Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for July 2024

Today I did Perfect Pump Upper Body + bonus+ extended stretch, 58 minutes, 117 calories. I then did CDorner Day 24 Neck and Upper back from the mobility challenge, 13 minutes, 16 calories. Total time was 71 minutes, 133 calories.

Perfect Pump Upper Body with bonus
pullover set 1 15# dbs 10 reps
pullover set 2 15# dbs 10 reps
one arm row set 1 30# db 12 reps
one arm row set 2 25# db 10 reps
bent over clutch row 20# dbs 10 reps
posture pull tubing
bonus single arm rear delt fly combo 8# db
rapid row toss 25# db 20 reps
biceps curls with 5# dbs and tubing
standing sweeper curls 15# dbs 10 reps
clutch curls 15# dbs 10 reps
biceps curls set 1 15# dbs 10 reps
biceps curls set #2 12# dbs 10 reps
biceps curls #3 10# dbs 10 reps
bonus upright row single/dbl 12# dbs
incline front V lat raise combo 5# dbs
lateral raise bench 5# dbs 12 reps
scarecrow 5# dbs 12 reps
push press 3.5's 10# dbs
tubing battle ropes
incline bench press 15# dbs 16 reps
incline clutch press `5# dbs 10 reps
flat dead bug fly `5# dbs `0 reps
decline push up 4 point elevate leg
bonus bench press/fly 15# dbs
overhead extension 15# db 12 reps
kickbacks 10# dbs 10 reps
push ups using step top 10 reps
bonus overhead extensions with tubing
triceps dips 1 12# db 20 reps
triceps dips 2 12# db 18 reps
triceps dips 3 12# dbs 16 reps
extended stretch
Wow, I'm so sore this morning from the 3 mile walk and Giant Sets. I did STS 2 Active Recovery which was just ok. A lot of hands to the floor work which I can do without. I did most of it. Then I did some of my PT exercises (getting sick of these) and then did STS 2 Full Body Stretch.

Total workout was 50 minutes, burned 104 calories and HR was 75/107.

Belinda - What rotation are you doing right now? What series. Great job on your workouts!!

Diane - Who does the Perfect Pump workout? Looked really good, nice job!!

Jolie - My BIL has an Amazon fitness watch and loves it. Quite honestly, it has more bells and whistles than my Garmin has. And it was half the price. Let us know how you like it.

Have a great day everyone!! I have another PT appointment today. I'm still having issues with the left side of my neck and trap being very tight and the top of the shoulder still has some issues. All other pain is gone. Hopefully now that all the inflammation is gone and I can pinpoint where the issue is coming from, she can tweak my exercises a bit to help it.
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Walk outside is done. I still have to do NO EQUIPMENT NEEDED Abs & Cardio Builder Workout | STF - Day 57 after we pick up the RV.

Debbie - sorry you still have issue with your left side of your neck and traps. I hope your PT appointment goes well. I am doing Sydney C. Summer time Fine 2024 90 day’s rotations. Here is the rotations https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE5lGVrS3V9cgNqmdeFzYFST81V_QSHo0 I really like her workouts. She shows modifications. Great job on your workout.

Diane - nicely done on Perfect Pump Upper Body.

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Yesterday was a rest day for me with weights, I walked the pup 2 miles, 40 minutes and burned 246 calories. Last night I got my new fitness watch that I ordered on Amazon, the brand is Very Fit, and I love it. The display is huge and the numbers and letters are big so I do not have to use my glasses while working out to read the darn thing. However, the calorie burn is so much higher than my fitbit, by 200 calories. Maybe it just needs to get used to my behaviors while working out for a week or so. Anyway, I just love it. It looks better than an Apple watch but the same style. Today's workout was STS Meso 1 Disc #5 Back and Triceps and I had an excellent workout. We slept with the air conditioner on last night and I feel great and totally refreshed. The humidity is 88% here right now, what is going on in CA! La Nina is the culprit. I added on 4 sets of leg extensions at the end of the workout for 20 reps per set at 30#. Total workout time was 1 hour 9 minutes and I burned 681 calories. See, that is too high of a calorie burn for this workout.

