Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for July 2023

Debbie, take Celtic Salt each day in warm water with some lemon juice and cayenne pepper and that will help with the sodium issue. I get mine on Amazon, it is the only salt with 88 minerals in it! If you do not want to purchase that one, than take some pink salt in the morning. All the other salts are horrible for you and will give you high blood pressure.

Today I took my puppy out for a 4 mile walk, 1 hour 16 minutes and burned 698 calories. Hopefully tomorrow my husband will walk the dog and I will get my Back and Biceps workout in for the week. I wish I could get in one more day of weights per week but my dog needs a lot of exercise at the moment.

Have any of you ladies ever had a breast reduction on lift? I want to get mine picked up but would love to get some feedback from someone.

Debbie, great job on the walk and Pyramid upper body workout today. Great calorie burn too! Bummer that your summer vacation is almost over, how many weeks did you have off? Funny, I had that pulled out to do this week but I decided to do it next week. Great minds think alike!

Belinda, nice job on the walk and the PT for your knees. I am so happy that you are feeling better lately, so am I! I am in no pain except for my elbow where I hit it really hard, and I think I have a bone bruise.

Diane Sue, great job on the step and Bicep workout yesterday. 38 minutes of lifting for Biceps probably really got them good :)

Roselyn and Doreen, I hope you both have good workouts today.
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Jolie - I have been, I use celtic salt in my water each morning when I workout. I use Pink Himalayan Salt when I need extra salt on my foods. When my BP was really high my cardiologist told me to quit all salt. That is when my sodium went down too low because I cut it all out. I do know regular salt is horrible for us and I will never use it again. I've been trying to get it higher but funny thing, I don't like salting things anymore, it tastes horrible. But I do use the celtic every morning and I cook and use pink salt when I need to. I'm more worried about my white blood cells being low. That means I have a low immune system. That certainly explains why it takes forever for me to get better when I have some kind of bug.
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Today I did STS 2 Body Part Triceps, 36 minutes, 72 calories, heart rate 86/109. I also did 2.0 Total Body Stretch, 23 minutes, 30 calories. Total time 59 minutes, 102 calories.

STS 2 Triceps body parts
warm up used light red tubing for pull apart, kickbacks, and bow and arrow. 5 and 8# dumbbells overhead extensions
lying overhead extension #1 20# dbs 10 reps ( I did not have enough room for the barbell & changed after)
lying overhead extension #2 25# barbell 10 reps
lying overhead extension #3 25# barbell 10 reps (down 3 power up)
seated single arm overhead extension R/L #1 8# db 10 reps
seated single arm overhead extension R/L #2 8# db 10 reps
dips ( has multiple options) #1 I used the step & barbell in my lap 25# 8 reps
dips #2 25# barbell in lap 8 reps
dips #3 25# barbell in lap 8 reps
kneeling (step) single arm kickback R/L #1 10# 10 reps
kneeling single arm kickbacks #2 R/L 10# 10 reps
banded standing overhead extension#1 red tubing only 12 reps
banded standing overhead extension #2 blue tubing 12 reps
banded press down #1 (used fit tower) blue tubing med. 12 reps (option door anchor or boss band)
banded press down #2 blue tubing 12 reps
banded reverse grip triceps press down #1 fit tower kneeling black extra heavy tubing
banded reverse grip triceps press down #2 black tubing 12 reps
I commented to all of you and lost it twice for some reason. I guess because I came back after finishing up dinner and tried editing and adding comments. I should have done them separate as I left the page to read comments and then it was all gone.
Today I had an excellent long workout, I had time because I made my husband walk the dog today :) I started with a 40-minute uphill walk on the TM, 5.0 incline, 3.3 speed and traveled 2.2 miles. Next, I did P90X Back and Biceps and had a great workout. I love these workouts so much and I love Tony too. So many people do not like him, but I think he is funny, and it keeps me going. Total workout time was 1 hour 40 minutes and I burned 801 calories.

