I'm getting LASIK today!


I'm so excited - this is something I've wanted to do for years. Anyone else had the surgery? What was your recovery time? And, most importantly, how long did you wait (if at all) to start working out?:p

Congrats! You'll love it! Just rest those eyes tonight!

I was back to working out quickly.....I just found that I needed to wear a Head "sweatband" because I didn't like the sweat getting into my eyes!

Good luck!

I had it done about 10 yrs ago - BEST THING I EVER DID! I had had like 20/200 vision w/astigmatisms (sp???) - Amazing!! I now have abt 20/60 (my eyes have regressed a bit & I'm now over 40), was 20/40 for years though.

I'm sure technology has advanced quite a bit, but even so, my recovery time pretty minimal. I slept alot the 1st day right afterward, didn't want to open my eyes, but even by that evening I felt ok. My eyes felt "gritty" and sensitive to light for a bit. If I remember correctly, the next day or so I was pretty much fine.

Ask your dr., but I would think you could start working out within a couple of days.

Best of luck! Keep us posted.
Hey Bethany,

I had lasik done this past June and I did have a few problems, that said, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Let me explain.

Right after surgery, my eyes felt extremely dry and 'gritty'. Kinda like when you sleep in your makeup (I know, not a good thing to do). I went and got my eyedrop medication and just wanted to sleep, but you have to put those drops in every couple of hours. I was so scared to open my eyes. One of the reasons was because my rt eye watered A LOT. I found out, the next day, that I had a scratch on my rt eye. not sure how it happend, maybe when I put the eyedrops in? anyway, the doc put a pair of contacts in my eyes. it helped immediately, but the contacts had a very slight perscription. So, while I could drive during the day, I couldn't at night and I couldn't read anything. I got the contacts off in a couple of days, but my left eye was not at the same point as my rt. So, i had 20/20 in my rt and 28/20 in my left. I was so bummed. I thought it would be like that forever. As it turned out, my vision is now 20/20 in both eyes and I'm loving it!

I only tell you about my problems to let you know that not everyone (as I thought) is able to see perfectly the next day or even in a month. Some people take a few months to heal. I didn't know this. I'm sure my doc told me, cause he gave me a ton of literature and kept asking if I had questions, but I was too excited to notice.

So, if you can see right away - GREAT, if not, give it a little time and you will.

Again, this is one of the best decisions I have ever made and would do it again in a heartbeat!

Good luck!!!

After years of debating, I have Lasik scheduled for November. The girl in my doctor's office that answered questions said it's the only miracle you can buy :D. She had it done several years ago. Hope all goes well for you!
Good luck! I'm sure it'll all go well though! I would love to have the surgery, but I also need correction for double vision and that isn't quite so easy!
Lucky girl!!! I've been wanting to have this done forever, but I'm such a baby about the procedure, even though I've known a ton of people who have had it done. They all say it is wonderful. Let us know how it goes!
OH! I'm super jealous, but like Liann, I'm a baby too! LOL I've got a very strong prescription and have worn contacts since the 5th grade!!!!! My sister works for an Eye & Ear Hospital of North Carolina and she had it done (as a teaching case for students, believe it or not, so a bunch of people were WATCHING her) and she loves it! She deals with patients who have had it done and VERY few complain about it! Wish I had the guts (and the money)!

Good luck! I had it done 7.5 years ago and am so thankful that I did. The only issue I had was halos at night, around the lights, but that went away. They make you take valium prior to the procedure - when you get there, or at least mine did - and I told them I didn't want to take it, or at least just half the dosage because my body reacts differently to medications, but they said, no, I would be fine. EVERYBODY takes the same dosage...so, I told them they would be sorry, downed the pill and was soon fast asleep. They could not believe it :p Of course, you cannot be asleep for the procedure so they had to take me back to their break room, make me eat and drink to wake me up, walk around, etc just so they could do the procedure!! Ha ha - they said they would listen to the next patient that said maybe they should just take 1/2 a pill. Anyway, enjoy your new eyes! Re: working out. I don't remember but you can resume activities pretty quickly.
I concur with Liann. I have so wanted this done. I have had bad vision since childhood. I would so love to have 20/20 without correction. I fear I am too old now...I will be 39 in November. :(

Lucky girl!!! I've been wanting to have this done forever, but I'm such a baby about the procedure, even though I've known a ton of people who have had it done. They all say it is wonderful. Let us know how it goes!
Melissa - you are not too old! DH had it done at 41. He needs reading glasses now, but they also are perfecting a surgery for that as well. It is so worth it. I had 20/400...could not see the gigantic E on the chart...and now I am still at about 20/15. I can see my clock at night and I can even see the tiny VCR clock across the room :D
That is WONDERFUL NEWS! :) I will have to look into this now! :) I have an annual exam coming up soon and I will bring it up with the doctor. Thanks SHANA!

