How old is TOO old?


Someone posted a few days ago about one thing we would change. That got me thinking. I know it does no good to sit and depress myself over the things I SHOULD have done, but that's what's happening. I actually looked online tonight for info on the vet school I'd wanted to attend. There is A LOT involved and pretty much the only thing I'd have going for me as far as getting in is the fact that I already have 2 degrees they could pull pre-requisites from. Other than that, it would be lots of time and money. I have NO idea how I'd do it, especially since the school is 3 1/2 hours away and I'm not looking to move. What's worse, and this brings me to the post title, I see myself sitting in these classes at 36, while everyone else is in their late teens, early 20's. If I started in 2010 and went straight through, I'd be finished at 42. My dad says, "well, you'll be 42 anyway." I know that's right old is too old?

P.S. What's worse is this has driven me to sit here and eat straight from the chocolate almond ice cream container.
No, that would not be too old. Go for it. Make it happen. When you think you are too old, that's when you have given up on yourself and what kind of life is that?

Do it!

There's no such thing as too old! Look at Albert Switzer, Georgia O'Keefe, Grandma Moses-they all began their professions later in life and were amazing! I say if it's your passion, go for it!
^ I agree!

Once my kids are self-sufficient, I plan on finding my second career, and I'll be well into my 40s when that happens. I can't wait! :)
There is nothing wrong in sitting with a class of young people learning.

Have you seen what the vets have to go through? Lots of hours, I mean lots and lots of hours putting down, keeping alive, being creative, getting peed or pood on, biting... just know what you are getting yourself into. Weigh everything out, family, loved ones, will not see you very much while you are at/in college.

On the other hand saving animals, being around them, calming them, loving them, giving them terrific homes...

I guess what you should be asking yourself, is this what you really want? If three and half hours away and not wanting to move is a concern to you, then maybe you should reconsider. If you want this more than anything, if you can't live without it, then you better make your dream come true.

Just another side of the coin, see what you are getting yourself into before you commit.

Veterinary school is TOUGH to get into so START NOW! If you wait, you're just going to be older so get moving, woman. Besides, everyone in college anymore is older and you already have so much of the coursework out of the way so it's not like you'd be starting from scratch.
Yes, you're too old. Really. You should just lie down and wait to die now;)

For crying out loud, if this is something you want GET OUT THERE AND DO IT! When you're lying on your death bed, do you really want to think back and say "dang, I shoulda done the vet thing"? It's almost always better to regret something you did than to regret not trying. You're 36. Not 90. Now just go already.

36 is not too old to attend vet school! In my freshman class, we had several in their 30's and I think someone told me recently that they know someone near 50 that is applying!

What vet school are you 3 1/2 hours from? Just curious.

Feel free to ask my any questions about vet school. Have you observed or worked in the animal field before?

Quite frankly Kim I think you deserve a big wedgie for even remotely thinking 42 is old. Yes, I'm serious...someone should pull your underwear up around your ears right now...provided you haven't resigned yourself to adult diapers already. Get a grip, and go to school.
I love what your Dad said and entirely agree with him. I went back to school to be a registered massage therapist at 38 and graduated at 41. It was extremely tough to manage at times, as a single parent with 3 kids I was spread thin and challenged to the nth degree but we did it and I'll never have to wonder, 'what if', 'why didn't I'...I love my career more than I could ever have imagined and look back at those 3 years as 3 of the happiest, most satisfying years of my life. Follow your passion Girl, heed your spirit's yearning, you can do this!!!

Take Care
Yes, you're too old. Really. You should just lie down and wait to die now;)

ROFLOL!! That is too funny. Seriously, you are NOT too old! You know what? You will have more focus and determination and let me tell you from experience, a little bit of maturity really helps, too. I'm 34 and just graduated from school in May (went back for my bachelor's after 10 years). I noticed a huge difference between me and my 19 year old counterparts in our approach to class. You will do great and you're dad is'll be 42 anyway, wouldn't you rather be happy that you pursued your interests?

If you really want it, you'll make it work, even if it means moving. But as Janie said, think about the whole picture before you jump into it. It may be hard, but if it's something you really want, you'll be fine.
I'm with everyone else. Just do it! I used to go to a cats only practice and the vet/owner had gone to vet school and finished up around 40 and that was back in the late 80's. There are a lot of advantages to going to school when you're older and really know what you want and don't have all the distractions of an 18-21 year old.
You are never too old!

I had that same thought when I finished my undergraduate degree. I was working full-time and one of those "old" students who didn't graduate until I was {gasp!} 29!

Kim, the time will pass anyway. If this is what you want to do, start now. One day you'll look back and say, "Wow, now I'm a vet!"

Imagine the alternative ... you don't want to wake up 10 years from now and say, "I wish I had..."

By the way, my daughter wants to be a vet!

Good luck and go for it!
I'm turning 40 later this month and do not feel OLD. (Well, I feel "old" when I'm around other 20 year olds and can't understand what they're talking about)

I feel that if this is something that you want to do, then do it. Remember, at 42 you still have 2 more decades to work. Look at it this way, if you don't then you have 3 decades doing something you don't love.
Thanks everyone. I know I'm not "old," it would just feel weird going back to school after having graduated with a Masters back in 1995. Auburn is the school I was looking at and they only accept 90 people at a time (half from AL and around 34 from Kentucky). I think the info said they only have 10 spots for non-residents. It's a lot to consider. In high school, when I was trying to decide, it was between vet school and mental health. I chose mental health...WHY I have no idea. I have a license and all but I just don't think this is really what I want to do. I LOVE animals so much and just can't imagine how cool it would be to work with them daily. Lots to think about.

Also, I hope no one here thinks I meant that 36 or 42 is old. I surely wasn't trying to offend anyone.
Kim - I work in higher ed, and I see people who are well into retirement age taking classes and re-inventing themselves every's awesome!

There's no such thing as too old.

Besides...I would just do it to avoid the wedgie from Beavs...:eek:
Kim, I have a coworker who went to law school when she was 40. She just retired w/a fully vested pension, her final salary was $140K.

I'd go back to school myself if I could afford it. For no reason other than I love it!
I refuse to be too old for anything, except maybe some new clothing choices that are better left to my 20 year old babysitters. I say go for it! There is nothing like learning new things to inspire you and make you feel younger. :) Good luck!

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