Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for July 2023

Today I did STS 2 Body Parts Triceps+ bonus 45 minutes, 109 calories, 94/131 heart rate. It was odd that using my Garmin and using strength with the rests and sets it came out that I worked the total time with 25 minutes work. I then did STS 2 foam rolling mish mosh skipping the last move as I had a call and something I had to do. This was 29 minutes, 47 calories. Total time was 74 minutes, 156 calories.

STS 2 Triceps body parts
warm up used light red tubing for pull apart, kickbacks, and bow and arrow. 5 and 8# dumbbells overhead extensions
lying overhead extension #1 25# dbs 10 reps
lying overhead extension #2 25# barbell 10 reps
lying overhead extension #3 25# barbell 10 reps (down 3 power up)
seated single arm overhead extension R/L #1 8# db 10 reps
seated single arm overhead extension R/L #2 8# db 10 reps
dips #1 I used the Fit tower with no weights# 8 reps
dips #2 body weight 8 reps
dips #3 25# barbell in lap 8 reps
kneeling (step) single arm kickback R/L #1 10# 10 reps
kneeling single arm kickbacks #2 R/L 8# 10 reps (lowered as the back of my shoulder and down tricep hurt the side I had surgery on.
banded standing overhead extension#1 red tubing 12 reps
banded standing overhead extension #2 blue tubing 12 reps
banded press down #1 (used fit tower) blue tubing med.
banded press down #2 blue tubing 12 reps
banded reverse grip triceps press down #1 fit tower kneeling black extra heavy tubing
banded reverse grip triceps press down #2 black tubing 12 reps
seated overhead extension dbl arm 1 1/2 I used 1 10# instead of two 12 reps
side lying triceps push up L/R 12 reps

Doreen, that is nice that you had such a fun vacation. I am sorry the internet had been off. I am glad you are back.

Belinda, nice work on 2.0 Parts Shoulders and your walk.

Jolie, great job on the walk yesterday and the treadmill today. It is always nice to have the carpets all nice and clean. Thanks, on the weights. I feel like I am going so light trying to protect the shoulder and back.

Roselyn, good job on Carolyn legs. I am sorry that you are having storms again.
Today I finally got in a weight workout, Cathe's Pyramid Upper Body, boy has it been a long time since I have done this workout. I like it because of the high reps and no need for heavy weights if you don't want to lift heavy for any particular reason. Workout was 52 minutes and I burned 426 calories. I feel so week lately and my weights are showing it, especially in the Biceps. Stormy kind of day here today, Monsoons are out in the desert area, and it is causing overcast skies and fog. I like the cloud cover; it cools it down a bit, but the humidity is high again today.

Diane Sue, great job on the workout yesterday. How do you like doing one body part per day? I know when I do it that way, I start to see results much faster. However, I do not have 5 days per week right now to lift so I am opting for upper body or total body workouts at the moment.

Roselyn, bummer about the storms and the stuff in your yard while your husband is away. My husband is going on a fishing trip to Alaska at the end of August with work, that should be a lot of fun for him. I have been there numerous times for work, so beautiful. I bet Canada is gorgeous at this time of the year as well.

Make it a great day.
Today I did CDorner Loosen Your Hips Mobility, 30 minutes, 47 calories. It is a rest day, but I needed something. The last few days I wake up with low back pain. I took at the wedge from under my knees and that happens, but my knees ache being bent over the wedge all night. I can't win.

Valerie, Way to go getting in Pyramid Upper Body. I am really liking doing one body part a day. I finished the 8 week rotation I had planned and can see results. I also like that there is a decent rest from each body part the way it is planned. I think that way I do not overtrain an area. Although I do feel that my shoulders get worked some in most all of the upper body work.
Today I did STS Meso 2, Disc 13 and I worked Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. I haven't done this workout since August of 2018. Loved it but it was quite long. I only have two more days and I won't be able to get long workouts in anymore. :( Don't want to go back!!!

1 minute rest between each set
Flat Barbell Bench Press Warmup: 15's - 12 reps - 2 sets
Flat Barbell Bench Press: 40# - 12 reps - 45# - 10/8 reps
Flat Dumbbell Bench Flies: 15's - 12reps - 17.5's - 10/8 reps
Incline Barbell Bench Press: 20's - 12/10/8 reps
Incline Dumbbell Flies: 15's - 12/10/8 reps
(So I got rid of my bench that has the arms to hold up a barbell. So bummed. It was hard to hoist up the 45# to do the bench press. I opted for dumbbells with the inclines. I don't want to hurt myself)

Alternating Seated Front Press: 10's - 12/10/8 reps
Seated Front Press: 10's - 12 reps almost to failure
Alternating 1-Arm Lat Raise: 5# - 12/10/8 reps each arm
Seated Lateral Raise: 5's - 16 reps to almost to failure
Seated Rear Delt Raise: 10's - 12/10/8 reps

Lying Barbell Extensions: 15# 12/10/8 reps
Lying Barbell Extensions: 15# 12 reps to failure
Side Leaning Triceps Extension: 8# 12/10/8 reps (I did Cross Body Extensions)
One Arm Kickbacks: 8# - 12/10/8 reps

I forgot about the long rests but needed it after the chest work. I also got on my Max Trainer for about 8 minutes and did some 10 second sprint intervals. Total workout was 1 hr. 30 minutes, burned 446 calories!!! HR was 108/149.

