Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for July 2024

This morning I walked on my treadmill for 45 minutes, burned 460 calories (how?), went 2.21 miles and did 5220 steps. HR was 151/186. I don't get the calories burn this morning, that can't be right. Usually I'm around 330-405 calories.

I also did my PT exercises that took about 15 minutes. Can't say I'm feeling any better, my trap is still really tight and I still have a bit of a knot in my upper shoulder blade. My lower lats are getting stronger, though, I do notice I'm standing and sitting up straighter.

Our 4th was ok, we went to my mom's for a cookout and that was fun. It rained after we got home but that didn't stop all the neighbors from blowing off tons of fireworks. Ohio did the brilliant thing and made fireworks legal in our state and now we hear them all the timer. I hate it. Seen one, you seen them all. The fireworks continued until well past midnight.

Jolie - Glad you and your DH were able to get a walk in yesterday.

Belinda - Glad you are home safe and hope you had a Happy 4th!

Roxie - I don't mind doing the bear crawl as long as my upper back is fine. Doing those right now would not be wise for me. Same with plank work and mountain climbers. Good job with your workout!

Roselyn - Are you still doing STS 2.0?

Diane - Great job on your workout yesterday, your weights are impressive! I don't care to do superman's either, but I need to start doing them again. It really hurts my upper back when my arms are stretched overhead like you're supposed to do a superman, so I don't do them that way. I just keep my arms to my sides and lift my legs and upper body. I need to strengthen my lower back, it's very weak.

Have a great weekend everyone!
Today I went for a 2 mile walk with the pup, I came home early because there are too many coyotes out right now and they stalk us while we walk. Next, I did my own workout for Chest and Back. I am short on time today, so it worked out great to just put my own push pull workout together. I forgot to wear my Fitbit so I have no calorie burn to report.

Have a great day.
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Today I did Cathe Cardio & weights just cardio. The cardio only timesaver does not work anymore. I don't know why, but there is only one premix and it includes some weights. I am wondering if it is the blu-ray player, or what. It used to be on my dvd. I ended up going to the mix and match and doing the segments. I would check it in an old dvd player, but my tv is kind of old and for some reason there is no sound coming through even though I have the audio cables all hooked up. I noticed that on the workout manager, the cardio only premix has a tiny ? in the midst of it. Cardio and weights was 39 minutes as I forgot to start my watch and repeated part of it, 176 calories, heart rate 122/153. I then did STS 2.0 min ball abs, 11 minutes, 30 calories and STS 2.0 mobility #1 19 minutes, 22 calories. Total time was 69 minutes, 228 calories. I am kind of baffled on how premixes can disappear on a dvd. I ordered Gloved Up and Sweaty which is supposed to be here tomorrow :) Going to go work on my painting.
Good Evening,

Total Body Kickboxing workout 1 probably not one I will do agai until hip is better I will switch it to shadow boxing 1.
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My DD had surgery this morning. DD is doing well considering. She can‘t do anything for a week. We just came home a while ago. Since it wasn‘t super late, I decided to get a workout in.

I just finished D44 Tabata = 30 min. Glad the workout wasn‘t longer.

I will catch up in the morning. I am up since 2 a.m. I am tired.

Good night.
Belinda, I am glad to hear that your daughter is doing well. Get some rest today.

Today's workout was an easy one, I did not know it when I picked it, but it was just ok. I did DC Fitt 30-minute upper body and core workout. The workout was 30 minutes long, 30 no repeat exercises each one for 1 minute. I loved the format of the workout, I just did not like some of the exercises. If I do it a next time, I will sub out some of the exercises that I do not like for one's that I do like. It is so humid here today; I think it is because of the hurricane off Mexico. I am dripping wet after this short workout.

I am getting bored with all of my workouts again and I am trying to find something that interests me. Any suggestions? I am kind of sick of doing Cathe workouts and I did a few months of the RAW workouts. Caroline Girvan has great workouts but for some reason I get bored I think because she does not talk at all during the workouts. I love Yevette Bachman workouts but damn, those are tuff stuff for me now at 58 years young!

Diane Sue, great job with the workout yesterday. That is weird that the premix disappeared on your DVD!

Roxie, great job with the kickboxing workout.

Have a great Saturday.
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Today I did Quick POWER Arms and Legs HIIT Workout | STF - Day 45. Very good workout.

Roselyn - good job on Caroline best mode. I love her workouts.

Jolie - I honestly never got into Yevette Bachman workouts. Too much high impact for me. You are young, lol. Thank you about DD. She is doing well. She isn‘t used to sitting around and relaxing, lol.