Debbie, welcome back! Great job on the sts 2.0 workout the other day along with the walk. I am so pissed at the politics situation right now I could scream. There is no more Democracy with the Democrats, WTF! I love JD Vance and I think he would do a damn fine job as our new VP. The Trump Train is no joke, everyone is getting on board now!!!

Belinda, have a great time on the Roadtrip! Say hi to Cathe from all of us girls that never get to go and meet her.

Roselyn, I am doing sts meso 1 right now as well! Enjoy, I am loving the workouts even though they are long.

Diane Sue, great job with perfect pump yesterday, that was a long workout. Is this a Cathe workout? It sounds familiar.

Make it a great day even though it is hot and sticky :(
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Today I did CDorner Fast Basic Step #404, 168 calories, heart rate 137/165, 3,244 steps. I followed with CDorner Happy Hips Stretch and Low Back, 22 minutes, 33 calories. Total time 53 minutes, calories burned 201.

Debbie, nice job on the Giant sets yesterday and today's STS 2 Active Recovery and Full Body Stretch.
Chris Has a 31 minute Neck and Back Stretch where she uses a chair and there is no stuff on the hands, even when she goes to the floor. I liked it. The STS stretches are okay, but I feel like body parts do not get enough of a stretch when I need it. I think I pulled something in my left upper back side when helping my husband move some things around in the office and put together a big file box. I also had crawled under the desk to put wiring through the top for new monitors. It has been hurting since Sunday. Probably a weird twist or something. I hope your PT is helpful tomorrow.
Perfect Pump is from Cathe's Perfect 30 workouts. They are meant to be around 30 minute workouts, but I did a premix that was longer.

Belinda, nice work on the walk. Good luck on No Equipment Abs & Cardio Builder Workout STF - Day 57.

Jolie, Perfect Pump I a Cathe workout. They are from the Perfect 30 workouts. I did a longer premix and had to take a couple of breaks because I did not realize that the bonus workout moves were scattered through the workout and I kept wondering what was wrong with my workout sheet. The workouts in this series are supposed to be around 30 minutes each.
Nice job on STS Meso 1 Disc #5 Back and Triceps and yesterdays walk. That is a lot of calories for a weight workout. Then I am used to low calories myself. Still I think things are probably right with the Garmin Garmin because I have it paired with My Fitness Pal and my calories in and out seem to keep me at the weight MFP suggests when I log it in end of day. It will tell me I will lose weight sometimes if my days stay like a particular one. Generally I try to go back and find something else to eat before bed to keep from losing that weight. I think the watches are a guideline, but not completely accurate. I am glad that you like the watch. I keep a large read out on my Garmin because I do not want a face with a load of stuff all over it.
Good morning,

I did BEST BUTT & Shoulders Builder Workout | STF - Day today.

Diane - nice work on the basic step and hip stretch yesterday. I will do the hip stretch today.

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Today I went for a 1 hour walk with the pup, traveled 3.2 miles and burned 488 calories. My calories seem correct with the walk from my fitness tracker, but it said I did a mile more than I actually walked. I need to see if it needs to understand my walking stride and I was holding a leash and not swinging my arm as I would do if I was walking without a dog. Otherwise, I love the watch.

Nice job with the workouts yesterday everyone! Hot and humid here again, 88% humidity today. I walked before the sun came up just to keep it cooler for the pup. This is some weird weather for southern California.
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Had a great workout this morning, I did STS 2.0 Total Body Super Sets. My PT appointment went well and I just need to keep up with the PT exercises. She said I need to work on strengthening the underneath shoulder blade area which I have been doing. Hopefully the slight pinch I feel in my upper shoulder area will go away. She massaged my trap and OMG did that hurt so good. It still feels tight today and a bit sore, wish it would just relax already. I found out that my PT person is leaving so I'm really bummed about that. She didn't think I needed to go back but said in 2 weeks if things aren't better to make an appointment there with someone else. :(