Melissa - you are not too old! DH had it done at 41. He needs reading glasses now, but they also are perfecting a surgery for that as well. It is so worth it. I had 20/400...could not see the gigantic E on the chart...and now I am still at about 20/15. I can see my clock at night and I can even see the tiny VCR clock across the room :D
I concur with Liann. I have so wanted this done. I have had bad vision since childhood. I would so love to have 20/20 without correction. I fear I am too old now...I will be 39 in November. :(

You're right Melissa, you are WAY too old!!! :eek: 39???? Geeze girl, you're a spring chicken!!! Most of the people I know who had it done, had it in their 40's. I would definitely check it out. I may look into it again when things are a little more stable financially. I hear they do not use the scalpel anymore, that it is all laser. That is basically what stopped me from doing it before. No way someone was going to keep me still while coming at me with that thing!!!
I concur with Liann. I have so wanted this done. I have had bad vision since childhood. I would so love to have 20/20 without correction. I fear I am too old now...I will be 39 in November. :(

WHAT? No, you aren't too old - where did that come from???? I had a consult for Lasik on Monday and am 99.99% sure I'll be getting it done just after the new year. I'm 41 - no mention of me being borderline for any age issues, that's for sure!
I had it done 1.5yrs ago at age 39 and it was the best thing thing that I ever did. I can't say that I was tired though or needed extra sleep and really didn't need any of the Tylenol 1's (I think they were) that they prescribed. I took it easy and just layed down on the cough though when I got home, but still did laundry and got dinner started.

The worst thing for me was the dry eyes. I had dry eyes for about 1yr, so be ready to put eye-drops in your eyes every few hours for quite some time!

I started working out after 2 weeks (maybe sooner). They're just concerned about sweat getting into your eyes, so wear a head band for that and just do low-impact at the beginning.

Hope all went well.
Many many moons ago, an eye doc told me that the surgery was ideal in your thirties because in your forties your eyes begin to change (need for reading glasses, yada yada). From what I am hearing you guys say, that is not the case any more...now I really do feel old school! :)

WHAT? No, you aren't too old - where did that come from???? I had a consult for Lasik on Monday and am 99.99% sure I'll be getting it done just after the new year. I'm 41 - no mention of me being borderline for any age issues, that's for sure!
I had LASIK done last year at 43, so 39 is definitely not too old. The issue is that after 40 your eye muscles begin to change, which is what causes the need for reading glasses. This cannot be corrected by LASIK. So even though you might need your regular glasses, you may eventually still need reading glasses.

My doctor did not want me to work out for 1 week because she didn't want me to get sweat in my eyes.

The day of the surgery light did bother my eyes, so I just kept them closed and rested. The following day I was pretty much fine. I could even read, although it was a bit blurry. I missed no work.

I still use drops in the morning because my eyes feel dry.

I am unusual in that I probably would not do it again. Not because of any discomfort, but because it really hasn't changed anything, and I thought it was kinda expensive. I didn't mind glasses. And, I should note, I had terrible eyesight. If I wanted to read something without my glasses I literally had to hold it up to my nose.

I am just a weird one I guess. :)
Oooooh! You are so BRAVE!! Anything coming close to my eyes, FREAKS me out! I sometimes get a little ansy just puttin' on mascara! lol:eek::confused:

Anyway, my DAD got lasik. His eye sight is just horrible. After the surgery, he STILL has to wear glasses. Not as bad of glasses...I swear they looked like coke bottle bottoms! hehe

I think for about a week or so, he had to stay out of sunlight and wear shades if he did go out...AND...he wasn't supposed to stare at a screen (be on the computer) for certain amounts of time.

The whole working out thing though, pff...my dad doesn't workout, so I wouldn't know that answer to that. Anyway...GOOD LUCK! You're sooooo brave!!!;):D:cool:
I had it done about 2 years ago and it is the best money I spent. Walking out of the Dr office - things were a bit foggy - but between that fog was crystal clear vision! It was amazing. It is like going from fog to Hi-Def!!!

I didnt have any issue with recovery and went from 20/100 with astigmatisms to 20/15 in both eyes with the Hi-Def!! It was awesome.

I was a baby about it for the longest time - but just got so sick of the daily contacts and finding my glasses to wear at night. I even forget now that I did have contacts all those years...

Good Luck! You will LOVE it!!!

ETA - I was 39 when I got the surgery - well worth it!!!
I want to get this done soooo bad! I am so sick and tired of glasses and worrying about them getting lost or broken. My DH wanted me to get it done about 3 y/o after we sold our house and made a little money on the sale, but I was too chicken and now I could just kick myself :mad::(.

Please do let us know how you are doing when you can!!!!!

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