Diane - it may be the blue ray player. Cardio & weights was produced before blue rays came out. Contact Cathe‘s customer service. That is weird your premix disappeared. Sorry it happened to you. I have to pull that one out soon. Thanks for mention it.

Debbie and Roxie - I hope you have a great weekend.
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Today I did Raw July Rotation Friday: Lower/Core 31 minutes, 99 calories, heart rate 102/130. I then did Raw Shadow boxing #2 18 minutes, 67 calories, heart rate 104/135. I finished with Raw Yoga Stretch and CDorner Day 24 neck and upper back mobility, 31 minutes, 53 calories. Total time was 80 minutes, 197 calories.

Raw July Rotation Friday: Lower and Core (moves done for 60 seconds each)3 rounds all moves
warm up
Single leg hip thruster using step with 4 risers 10# dumbbell
Standing arms overhead knee up alternating holding 15# db
reverse lunge db to the floor alternating sides 20# db
standing knee up twist 10# db
snatch 15# dropped to 12# (Kelly uses a 20)
all moves done 3 rounds
no stretch on this one

Belinda, nice job on Quick Power Arms and Legs Hiit workout today. It was odd because the dvd had a premix button, but it just jumped right into a premix workout that had weights mixed in and no list of different premixes. I could go to chapters and mix and match.
I hope your daughter heals quickly. It is hard to sit still and rest when they are used to being active all of the time.

Debbie, nice work on the treadmill yesterday. My calories were up a couple of days and then today seemed really low, particularly on the shadow boxing workout. My traps and neck are extremely sore today. It has been getting worse all week even though I have been stretching and trying to loosen up the areas. Another move I dislike more than superman, is swimmers.

Roxie, nice work on Total Body Kickboxing. I find that the shadow boxing works well when I am trying to rest the lower body.

Jolie, I get kind of bored sometimes with workouts too. I have not done Yevette Bachman in a long time. There really is a lot of impact in her workouts. I like them, but just cannot do that type of workout anymore.

Roselyn, nice work on Caroline Beast Mode Legs today.
Diane - that is very odd. Did you buy the dvd from Cathe‘s website? If so, contact her customer service. I am sure whey will replace the dvd. Thank you about DD. She is always on the go….she can‘t sit still. She is learning. Great job on Raw July Rotation Friday: Lower and Core.

I did 2 miles with Leslie Swanson. Too hot to walk outside.
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I decided to sign back up for the RAW workouts today, they are short in length and I can do two if I want to have a longer workout for the day. Today I did RAW Burn Out Upper Body and went light with the weights because I strained my back doing yard work yesterday. Workout was 43 minutes and I burned 308 calories. This workout is 3 rounds of each body part, and each set is 45 seconds on and 15 seconds rest before moving on.

Bicep Curls- 15's (3 rounds of superset)
Traditional Curls- 15's

1 Arm Rows- 20# x 3 rounds

Seated Overhead Press- 12's x 3 rounds
Lateral Raise- 8's

Close Grip Chest Press- 15's x 3 rounds
Pullovers- 12's

Lying Triceps Ext.- 12's x 3 rounds
Kickbacks- 10's

Belinda, I am 58 years young, how young are you? I sub out all of the high impact if I do Yvette's workouts, I tend to make them my own since I cannot do high impact workouts either.

Diane Sue, nice job with the RAW lower body workout yesterday. I think these workouts will be good for the rest of the summer because I can do them in the house with the air conditioning on when it is too hot to workout in the garage.

I hope you all have great workouts today. It will be hot here the next 8 days. My parents have very hot temps, today it will be 120 degrees!!!

I did 40 Minute Strength and Conditioning AMRAP Workout | STF - Day 46 this morning.

Jolie - I am 61, lol. Getting old. I always have to sub out all the high impact with Sydney. Great job on your workout today.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
Good Evening,

I did KCM Muscle Up Lower Body today. I walked Sunday but didn’t do anything Saturday my hip was really bothering me. Hung out in the pool after I finished my workout best way to end the day. Someday we may make it to the lakes but they are all above flood level right now.

