Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for July 2023

This morning I did CTX Upper Body Split. Holy crap, what a workout! I forgot how intense these workouts of Cathe's are. I don't know the exact time on this workout because I rested a bit more than she did, but it was way over an hour. I had a great workout, though, and really enjoyed it.

Overhand Barbell Row
: 20# - 3 sets/16 reps
Underhand Barbell Row: 25# - 3 sets/5 triple rows
One Arm Row: 20#/8 reps; 15#/12 reps; 12#/16 reps
Quarter Deadlifts: 25# - 2 sets/8 reps

Barbell Press:
30# - 2 sets/24 reps; 25# - 1 set/12 reps (killer!)
Dumbbell Flies/Press Combo: 12's
Push Ups: 2 sets/4 staggered, 12 singles (did all on my knees)

Warmup Overhead Press
: 5's - 16 reps
Overhead Press: 12's - 1 set 8 reps; 10's - 1 set/8 reps
Bent Arm Lateral Raise: 8's - 1 set/10 reps, 1 set/8 reps
Long Lever Lat Raise/Reverse Delt Flies/Front Raises: 5's - 2 sets tons of reps
Dumbbell Shrugs: 12's - 2 sets/16 reps
Overhead Press: 8's - 16 reps

Close Grip Press
: 20# - Lots of reps, was a killer
Lying Triceps Extensions: 8's - 2 sets/16 reps
Single Arm Overhead Extensions/Kickbacks: 8#/5# - 16/12 reps; 5#/5# - 16/12 reps
Triceps Push Ups: Skipped (no way!)

Crazy 8's
: 20# - 2 sets
Alternate Dumbbell Curls: 12's - 1 set/20 reps, 1 set/24 reps
Alternate Rotation Curls: 10's - 1 set/24 reps, 1 set/36 reps
Concentration Curls: 10# - 1 set each side

Workout was 1 hr. 22 minutes!! Burned 549 calories and HR was 123/156. Killer workout!! It's been a long time since I've done this one. 2006!! Or so my sheets say, I'm not sure I believe it. I thought I've done these way after that.

Do you guys use Stevia? I bought the organic one with only Stevia as the ingredient. I hope it's a good, natural sweetener. I'm looking to get away from maple syrups and the like. I'm reading all kinds of stuff on how bad sugar is for us (as we already know) so I'm trying to get it out of my diet. It's almost impossible, though, since everything seems to have it. But since I make all my foods myself, I can control it.

I have a lot to do today so no time for personals. Great job on your workouts this weekend! Hope you all had a great one!
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Today I went for a walk with my dog, 1 hour 4 minutes walking as fast as I could, traveled 3.4 miles and burned 622 calories. It is overcast and cool today but humid due to a storm off the Baja Peninsula. It is nice to have a break since CA is in a bad heat wave. My parents house today will be 117 degrees!!! Nope, not for me but my dad loves it.

Debbie, great job on the workout today. What does CTX mean, which workout series? Cross Train Express? Wow, that was a long workout, I bet it felt amazing. I am cutting out sugar too, I started Saturday, it fuels Cancer and disease. Also, it causes pain due to causing inflammation, so I have to cut it out of my diet because it causes pain in my joints. You will lose weight too, not a bad thing right! I am also going to up my protein intake so I can get some pretty muscles from doing P90X! :)

I hope you all have a great day.
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I walked and did Body Parts Triceps today.

Debbie - CTX is an oldie but goody. Great job! Once I am done with STS 2. I will pull out my old Cathe and other dvd's. I tried stevia, I don't like the taste or anything that has it in it. It's also controversial if it's healthy or not. I am a firm believer moderation is the key. I don't use a lot of Mable syrup or date syrup. I hardly use both.