Supersets done 3x's through. 8 reps for everything

SS #1
Squats: 15's
Deadlifts: 40#

SS #2
Incline Chest Press: 20's
Barbell Overhand Grip Row: 30#

SS #3
Kneeling Sweeper Curls: 15's - I did them standing
Incline Lying Triceps Extensions: 12's

SS #4
Shrugs: No weights
Calf Raises: 15's

SS #5
Alternating Sumo Squats: 25# (I did static sumo's)
Alternating Cross Back Lunges: 15#

SS #6
Incline Chest Fly: 15's/16's - 2 sets
Barbell Underhand Grip Row: 30#

SS #7
Hammer Curls: 16's
Single Arm Kickbacks w/Loop Band: 5# w/pink band

SS #8
Single Arm Lateral Raise: 5's
Double Arm Thumb to Thumb Rear Delt Fly: 5's

Workout was 60 minutes, burned 335 calories and HR was 113/150.

Then my SIL and I walked 2 miles in a beautiful park. Saw tons of large birds, really cool place. Walked 56 minutes, did 2 miles, HR was 86/96.

Belinda - Great job with your workout. OMG you are going to the Roadtrip!? Have fun, how exciting! The rotation you are doing looks pretty cool. I might have to check it out after I do STS.

Jolie - Glad you like the Amazon watch, my BIL loves his. That calorie burn might be right, my Fitbit's always read really low. It is really humid here today, it was hard walking in the sunny parts of the trail we did this morning. I will miss these days when it gets cold, though. I like JD Vance, too, but at first I wasn't sure he had enough experience to be a VP. But I do like what his goals are and he is for the people. He has done great things here in Ohio since he's been appointed in the senate. Let's hope all goes well!!

Diane - Great job on your workout yesterday. I will have to try that neck and shoulder stretch from Chris soon. Is it a newer one? I'm sorry to hear you pulled something while helping your husband. I hope you are feeling better today. I hate when that stuff happens.

I have things to do around here so I better get. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Today I did Perfect Pump Lower Body, 33 minutes, 116 calories, heart rate 109/131. I finished with CDorner Stretch after step(17 minutes) + Mobility Challenge day 12 Upper Body Stretch(10 minutes), 27 minutes, 38 calories. I wanted a good stretch after the lower body, but did not want to skip upper. My calf was starting to get tight again.

Perfect Pump Lower Body uses dumbbells and a high step for some moves
warm up with 12 and 15#
Squats 25# dbs 12 reps
static lunges 20# dbs 12 reps
deadlifts 30# dbs 12 reps\pick up squats 40# db 12 reps
elevated lunge right 15# dbs 12 reps (step 4 risers)
elevated explosive lunge no weight right(step 4 risers)
elevated lunge left 15# dbs 12 reps (step)
elevated explosive lunge no weight left (step)
deadlifts with toes elevated 25# dbs 12 reps
heels elevated front squat 15# dbs
step ups (4 risers high step) 15# dbs 12 reps
single leg deadlifts 30# db 10 reps
front lunges 15# db 10 reps
close grip squat 40# db 12 reps
squat cross over lunges 6 inch step) 15# db 10 reps
forward leaning glute lunges 15# db 10 reps
cossack squat 15# db 12 reps
calf raises #1 20# dbs 25 reps
calf raises #2 20# dbs 20 reps
calf raises #3 20# dbs 15 reps

Belinda, nice work on the Best Butt and Shoulder builder workout today. I hope you like the hip stretch today if you get it in.

Jolie, nice work on the walk and getting out while it was cooler. I am sure the watch has to pick up on your algorithms. Arms swinging seems to help track the steps. I remember noticing that my watch was not picking up steps while I was pushing a grocery cart around the store.

Debbie, nice work on STS 2.0 Supersets today. I personally like that workout because there is no overhead presses in it. That under arm into the back area is where mine is hurting, also some clicking. I tried not to lie on it last night. I tried to put on bio freeze last night, but couldn't reach far enough to get all of the area with it. It is somewhat better today. It was feeling like something was pinching in that spot. Here is a link to that chair stretch
There are lots of people in the white house that have had years of experience, and it does not make them good at their job. Some are pretty ignorant.
No workout this morning, I have my annual thermal imaging breast exam this morning so I'm not supposed to do any strenuous workouts. My SIL and I will walk later this afternoon. It's really nice here today, low humidity and only in the 70's.