Great job with your workouts this weekend!! I have plans with my sister-in-law so I don't have time for personals. I'm going to try to enjoy my last three days off. Have a great day everyone!!
Today I am sore from my weight workout yesterday. I went for a 1 hour walk with my puppy, traveled 3.3 miles and burned 558 calories. Tomorrow, I have a dermatologist appointment in the morning so I will only have time for a dog walk. I have some weird things that I want looked at, hopefully they will not have to do surgery on them for biopsies.

Debbie, great job on the STS workout! Have fun on your last few days off of summer vacation!

Diane Sue, nice job on getting the mobility workout in yesterday. I have NO more hip pain from sleeping now that I got a new softer mattress! Yeah!

Make it a great day and I hope you all have great workouts today.
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Good Morning,

I started Bodi Sure Thing with Megan Davies this morning the first workout was Endurance Strength it was ok but it uses the sliders and I don’t have any control of those but loved the weight portion. I stopped my workout to getbthe dog out of my area she decided to lick my face while I was try to do push-ups and I forgot to restart it.
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I did a Penny Barnshaw 30 MInute Full Body decending time workout on YT this morning and then took the dog for a short walk.

Yesterday I checked out some new bike trails at the state park south of us. Good flowy trail but lots of climbing and lots of hike-a-bike sections through rocks and such. Glad it was in the shade since it had already started getting hot by the time I got there.
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I had ab early PT appointment this morning, I did Body Parts Back and knee strengthening exercises.

I have an early appointment with my Rheumatologist tomorrow. I hope I get a walk after I am done.

Sorry I don‘t have time for personals. I will try to catch up later. Great job on your workouts everyone.
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Today I did Ice Low Impact Sweat #2 27 minutes, heart rate 118/148, 119 calories, 1,728 steps. I then did STS 2 Standing Metaboic Core Warm Up and Core+Floor, 25 minutes, 79 calories, 633 steps. I finished with CDorner Low Back Stretch 18 minutes, 23 calories. 70 minutes, 221 calories, 2,361 steps. I am not sure what I want to do, but I think I am going to use STS 2 workouts with some others. I like having the worksheets already in the mornings rather than pause to write a whole workout out throughout the workout. I am getting results. There were a few moves this last week that I think I could add a couple of pounds to the moves.

Debbie, great job on the workout today. I hope your day with your sister in law was fun.

Jolie, nice job on the walk with the pup today. I hope they do not find anything serious when your dermatologist sees you. I have had my daughter check out things and most of the time they end up being nothing serious. She did remove small cancers a couple of times though.

Roxie, nice work on Bodi Sure Thing with Megan Davies even though you were interrupted by the dog. My likes to get in my face and snuggle whenever I am on the floor. We usually work it out though.

Doreen nice job on Penny Barnshaw 30 minutes Full Body descending workout. The ride yesterday sounds like it would be intense.

Belinda, you do so well at getting those workouts in before you go to appointments. Great job on Body Parts Back and knee strengthening exercises.
This morning I did RAW Burn Out Lower Body and had a really good workout. I went way lighter than Kelly because my right knee now hurts and because of the calf issue from earlier in the week. It still feels weird. That's why I didn't do the STS Leg workout, the trisets are too much on my knees.

Each superset is done 3 times - 45 seconds on/15 off

Squats: 12's
BW Squat Up to Calves

Reverse Lunges: 10's
BW Lunges w/Pulses

Plies: 15#
BW Plie Pop (No pop for me I just did pulses)

Front/Side Lunges: (I did Elevated Deads using 30# barbell)
Side to Side BW Lunges: (I did Firewalkers w/pink material band)

Bridges: I did my own type of bridge using my pink cloth band and pulsing outward when I lifted. Really felt these.

Workout was 45 minutes, burned 263 calories and HR was 114/170.

Jolie - Great workout yesterday, you really get some great calorie burns. I'm wanting to do Meso 3 when I get to it, I hope I can. I hate the long rests but that segment really puts muscle on. My arms are starting to look good a toned again. Love it!!

Belinda - I've always admired the belly dancers, they can move like nobody's business!! LOL!! And funny on how your DH can't watch you, I'd be the same way!!!

Diane - I am so sorry to hear about this test you have to go through. I hope they sedate you for it. Sounds painful. I will keep you in my prayers. Maybe they can figure out why you have such sinus issues.

Roselyn - Great job with your workouts this week!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!
Last night was a mountain bike ride with the Women's MTB association. It was fun to ride with a bunch of other ladies and hit some trails I haven't tried before. They have instructors out on the ride to give tips and pointers on how to clear some obstacles which really helps.

This morning I did a Pennay Barnshaw 30 min strength and cardio. But I subbed some of the cardio for some of my own moves because I was a bit tired and sore from last night!

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