Jolie - great job on your walk today. That is hot. That is way to hot. A few people died from the heat already.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in. BBL
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Yesterday was a family day and we met at my granddaughter's new home. The family was helping paint and they are replacing old flooring with new. They house is not real old, they just wanted nicer flooring and their own colors. I did not stay long as we had my two grandchildren with us. I provided the enchiladas.
Today I did STS 2.0 body part back with interruptions. The workout took me 49 minutes since I paused when I had to stop. I burner 89 calories. I followed with STS 2 Upper Foam rolling 19 minutes, 27 calories.
I had started the workout and discovered ants all over the windowsill. I do not know why as I recently cleaned the window and blinds and rearranged my workout space. So cleaned up and sprayed. Then package came and phone calls..... I felt calories were really low also. I won't workout tomorrow as it is my ladies group gathering. I kind of dread this workout as it was after I did it and the shoulders that I started having pain. So, I mad adjustments again this time. No pull ups. I went back over some stuff I have printed and suggestions and things to avoid for the shoulders.
I am going to have to work around appointments while doing these workouts. I have a doctor appointment Monday and still have not heard from the pulmonologist they were supposed to send my stuff too.

STS 2 Body Parts Back
warm up light tubing: pull aparts and bow and arrow/10# dbs deadlifts and dead row, rear delt pulses

straight arm pressdown/seated rows #1 seated floor option heavy black tubing 12 reps
straight arm pressdown/seated rows #2 seated floor option heavy black tubing 12 reps
double bar inverted rows #1 used the fit tower option seated double band heavy and x heavy pull down 8 reps
single bar chin-up Fit tower 8 reps changed to the tubing option heavy and X heavy together
double bar inverted rows #2 used the fit tower option 8 reps changed to tubing tog option
single bar overhand pull up switched to tubing row option heavy because of no neck support 8 reps
kneeling 1 arm row R/L #1 20# db 10 reps
kneeling 1 arm row R/L #2 20# db 10 reps
Barbell Pull over/banded pull aparts #1 10# dumbbells/green heavy tubing 10/12 reps
Barbell Pull over/banded pull aparts #2 10# dumbbells/green tubing 10/12 reps (last time I used 15# db)
barbell Pendlay Row/shrugs #1 switched to 20# dbs rows#/10# dbs for shrugs 8/10 reps
barbell Pendlay Row/shrugs#2 20#dbs/10# dbs for shrugs 8/10 reps
barbell Pendlay Row/shrugs#3 20#dbs/10# dbs for shrugs 8/10 reps
banded close grip pulldown #1 seated using fit tower option green & black tubing 12 reps
banded close grip pulldown #2 seated using fit tower option green & black tubing 12 reps
seated T band pulls red tubing 12 reps
superman swimmers

Debbie, nice work with CTX Upper Body Split. I typically do not like sweet stuff. I buy vanilla protein powder with only stevia in it. Once in a while a Lily's dark chocolate square dropped into my hot coffee. I just do not go for sweets. When I on occasion do have something with sugar I end up finding it too sweet and disappointing. I avoid Monk Fruit stuff as I think it is incredibly sweet. A little honey in some things like homemade honey mustard dressing. Much more tolerable than diet sweetener. I do not consider natural sweeteners like honey as unhealthy. It is only unhealthy if someone is loading up on it daily. My one thing that I buy when I do not have one of my protein bars on hand with only stevia and usually a bit of erythritol is Quest bars because I can get them from most stores till an order comes in for the other most of the quest bars have varying amounts of sucralose in them along with Stevia. Some say there are also drawbacks to stevia. have a bag of Pyure Organic Stevia blend that I like the taste of and have used it in the past. I have not used it in quite some time. Mostly when I made my husband stuff for his diet. It has some erythritol in it with the stevia and some flavor that tastes mildly of vanilla to me. That is the only one I would use to bake with or add to things if I wanted to make a sweet dish. I suppose I am not much help. The little jars of powdered stevia are bitter to me.

Jolie, great job and calorie burn on the fast walk today. That is true about the sugar and cancer growth. That is why low carb diets are beneficial to cancer patients. Unfortunately I eat pretty healthy other than maybe too much fat and I am having a hard time getting my weight back. I check at night and if I have not had enough calories I make sure to eat something even if I am not feeling hungry. I got up a couple of days ago and I dropped to 103. You would think with me not doing much cardio and just weights I would gain some weight. It is starting to get a bit disturbing. I saw the weather said over a 100 here tomorrow.