Jolie - You might have to calibrate the watch to your stride. I just did that with mine because it wasn't right for me either. Glad you like it, though. Nice job on your walk yesterday!!

Diane - Nice workout yesterday! Those look like fun ones, do you like them? Thanks for the workout you posted, I may do it later if I have time. And yes, I agree, people with little government experience could be a benefit for us, those people in Washington haven't done a thing for the American people in years. They need to go, all of them. What I would do to go back to the 80's!!

Hope you all have a great day!
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Good morning,

I am taking off this morning. I am a little behind the schedule, my right knee is swollen again. I am so sick of this. Why now? I been taking pain meds, icing/wrapping my knee. I will do my best tomorrow, take breaks when I need it. I don‘t know what I did yesterday for my knee to swell like that? I am so carful.

I will check in when I can. Maybe post some pictures.
Today I did CDorner 70's 80's Party aerobics, 50 minutes, 256 calories, heart rate 132/162, 5,060 steps. This was a fun one and all low impact unless you want to do the occasional jacks. Easy to stick with low impact and I got a good workout. I finished off with CDorner Neck & Back chair stretch 26 minutes, 35 calories.(I skipped the shavasana rest part and did the last segment which was a final neck stretch holding hands up under the ears and tilting head side to side 20 times) It is a slow stretch and most of the time I do not just want to lay there and do nothing. I then decided that I had enough time to do STS 2.0 no equipment abs, 11 minutes, 24 calories. Total time was 87 minutes, 315 calories.

Debbie, I like the Perfect 30 weight workouts and there is a yoga flow dvd I have used quite a bit. I don't care so much for the Hiit cardio dvd. The low impact workout has a drill type format that I never enjoy. I just do not like that type of workout and the other is a high impact hiit. The length is nice and there is no standing around resting for the next move. Saves me time and I get a good workout. As far as stretches, the towel stretch Chris did is another good one I will go back to.
We need selfless people that love our country so much they want it to be the best and keep freedom like it should be. Not selfish full of themselves people that do not care at all about the people and country we have. I hope you had a nice walk today and the Thermal imaging goes well. I have my yearly wellness exam. I always worry that some marker after exam and blood work is going to send me out for more appointments. As it is I am having a losing weight problem and every time I go up a bit I drop back down. Got on the scale this morning and I had dropped to 103. My goal is to gain weight! I have never had that problem before. This weekend I ate so much bad food. Lasagna, cookie dough cake that was really good since I am not a cake fan, and when my husband wanted to stop at Braums I got a large Braums mix with heath bits. I don't bet it. I was sure I would be up today. I used to weight 116 to 122. My clothes hang on me.

Belinda, I am so sorry that your knee is giving you problems. I hope a rest will help the swelling go down. Sometimes we just need the rest so the body can concentrate on fixing the problem.
This morning I did STS 2.0 Tri Sets Total Body. I don't think I've done this one before, I really liked it. I went as heavy as I felt safe for me and really felt most of the exercises.

2 sets of each triset with 8 reps each

Squats: 15's
Alt. Rear Lunges: 15's
Close Grip Sumo Squat: 25#

Chest Press: 25's
Chest Flyes, Pinkies In: 20's
Thumb to Thumb Chest Flyes: 15's

Deadlifts: 40# Barbell
Pullovers: 20#
Kneeling One Arm Row: 25#

Close Grip Bench Press: 20's
Seated Single Arm Overhead Extension: 10#
Lying Triceps Extension: 12's

Seated Overhead Shoulder Press: 12's
Lateral Raise: 8's
Kneeling Delt Fly: 5's

Biceps Curls: 15's
Seated Hammer Curls: 15's
Seated Sweeper Curs: 15's/12
(I tried 20's with hammers and it wasn't happening. This was tough)

Step Ups: Skipped
Alternate Side Lunges: Skipped
Double Tap Reverse Lunges: Skipped

I skipped the last triset because my legs have been extremely sore from the workouts this week and walking so much. Didn't want to stress my knees too much. Had a great workout.

