Holiday-ish songs that make your ears....

someone above did mention the jingle bells with the dogs barking. Oh...I love some Christmas music, but find there are so many songs I just can't stomach.

A lot have been mentioned but:

Feliz Navidad...a chorus sung over and over again in English and Spanish. Creative.
the Redneck version of on the 12th day of Xmas (forget real name) by Jeff Foxworthy
Santa Baby by Madonna
Last Christmas (yuck! it's way too overplayed every year)

I do love, however, the Alvin & the Chipmunks SO and I sing that all the time, "me, I want a HOOOOOLA HOOOOOP!"
I see I'm also in the minority with Blue Christmas by Elvis...LOVE IT!

I'm not a fan of Country music (I like *some*) but O Holy Night by Martina McBride is a favorite.

I'll be home for Christmas brings tears to my eyes every time.

I also like Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. It's appropriate for me now. We're sitting with close to a foot of snow here at home!

Hate Alvin and the chipmunks song - because I've heard it ad nauseum for 40 years.....REALLY HATE Blue Christmas, by nails on a chalkboard its so annoying.....What child is this dressed in Greensleeves gets on my nerves....gosh whatta crank I am myself on knowing Adeste Fideles and Il est Ne,Le Divine Enfant........Christmas - such a time of anxiety until I took all complications out of it a few years we keep it easy (though tons of crap under the tree, still do that)
I wish I could think of one, but the truth is that this non-Christian LOVES Christmas songs. No doubt there are some dogs out there, but it's amazing how many great Christmas songs there are, done by so many great artists. The other day I hung out in a Banana Republic long after I had finished my shopping just to hear more songs. :)
I have to agree with the barking Jingle Bells. Even my dog doesn't like it. He thinks they're all barking off key!:)

Regarding the Christmas shoes song. I agree it's very depressing. I was listening to Christmas music in my car yesterday when that song came on. I wasn't even really paying any attention to it but my 16 year old DS asked me to change the station as soon as it came on. I asked him why because he usually likes that song but he kind of motioned to his friend sitting next to him who lost his mom to cancer. I'm proud that he was sensitive to his friends feelings.

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I really hate Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney. Every time I hear it, it gets stuck in my head for days. Maybe even years.
Did anyone mention Jingle Bells barked by dogs? Has anyone else heard that or was it just a bad dream of mine :confused:

LOL! We must of been having the same nightmare! Oh, that one really bugs. ITA with "Suzy Snowflake" too... Awful, awful, awful. They used to play it in the holiday loop of songs played at the retail store I worked at in college. It made me want to tear my hair out! :D

I love the classics-- Nat, Bing, Frank... Some new stuff too-- Sufjan Steven's album is really great if you're into the indie genre.

:D Merry Christmas! :D
bleed? :eek:

Understanding "different strokes for different folks" I'd rather listen to traffic horns than Dan Fogelberg's Same Old Lang Syne. Oh, I just HATE it, hate it, hate it!

So, what on your "I'd rather hear cowbells clanging than..." list? :rolleyes:

OMG OMG! That is like one of my fav's! I can't believe you hate that one. I nearly tear up at the end every single time!

PS - I hate the John Lennon song, whatever it is called and any jingle by Jessica Simpson.

I abhor "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas"!

And anything with chipmunks singing.

I really do get sick of hearing Christmas music - any and all by this time of year.

Regarding the Salvation Army - I do put money in each time I go by, even if it is my loose change. They were superb in assisting our area during the horrible flood of 2007. They also helped my mom tremendously during her time of need years ago when she was living alone- she donates $20 in someones bucket at various times during the "bell ringing" season. That sound does irritate me, too, but I do feel for those volunteers sitting out in the cold.

I had never heard Christmas Shoes until today, after reading this thread. I balled my eyes out! That song is so sad. Most Chritmas songs make me a bit tearful anyway, but seriously, I could barely see to drive.

I did the same thing when I first heard it. Now I change the station.
I really hate Wonderful Christmastime by Paul McCartney. Every time I hear it, it gets stuck in my head for days. Maybe even years.

OMG! I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE this "song"!!! Not only is it annoying, it's an abomination to the memory of the Beatles, and the whole concept of writing good lyrics!

The Christmas Shoes song is just so hilariously awful! I'm sorry, the first time my sister and I heard it were were shopping in an antiques store, and heard the lyrics, and just made fun of it like mad., hanging off each other with tears out of our eyes for how bad it was! Truly, truly awful.

For "loves" there's nothing like Judy Garland singing "Merry Little Christmas". And I LOVE the Muppets Christmas Album with John Denver!!! I remember the TV special in the 70's, I have the soundtrack, and yes, just listened to it again today on my iPod! :D
OMG! I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE this "song"!!! Not only is it annoying, it's an abomination to the memory of the Beatles, and the whole concept of writing good lyrics!

No one was a bigger Beatles fan than me back in the day, but Paul McCartney has no obligation to be the living memory of the Beatles, and anyway they wrote bad lyrics with the best of them. The combination of Paul McCartney and John Lennon was great, but when it deconstructed in 1969, the individual parts were mediocre and have been ever since. Lennon saw only the dark side and took himself WAY too seriously. The way I look at, at least McCartney is enjoying himself. Sheesh. Listen to me. I've loved him since I was 7 years old and I guess I'm still "defending" him. Old loves die hard. :p
My four year old son died on Christmas eve Many years ago. Whenever I hear "I'll Be Home For Christmas," I cry like a baby. I think it's a nice song, it just makes me cry.
I do however hate the Christmas Shoe Song. Last night I heard a version of "Silent Night" by Josh Groban that was beautiful.
I'm so sorry, NeverEndingCircle. <3 (awesome username, by the way)

The song "Dominick the Donkey" haunts my nephew...also named Dominic. :rolleyes:
Okay, perhaps we all need to stop taking Christmas music so dang seriously!:p

I just wish they would wait to play any of it until December 1st. The fact that they start playing it ridiculously early is what really irritates me! :eek:

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