Belinda, nice work on STS body parts triceps today.
Today I did RAW Step Boxing (this has Kelly and Sammie in it) which was just ok. Couldn't hear the music and what I did hear I didn't like. But the workout was pretty fun. I also did RAW Boxing Finisher and love this one. I used my egg weights for the finisher.

Total workout was 47 minutes, burned 405 calories, did 4776 steps and HR was 136/163.

Woke up with a really bad headache and sinus congestion. It cleared up after I worked out.

Diane - I use pure maple syrup and honey for sweeteners but ever since my doctor told me I was "Pre-Diabetic" which is ridiculous, but something caused my blood sugar to spike. I decided to try to lower my sugar intake for a while. I have another blood test tomorrow morning to see if my glucose levels are good now. I stopped eating potatoes and pasta for a few weeks and I want to see if that makes a difference or if it is something else causing the spike. Honey and maple syrup spike blood sugar but Stevia does not. I am also trying to stop eating "added sugar" because that is bad for you. I haven't used the stevia I bought yet, I really don't sugar things. My coffee only has unsweetened almond milk in it and everything else I use maple syrup or honey. It was just something I wanted to try to see if it makes a difference. I hope you have fun with your ladies group today!! Great job with you workout, I hope your shoulders are ok today.

Belinda - I do think all these "alternative" sweeteners have something not so healthy about them. I use them sparingly and just thought I'd buy it to try it in certain things. I am having fun with my old Cathe workouts. There are several muscles I haven't worked in a long time that Cathe hits and Kelly does not. It's a nice change.

Jolie - Yes, CTX was the Cross Train Express workouts. The Upper Body Split was all of the express workouts put together. Fun and grueling!! Yes, that is why I'm cutting out sugar and for reasons I posted to Diane above. What do you think about Stevia?

Where is everyone? Doreen, Roselyn, Cam and Roxie are missing. Hope you area all doing well.

Have a great day everyone!
Today I had an excellent workout, I did P90X Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. This workout was 1 hour long, I had to stop and write the entire workout down in between sets. After the weight workout, I got on my Max Trainer and did 5 minutes on the Manual Mode at resistance 7 and it damn near killed me :) I love that machine, my quads were screaming by the end of the 5 minutes. Total workout time was 1 hour 6 minutes and I burned 507 calories. There are a lot of pushups in this workout for chest, so I just did some sort of Chest Press or Fly instead.

Chest Press Wide Grip- 20's x 12
Chest Press Normal Grip- 20's x 12
Chest Press Close Grip- 20's x 12
In and Out Shoulder Flys- 5's x 16
No Dips, Triceps Cable Pull Downs- 30# x 22
Chest Press- 20's x 17
Shoulder Press Seated- 17's x 21
Lying Cross Body Ext.- 15# x 12
Chest Flys- 15's x 14
Scarecrows- 5's x 14
Overhead Triceps Ext.- 12's x 16
Incline Chest Press- 20's x 17
Seated Overhead Press- 17's x 15
Lying Triceps Ext.- 15's x 15
Alternating 1 Arm Chest Press- 15's x 15
Pour Flys- 8's x 12
Cross Body Lying Ext.- 12# x 16
Chest Press- 20's x 16
Weighted Circles- 5's x 20
Throw the Bomb- 12# x 13
Chest Press to Close Grip Chest Press- 15's x 14
Slo Mo Throw- 8's x 12
Front to Back Triceps Ext.-10's x 12
Alternating Chest Press to Chest Fly- 12's x 12
Fly Row Press-10's x 11
DB Lying Cross Body Blows- 15's x 12
Max Trainer Manual Mode- 5 minutes

Debbie, great job on the workout today. I hate when the music is not my choice, I find it hard to get motivated. I do not use any sweeteners besides organic sugar when I bake something. I try not to use any sugar if possible because I rarely bake but I do eat some cookies and stuff which I know is horrible for me. I am doing well right now cutting out the sugar and carbs, however, I will eat some bread each day for some carbs because if I do not get any I get light headed and find it hard to concentrate and or workout. I cut out alcohol last year and then went straight for the chocolate :( I have now given that up too and I hope I get healthier. I have some weird dark spots on my skin and have to go into Dermatology for them to be looked at so of coarse I am scared of skin cancer and we know cancer likes sugar. It is time for me to give it up completely, it is the cause of all things bad in the body. Let's do it together! They say if you eat chicken or steak with broccoli, avacado and some rice every day for every meal for 30 days you will be so lean and so healthy. My son eats like this, and he is in such great shape. I am going to try it for a meal each day but not my breakfast, I will eat eggs.