Jolie-I am 58 years young but feel older most days. I like Kelly’s workouts
Quick check in. Yesterday I did CDorner Mobility morning mobility day 6 and morning spinal mobility day 10, 31 minutes, 47 calories. Sundays are usually my rest day, but I need some help with my neck, spine, and trap area. It has been hurting really bad. I had my grandson here last night so this morning I just did the morning spinal mobility again for 19 minutes movement. Feeling better than I did Friday and Saturday. Tomorrow morning is my ladies game day, so I will be going to that. Not sure if I will try to get up and do something first or not. I have been reading up on weight lifting and best workouts for people with spinal spondylosis and arthritis. I think my 72 year old body is telling me I am not that young anymore. It all gets confusing when I need weight bearing exercises for the osteoarthritis and bone density, but then I have to be careful with the rheumatoid arthritis. I am so tired today which does not help. I am sure things will get better.
I got Gloved Up and Sweaty and this is the first time I haven't done a workout as soon as I got it. Some things I read says martial arts is not good for neck and spinal problems. Maybe I just need to not push so hard. I did too much overhead stuff lately.

Jolie, the Raw workouts work well for me as I can string workouts together, or if I want a quick strength workout, they are perfect. Also, I generally don't need that much equipment for the workouts. Nice workout with Raw Burn Out Upper Body today.

Roxy, nice work with KCM Muscle Up Lower Body and the walk. The pool sounds nice.

Belinda, nice work today on the 40 Minute Strength and Conditioning AMRAP Workout: STF - Day 46

Hi to Debbie, I hope you are doing better.
Sorry I didn't check in yesterday, was extremely busy and had a lot of running around to do. My DH and I bought a used Can Am and it is awesome. We are going to sell our motorcycles. I feel safer on the Can Am for sure and it is so comfortable!!!

Yesterday I did my PT exercises and then my sister-in-law and I walked 3 miles in the park. Yesterday was a nice morning to do that. Today I did my PT exercises and walked on the treadmill for 20 minutes. I am feeling a lot better, the exercises do seem to be helping. I feel like I an start lifting again but I guess I'll wait. I just miss lifting, this is when I can get some great workouts in.

I don't have time for personals today either, I'm heading to the lake with some work friends. Looks like it's going to rain, though. I hope not. Hurricane Beryl is supposed to sweep by us tonight so hopefully it won't be here earlier.

Have a great day everyone!!
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Today will be a rest day for me. I did not sleep well last night, and I am sore from my workout yesterday. I will walk the dogs today as I will at least get a walk in.

Diane Sue, I hope you are feeling better today. I think kick boxing workouts are hard on your body, I love to do them, but I do tend to get issues with my body if I do too much of it. I like the RAW boxing workouts because they are short, unlike the Powerstrike or Cathe kickboxing workouts that are an hour long in length.

Belinda, nice job on the workout yesterday. 61 is totally young, it is the new 41! :)

Roxie, you and Debbie and I are all 58 years young! Nice job on the lower body workout yesterday.

Debbie, way to go on the walking the past few days. I hope you do not get too much rain from the hurricane. Enjoy your time at the lake today.

Make it a great day.
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Today was D47 Cardio and abs = 30 min. I also walked 1 mile.

Jolie - aww…thanks! I hope you get some sleep tonight.

Debbie - we need the rain. It‘s been so hot lately. Our grass looks like straw.

Diane - great job on your mix of workouts. Does Chris have another mobility series? I sure need to start doing them.

Roxie - nice work with KCM Muscle Up LB. Be carful with your hip.

Where is Rosely?

I have to take Sadie to the vet. She is getting some shots.

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Good Morning,

I did Body Training Standing late last night, felt guilty for not doing it so I got out of bed and did it. Today we are finally able to go to the lake.
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OMG is it humid here again today. Another night of poor sleep due to the humidity, I will sleep with the air conditioner on tonight! Today I took the pup for a 2 mile walk, I was dripping by the time I got home. Next, I did RAW 15 minute boxing finisher with 1# egg weights. I have officially lost 20 pounds since Christmas and I could not be happier. That sounds like a lot, which it is, but I am 5 feet 10 inches so it is not as much as you would think. However, I am down almost two sizes in my jeans! I have not weighed this amount since I was 30 years old, before having kids and getting married. I completely gave up alcohol, all snacking on chips, cookies ect. ate a ton of veggies and fruits. For protein I ate a lot of eggs and some chicken and steak on the weekends. I also gave up all protein shakes and bars because there is too much bad stuff in them and I feel so much better. I have lost a little muscle, but I plan on gaining some back now that I will start reverse dieting. I feel so much better, I sleep better, and my cloths fit great too! Yay for me :)

Belinda, great job with the workout. We never get rain in the summer, but we can get a lot of fog.

Roselyn, you are doing Body Beast? Nice job on the workout.

Roxie, great job on getting the workout in before you went to bed! I could not get out of bed and workout, I would be too cozy.

Debbie, I hope you have a great workout today.

Diane Sue, have a good workout today if it is on the schedule for you.

Have a wonderful day.
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