Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for July 2024

Hi , sorry for not checking in yesterday. The RT is a lot of fun. Tiring but very fun. I modified all the exercises. Today we got a little taste of the new workouts. Did is super excited about the mobility /strengt one. I talked to Cathe about my knees and how I have to modify them once I get them in my hands. Cathe showed a lot of modifications which I was happy about. Lots of people including myself modified. Tomorrow is lower body, lat workout.

Good night
Jolie - Richard Simmons wasn't in Pretty Woman, that was Richard Gere. Simmons was the aerobic dude with the afro hair. Was big in the 80's.
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Debbie, I was saying Richard Simmons because Diane had mentioned it was the name of the workout. I know who Richard Gere is, I was in LOVE with him when I was younger :)

Yesterday I went to the driving range to hit some golf balls and I am so sore today I am not going to workout. My low back is so tight from all of that swinging and I am not used to using those muscles, I am stiff today. My collarbone is not happy either, I told my husband golf is out for me in the future.

Belinda, excited to hear about the Road trip and the new workouts.

Have a great day and some good workouts everyone.
My Dh and I are making a platform outside our back door for a porch and gazebo. Yesterday we dug an 8 x 13 x 4 deep area and OMG what hard work that was. I shoveled about 12 huge wagonfuls of dirt and took it to our back yard to dump. We did this for 4 hours staight and it was so hot out. My upper back and low back were killing me by the time we were done (and we're no where near close to done) and used my massager to work the knots out. We still need to dig out more dirt , it's no where near where it needs to be. And then we have to do two more sections. I told my DH there was no way I can do this kind of work, I have blisters on my hands and my knees hurt too. He is looking into buying a small bobcat excavator. They really aren't all that expensive and it would save us time and our bodies. So hopefully we can get one soon. I honestly didn't think I could lift this morning but I was actually feeling ok. I skipped some of the leg exercises because my knees are bothering me but other than that, I did the whole thing.

This morning I did STS 2 Total Body Giant Sets and had a great workout.

10 reps doing these excises one time through with little rest:

Squats: 15's
Chest Press: 25's
Overhead Shoulder Press: 12's
Alternate Reverse Lunges: 15's
Deadlifts: 15's
Double Arm Rows: 15's
Side to Side Lunge:15#
Bicep Curls: 15's
Lying Triceps Extensions: 12's
Barbell Glute Raises: 30#

2 min. break, then this series of exercises:
Bulgarian Split Squats: 15#
Alternate Chest Press: 20's
Alternate Shoulder Press: 12's
Reverse Lunges: 15's
One Legged Deads: 20#
One Arm Rows: 25#
Side Lunges: Skipped
Single Arm Bicep Curl: 15's
Alternate Lying Triceps Ext: 12's
Barbell One Leg Glute Press: 30# (I did both legs together)

2 minute rest then go back to the first Giant Sets but doing them with 8 reps:
Squats: Skipped
Chest Press: 25's
Overhead Shoulder Press: 12's
Alternate Rev. Lunge: Skipped
Deads: 15's
Double Arm Row: 15's
Side to Side Lunges: Skipped
Biceps Curl: 15's
Lying Triceps Ext: 12's
Barbell Glute Press: 30#

Workout was 48 minutes, burned 217 calories and HR was 102/128.

My SIL also went for a walk was 1 hr 15 min. and burned 236 calories. We went 2.72 miles and my HR was 87/114. This one was more hilly than what we usually walk. Fun but humid as all get out.

Jolie - I'm sorry, I misread Diane's post and I didn't see the song "Pretty Woman" that she was talking about. Foot in mouth!!! Glad you listened to your body and didn't workout today. Nice job!!!