Diane Sue, I hate when I have a lot of interruptions while I am working out, I typically just give up and stop. Great job on getting it done even though you had to stop so many times. Bummer about the ants, I hate them! That was so nice that everyone pitched in to help fix up your granddaughters house this weekend.

I hope you all have great workouts today. It will be hot again today!

I walked and did STS foam rolling UB.

Roselyn - great job on Body Parts biceps.

Jolie - great job on your CST today.

Debbie - I agree, on the artificial sweeteners. My last 2 blood tests, was all over the place. I was "Pre-Diabetic" according to my blood tests. I had one done last week, everything is normal. I didn’t change anything.How long has your numbers been like that? Cathe’ s older workout are good. I need to revisit once I am done with STS2.

Diane - great job on your weight workout.I find stevia bitter too. I just don’t care for it. I don’t use sugar in my my coffee.

Good night.
No workout today. I have felt exhausted all day. It got to 101 today and when I got in my car to come home from the ladies group gathering it took about half of the 50 minute drive to cool down some. I ended up fixing my husband something to eat before work and falling asleep in the chair. I will do chest tomorrow,
I am so tired of broccoli. I look in the refrigerator at what I have purchased to eat and just shut the door. I think that I have eaten the same foods so much I have totally lost interest in them. I ordered some more groceries today so maybe I will come up with something. I put some Birdseye frozen potato, sweet potato and carrot combo in the oven tonight and fixed some Applegate maple chicken sausage to chop up in it and that was dinner. I am not a fan of frozen veggies. Fresh is much better. I brought home some fresh English cucumbers that one of the ladies was sharing from their garden. I will have to make something with them. I do not add sweetener to my coffee either. Only the chocolate flavor on occasion. That is not often.
I got my appointment with a pulmonologist while I was out, so when I got home, I checked out reviews and stuff. I hate starting up seeing another doctor.
I am headed to bed and hope to be more productive on getting things done tomorrow.

Jolie, I love dark chocolate, but very much of it and I end up with reflux, so I can only have small amounts.
Today I did Cathe's Legs & Glutes. Great workout, I had a dread factor going into doing this one but honestly, it wasn't as hard as I remembered. I only did the stand part and then I did RAW Glute Finisher. Had a great workout, I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow!

Leg Press: 12# - 2 sets/16 reps each side
Hover Squats: 12#
Rear Lunges/Plie Squats: 10's
Drop Squats: 12#
Explosive Plie Squats/Cross Back Lunges: BW
Calf Raises: BW/32 reps
One Legged Deadlifts: 12's
Plie Squats: 12#
Genie Squats on High Step: BW
Explosive Lunges: BW

Then I did RAW Glute Finisher and then the stretch from Legs & Glutes. I have to say, Cathe does a great warmup and stretch at the beginning and end of all her workouts. I miss that with Kelly's workouts.

Total workout was 50 minutes, burned 330 calories, HR was 117/154.

I just went to do blood work again, I hope my glucose and other numbers are better. I've lost 5# not eating sugar or things like potatoes and pasta. I've been making zucchini fritters and topping them with vegan ranch dressing. So good!!! I've also made a lot of salads with fruit and avocado.

I don't have time for personals, meeting some friends and going up to the lake. It's a beautiful day here in ohio but a bit chilly right now. It's supposed to be in the 80's and low humidity. The perfect summer day!!
Today I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest with pretty much the same weights, 37 minutes, 66 calories, heart rate 89/109. I followed this with STS 2 Active Recovery 13 minutes, heaer rate 78/93, 22 calories. I decided to do abs so did Metabolic COre Warm Up 10 minutes, heart rate 117/133, 47 calories and Mini Ball Abs, 11 minutes, heart rate 86/102, 26 calories.. Total time 71 minutes, 161 calories.