Wide Grip Pull Downs- 60# x 14
1 Arm Cable Rows- 50# x 16 each side
21's Bicep Curls- 15's x 21
1 Arm Cross Body Curls- 15's x 14
Narrow Grip Pull Downs Palms facing inward- 60# x 14
Cable Horizontal Grip Pulls- 50# x 14 each side
Bicep Curls- 15's x 14
Conc. Curls- 15# x 16
Wide Grip Pull Downs- 60# x 14
Underhand BB Rows- 35# x 14 (these hurt my low back)
W Curls- 15's x 15
Static Curls- 15's x 16
Narrow Grip Underhand Cable Pull Downs- 60# x 16
Congdon Curls- 15's x 40 seated bent over
Hammer Curls- 15's x 14
Corkscrew Curls- 15's x 12
Underhand Cable Pull Downs- 60# x 13
Rear Flys- 12's x 16
Curl Up Hammer Down- 15's x 14
Hammer Curls- 15's x 12
Max Reps Wide Grip Pull Downs- 50# x 22
Superman- 5 sets of 10 counts
In and Out Hammer Curls to W Curls- 12's x 12
Strip Sets Bicep Curls-
15's x 8
12's x 8
10's x 8
8's x 8

Wow! I should be sore tomorrow or at least tired :) It is humid here today with an overcast sky for a while today, then it gets hot hot hot!

Debbie, I will speak to my dad about your issue. For sure, table salt is the worst thing to consume but you absolutely need good salt in your diet. Alzheimer disease is due to a dehydration of the brain and the only way to keep it hydrated is from good salts and good fats. Low fat and low salt diets cause havoc in the body.

Diane Sue, great job on the STS workout yesterday, you are killing those workouts! I hope you are feeling better and sleeping better too!

Make it a great Saturday.
Today I did STS 2 Body Parts legs + the bonuses, 50 minutes, 175 calories, heart rate 105/144. I finished off with CDorner Full Body Stretch from 2 weeks ago that holds the stretches for 45 seconds. It was a good stretch, 28 minutes, 37 calories. Total time was 78 minutes, 212 calories.

STS 2.0 Body Parts Legs
warm up is squats with 10,12,15# dumbbells (wish the workout cards were specific as to dumbbell or dumbbells)
Squats #1 25# dbs 8 reps
Squats #2 with medium fabric loop 25# dbs 10 reps
Squats #3 with medium fabric loop 25# dbs 10 reps
Squats #4 with heels elevated dumbbells racked 15# dbs 10 reps
Deadlift #1 30# dbs 8 reps
Deadlift #2 30# dbs 8 reps
Close Grip Sumo Squat 1 1/2 40# db 8 reps
Static lunge #1 R/L 20# dbs 10 reps
Static Lunge #2 R/L 20# dbs 10 reps
Side lunge with gliding disc#1 R/L 20# db 10 reps (5 lbs less than last time)
Side lunge with gliding disc #2 R/L 20# db 10 reps
Elevated lunge using step 20# eb R/L 12 reps (5# less than last time)
Elevated forward leaning lunge R/L 20# db 12 reps
Barbell Hip Thrust # 1 (I used a BOSU instead of step better on upper back)) 25# db 12 reps
Barbell Hip Thrust #2 30# db 12 reps
Barbell Hip Thrust #3 30# db 8 slow reps
Side lying Hip Raise medium fabric boss loop 12 reps
Calves in a Box 15 reps each direction then 8 reps each direction(totals a lot of reps) 15# dbs
Bonus moves
Hamstring Hip Hinges 15# db 12 reps L/R
Firewalker band ladder medium green band
Pizza Press medium fabric band

Debbie,, my arthritis doctor is watching my white count. He thinks it is probably low because of the inflammation I have been having. My doctor was also concerned. I use Himalayan pink salt when I use salt. I read an article the other day that said it is not really from the Himalaya area, but actually Pakistan.