Workout was 55 minutes, burned 258 calories, and HR was 104/134.

I am going walking with my SIL so I don't have time for personals. Hope you all have a wonderful workout and weekend!!
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Today is the last day of really hot weather and then it should cool down just a tad and I am excited. Yesterday was the hottest day of the week, so I took the day off and cleaned the house with the air conditioner on and it was great. I am so sore today from scrubbing the floors for hours, boy what a great workout. Today I took the pup for a 1 hour walk, traveled 3 miles and burned 230 calories! This time I put it on workout mode and boy was the calorie burn way off. I usually burn over 400 calories because I go up some steep hills and I am breathing hard. I am going to see if I set the watch up correctly, maybe I made an error.

Debbie, great job with the workout today. Those are some impressive weights you are lifting lately.

Diane Sue, nice job with the aerobic workout yesterday.

Belinda, sorry to hear about your swollen knee, I hope it is better for you for the road trip.

Make it a great day.
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Today I wanted to do something that would give my hands a break because my trigger finger and joints were bothering me overnight. My arms were tingly and some of my fingers on the right were numb and I could not feel anything when I touched them and tried to rub out the tingling. So, I did a fun workout with CDorner Tone and Sweat Richard Simmons Tribute, (arms and cardio) 49 minutes, 184 calories, heart rate 125/144. The music was as expected being oldies like Pretty Woman, To Late Baby, Spirit in the Sky... Chris and the couple that were working out with her were wearing oldie fitness costumes and the guy a wig and costume like Richard Simmons. It was funny.
I followed with Killer Legs Barre Bonus, 20 minutes, 53 calories and finished with CDorner Happy Hips + mobility challenge day 28 upper body.
Total time 1 hour 41 minutes, 285 calories.
CDorner Tone and Sweat
warm up
weight with cardio 1 minute each segment
step tap upright row 8# dbs
side to side step overhead extension row 8# dbs
knee up biceps curl 8# dbs
plie overhead triceps extension 5# dbs
side to side step side cirls 8# dbs
alternating heel lift with kickbacks 8# dbs
repeat weight segments
next weight move group
squat curl 8# dbs
alternating front raise 8# dbs squat
triceps kickback 8# dbs
lateral raise with side step 8# dbs dropping to 5#
repeat weight segment

Debbie, great job on STS 2.0 Total Body Triceps today. When I did all three of the Total Body workouts I was extremely sore. I hope that you had a nice walk today.

Jolie, nice work on the walk today. I wish the exercise watches had more workout options and did better with that. When I use my Withings app, which just gives an overall burn, I have to use indoor running when I do cardio for it to be close to what my Garmin gives. I tried Fitness and it gives me half the calories that I actually burned. Then it gives me double calories for yoga which makes no sense. Maybe you will get it figured out on what settings to use.

Roselyn, nice work on Meso 1 Chest, Shoulders, and Biceps.
Today the weather is cooler, thank you Lord Jesus! I did Cathe's STS Meso 1 Disc #7 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps and had an excellent workout. I did really well with the weights, I went up in some of the exercises. I put my fitness tracker on Functional Weight Training mode and got a very good calorie read, close to my FitBit's read. Workout was 1 hour and I burned 511 calories. It seems a bit high, but I was really working for it with each exercise.

Diane Sue, nice job on the workout yesterday. So sad that Richard Simmons died the other day :( I love the movie Pretty Woman, I bet the workout was great with that music!

Roselyn, great job with the STS Chest, Shoulders and Biceps workout.

Make it a great day.
Today I did CDorner Cardio Kickboxing Low impact or High, 37 minutes, 199 calories, heart rate 136/163, 3,494 steps., and my watch says 2.5 miles. I followed with CDorner Full Body Stretch with Towel or Strap, 32 minutes, 40 calories. This one stretches me out really well. I do wish there was not so much chatter, but I can deal with it.

Jolie, nice job on Meso 1 STS disc 7 chest, shoulders, and biceps. I am glad you found a setting that worked for you.

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