STS 2.0 Chest
warm up uses 10,12,15# dumbbells bench press and push ups (I used 8, 10,12#)
Flat Bench Press #1 15# dbs 10 reps
Flat Bench Press #2 15# dbs 10 reps
Flat Bench Press #3 15# dbs 10 reps(down 3 up 1)
Flat Chest Fly #1 10# dbs 10 reps dropped 2#
Flat Chest Fly #2 10# dbs 10
Flat Chest Fly Pinkie In 10# dbs 10 reps
Incline bench press 12# dbs
Incline close grip bench press 12# dbs 10 reps
Incline unilateral chest fly 10# dbs 6 reps alternating
banded low/high chest fly light red tubing 10 rep using the 40# dumbbell anchor with the tubing option
Banded mid chest fly tubing red light 12 reps used the dumbbell anchor with tubing option again.
Push ups 10 reps used the fabric loop band around arms option skipped the band this time

Debbie, great job doing standing legs and glutes and adding Raw Glute Finisher. Nice combo. I hope your blood work comes back okay.

Belinda, nice work getting in legs and your walk today.

Roselyn, nice work with Body Parts Triceps and trampoline hiit.
This morning I did my first workout with Michelle Briehler. It was called 30 Minutes Full Body Cardio and I liked it. It was 40 seconds of work 15 seconds of rest. She had 2 blocks and each block had 7 moves repeated once. It was not really tough but a great workout. I subbed some moves like the plank work she did and I did mountain climbers with my hands elevated on my treadmill platform. I subbed plank work with Russian Twists with an 8# med ball.

Workout was 36 minutes, burned 281 calories, did 2215 steps and HR was 130/161.

Then I got on my Max Trainer for 6 minutes and did about 5 - 10 second sprints. I really need to get on that thing more often to get used to it again. It's tough. I burned 41 calories and HR was 114/135. Did 742 steps.

Belinda - Great job on your leg work yesterday! Hope you are feeling better lately.

Roselyn - Great job on your workout!! How's the grandchild doing?

Diane - That workout you did looks awesome! I love chest work. I've learned that I need to have my hands more below my chest (boobs) and that doesn't irritate my shoulders. I think when I was doing chest presses, I was doing it with my arms to high up. I feel it more the way I'm doing them now. I haven't received my blood results yet. Fingers are crossed. I feel great so I'm hoping all will be good.

Hope you all have a great workout and day!
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I posted my walk yesterday, but I do not see it on this thread! I posted right after Debbie and it isn't there today, Oh well. I did a walk with the dog yesterday and we got in a good one before it got too hot. 1 hour 12 minutes and we traveled 4 miles. Today is going to be a rest day, I plan on working out the rest of the week. We are getting hit with another heat wave so I will have to get up extra early to get in my workouts for the next 10 days.

Great job on the workouts everyone!
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When I saw the orthopedic last week, he wanted me to go back to PT. I had an assessment of my knees this morning. I will start PT sessions next week again.

I just did STS 2 Shoulder plus the 4 bonus exercises which I loved. Very different from Cathy’s usually shoulder workouts.

Debbie - glad you like the cardio. I will check it out. I am feeling a little better these day’s. Fingers crossed about your blood work.

Diane - nice job on your chest workout yesterday.

Roselyn - great job on your trampoline and triceps workout.

Jolie - great job on your walk yesterday ( I saw it too). Enjoy your rest day.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
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Today I did CDorner Intermediate Step #306 which had good music in it, 32 minutes, 149 calories, heart rate 123/155. I then did STS 2 Body Part Biceps, 38 minutes, 115 calories, heart rate 105/125, and finished with STS 2 mobility #2, 20 minutes, heart rate 83/97, 35 calories. Total time was 90 minutes, 299 calories, 3,352 steps.
warm up uses light tubing, 5# dumbbells, and 10# dumbbells
stability ball needed for some exercises

