I'd love to see the look of horror on my doc's face if I brought in STS. "Is this okay?"
I'm not, because:

--I do all my strength training at the gym
--I can't afford any more equipment right now
--I don't really have the space for any more equipment

But if there's a preorder for MMA you better believe I'll be the first! :cool:

You do mean second, right, Laura!!
I stayed up late so I could be amongst the first to place my order. I love Cathe's weight workouts, and I was hoping she'd design something along the lines of P90X. In fact, I was this close to ordering the X when Cathe announced her plans for STS. I was thrilled so I jumped on it. :D

Now MMA? I don't see myself ordering that one. ;)
I haven't ordered it yet either because I can't afford it right now. I think the program sounds amazing, but I have exercise ADD. I don't know if I could follow a program for 12 weeks or whatever it is. I was really proud of myself for doing Slow and Heavy for 3 weeks in a row! On the other hand, the fact that it's a different work out every time really appeals to me. I am supposed to be getting a yearly bonus soon, maybe I could take it out of that...

I preordered, but then canceled my order. In all honesty, when I saw how similar STS is to P90X, I will a bit annoyed. I know that many people copy other's great ideas, but I was a bit turned off by it. (Please, no flames!)

I have almost everything Cathe has made, and I know the quality. I would want all the additional equip. for STS, and to me, I would rather just join a gym again to have all the equip I wanted. So, basically, this doesn't appeal to me anymore at all. I think the only reason I preordered is because I have almost everything Cathe has created. Of course, that doesn't mean that everything is right for me, as I've learned with Imax 3 and Hardcore Extreme.

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