How many risers do you use on the regular step workouts?

How many risers do you use on the regular step workouts?

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i am trying to use one set, but i am having to take them out usually 1/2 way through b/c i get tired and start tripping. just wanted to see if most of you use risers or not. thanks!

Two sets on everything but IMAX 3, unless my PF is bothering me or I want to take it easy. . .although I remember reading somewhere that adding those extra risers only makes you burn about 50 calories more. . .so maybe it's not worth it???
RE: How many risers do you use on the regular step work...

I will use one set when I do Basic Step because the steps are very easy but otherwise I don't use any...I am challenged with out the risers (both physically and choreographically-lol) on every other work out so I don't push it. :)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I used to use 2 risers, but decided that I can get a good workout with 1, so why go higher? (Cathe apparently came to the same conclusion!).

I will use 2 risers with some non-Cathe workouts that are a bit lower intensity, slower paced.

And I have used three risers with some Firm step workouts.

When I tried IMAX3, besides turning some of the "too much impact for me" moves into "a reasonable amount of impact for me" moves, I used a 4" step.
I usually use two thinking I need the extra for intensity. But lately I've read threads that seem to indicate the number of risers you use should have more to do with your height. Is that true? Are the extra risers really only worth an extra 50 cals burned per workout? How do you really judge calorie expenditure - by how hard you are breathing/sweating? If there really is minimal gain going higher? I'd just as soon save my knees...any thoughts anyone?
i'm sure a heart rate monitor was used to determine the caloric expenditure. i used mine when i tried a set of risers and it does burn more calories, but i don't remember how many more. i'll check again. thanks for the input ladies

I'd be interested to know how many more calories are burned.

I did IMAX 1 on a 9" step this morning for the first time because I noticed it was getting easy on my 5" and I wasn't sweating as much. Definitely made a difference in the sweat department :)
I used to use 2 sets of risers, but over the years I've taken out a set, and then another -- thanks to my knees -- until I came back to where I started when I was a beginner, just using the step.

Sometimes when doing the Imax workouts, I take the step out altogether. The impact alone drives my heart rate up like crazy. I also make sure my arms are moving. Cathe said in C&W that arms contribute 12% to a cardio workout.

After taking up kickboxing last year -- and after finally getting a workout like Low Max -- I realized I don't need so much impact, or a step, to get the most out of a workout.

I use 2 sets because I am tall. But, for Imax3 I took it down to 1 and it was easier!! It also felt really weird, because I am so used to 2.
I have always used 2 sets for most of my 12+ years of stepping - but recently have dropped to 1 set on everything but Low Max to save my knees - I still get a really great workout - but my knees thank me for it in the end... It does feel weird though -cause I am 5'11" so doesnt feel like I am stepping up that much....
I use one set. My inseam is only 29", if that makes a difference.
Susan C.M.
Nothing should be jiggling, unless it's jiggling off. - Cathe in HSC
I can only use one riser due to knee problems. There's a couple non-Cathe step tapes I have that I can use two risers because they're very easy & short timewise, but if I used two risers on any of Cathe's workouts I'd pass out!
I have always used 2 sets of risers, except for Imax3. It feels weird only using one set of risers on the others.

I have always used 2 sets or risers. But since I bought my HRM, I find that the calorie burn really is about the same with 6 or 8" step height. I may be lowering it for good soon, save my knees as much as I can.

I have always used two sets of risers on everything. When I first got Imax 3 I did it on 1 set, but the second time I went to 2 sets of risers. I am 5'9" so I figured I needed the two sets. But... I have also been contemplating going down to one set of risers. I am just not quite sure if I will get as an intense of a workout, since I am tall??? My heartrate monitor does show a much lower heartrate and calorie burn when using one set. Oh well. We will see....

I use one because I'm new and I found I even miss that on occasion, just trying to keep up.

Working towards Perpetual Motion

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