Barbell Curls #1 30# 8 reps
Barbell Curls #2 30# 8 reps
Barbell Curl Pause reps 30# 8 reps
Kneeling alternating sweeper curls 15# dbs I think 16 reps?
kneeling double arm sweepper curls 10 reps
hammer curls 15# dbs 8 reps
crossbody curls 12# dbs 8 reps each side
kneeling hammer/crossbody curls 12# dbs 6 reps
incline curls #1 (uses stability ball) 12# dbs 10 reps
incline curls #2 15# dbs 10 reps (raised weight)
single arm preacher curls #1 (stability ball) R/L 12# db 8 reps
single arm preacher curls #2 (stability ball) R/L 15# db 8 reps ( I raised it here and did okay with it)
banded dumbbell curls blue medium tubing + 5# dbs a variety of up slow down Kind of hard on joints with thumb wrapped around a weight and handles.
reverse curls #1 12# dbs 12 reps
Reverse Curls #2 10# dbs 12 reps
Barbell Wrist curls #1 (not sure why #! as there is no #2) 25# bb 16 reps
Debbie, nice work today with Michelle Briehler full body cardio and adding the Max Trainer to it. I have a print out from a hospital sports therapy for returning to high intensity training after shoulder surgery. I found a couple of things interesting as they said when doing a bench press hands should be about 17 to 18 inches apart measuring from index finger knuckles. It also suggests grip with palms facing you. I think that would keep the arms lower on the body. I tried it and it felt a bit odd.

Jolie, I hope that you enjoyed your rest day. Nice work on the walk. I went outside this morning and trimmed roses and put fertilizer in the ground around them this morning. It was kind of overcast and the weather felt nice. It has been exceptionally hot the last few days.

Belinda, I hope PT helps you with your knees. I did not get help when I went to PT several years ago, but I know the one I had after surgery pushed me harder than I think I would have pushed myself through the pain to get my range of motion back. Nice job on STS 2 shoulders today and great job doing the bonuses too. I had out the bonus exercises for Biceps, but wanted some stretching and was running out of time. I want to check them out though.
Good morning,

Walk outside and stretch is done.

Diane - great job on your workout yesterday. I had PT on my knees before, it did help a lot. Sorry it didn’t help you. I will try more of the bonus, I really liked the exercises Cathe did.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me. BBL
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This morning I started with a 1 mile walk on my treadmill to get warmed up for Pyramids Upper Body. OMG, I haven't done this workout since Jan. 2018!! Killer workout but I loved it!!

Chest Flies/Press: 12's/15's/20's/15's/12's

Pullovers: 10#/12#/15#/12#/10#
Double Arm Row: 10's/12's/15's/12's/10's

Rear Flies/Lateral Raise/Front Raise: 3's/5's/8's/5's/3's

Kickbacks: 3's/5's/8's/5's/3's
Overhead Extension: 10#/12#/15#/12#/10#

Hammer Curls/Traditional Curls: 10's/12's/12's/10's/8's (KILLER!!)

Treadmill workout was 21 minutes, burned 205 calories, went 1.04 miles and did 2492 steps. HR was 149/179 which was really high, it certainly didn't feel that high. Not sure what was going on.

Pyramids workout was 1 hr., burned 459 calories (holy smokes), and HR was 135/169.

My blood work came back and my sodium is low, my white blood cell count is low (which concerns me) and my kidney numbers are low. I go to see my holistic doctor next week to go over this with her. My kidney numbers might be low because of the blood pressure meds I'm on. If so, I'm going to ask her to write me a new prescription. My glucose was perfect so I'm happy about that. Maybe I was eating too much pasta and white potatoes. I'm trying to eat more greens, it seems like I prefer starchy carbs to healthier carbs.

Belinda - Why aren't your doctors recommending surgery for your knee? It doesn't make sense to keep pumping them with stuff and doing PT. Maybe you should bite the bullet and get it done? I hope the PT works for you. Sorry you're still having issues with them.

Diane - Great job on your workout, looked like a good one!! I don't think I could do a bench press with my palms facing me. I tried that once with one of Kelly's workouts that she does that in and it just didn't feel right. Plus, you can't go real heavy doing them that way.

Well everyone, it is Friday. I have one week and three days until I go back to work. I cannot believe my summer is over already, I am so sad. I have no pain and can do all these workouts without an issue. The second I go back and sit in that damn chair, it will start all over again. So frustrating and I can't even think of it!!

Have a great weekend!

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