Belinda, nice job on the walk and PT yesterday. I am glad that it has helped you in the past.

Jolie, you had a great workout today. Way to go. I have read that about salt and minerals along with good fats too. I used to be so afraid of fat, but not anymore. We need some for our bodies to use the other nutrients. Foods eliminated from the diet cause health issues.

Today I did STS body parts back and JS stretch.

Debbie - he wants to do first all the other things before surgery. I totally agree with you on the surgery. I think eventually I need surgery on my knee. I probably will get a second opinion soon. So far, the shot did wonders for my right knee. I hope it last a long time.

Jolie - thanks on my knee. Sorry about your elbow. That hurts. Great job yesterday and today.

Diane - great job on your workouts. I like the bonus on the legs, I will do it next time around. I ran out of time today to do the bonus today. I hope the PT helps too.

Have a great evening.
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Walk outside and Body Parts Chest is done. It started to rain, we still finished our walk.

Roselyn - great job on your lower body.

Have a great Sunday!
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I forgot to check in yesterday. I went for a 4.5 mile walk with my dog through the hills, 1 hour 30 minutes and burned 748 calories. Today is a rest day for me, my feet are sore, and I did not sleep well last night, high humidity.

Great job on the workouts this weekend everyone! We are going to have high temps for the next few days, I hope your weather is nicer than ours :)
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Today I did RAW Box & Pump. Love this one and had a great, sweaty workout!

1 minute each drill

Rows: 15's
W Back Flies: 10's
Overhead press/flies: 8's

Boxing - 1.5# egg weights
Supinated Curls: 15's
Pledges: 10's
Front/Hammer Run Curls: 8's (killer!)

Boxing - 1.5# egg weights
Upright Rows: 15's
Bent Elbow Lateral Raise: 10's
Bent Over Flies: 8's

Boxing - 1.5# egg weights
Overhead Extension: 15#
Double Arm Kickbacks: 8's

Boxing -
1.5# egg weights
Chest Press: 15's
Flies: 10's
Face Plant Push Ups - (I did Russian Twist w/ 8# med ball)

Squats: 15's
Back Lunges: 10's
Scales: 8's

I have skipped the leg work for a long time and was finally able to do this whole workout. Fun!! Workout was 54 minutes, burned 423 calories, did 2770 steps and HR was 133/157.

Jolie - Thanks for consulting with you dad about my low white blood cell count. My homeopathic doctor told me to eat more red meat. Nope, won't do it. I was actually shocked she told me that. Whatever. I looked up how to improve white blood cell count and it says to eat all the things I already eat as a vegan (plus red meat). I think I'm low in B12 because in the past my homeopathic doctor did blood work and my body doesn't seem to absorb B12 for some odd reason. She had me on a special kind and that didn't even work. Weird. You guys are getting some really hot weather. We have had the best summer weather that I have ever remembered. It is supposed to become hot and humid here this week, but only for a few days. Hope you get some relief soon!

Great work with you workouts this weekend and I hope you all have a great day. Gotta get over to my mom's.
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This morning I managed to get a workout in before I went to my doctor to get the toe taken care of. I did STS 2 Body Part Shoulders with the bonus, 48 minutes, 108 calories, heart rate 93/123. I followed with STS 2 Mobility 1, 21 minutes, 30 calories. Total time 69 minutes, 138 calories. I had a long wait at the doctors. I do not know why they sent a message saying come in 30 minutes early. I was 40 minutes early and then had to add another half hour to that. The paperwork they sent home said not to do strenuous activity for 2 weeks. I will see how my toe feels. I think I should still be able to work through the rest of the rotation as it is all upper body work. I am liking the bonuses so far.