Nice workouts everyone! Hope you have a great one today!
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I am home again. I had a lot of fun at the RT. I am glad I got to see my friend from another check in. She is super sweet. It was nice seeing familiar and new faces. Friday we got to chat and talk the the crew. I took pictures with Cathe, Jai, Brenda, Jen D, Jennifer A , Kirstin Al. I talked to Kirstin on Friday for a long. She is super sweet. They all are. I got to talk to Cathe a lot on the RT, she is super sweet. No wonder I love her so much. Jennifer A looks taller then the rest of the crew, she really much taller than the rest of the crew, lol. Jennifer A is very sweet and very funny, she made me laugh. Every opportunity I had I talked to Cathe. I had all my favorite DVD’s signed by Cathe and crew, lol. The food was so good. We really had a blast. Everyone was very nice. Of course, I picked up quit a few Cathe T-shirts and balance discs. Nancy from customer service is super sweet. I just love her. I got to talk to her a lot too. The Cardio and mobility workout we did on Saturday was Live. You can stream it on Cathe Live or get the download for $10. My knees were so swollen I couldn’t kneel on the floor, I modified quit a bit. Cathe did show modifications . There were quit a few of us that modified. My DD really loved the cardio and mobility one. I probably will get the download. I am super excited for the new workouts. They look very interesting. We got a goodie bag, got a Cathe RT t-shirt and a nice water bottle. My DD open hers , she said she loves it. Next year my DIL will join us at the RT. I am super sore and tired from this weekend. Yesterday we did lower body than we had brunch. Today I walked 2 miles to losen up my legs before we drove home. I probably will do a stretch before bed if I am not asleep. Maybe I will just rest? We shall see.

Great job on all your workouts. I will be back tomorrow.
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Today I did Cathe Perfect 30 Perfect Pump Upper Body, 35 minutes, heart rate 108/142, 116 calories followed with STS 2 Mobility #1, 19 minutes, 29 calories. Total time was 54 minutes, 145 calories. I got a late start so it was a short workout. I finished my 3rd painting last night.

Perfect Pump Upper Body
pullover set 1 15# dbs 10 reps
pullover set 2 15# dbs 10 reps
one arm row set 1 30# db 12 reps
one arm row set 2 25# db 12 reps
bent over clutch row 20# dbs 10 reps
posture pull tubing
rapid row toss 25# db 20 reps
biceps curls with 5# dbs and tubing
standing sweeper curls 15# dbs 10 reps
clutch curls 15# dbs 10 reps
biceps curls set 1 15# dbs 10 reps
biceps curls set #2 12# dbs 10 reps
biceps curls #3 10# dbs 10 reps
incline front V lat raise combo 5# dbs 6 times
lateral raise bench 5# dbs 12 reps
scarecrow 5# dbs 12 reps
push press 3.5's 10# dbs
tubing battle ropes
incline bench press 20# dbs 16 reps
incline clutch press 15# dbs 10 reps
flat dead bug fly 15# dbs 10 reps
decline push up 4 point elevate leg
overhead extension 20# db 12 reps
kickbacks 10# dbs 10 reps
push ups using step top 10 reps
triceps dips 1 12# db 20 reps
triceps dips 2 12# db 18 reps
triceps dips 3 12# dbs 16 reps

Jolie, I am sorry the golfing caused you pain. One of my friends had back surgery and after a year of getting past it she just cannot golf anymore. She did love golfing a lot. Hopefully you are okay.

Debbie, I am amazed you were able to do that workout today. Great job getting in STS 2 Total Body Giant Sets today. That kind of work is tough on the back. Good idea to buy something to get the job done or maybe rent something. Nice that you got in a walk today too.

Roselyn, it is 100 here today. It is supposed to be extra hot all week. Nice work on legs today.

Belinda, it sounds like you had a lot of fun at the road trip. How fun it must have been meeting the crew members and shopping all those items. I might have to check out the download.
This morning I did STS 2.0 Standing Abs Metabolic Core Warmup and then did the Mini Ball Abs - I liked that one but my ball is very deflated. I got it when I had to exercise my knee after my surgery. I need to add air or buy another one. But good ab workout. Then I did my PT exercises and the STS 2 Total Body Stretch.

This total workout was 55 minutes, burned 180 calories and HR was 89/140.

My SIL and I are going walking again. It looks like rain. We finally got some good rain yesterday and hopefully will again today and tomorrow. We are in a drought right now so rain is good.

Roselyn - Great leg workout yesterday. It certainly has been one hot summer!

Belinda - Your roadtrip sounds like it was a blast!! I'm jealous! So glad you were able to go and so cool how you were able to meet everyone! I didn't know Jai was still around, she wasn't in the STS 2.0 workouts. Is she still ripped?? Love how you got T-shirts and all, too!! I wish I could go to one of those.

Diane - Excellent workout yesterday!! That one looks like a really good workout, I almost want to order the Perfect Pump lifting ones. I might one day. I'm enjoying STS right now and I can't wait to do the upper and lower body workouts next week.

