Today I did Coffey Fit Raw Step Drills and Compound Moves, 38 minutes, met 8.2, 247 calories, heart rate 136, max 173, 2,743 steps. I used 12# dumbbells which is what Kelly used for this. I then did Coffey Fit Raw REal Raw #3, 38 minutes, heart rate average 118, max 155, met 6.0, 191 calories, 1,491 steps. Total time was 76 minutes, 4,234 steps, 438 calories.
I had to run to Sprouts for some things since tomorrow is a busy day and there will not be time. They are saying extreme weather coming in. Big chances for tornadoes and hail as large as baseballs. I hope they are wrong. They always give the worst case. Schools closed all over. It has rained some, but the bigger storms are late afternoon and tonight. Still storms in the morning. I am hoping for not too much flooded roads when I go pick up the grandchildren. When I lived out there I remember trying to find a route to get around water. It ran across the road from one field to another. It looked like one large lake. That is the road I need to go down. I may drive out of my way to come in from another route. I will see what happens.
REAL RAW #3 38 minutes
Each muscle group worked one side at a time to elicit more core/balance work and focus. Some cardio interspersed to keep up the energy. Kelly uses 10,12,15# dbs and 8's at the last finishing segment. 30 seconds work each set
1 arm rows 15# db
1 arm row slight change in position
1 arm row with leg held up behind balancing
12# db 1 arm bench press
12# db 1 arm bench press with opposing leg lift
12# 1 arm bench press with double leg lift
12# 1 arm biceps curl
12# db1 arm biceps curls balance 1 leg
10# dbs lateral raise both arms
10# dbs 1 leg balance
no weight single leg squat
15# dbs single leg squat
15# dbs side to side tap squat
10# dbs double arm kickbacks
10# dbs double arm kickbacks 1 leg
10# dbs double arm kickbacks opposite leg
cardio bench hops butt kick, bench hop butt kick hops landing on 1 leg, bench hops feet off and on bench like in Melt down
Finisher done twice changing some of the moves 8# dbs
chest standing lift out and front/ second time pec deck
running biceps curls/ second time running hammer curls
front raise alternating right and left/ second time through Kelly holds dumbbells together and lofts laterally like chicken wings
overhead triceps extensions