Body Parts Shoulders I went light on everything
warm up uses a 5# weight plate + 10 and 12 # dumbbells I used 8# as it was overhead press
Standing overhead press #1 Barbell 20# 8 reps (down 5#)
Standing Overhead press #2 barbell 20# 8 reps
Standing Overhead Press # 3 barbell 20# 8 reps
seated isometric hold w/ overhead press #1 I used the standing option 3# and #8 for iso 8 reps each side
seated isometric hold w/ overhead press #2 I used the standing option 3# and 8# for iso 8 reps each side
incline front raise # 1 (stability ball) 5# dbs 8 reps (tried 8's and dropped)
incline front raise #2 5# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral raise # 1 stability ball 5# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral raise # 2 8# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral rase # s with iso hold alternating 5# dbs 12 reps total
standing front/side slide combo 5# dbs 10 reps
hip huggers #1 12# dbs 8 reps
hip huggers #2 12# dbs 8 reps
rear delt fly/hip hugger super set 5db/12 dbs 8 reps
rear delt fly/hip hugger super set #2 5db/12 dbs 8 reps
banded single arm rear delt fly #1 tubing light around heavy db 10 reps
banded single arm rear delt fly #2 light tubing around heavy db10 reps
face pull using door anchor red light tubing 13 reps I changed and this and did the seated on the stability ball with 5# dumbbells
standing vertical to horizontal press combo 5# dbs
kneeling (one knee) single arm arnold press 8# 10 reps
double arm with press (this is not an overhead press like I had imagined) 3# dbs 10 reps
around the clock (this move has a pass off the dumbbell as arms go overhead)3# dbs
Yesterday was a rest day.

Belinda, nice work on STS 2 Chest yesterday and your walk and stretch today.

Jolie, nice long walk yesterday. I hope you had a nice rest day and get some rest tonight.

Debbie, great job on Box and Pump. I keep checking Kelly's Raw workouts and see new stuff I would like to try. I think I will be done with the 8 week rotation of STS 2 next week. I kind of like the individual part workouts those. I feel like I am really working the muscles well.
I gather there are some reasons why some people have a hard time getting enough B12. Check this out by NIH https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminB12-Consumer/
I take a strong B Complex right now that has lots of B12 and I divide the dose. I hope you can figure things out.
Today I did Gym Style Back, Shoulders & Biceps and did the Back & Biceps Premix. Had a great workout! I'll do the Chest/Triceps premix Thursday.

Reverse Grip Dumbbell Row - 12's - 2 sets/8 reps
Reverse Grip Dumbbell Row - 12's - 1 sets/12 reps

Barbell Curls - 25# - 2 sets/10 reps (slow rep count, killer!)

One Arm Rows - 20# - 2 sets/12 reps

Dumbbell Partial Reps - 12's - 2 sets

Concentration Curls - 12# - 10 reps w/4 bonus
Concentration Curls - 15# - 8 reps

T-Band Pulls - Skipped
Pullovers - 20# - 2 sets/8 reps

Curl Up, Reverse Downs - 10's - 10 reps
Hammer Curls - 15's - 10 reps + bonus (holy smokes, killer!)
Wrist Curls - 5's - 2 sets/16 reps

Superman's - skipped
Superman's w/Twist - skipped

Workout was 40 minutes, burned 238 calories and HR was 115/155.

I also walked on my treadmill for a warmup. That was 21 minutes, burned 176 calories, went 1.04 miles, did 2473 steps and HR was 131/156.

I have my thermal imaging breast exam tomorrow so now coffee or strenuous workouts. I'll just walk on my treadmill I guess. We will also be going over my blood work that I just got last week.

Roselyn - Great workout yesterday!

Diane - What was wrong with your toe? Ouch!! What happened to it? Thanks for the link on B12. I'll read it before I see my doctor tomorrow.

Belinda - Good job with your walk and stretch!

Hope you all have a great day!!
Today I walked outside before the sun came up and it was cool and foggy. I walked for 1 hour 16 minutes, traveled 4 miles and burn 689 calories. I may have to walk a lot this week because my husband has early meetings each day and therefore, I will have to walk the dogs each morning by myself. I hopefully can get in some weights this weekend. It is supposed to be much cooler next week so I will be able to get back into the gym and not sweat to death while working out!