Have a great day everyone!
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Today I am short on time, I did CL Vertical Loading #2 and used my max trainer for the leg portion of the workout. Workout was 1 hour and I burned 422 calories. I have an early appointment with an oral surgeon to start the implant process on the one tooth and I still need two root canals and 3 crowns!!! I am going to space it all out because I do not have that kind of money to spend all at once and my insurance is maxed out for the year. I am going to tackle the implant and one other tooth and see if I can get by till next year.

Great job on the workouts everyone, you are all doing great. Have a nice day.
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Good morning,

Today I did Day 59 and 60 today with Sydney C. Once I am done with her rotation i will sign up or start doing Cathe‘s workout.

Diane - DD and I had a blast. I almost canceled due to my knees. I am embarrassed to admit, I had to modify a lot. I just couldn‘t (I tried kneeling) I was in tears with pain. It was so much fun meeting and talking to the crew. Of course, I had them sign my dvd covers, lol. Everyone at the RT was super nice. Cathe reviewed a mobility workout from the new series, which was live. You can download it or sign up on Cathe live. I haven‘t decided if I will get the download, or eventually sign up for Cathe Live? I am still trying to finish Sydney rotation. We saw some clips of the new DVD’s playing on TT screen in the background while we were eating. They looked really good. I am excited.

Debbie - yes, it was cool meeting everyone on Friday. Jai is still around, she is in the new workouts. Here is a pic https://cathe.com/forum/threads/cat...e-new-functional-barre-fusion-workout.319419/ I hope you can make it one day, it would be fun meeting and working out with you. My last RT was 10 years ago :( I bought a bunch of Cathe stuff, lol. Great job on your abs workout.

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Today I did Raw July Rotation Day #5 Friday, 31 minutes, 93 calories, heart rate 100/129. I followed with Raw Shadowboxing #2, 18 minutes, 86 calories, heart rate 120/158, STS 2 Standing Metabolic Core Warm Up, 10 minutes, 51 calories, and CDorner Leg Stretch, 30 minutes, 33 calories. Total time was 89 minutes, 263 calories.

Raw July Rotation Day 5 (Legs & Abs)
moves are done for 60 seconds 3 rounds of all moves
Single Leg Hip Thrust using step with 4 risers 15# db 1st rnd and dropped to 10# other two rounds like Kelly
Standing holding holding db overhead alternating knee raise crunch 15# db
reverse lunge db touches floor alternating sides 20# db
standing knee raise twist 10# db
snatch first round I just did a squat high pull 15# the other two sets I used a 12# db alternates sides
repeat 2 more times.

Debbie, nice work on STS 2 Standing Metabolic Abs and mini ball abs, PT exercises, and STS 2 Total Body Stretch. I hope you got in a good walk today. The Perfect Pump Strength workouts are great fir when there is not time for lengthy workouts. I like them. I should have done the Lower Body today instead of what I did. I even had it out, then then decided to take a look at Raw and what CDorner had going and decided on the Raw workout. My knee kind of seems a bit swollen this evening and achy after today's workout. I am not sure why. Hopefully it is okay so I can do some cardio tomorrow.

Jolie, I hope things go well with the Dental implant procedures. It is sad they charge so much money for it. Even with insurance the cost is still a lot. Nice job on CL Vertical Loading #2 with the Max Trainer for legs today.

Belinda, nice work on Day 59 and 60 of Sydney C.. You shouldn't be embarrassed. It is amazing that you are keeping at the workouts and not one of those people that give up. I am sure others understand. I am glad Cathe showed some substitutions. I know Chris often drops ideas for those who cannot do some moves, even in the mobility workouts. Hopefully your knee pain will let up some for you. I almost signed up for one of the first Road Trips. My husband was going to bring me and it would have been our vacation, but then he went out of country and my daughter in law mentioned maybe going, but it all kind of fell apart. That would be a long drive from here for sure.
I woke up feeling so good today from a great night's sleep! It is so much cooler this morning, it is like Fall is in the air. However, it will be getting really hot again starting this weekend. :( Today I took the pup for a 1 hour walk, traveled 3.1 miles and burned 425 calories.

Belinda, great job on the workout after the road trip, I think I would be really tired after all of those workouts over the past few days.