Debbie, great job with the workouts the past few days. I use B-Right by Jarrow and think it is the best B complex out there. I have not spoken to my dad yet, he is on vacation. I will run it by him when I speak to him next time either today or tomorrow.

Diane Sue, wow on the 48 minute Shoulder workout yesterday! Mine would be so fried :)

I hope you all have a fantastic day and have some great workouts.
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I had PT for my knees today. She showed me some really good exercise and stretches for my knee.

I messed up on the STS 2 rotation, I was supposed to do Body Parts Biceps, not sure what I was thinking today. I did yoga. Tomorrow I will do biceps tomorrow. Oh well!

Great job everyone. I will be back tomorrow to catch up on personals.
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Today I did Body Parts Back 50 minutes, heart rate 85/119, 97 calories. I followed it with STS 2 Chair Yoga adding a few more stretches, 25 minutes, 27 calories. Total time 77 minutes, 124 calories. I took my paperwork from the chest scan to my primary doctor yesterday. She did not get sent anything. She read it over and the part about my thyroid maybe needing checked and went over my history as she thought I had had an ultrasound on it and I did it 2019 and it is now actually smaller than the current scan. So that was positive, and I can give that info to the Pulmonologist.

STS 2 Body Parts Back
warm up light tubing: pull aparts and bow and arrow/10# dbs deadlifts and dead row, rear delt pulses

straight arm pressdown/seated rows #1 seated floor option heavy black tubing 12 reps
straight arm pressdown/seated rows #2 seated floor option heavy black tubing 12 reps
double bar inverted rows #1 used the fit tower option seated double band heavy green and black x heavy pull down 8 reps
single bar chin-up Fit tower 8 reps I chose to use the tubing option heavy and X heavy together
double bar inverted rows #2 used the fit tower option tubing together option
single bar overhand pull up using the tubing row option heavy 8 reps
kneeling 1 arm row R/L #1 20# db 10 reps
kneeling 1 arm row R/L #2 20# db 10 reps
Barbell Pull over/banded pull aparts #1 10# dumbbells/green heavy tubing 10/12 reps
Barbell Pull over/banded pull aparts #2 10# dumbbells/green tubing 10/12 reps
barbell Pendlay Row/shrugs #1 switched to 20# dbs rows#/10# dbs for shrugs 8/10 reps
barbell Pendlay Row/shrugs#2 20#dbs/10# dbs for shrugs 8/10 reps
barbell Pendlay Row/shrugs#3 20#dbs/10# dbs for shrugs 8/10 reps
banded close grip pulldown #1 seated using fit tower option green & black tubing 12 reps
banded close grip pulldown #2 seated using fit tower option green & black tubing 12 reps
seated T band pulls red tubing 12 reps
superman swimmers

Debbie, nice job on Gym Styles and doing the back and biceps premix. I always liked that one. I hope things go well when you go over the blood work. Maybe you can get some understanding on what to do. I always make my appointments like that early so I can go back home and have my coffee. My toe was just an ingrown nail that keeps getting infected and causing me a lot of pain. I finally gave in and got surgery done on it. It is just that they had to cut it out and make a path for it to grow right. Hopefully I can do a bit of cardio soon. The paperwork says not running or strenuous work for two weeks. I will just be careful. I have the rest of my upper body work to do.

Jolie, great job with another 4-mile walk. I recently got a new fan for my workout space.

Belinda, that is great that your PT gave you some good exercises for your knees along with stretches.
I pulled out biceps today and then realized that I was supposed to do back. I was a bit confused because I did 5 body parts last week because I wanted to have legs done before I went to my doctor appointment yesterday. Plus, legs were longer, and I wanted to do the bonus. I just lucked out that I woke up early enough to get in shoulders before the appointment.

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