Diane Sue, nice job on the RAW July rotation workout and the others that you did as well.

Debbie, I hope you have a great workout today and maybe even a walk in the park.

Make it a great day. I have to go through my closet and give some things to charity. Half of my stuff is too big or out of style or in just bad shape. I want to have zero clutter in my life anymore, it just bogs me down.
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Had a great workout this morning, I did STS 2.0 Total Body Super Sets. This is my last day off, I go back to work tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. This summer sure did fly by. I will miss my walks with my SIL too. :( I went up in weight in some exercises. Was really pushing hard.

Supersets done 3x's through. 8 reps for everything

SS #1
Squats: 20's
Deadlifts: 50#

SS #2
Incline Chest Press: 25's
Barbell Overhand Grip Row: 30#

SS #3
Kneeling Sweeper Curls: 20's - I did them standing
Incline Lying Triceps Extensions: 12's

SS #4
Shrugs: No weights
Calf Raises: 20's

SS #5
Alternating Sumo Squats: 30# (I did static sumo's)
Alternating Cross Back Lunges: 20#

SS #6
Incline Chest Fly: 20's - 2 sets
Barbell Underhand Grip Row: 35#

SS #7
Hammer Curls: 16's
Single Arm Kickbacks w/Loop Band: 8# (no band)

SS #8
Single Arm Lateral Raise: 8's
Double Arm Thumb to Thumb Rear Delt Fly: 5's

I can't believe Cathe does the cross back lunges with 2 - 25# dumbbells. I feel that is very dangerous with that exercise. That is not a building exercise. Just my opinion. She seems to be able to do them like nothing. I do question some of the weights she uses for these workouts, though. They are extremely high. A newbie to these workouts would surely get hurt thinking that is the weight to use. I like how STS 1 was setup doing high reps for a few weeks, then up higher and then the highest. I'm shocked these workouts are set up like that.

Workout was 63 minutes, burned 366 calories and HR was 117/159.

Then my SIL and I walked 3 miles. We walked for 69 minutes, did 3 miles, HR was 93/114. It was so hot and humid, it was almost not enjoyable. This humidity can go at any time, sick of it.

Jolie - Great job with Vertical Loading and your walk today. How do you max out insurance? I never knew that could happen. I think it's smart to space all this work out, especially if you aren't in any pain. Mouth work is so annoying.

Belinda - So cool that Jai is in the new workouts. Not sure I will be ordering them, though. Great job with your workout!

Diane - I think I'm about ready to start boxing workouts again. I will try one next week. I'm enjoying the STS rotation, at least I'm not too sore anymore. I hope your knee is ok. Great job with your workout!

Have a great day everyone!!
Today I did CDorner #406 Fast Basic Step 80's Movie music, 60 minutes, 5,277 steps, 284 calories, heart rate 130/163. This is actually around 45 minutes and there is some abs/core moves standing and plank hold at the end. I finished with Raw Yoga Stretch, 15 minutes, 30 calories. Total time was 75 minutes, 314 calories. I was looking at Instagram today to see if Kelly posted anything about August workouts and there is a Box and Pump #8 coming up.

Jolie, nice work on the walk today with the pup. Glad you got a good night sleep. It is exceptionally hot here fight now at 100. I hope it cools off a little. I went outside first thing this morning to do a little in the yard and distract my dog so she doesn't lick the elbow butter I put on her right back off. She lays on the tile all of the time and no hair left on them. She does have more than one bed around the house. I think tile is cooler for her. I need to get rid of some clothing items too. I have a drawer full of old workout clothes that are out of style. Things hanging that are too big, from when I had the shoulder surgery and needed things easy to get my arms in without reaching over my head.

Debbie, nice work on STS 2 Total Body Supersets. I agree on the super heavy weights. We know better than to try to push ourselves to do it because the instructor can. Those that are newer might push too hard. I stick with what works for me with my limitations. As far as the cross back lunges I cannot do it without my knee starting to hurt. That is one of the things that really set off my knee when I had the torn miniscus and it still hurts at that type of angle with weights. Actually, Cathe goes even heavier on the body parts workouts than the Total Body workouts. I don't know about Jolie, but our insurance has a yearly limit so our dentist did my husbands bridge and had him wait till after the first of the year to finish and pull the wisdom teeth. Dental implants are not covered with our insurance.

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